The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 1119: Tongtianxian Waterfall

"Meng Po Tang, a bowl of soup against the yin and yang, molded the roots of the soul, cut the bridge to the road, straight through the end of the fog area."

An old man is too old, squatting, very short, but one meter high and five feet tall, skinny, dark complexion, her eyes are deep, her face is full of folds, her lips are blue, her teeth are almost falling.

She is selling, it is actually the famous Meng Po soup in Yang, the most nourishing body and soul.

There is a bridge, stone arches, the style is extremely old, the size of the bridge is not small, it is called grand, vicissitudes of life, and experienced the baptism of a long time.

The bridge body is not far from the Tianxian Waterfall, and it straddles the water surface that merges into the river.

There is only one old man in the bridge, drinking Meng Po Tang, doing business here, wearing old clothes, like climbing out of the ancient tombs of many times.

"This business is still there!" Chu Feng's robe sleeves, Tian Jinshi 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

“Pre-historic years exist?” Chu Feng asked, this is quite amazing.

The ancient dust sea nodded: "Yes, there was this business at the beginning, but it was not her who sold Mengpo soup, but another person."

The two of them secretly communicated, but they did not worry about being discovered by the strong, because Chu Feng put his hand on the small donkey, and did not need to spread the mind to read too far.

In addition, this is the location of the Tongtianxian Waterfall, and the perception of all the strong will be sharply reduced. The special misty mist that is filled by the golden waterfall is weakened, and the inexplicable monks are very degraded.

The ancient dust sea horrified, some unfathomable organizations in the past, actually crossed the infinite years, spent all kinds of disasters, presented to this world.

Even he can see that the black glaze bowl in the hands of the old man was still the original, dark and sultry, and the bowl was engraved with complex and strange runes.

"Auntie, how much is a bowl?"

There is a young woman who has been a couple of years old. She asks for a pure and delicate look, a clear throat, a white dress with a long white dress, and a hunting singer in the wind, as if to go to the fairy.

"One or two mothers and a bowl of soup." The old man said, standing on the bridge and covering his mouth, there are only one or two teeth.

The beautiful woman sighed, gave a slight gift, turned and left, the mother gold is too rare, this is a strategic material, is the material to create the ultimate weapon, it is hard to find.

Whoever gets it will smelt into the township's township weapons, how can it be sold?

Chu Feng was speechless after hearing it. A bowl of Meng Po Tang is so expensive, need one or two mother gold exchange? He feels too dark!

"It's still the original price. It smells the original taste. For years, the price has skyrocketed and it hasn't changed. The price of conscience is good." Gu Chenhai actually sighed and said that he had once drank a bowl.

Chu Feng wants to spray him, isn’t it too expensive?

But when I thought that he had a black-handed big brother, it was not a big deal to estimate one or two mothers. The background and the foundation of the good old man were considered to be a diamond king.

Old Gu was angry and said: "Kid, you finally know it now. How many mothers did you grab the old man? You directly ransacked the past five or six cans of Mengpo soup!"

Chu Feng did not really have any concept before, I don’t know Meng Po Tang is so valuable!

"This thing fills the foundation, nourishes the soul and the flesh, without any side effects, and the natural value is horrible!" Lao Gu said.

Chu Feng smashed his face and made himself become more and more like the original Chu style, to avoid being recognized. In fact, he changed before he came here, using the field method to change the shape.

"Auntie, apart from the mother's gold, do you accept other things to exchange? For example, Tianjinshi."

When the old man heard Chu Feng asking, he was very angry at the time. This little king and eight lambs hated him for a long time. He always praised the poems, took the sky-blooded star gold sword and smashed the stone, and the fallen stone skins were all corrupted by the Chu wind. According to his own, now he actually wants to buy Meng Po Tang.

"Little thief!" The old man was in the dark, and his nose was white smoke.

"Can be exchanged, one or two mother gold equivalents for twelve days and two gold stones." The old grin smiled.

Chu Feng always felt that her wrinkled skin was rotted, and she would fall off at any time, which was scary.

At the same time, he was very surprised. On this day, Jinshi was so valuable, and it was able to reach ten to one with the mother's gold. This is somewhat unexpected.

Think carefully, the old man used a heavenly stone to bury his body, it is really quite extravagant and gorgeous, no!

"Well, aunt, I understand, when I have money, I will definitely buy two bowls of Mengpo soup, drink a bowl and pour a bowl, and be proud!"

After the old man heard it, this is called a gas. He knows that there are ready-made tianjinshi on the thief. They are all smashed from him. They will come here soon to buy soup.

This area is too wide, the waterfalls of the sky are extremely spectacular, falling from the outside of the field, the momentum is horrible, like a golden star river pouring, never ending.

