The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 1155: Shen Gongbao

The old white fruit swallowed the white fruit, faintly visible, a humanoid snake-tailed creature glows in his body, and then bursts of light and rain, bang into his flesh and blood.


The old face of the old man was distorted, and the pain on the ground tumbling. The blood-stained fruit that belongs to him began to exert its effects in the body and activate its potential life factor.

Many ethnic groups look at the purity of the blood. In fact, the source of the ancestors may contain the blood of various prehistoric ancient beasts, so they can be stimulated in a special way.

The reason why the blood fruit is famous in the world, it is said to be able to change its life, because it is stable, miraculous, and has few side effects, but it can activate some hidden powerful blood in the body, so that it can return to the source, thoroughly Turn into a pure blood creature.

The old body is twisted, not the human body, because the legs are turned into a thick snake tail, the whole body is purple gold, the scales are shining, and the ground is beaten hard, and the small island that was temporarily found is given a crack.

"I went, the old ancient manifestation of the real body, it really is a big beautiful snake, you look at this big tail, purple Yingying, very slender, this family does not have the legend of beautiful monsters!"

Dongdahu couldn't help himself, and he broke his mouth there. He talked about the old things. He was the first to see the old man.

This is called a qi, the **** is a beautiful snake, what eyes, an old man from prehistoric to the present, must give women a description, he wants to grill the wild tiger that is changing blood.

However, the evaluation of Chu Feng also hit him very much, saying: "Old age, you are not kind, it is a beautiful snake, hidden deep, is your big brother Li Wei also belongs to this race?"

"Going on the side!" The old man was annoyed.

Dongdahu shook his head and said: "I am still angry and angry. I really didn't expect that the old figure is so long and graceful. This big tail is really beautiful. Of course, I look at the eyes of the snakes."

"Remember, I am a Taoist, understand?!" Old Gu angry, while suffering from pain, rolled over, and popularized knowledge of two people who did not understand the prehistoric race map.

Dongdahu grinned and said: "Do you tease me? It is a beautiful snake, but also a Taoist body. Then I might as well say that I am a chaotic body."

The old man was furious and said: "If you don't learn nothing, you should know how to write the word 'dao'. Isn't it the head of the snake? So I am a Taoist, from the Tao!"

"Who lie, you really don't want to study. I thought that when the earth had not recovered, I had already opened my mind in the Siberian snowfield. Every day I sang Huang Ting. After moving to the northeastern Daxinganling, I read the Tao Te Ching. Why don’t you know the word, you are a beautiful old snake in the sun, and you have to tell me how to write the words of Xiaoyin, which is too fake?"

"You... know a wool!" The old man was so angry that he said: "In this world, there are always individual words in the universal world, because it is the most intuitive embodiment, the word is the same, and my ancestors are from The prehistoric Taoist people are out of the wilderness!"

"Really fake? Installed like a big tail wolf."

"It is a big tail snake!" Chu Feng corrected.

Relatively speaking, the change of Chu Feng is the smallest, that is, the body is slightly glowing, and the chaotic gas passes through his body. He has not changed anything.

This fruit of no attribute is positive and has no side effects, and has not caused him to undergo intense transformation.

After waiting for a long time, Lao Gu no longer rolled, and the adult figure stood up. Chu Feng asked him, saying: "Old, you see how I have changed?"

Lao Gu stared at him for a long time and sighed: "You are a pure enough blood for the king. The more you change, the better. It means that it is pure enough. However, as time goes by, you will eventually change. The color of the blood is definitely no longer blue, and there will be a secondary event of the king's blood."

Chu Feng heard a lot of thoughts and let go of his heart.

If the blood of the king is changed again, his strength will definitely increase and his potential will surge.

However, it takes time, and the blood and fruit changes are very deep. It involves genetic attributes, etc. It cannot be done overnight. It is too overbearing, and no creature can bear it. It will be carried out in a subtle way.

For example, Dongdahu, if it suddenly turns from a donkey into a wild tiger, how is this possible? So intense, his body must collapse!

In the meantime, Dongdahu’s new generation will accelerate, and then his body will gradually change.

"Old, you told me what the wild tiger looks like. At present, Yang seems to be extinct. There is no legend in this powerful and unmatched race."

Dongdahu is not at ease, but also asks old people.

"It seems to be... black and white tigers, I guess your body color is in place first."

Lao Gu told that the alien tiger was a blend of white tigers and black tigers, and changed, resulting in the strongest tiger.

Dongdahu heard the sound after he heard it, his fur was like this, just black and white, but now he is down from the eyebrows, the left body is black, the right body is white, this is what the ghost skin color ? !

His mind was blown up at the time, which means that he will become a yin and yang face in the future? !

Dongdahu was anxious at the time, saying: "Old, I am fighting with you, you pit me, help me solve it, or how can I go out to see people!"

The old ancient sarcophagus said: "There is no way, you can take the means of integration. I remember that you just picked a bloodline fruit of a leopard, and the wild leopard is covered with scarves. You can eat a small half of the leopard fruit this time, although you can’t Promote further changes in your blood, but most of them can give you a layer of striped fur, so it doesn't look strange, it looks like a tiger."

