The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 1192: The world is so beautiful

The special arrow feather in the hands of Chu Feng did not enter the lower half of Hong Sheng's body. At the speed visible to the naked eye, this half of the body was rapidly disintegrated and melted into blood.

"Save my body!" Hong Sheng yelled.

If in the Xiaoyin room, Yasheng can reshape even if he loses part of his body, but in the perfect sun of the law, he is suppressed so much that he cannot have such means at present.

There are all kinds of big medicines in the world, which can also make him recover, but it is very costly.

Therefore, he saw that the Chu wind destroyed his body, and suddenly he was in a hurry. This is related to his future achievements. Once he is delayed and damages his body, his future achievements will be impaired.


At the crucial moment, the old man who was in front of his upper body was shot down and quickly removed the part of the body that was dissolved.

However, only half of the legs were left at this time, only to the top of the knee.

Everyone is speechless, and many people are looking at it. They feel the cruelty of Cao De. This is a devil. Once it is done, it is called a neat.

"Cao De, I don't share the sky with you!" Hong Sheng roared, his eyes spurred with anger, then his eyes were full of blood, with resentment and killing, he hated the boy in front of him.

In the First World War today, his damage was too serious and the cost was too great.

He repaired a well-known Taoist body. As a result, the lower half of the body gave him a pair of legs. How do he dock and how to recover?

"Do you think you can still live under the same sky with me? I have to kill you sooner or later!"

Chu Feng’s response is beyond the toughness of all people’s imagination. He is not afraid of anything. He wants to rush to the big stick and smash Hongsheng’s head.

If there is no shelter from the old man, he will definitely take action.

At this time, Hong Yunhai finally approached, but there was an old servant around him to carry out checks and balances. He could not start with Chu Feng.

His face is dark and watery. This is his grandson and grandson. As a result, he was so miserable that he was so angry that if he was not present, he would slap the wind and then slowly refine it. soul.

At this time, several old people present did not speak, and the first came a fierce scream. There was a young man who rushed, and his body was strong, and he was awesome. It was Hongyu.

Hong Jia just wanted to run him, take Cao De instead, and follow the six-eared macaque and so on to the list.

"You predecessors, you must be the master of my brother, this Cao De is lawless, he is not evil, he is so mad that he is so horrible, he actually sneaked on my brother, and suddenly sneaked, causing him to fall into such a field, so miserable, this is How vicious, actually to start with his own people? If it is normal, how can a Cao De is the opponent of my brother, forgive him not to dare!"

Hong Yu screamed, full of anger and murderousness, and asked several prospective kings to immediately kill Cao De, swearing at him and listing various crimes.

At this point, the entire battlefield was quiet, no matter whether it was the enemy or the enemy, they all stopped working. They all stared at the place. In any case, the name of Cao De shook the area.

"Noisy, shut up!"

Chu Feng only has four words, he does not care about him, but looks at a few old people. He has a real fire in his heart, and he was almost killed. As a result, the young and old are now forced to fight together, but he is said to be Kill the man with a black hand and take a nap.

"What is the situation?" an old man asked.

"Hong Sheng stimulated the beastly white hedgehog and my jade to burn. In addition, he secretly put a cold arrow. You see what it is. The demon dissolves the blood arrow. If I avoid it in time, I will die."

Chu Feng is quite direct, telling the story, pointing to Hong Sheng, on the battlefield against him under the black hand, using a vicious banister arrow to shoot him.

"You are nonsense, this is clearly the arrow feather that you carry with you. You maliciously hurt people, but dare to fight it?!" Hong Yu shouted.

Chu Feng slanted, this Ying Ting juvenile who was with him at the golden level was really shameless, so he fell in love with him. It seems that this is a premeditated attempt to kill him.

Chu Feng had some doubts. He asked himself to come to the battlefield. He had no grudges with them. Why did he recruit him?

"Several predecessors, I suggest, immediately search for their soul, this person has a big problem, first to him!" Hong Yu called.

In the field of evolution, there is a problem with the soul light, the impact is serious, and the people will be abolished. Hongyu is definitely not good. When the soul is searched, there is a slight accident. Chu Feng may leave a soul injury. The achievements of this life. Both will be limited.

