The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 1132: King of the king

A group of people are ready to welcome Wang Mofeng, a stranger of the desert, and Shi Huang is looking forward to it.


In the blood waterfall, the lightning was very dense, and all of them were smashing toward the body of Chu Feng. His seven scorpions were spraying thin thunder, and the whole people were almost baked.

This thunderous monk, not to mention the evolution of the ordinary golden body level, is that the best of them is also difficult to survive, a Thunder is enough to make this realm of creatures into a fly ash!

Chu Feng is overpowered, and if the body is sifting, it is simply wanting to die.

Even the blood in his bones is the electric light that is stirring in the eyeballs. The thorns squeak, this taste... Don't mention it!

He cursed, this thunderous evil door, is this for people to cross? It’s a dead end. It’s necessary to kill him. Although it seems to be the end, it is not the end.

This kind of catastrophe is bigger and more terrible than when he was in a foreign country. He was disastrous and vowed to kill him.

"Is it finished?!" He whispered, except for the nose and mouth, but spit out the arc, and there was a thick black smoke, which was a serious manifestation of physical damage.

The white bones were all pulled out, and finally they became black bones. The flesh and blood were dry and shed, and they were terrible.

"Click, rumbling..."

The blood waterfall above his head hangs down, the lightning is intertwined, the disaster is constantly pouring, and the thunder roars, as if to say: the old man is convinced by virtue!

Chu Feng can't stand it. If there is spare capacity, I really want to point to the sky, come to a three-character scripture, and carry out a national shack. Is this going to kill him?

The blue blood is almost dry, the bone marrow must be thoroughly cooked, the Chu wind is quite miserable, and the end of suffering cannot be seen. When will it last?

"Mo Feng brother is really awesome. It’s only eleven or two years old. I’m actually so bullied. How do I feel that I’m only weak compared to those celebrities in history?”

Some people lamented and were very scared.

Shi Huang nodded: "Don't see who Mo Feng brother is, from the different wild people, there is a king blood, the secret of his ancestor hidden in the body, flowing the blood of the king, is the continuation of his ancestor life, as the core child can Not strong?"


Chu Feng was tossed and died, tired and unbearable, and some of them were unbearable, and this kind of disaster can only be passively accepted.


He threw out the sky-shallow star gold short sword, wanted to conduct electricity, and transferred the Thunder to the side, initially had a certain effect, but in an instant, lightning came to him again, like in the middle of it. The creature is looking down on him, and the thunder seems to be conscious and chasing him to kill.

Chu Feng is not convinced, does not believe in evil, since he avoids, he screams in a hoarse voice: "Come on, come, the little man is full of comfort, fluttering, and feathering, and it is really a great enjoyment of life." ”


The last six rays of light fell on his body, the light glare, so that his bone marrow was cooked by electro-optical, and then it was dimmed.

All the thunderstorms disappeared and the robbery ended.

Chu Feng really didn't want to move. Like a dead fish, he moved hard and hung himself on a cliff full of riddled holes and rested there.

The Siberian tiger smashed the past for the first time. It was very worried. He said, "Brother, are you okay?"

He poured his own Meng Po Tang into the mouth of Chu Feng, trying to help him adjust the wound.

"Nothing, the benefits are quite a lot, I come by myself." Chu Fengqiang endured the pain, sitting there, running the breathing method, and robbing the sky is the harvest.

There is destruction in the thunder and lightning, and there is a vitality in his dry body. There is a very strong breath of life.

Chu Feng is recovering quickly, squeaking, and the old skin is under the next layer. Take out his Mengpo soup and pour it into his mouth. This is really a big tonic, the most beneficial supplement.

Soon, Chu Feng body glow, the body blue light blooms, a bang, those bone marrow is like a star, glaring, even if it burns, constantly stirring, regenerating

Then, his dry blood began to appear, more and more, flowing in the body, like the arrival of the rainy season, the blue king blood recovery, better than before, more intense.

At this moment, he realized an incomparably powerful force, and his vitality broke out.

However, after knowing how long it took, Chu Feng’s wounds changed completely, and the body was vigorous. This person’s blood was more powerful than before, and the blue was like the sky.

When he calmed down and made some kind of change, the blood slowly transformed and returned to bright red.

"According to Mo Feng, the blood of the human king can be changed twice, the color will change, and it will be stronger. Will the blue blood in my body become other colors in the future?"

Chu Feng pondering, he completely recovered, the shape and spirit are unprecedented, and it is extremely powerful in the field of gold.

His golden body is blue and radiant, amazing.

"It's still sunny, it's okay, I have to hurry to retreat." The Northeast Tiger said, he didn't want to waste this rare opportunity and cherish time.

Lao Gu was also suspended next to it. He just helped to protect the law. Now he lost Mo Feng to Chu Feng and began to retreat.

Not far away, some people came, with a smile, come to congratulate.

"Congratulations to the brothers, they will be robbed in the field of gold, and they will compete with the celebrities in history. It is indeed an achievement that can be counted in the history books." Someone laughed.

"Mo Feng brother, the success of the hunting, and then the golden robbery, your name is destined to shock the ancient Shuo today..." Shi Huang came, exaggerated praise, full of smiles, shouted.

However, all the smiles on his face were stiff there, and the sound came to an abrupt end.

Whose back did he see? That boy is scattered!

He was like a sap, the whole person was stupid, and all the words in his mouth swallowed back. His own blushing neck was thick and too uncomfortable.

Shi Huang is a sly, wants to vomit blood.

How could it be that wild repair? This scene, the ending, made him open his eyes and was unacceptable.

Everyone else was dumbfounded. The people who came with Shi Huang were not dumbfounded. The place was quiet, there was no sound, and the scene was too strange.