Dongdahu did not say anything, found the fruit directly to bite down a small half, and then decisively rolled over the ground, painful to live, and began to change and toss.

After three days and three nights!

After the initial integration of Dongdahu, he looked at his reflection on the sea, and then he jumped up and shouted: "Old, savage, I am fighting with you!"

He pursued the old man and wanted to fight with him.

In the distance, Chu Feng’s mouth is twitching, and the change of Tiger Brother is too...

How to say it, it still looks like black and white, but there are a lot of markings, but they are all money-like. Where is it like a tiger, it is clearly a **** leopard, and the fur is whistling. This is called an ugly one. !

"If you have something to say, stop, don't do it!" Old man ran away and shouted. He also felt that he was losing money and didn't fight back.

"Well to say a wool, I am now a Shen Gong Leopard, you still my wild tiger body!" Dongdahu roared, completely anxious.

"You stop, I want to solve the law!" Old man shouted.

Finally quiet down, Dongdahu looks bad, staring at the old man there, it is really a pit person, he looks like this, it is getting more and more sad, more and more nonsense.

"I am also thinking about it, only to give you an idea, it seems that I was wrong." Old Gu said.

When Dongdahu heard this, he suddenly became anxious. The fur was upside down and angered: "Old, you are too damaged. This is actually thought of? I thought you were some kind of path that the predecessors had traveled. Well, you just experimented on me casually? No virtue!"

"I want to be worse. I think you should go to eat the blood of a cat family. This family is most like the tiger, and it can bring you beautiful markings."

"You pull me down, I will listen to you again, maybe it will become something!" The northeast tiger's body is shaking, and he is no longer willing to experiment with himself. He always feels that old things are too ethical.

Lao Gu comforted him, saying that the blood of the wild tiger is the most overbearing, powerful and amazing, able to assimilate the bloodlines of other ethnic groups and smelt into one, so his strength is still strong, will not be affected, and his appearance will gradually change back to the wild tiger. The original look is definitely not the so-called Shen Gongbao.

They stayed on this small island for a few days, waiting for their blood to stabilize and begin to move smoothly to the deserted bloodstream before they negotiated to leave.

"Old, you see that there are many strong bodies on the island. You don't think about eating a big meal? Jiuyou only wants to be strong. It is to eat the psychic ancient corpse of billions of years. It is you. The hope of a rise."

Dongdahu ridiculed him, and the two men are now arrogant.

"Roll, do you think that I am like an ordinary nine secluded, the old man has his own evolutionary means, do not eat carrion!"

Chu Feng opened, said: "Don't quarrel, old age, do you say that the old blood tree will be more precious? More effective than all blood fruits!"

"What do you mean?"

"You think, this **** ancient tree has existed for a long time since ancient times. After each flowering result, it will greet most of the blood and fruit, and absorb it by yourself. How strong is the effect of your branches and rhizomes? The blood essence of all ethnic groups, if we go to eat the branches of this mother tree, what kind of transformation will happen?" Chu Feng said here, the eyes showed a fiery glow.

"Yes, this strongest drug effect is concentrated on the mother tree. It is a supreme treasure that combines the blood of Wanling!" Dongdahu suddenly became excited.

After listening to the old story, he grinned and said: "Don’t dream, you think you can think of it. There are other creatures in history who have played this idea, and finally they all end."

"What is the end?" Chu Feng and Dongdahu asked together.

"The realm has not improved, but it cannot be named in advance. The branches of different people who eat blood and old trees become different. They are terrible."

"Hey!" Chu Feng and Dongdahu sucked in the air, no longer any years.

"Let's go, let's return to the mainland!"

In the end, they quietly left, from the space node to pull out, along the vast sea, return to Dongsheng Shenzhou, and then rushed to the depths of the earth.

They continually cross the void and use the energy of the transmission field to travel across the state at a distance.

Soon after, Chu Feng came to Mingzhou, a very prosperous big state, inhabiting the Asian immortals and several very old super families.

When Chu Feng changed their face and walked into the mega city where the skyscrapers were scaled and the buildings stood tall, they saw a car passing by.

This is somewhat out of place, and the vehicles of the gods and devils have entered a modern city.

"Ying Yuxian!" Chu Feng hurriedly saw that the ink-pulled car was sitting in the car, it seems that her status is really not low, there is such a car to become a car.

After entering the city, Chu Feng accidentally discovered that there is actually an arena, which is somewhat in conflict with the modern city.

The giant arena really exists.

Chu Feng saw a lot of posters, all of which are several meters high. They are all gladiators.

It is not necessary for high-level evolutionists to have a gladiator with a lower level of evolution on the poster.

Soon, the Chu wind was not calm, the body trembled slightly, clenched his fist, because he saw the figure of the old man on the poster, how could it fall into such a situation? !

In fact, I want to write three chapters, scare you a jump, but I saw a brother in the chapter said in the message, saying that if I can update the three chapters today, he will broadcast the picture of Xiaopeng Peng himself with sulfuric acid, I am pondering, Still, let's be merciful, let him be safe, and no way is too soft.

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