The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 1197: That's how to die

The monkey Lei Gongzui, his eyes are shining, and his body is golden. He is now staring at Jin Lin, and he is somewhat ecstasy, because he is thinking that Cao De wants to suppress her and force her into a mount.

For a time, outside his gods, the expression on his face called a wave.

Jin Lin’s face suddenly fell cold, because she found the six-eared macaque staring at her in a daze, laughing so strangely, it was too... wretched!

"Hey, do you want to die?!" Jin Lin scorned.

The six-eared macaque returned to the gods and found that Jinlin was aiming at him. His eyes were smoldering and angry. What is the situation?

Chu Feng kindly smashed his robes and helped him wipe his mouth. He said: "Attention to the image, the saliva is out!"

The monkey wonders, where is the saliva, why is this violent brother like this? Then he understood, this is to buckle him.

"Cao, De!" He was blushing and thick, and the **** Cao De actually made up his knife and ruined his reputation.

"I am just ecstatic!" he corrected.

Chu Feng nodded and said: "We understand, knowing the color, then admire, it is normal!"

"Go on the side!" The monkey was angry and angry.

At this time, Chu Feng is preparing, to be black, and now this opportunity to give this woman a mace.

Because, he really felt that he was in a fire, and he dared to force him to apologize for the Weasel and Hongsheng.

He teased the monkeys, distracted everyone's attention, and quickly communicated with the monkeys and Peng Wanli in the dark, telling them to start!

"Cao De, the name of your parents really thinks about what is missing what is wrong, you are too wicked!" The monkey gnashed his teeth.

Even if it is deliberately distracting everyone's mental attention, it will not let him back the pot. If it is spread in the family, he is too shameful.

"Prepare..." Chu Feng is going to shout out the word "hands-on". He wants to squat on Jinlin's head first, and then slam on the weasel body.

However, at this time, there was an eager voice from the secret, saying: "Don't do it, there is an ambush!"

Mi Qing came, but did not show up, she invited the leader of the Red Scale Cranes - Akron, is hiding in the distance, seeing a dangerous situation.

Chu Feng, the monkey suddenly shocked, there is a trap here?

At this time, Peng Wanli and Xiao Yao are all sinking in the heart, and then the body is cold. They are trying to count on Yasheng, want to knock down, and others want to kill them?

"Don't do it!" The monkey screamed in the air.

"Because you start with a strong hand, you will start to suffer from it. You look at it and watch my melasting stick go down. I promise that this variant of the Kirin woman will bloom and show her **** style!"

Chu Feng told him very embarrassedly that he couldn't wait any longer. This young lady was too strong and made him feel uncomfortable.

"You wait!" The monkey quickly told him the rules of the place.

High-level evolutionists must not take the initiative to deal with low-level monks, or they will be severely punished.

This is to avoid the trouble of deliberately finding a small monk, such as the gods and saints. If there is a hatred between the two ethnic groups, can the monks and monks be free to retaliate and kill the weak?

Therefore, here are the rules, it is forbidden for senior evolutionists to be bullying. If there is illegality, they will be severely punished and even directly killed!

However, if the monks in the lower realm kill themselves and take the initiative, they will not be protected, and the strong can directly shoot.

Chu Feng calmed his face and asked in secret: "You mean, this woman is provoking in fishing, deliberately angering me, leading me to attack her, then she is so dead?"

"It should be like this!" the monkey responded seriously.

Peng Wangli and Xiao Yao also made such judgments. Now who doesn’t know Cao De’s “straightness”, it’s really a fire, and there’s no sand in the eyes. I’m not watching the Hongsheng brothers both. Is it time?

The monkey said: "The few people think that if the violent brother is a little irritating, they will shoot, they will wait for you to make mistakes, and then killing or killing you is not a problem."

After Chu Feng heard it, he said with a black face: "Who is a violent old man? You are older than me, and the woman’s chest is magnificent, and the appearance of a flying prostitute is originally deliberate. It’s not so shallow, it’s better than me. Can you feel hate?"

Monkey said: "Yes, this woman is not a good child at all. Do you think she has nothing to talk to you here? If there is a choice, you can kill the victim. She doesn't say a word, kill you early!"

Chu Feng has a faint gaze, and some of the famous sects who are exposed to the strong family are not good, especially the monkeys are not good birds. If you don't pay attention, you will suffer.

Their secret conversations were all done with the knowledge of God. They all ended in one thought, so they did not cause the doubts of Jin Lin.

At this time, Jin Lin is still despising the six-eared macaque, saying: "You are a wretched rotten monkey, let's go back and settle it!"

The face is green, and this inexplicable is buckled, and he is very upset.

At this time, Chu Feng was watching Jin Lin, and her heart was not comfortable. This woman looked like a perfect figure, with curves and undulations, and her appearance was extraordinary. However, she came with a murder.