They saw Mo Feng, hanging on the broken stone wall in front of the young man, like a piece of coke, half dead, and actually squatting at the feet of the young boy.

This is really stunned by them, but it is a different kind of shackles, hunting is not successful, but people are killed, such as the same group of mud!

For a time, they thought a lot. All the previous conjectures were wrong. This ending is really cruel. If the thunder is overwhelming, they will soon be confused.

"You... This is a dead hand against the different wild people, will Mo wind kill?!" Someone shouted, his face was very wrong, slightly white.

Especially Shi Huang, no blood, if Mo Feng died here, if he really wants to settle accounts, he can't run, he is encouraging.

"Ah, that's the sky-shallow star gold short sword, he is... Ji Dade?!" Someone screamed and recognized the short sword slanting on the cliff.

At the beginning, in the edge of the dragon nest to fight for hegemony, Chu Feng took the sword, many people know, obviously there are participants in the year, from children to teenagers.

Chu Feng licked his face, concealed his true feelings, turned around, he felt miscalculated, and after the looting, he resumed his journey, and the time was too fast. He did not have time to collect the mother Jin Jian.

However, it is no big deal, Ji Dade is only his vest, will not reveal the true body.

"Ji Dade?"

"Yes, my name is Ji Dade, no matter who I play, I will serve people with morality." Chu Feng faces everyone.

"You dare to do this black hand, this time dead." Shi Huang was not angry, but smiled, because he thought of Mo Feng's brother is also in the blood waterfall, above it.

He turned and ran, but it was also very happy. However, Chu Feng saw that he was not pleasing to the eye, and turned into a blue gold light to chase and kill. He slammed the Shi Huang bang, vomiting blood, only one blow, he tested him. How powerful is the golden body.

"Go to the Murray, ask him to shoot!" Shi Huang shouted.

Morey is on top of it, a **** king. When he learns that his brother is so miserable, he is sure to come over and die.

Shi Huang shouted so much that he was living for himself. He was afraid that Chu Feng would kill him here and that Morey would need to save the field.


Several people who came with him all had a relationship with him. They all ran and rushed to the top.

Chu Feng failed to stop all, some people took it away, and some people were dying by him, covered in blood.


Almost instantaneously, Morey appeared and went straight. His face was cold and cold. His brother was defeated here when he was hunting the Terran.

This is unimaginable. They are called one of the kings of the family and will be defeated by a human race. !

"Let him go!" Morey's face was cold, and he was disturbed by the enlightenment. He was already very angry. Now he saw his brother's miserable look, and he was even more ugly.

If this blood waterfall is not isolated, he will be able to detect it in the first place and will not allow this to happen.

Now, his younger brother has become a prisoner of a human race, and he has been captured. It is a shame to pass it out.

Chu Feng was waiting for him. He wanted to run the road. However, this Morey was too fast, and he did not have time to walk away.

In particular, he feels that the organization is not reliable, and that good shelter, why not show up? No one is coming out!

As a last resort, Chu Feng carried Mo Feng, and the Tianxue starry gold sword arrived at his eyebrows. At the same time, the other held a scroll, and the old man was very cooperative.

"Dare to resist? Look for death!" Morey chilled.

He is the king of gods. In the face of such a small monk, it is easy to crush it, even if the other person has caught his brother.

In an instant, he released the field and wanted to ban the wind. This kind of Xiaoye repaired his brother to threaten to be useless and had no chance to die.


At the crucial moment, the old world moved, and Chu Feng’s rumored out of the sky, bursting out the energy of the king.


Morey’s field of the gods was shaken off, and there was no way to cover the Chu wind, and he was not allowed to be imprisoned.

In the distance, Shi Huang and others who were seriously injured were scared and hurriedly retired. They left this area and hid in the depths of the blood waterfall. Once the energy of the **** level spread, they were absolutely miserable.

If you do not withdraw from the blood waterfall, you will lose this chance of enlightenment. There is no way to come in again. They really want to stay away.

"Nothing, the blood waterfall can block the spread of the power of the gods, and the area is dangerous. We are waiting here, what is it... Ji Dade, dead!"

Shi Huang gritted his teeth. Today, he felt that he had fallen into the blood of eight generations. First, he was beaten and humiliated. As a result, he was forced to retaliate against the winds of the deserted people, and he still had a scorpion, and everything went wrong.

What makes him feel at ease is that now that the king of God has shot, Morey has appeared, and that the wild repair will surely die, and there will be no chance.

"Oh, a little doorway, this is a bitter stone smelt, smelt into a secret treasure, there are dead bodies inside, some secrets!" Morey looked cold, overlooking Chu Feng, and said: "How do you want to die?!"

He did not see Chu Feng and Lao Gu in his eyes at all, because he is a god-level evolutionary of the aliens. He does not say that there is no match in the same world, but there are not many creatures to check and balance.

The blood of the king, the horror is boundless!

He is not afraid of Chu Feng killing his younger brother. He has the confidence to stop it. Even if there is some doorway to the so-called sky-turning, he is sure to suppress it.

"My grandfather, I am alive and well, I don't want to die at all!" Chu Feng recruited the Northeast Tiger and stuffed it into a stone can.

"The inferior blood of the ants are generally hard in front of the gods of the wilderness, and they die on their feet.

Morey did not hesitate, stepped on one foot, zoomed in on the soles of the feet, and lived to give the wind to the blast, and explored his hands, while dealing with the old, while taking his brother away.

"Roll over, die!" His feet glowed and formed a purple-red vortex. He wanted to smother the Chu wind, want to imprison, and step on death, letting him end his life in the most humiliating way.

"Little Master, I will kill you first!" Chu Feng shouted.

He naturally has anger and anger, and the king of the gods is terrible. The aliens are so high. He does his best to use his own cards, and he wants to kill each other.

The second chapter is at night.

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