In addition to the nearby stone arch bridge, there are some simple stone pavilions in the distance. The rough stones are simply piled up and very primitive.

There are many people there, from the elderly to the young and then to the young, not limited to the age, are in the haunt.

It was actually a simple square market. Some people placed items in the dilapidated and rough stone pavilion and placed them on the stone table for people to watch and exchange.

Even outside the original stone building, there are some straw mats, some people sitting on the plate and selling some strange items.

Chu Feng’s heart moved and walked over, because he saw some evolutionary people such as Penghuang and Phoenix Fairy walked over, and then there were more people like Zhong Xiu and Ying Invincible.

Then, Lin Nuyi also appeared, went there, picking items, followed by two old people, always guarding her safety.

Although she is only eleven or two years old, she is already ethereal and elegant, and there is an unspeakable immortal charm, just like the fairy god.

Chu Feng’s heart was shocked, and the girl’s style was very pure, but there was also a kind of vagueness in her body. Through the ice muscles and bones, if it was looming, only the physical reincarnation of him could be sensed!

Chu Feng stunned, what happened to this suspected Lin Nuyi or her daughter?

He thought of the figure he saw in the ultimate temple of the reincarnation, the cloak of the clothes, the grace of the city, the fascination, the incomparable.

In the ancient temple, there are many imprints of those who have passed through the reincarnation, and they are engraved by the ancient temple.

Even Chu Feng was forced to leave a mark there, and he wrote a sentence: How invincible is invincible.

"It’s very similar to the figure of the reincarnation. Although it is still slightly tender and green, the style and the rhyme are exactly the same, and it is like a god!"

How can Chu Feng not be surprised? Is it really the relegated woman that I saw in the temple? I don’t know which evolutionary civilization was born. It’s been a long time ago. She had passed through the cycle. Is it now another successful reincarnation? !

He speculated that with the passage of time, I am afraid that this girl will be fully reflected, and the posture of the woman in the temple, the kind of Tianwei will be presented.

“It’s not simple!” Chu Feng’s glory is bright and uncertain. She stares at her back and looks at it in the distance. Is this Lin Nuyi or her daughter? In terms of time, it should be the latter.

In the distance, the girl’s feelings were too sharp. When Chu Feng was only sideways, she turned and looked at this position.

Apparently, she felt a sense of the heart and realized that someone was watching her.

I was almost noticed, which made Chu Feng feel amazed. This kind of consciousness is so amazing. He has already suppressed his various breaths, and there is no fluctuation. Can he feel it?

He believes that this is not a normal sense of God, but an instinct.

Because the mist of the fairy waterfall in this place suppresses the spirit of everyone.

"Oh, she really came!"

Chu Feng found Ying Yin Xian, graceful and graceful, beautiful and graceful, can be called the national color of the heavenly fragrance, and at the same time there is a faint sense of birth, if the sinful fairy is reincarnation in the world, ethereal and embarrassing, the whole person is shrouded in a touch of white Fog, it is difficult to get close to people, not to eat the sense of fire.

Over the years, her appearance has not changed, and her temperament is more outstanding. She is regarded as the leader of the "inferior species". After coming to the Yang Dynasty, this is a qualitative change.

There are thousands of thoughts in Chu Feng. I don’t know what other people have entered the Yang Dynasty. Is there a rare encounter?

Zi Yan, Yuan Mo, Jiang Luo Shen, Dao Zi Jin scale, Buddha Zihong... There are too many people, I don’t know where they are scattered.

Chu Feng once again squinted, making himself more and more strange, even if acquaintances meet, it is difficult to distinguish, because some people here really believe!

"Old, you see no, those who have gone through the gods, the disciples of the heavens are all guardians, there are gods to follow, protect them, do I do this, do you rely on you alone?"

"Although I can't wait to slice you, I will study why you are from bad to bad, but one yard is one yard. Since you promised to give me a little soul, I will sell it to you in the next few years. I will be responsible for your blood. Even if the king of God comes to provoke, I will fight and kill, and suppress it!"

The ancient dust sea responded, for the sake of the soul, he can let go of any prejudice, even if it is the Chu Feng pit, and is still his strongest rival, he is not leaving.

Just because his older brother was looking for this kind of material but it was not available, it should be noted that Li Wei had no rivals in the world. What good things have not been seen? Even the most treasures dare to touch the fingers, dare to grab, only the soul of the meat becomes a regret forever.

He believes in his own big brother's vision, so he wants to get a piece of soul meat anyway.

He has a certain degree of enthusiasm, and he has evolved rapidly in the Tomb of Taiwu. His strength has improved a lot. Although he is far from the past, he is confident that he can resist the gods and fears!

"Of course, you must not take the initiative to cause trouble, at least the existence of chaos eyes can not be angered!" Old Gu caution, quite taboo.