He felt that it was necessary to suppress it into a mount and let her understand why the flowers were so red. When I went down, I asked if you were a mutated unicorn.

Jin Lin yelled, saying: "The eyes are so thieves, it is not a good person at first glance!"

As for the woman who is refined into the weasel, it is even more accommodating. There is no good speech to help Jinlin fall into the wind and the monkey.

This is a deliberate stimulus, I want to let Cao De's violent brother start.

"Jin Lin... It’s a pool of things, and when it comes to the wind, it will turn into a dragon." Chu Feng sang, said: "It seems that you have to break out of the pool sooner or later, it is better to call Jinhualong directly."

"How do you say it?"

"Cao De, you have to know, don't die, you won't die!"

Next, Jin Lin’s two girlfriends opened.

As for Jin Lin herself, her eyes flashed coldly. This Cao De dared to tease her. At the same time, she was also a bit surprised. Isn't this a temper that should be blasted when it is slightly ignited? Why haven't you jumped?

"Do you want to die?!" Jin Lin directly chilled, without disguise, to force Chu Feng.

If only a few of them are here, Chu Feng has already rotated the mace. Let me give it to her first, but now that she knows that there is also Aya in the dark, he does not want to follow the rhythm of the other party.

Chu Fengdao: "I just want to die, and no one has collected it." This is a bit arrogant, so that several women present are cold-eyed.

He said again: "You certainly can't take me. If we have a confrontation, I should be able to accept you."

This is another arrogance, and it is awkward, so that the four women's faces are very ugly, murderous.

"Then you try, if you can move my lady a hair, even if we lose!" said the woman who was refined into a weasel.

Chu Feng glanced at her, pretending to be disdainful, saying: "When I stay, I talk to your lady, where you get your mouth."

This violent brother does not act first, let Jin Lin grit their teeth, so that if they want to teach this person, whether they are disabled or abolished, they will be severely punished.

"Right, you are not my opponent, come and call the dragon! Come on, Chu Feng, in turn, provokes, but it means no hands.

"You can also mention the dragon brother, you are not worthy of being with him, the difference between heaven and earth, don't put gold on your face!" Jin Lin's face was ugly.

Chu Feng is very surprised, ask the monkey, how strong this dragon is.

Mi Tian told me that it was actually a dragon, but it grew up in the nest, and was honored as the dragon brother. It is the first knife in the saint. As long as it is shot, the knife is heavy and invincible. It is its opponent.

"The first knife is a hair, I will go and pack him later!"

"Cao De, don't let go of madness. This dragon has always been a knife, and even holding a knife while eating and sleeping, has already realized the essence of the knife."

Chu Fengdao: "Forget it, don't mention him now, there will be a battle sooner or later, when I let him get the knife is not stable!"

At this time, not far from the silent people came to some people, counted as many as eight people, all of them are holy!

Those who are hiding in the dark and preparing to die under the wind of Chu have come out, because they have seen it, this violent brother is evil now, self-cultivation, and does not cooperate at all, refused to shoot.

"Jin Lin, what do you mean by this, I found a group of Yasheng, just deliberately provocative, want to ambush all of us?" Monkey angered.

He pretended not to know, so picky, and at the same time the heart is indeed sinking, originally they want to ambush Jin Lin, the result is almost the other side of the road.

This is not good news, very bad, can you tell the other side about their plans?

Jin Lin said: "I am too lazy to care about you, I am just coming for this Cao De!"

Seeing that she is not like a lie, the monkey's heart is a little relieved. Otherwise, the other party has prepared for it and gathers a group of Yasheng. The ambush plan between him and Cao De will be stranded and it is not good.

"Today is your luck, so restrain yourself!" Jin Lin was tall and tall, and Nana came, only a foot away from Chu Feng, surrounded by a layer of **** ring, gold hair dancing, she explored a white as jade The hand, poked in the chest of Chu Feng, said: "You give me some attention!"

Her skin color is as white as jade, although her appearance is outstanding, bright and moving, but her eyes are also hidden with cold and murderous.

In the vicinity, a lot of people came and watched this scene quietly. The people in Jinying and the camp were very nervous. This is a group of Yasheng, who came to the door.

At the same time, when they learned about Jin Lin's identity and saw her attitude, they felt that Cao De was in trouble and would have a life worry.

Chu Feng’s heart was uncomfortable. The woman was still provocative before she left, so she poked his chest at a close distance and pointed his finger again and again, causing his eyes to ignite.

Then, the people around them were all stunned, almost petrified, and people wanted to say that the temper of this violent brother came up again. What is he doing? !

Chu Feng reached out and poked the other party's white and delicate skin, saying: "You also give me some caution!"

He started too fast, and Jin Lin didn't even think that there would be such a thing, the whole person was stunned, and then the body was tight and he had a goose bump.

I have to send you a handle, the next chapter will continue tomorrow, and these two days are written more and more late, so the dark cycle is not very good.

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