Chu Feng glanced at him and said: "You are the one who hides at the end of the battlefield. It seems that everything can be seen through so far. Everything knows, don't say that your brother is guilty to death, you can't run!"

He is very calm and calm, and there are six old servants here, which should not change at this time.

Chu Feng opened his mouth again and pointed to the sky. He said: "There is a mirror monitoring on the top. Even if you want to kill my Yasheng, you can find the clues. If you change the brand image left in the mirror, you can find clues. Arrow feathers are here, no matter how to cover up, I think it should be able to leave his breath, please ask the gods to see, really can't, then go to the heavens to return to the source, to thoroughly investigate the truth."

He is very calm, a true gold is not afraid of fire.

At this time, the six-eared macaque, Peng Wanli and Xiao Yao also came.

"Don't let the people in the opposite camp see jokes!" An old man said, indicating that this is a battlefield. It is best to solve it after returning to the camp.

At the same time, he also felt that Chu Feng was very calm and calm, and he expected to have no fear and no falsehood. It may be that Hong Sheng had a problem.

And he has a certain relationship with Hong Yunhai, I feel that I can help each other properly, and at least the big things are small things, and I will reveal this.

"Well, go back!" Another person spoke.

Chu Fengdao: "Every seniors, the evidence is here, I really can't stand it, I am fighting in front, there are people putting cold arrows behind, if you don't give me an account, if you press it down, it will make people chill!"

"Reassured, after things have come out, they will give you an account!" An old man Zheng focused.

The old servant of the six-eared macaque family also spoke, saying: "Go back first!"

This matter must be thoroughly investigated, and it may be extremely bad. It is impossible to open it in public. Otherwise, how many people will feel cold.

At this time, Hong Yunhai’s heart was cold, and he knew that the trouble was big. How did the blood demon bloodshot arrow not explode? According to his design, the arrow will shoot out and eventually collapse on its own, leaving no trace.

In fact, it is not easy to make hands and feet on the ban, and it is difficult to control the fire. This arrow is well preserved.

At that time, the white hedgehog blew himself up, and everyone would think that Cao De was pulled on the road, no one would think more.

However, the result is that Hong Yunhai is trembled, Cao De is not dead, intact, and the blood demon arrow appears here.


The battlefield was calm, and the people on both sides of the camp retired.

In the camp of the golden monk, several old people are not very good-looking. There are indications that this incident has a premeditated assassination. Hong Sheng wants to kill Cao De under the black hand.

"Old Hong, your grandson is too much, this thing is really not beautiful." Someone said.

Hong Yunhai's face is dark and watery. At this time, he can't attack, because he can't play in the face of his peers. If he is unreasonable, his grandchildren will be even more unlucky.

"This little beast has lost heart and madness. I don't care. You severely punish him, but I hope to keep him alive!" he said.

It is also considered to be retreating, and asking for business affairs, as long as you give Hong Sheng a living path, how to punish.

Someone spoke: "The impact is really bad. Although it didn't kill Cao De, it can't be punishable. Let him play for more than ten years on the battlefield!"

It seems that the punishment is very light, but Hong Yunhai’s face has changed. After ten years on the battlefield, God knows what will happen and may die here.

Now, Hong Sheng is free to come here to honed and leave at any time.

"Long, five years." Another person spoke.

"Forget it, young people who can make mistakes, three years, give him the opportunity to change, the time is too long, most of them can not be separated from this battlefield." The last person with the relationship with Hong Yunhai is good, it can be considered as helping Appreciation.

"You talk about it!" The old servant of the six-eared macaque family got up and went straight out of the big account. He did not express his opinion and did not continue to participate.

At this time, the monkey, Peng Wanli, Xiao Yao are surrounded by Chu Feng, and he is quite admired for his strength.

"I don't want to be a person of the German character, a brutal mess!" the monkey sighed.

"I don't understand. Why do they want to kill me?" Chu Feng is still trying to figure this out. Otherwise, he feels uneasy, and inexplicably he is remembered, which really makes him puzzled.

The six-eared macaque, Peng Wanli, and Xiao Yao face each other. If they think thoughtfully, they think of something.

"It won't be that Hongyu wants to join us for a share?"

"It is possible that he has been active for several times and is doing his best in front of us."


After a short period of time, the three men guessed the truth and restored the motives of Hong’s shot.

"Sufficiently poisonous, directly kill Cao De!"

"Hong Yu has gone through a lot of fires. The strength is not enough. Why should we join us? This is because we will be on the list regardless of success or failure. He wants to follow the gold plating and want to be on the same list. I think it is beautiful, ambition. Not too small, I am afraid that his life is not so hard!"

Several monkeys sneered, and their hearts were a little angry. They were actually sneaked into the secrets of their hearts and knew what they were going to do next.

Xiao Yaodao: "No, you have to hurry to Laolin to warn Hongjiazu's grandsons. Otherwise, if you leak the wind, how can we start, the other side must be prepared, and most people can't find it."

When the monkey was in a hurry, he quickly found the old servant and asked him to warn the Hong family in the name of the six-eared macaque family. It is best to control his mouth. Otherwise, the consequences will be conceited.

The six-eared macaque family is a strong family that is rare in the sun. The Hong family absolutely does not dare to provoke it. Otherwise, it will not irritate the monkeys.

Chu Fengdao: "I want to know now, how to punish that Hongsheng, I am waiting to say."

"You have to be mentally prepared. This kind of scandal is generally not open, and the Hong family is also good. Some people help to talk. It is estimated that they will punish Hong Sheng for staying in the battlefield for three or five years. It is impossible to pick him up. The skull is for you."

The monkey sighed, this is the news from the old servant.

Chu Feng suddenly did not work, I feel that it is very dark, he was sneaked, almost killed, actually so revealed, really makes him unhappy.

"Don't be impulsive, you have to calm down, you haven't said it, you have to be calm when you have big things, wait for their punishment to come out, we will help you out, Hongjia makes this kind of thing, go find them to settle accounts. And no one will say anything."

"Yes, Cao, ancestors, don't get into trouble, calm down, wait a few days!"

The monkeys and the Peng Wanli took the Chu wind together, and they said good things and promised to vent their anger.

"Well, I am waiting!"

Sure enough, three days later, Hong Sheng wanted to stay in the battlefield for four years, and he could not leave early.

Moreover, this was published in private on a small scale and did not publicly declare its crimes. Otherwise, the impact of this incident was too bad.

On this day, everyone saw that Chu Feng’s face was ugly and angry, and he had to leave the battlefield.

Two days later, the monkey sent a message, Hong Jia Shentong vast, helped Hong Yu to seek a large drug, has let him break the body regeneration, grow legs, of course, will be very weak in a short time, it is impossible to be as powerful as the original track.

"When Hong Yunhai leaves, we look at the wind for you, or go with you to pick up Hong Sheng, half a dead, of course, don't be killed."

After Chu Feng heard it, his eyes brightened and he nodded.

On this day, Hong Yunhai was urgently summoned, and Hong Sheng, who was injured in his big account, was pale.

His younger brother was also angry. He felt that this time was too uncomfortable. He did not board the list. His brother had suffered such a big loss. He really wanted to retaliate immediately, but his grandfather could not cover the sky here.


Suddenly, the big account was broken in, and Chu Feng strode in and walked in. With a big stick, he said nothing to her brother.


On this day, the Hong family brothers roared and tried their best to fight against it.

However, Hong Sheng's sick body is weak, only to grow his feet, hurt the source, the strength of the sharp decline, can not stop the big tooth.

As for his younger brother, he could not be compared with Cao De in the realm of the golden body.

The results of this war need not be thought of, plus monkeys, Peng Wanli, Xiao Yao also entered the big account, let the brothers cool from head to foot.

On that day, many people heard the ghosts in this big account, and the Hong brothers were blocked inside, and they were beaten by Chu Feng with a big stick!

"Cao De!"

When Chu Feng and several monkeys left, Hong Yu roared, covered in blood, unable to get up, and Hong Sheng was motionless, just like the dead.

"Noisy, the world is so beautiful, you are so violent!" Chu Feng went back and went back into the tent to intimidate.

Then, the whole world was completely quiet, and the two brothers shut up, pale, and no longer shouted.

At this point, Chu Feng and the monkeys completely left.

"I am so angry!" After a long time, Hong Sheng only bite his lips, his face full of anger.

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