There are several whirlpools like the sea-eyes in the fairy waterfall, where the chaos is spinning, and the disk is sitting in an inexplicable and terrible figure.

Old and serious doubts, there are sitting on Tianzun, and even have the ability to sit!

Chu Feng came to the stone pavilion and sold what was broken? He was a bit stunned, such as a dark black conch, which was somewhat damaged, and the result was placed on the stone table.

"When you pass by, you have to miss it. This is the heavenly thing that has been washed down in the fairy waterfall. Once it is refined into a secret treasure, it can be unpredictable. When someone smelt into a snail, it smashed the three major groups at night. Shocked the sun!"

The seller is a middle-aged man who is serious about selling, and he is quite confident in his words. It seems that he is selling a gem that can be alive.

Next to it, in a rough stone pavilion, an old man disdains, and after glanced at it, he introduces his own items without hesitation.

"I don't see it. This broken stone pot, although the spout is missing half, is not very complete, but it is very big. This is the refining of the heavenly creatures. This is not what shells and driftwood can compare. If it is repaired, it may be a very good item!"

The old man’s words were flat, and he lifted a four-inch-high stone pot. His look was dignified. “You know, there is a treasure in the sun, and it’s stone, even if it has disappeared in the years, but its legend, it The brilliance, its unparalleled attack power, is still circulated among the most powerful people, claiming to be a shackle, suppressing several eras!"

This kind of discourse is very tempting for the evolvers who first entered this place, all of them stop, because it is true that some of the weapons in the evolutionary history have been reviewed by the ancestors, and such an ancient device was mentioned, which is suspected of stone, but it is not fine. speak.

"You know that if the ancient times of the so-called burial fairy tales did not cross the yang, we would fail, relying on it to defeat the immortals and bury them in the dust of history."

Chu Feng suspected that there is no speculation. The immortal is not defeated, but is it isolated in another time and space? Whether it is a victory for the sun can not be determined.

The old man said: "You have to know that the world-famous artifact that I just mentioned is the only treasure that can suppress the immortals. It is from this Tongtian waterfall, and the stone pot in my hand is damaged, but it can be repaired. Who dares to say that it is not the second jewel?"

Chu Feng listened for a while without a word. He knocked on the small shackles in his sleeves and asked about the old man. Is the artifact here reliable?

"In prehistoric times, there are also such salvage people here. Some of them are indeed items that have been impacted from the Tongtian Waterfall. However, it is entirely up to the eyesight of the fish. It is hard to say in this era. I don’t know the integrity of the world. how is it."

The old man gathered a lot of people at the booth here, and some evolvers started to explore the stone pot. Many people frowned and were silent.

This thing is indeed an old object, and the internal engraving has a complicated and unpredictable avenue symbol, but it is quite ruined and looming.

Chu Feng looked around, many stalls gathered in front of people, including Lin Nuyi, Peng Huang, Ying invincible, Zhong Xiu, etc. are choosing, want to buy.

"Old, how do I feel that the objects in this place are not simple, and many people really want to buy?"

"Nature, if you take a piece of artifacts that have been fished out of the fairy waterfall, sitting in the waterfall and evolving, you will get twice the result with half the effort. This is a summary of the predecessors."

Actually, there is such a reason, Chu Feng is amazed, it is no wonder that the popularity of this place is so high, but the evolutionists who come here want to find the right objects.

Suddenly, noise came from afar, and a large group of evolutionists flocked to the past.

"Female gold furnace?!"

"Ah, there is such a thing, don't worry about it, just say that its material is proud of everything here, this thing is priceless!"

"God, this is actually the time gold, this kind of material is rarer than other mother gold, how many times it is difficult to be born."

The exclamations not far away came one after another, causing a huge sensation.

There was only one straw mat at the booth, sitting on a middle-aged woman, her mouth closed, nothing to say, all relying on items to attract people.

No one thought that there was such a device that was born!

In people's impressions, the artifacts here are mostly fake, and most of them are counterfeit. Now someone has taken out a furnace made of time gold, which is amazing.

Even if it is a fake, it is scary enough and scary. This material does not say that they are powerful.

According to legend, the photon gold contains time fragments, and there are corresponding traces of avenues. It is always warmed with flesh and blood, blending with soul and light, and can feel the power of time!

Who doesn't care? This kind of material is too amazing, let alone cause weapons, that is, the original embryo will make people jealous, and the originator will compete for price.

As a result, there is now a fist-high furnace in this place. How could it not cause shock?

"This stove was taken from the Tongtian Waterfall." The middle-aged woman spoke up, only one sentence, less words.

The quaint body haunts the power of time. Although it is simple, it has an amazing glow on the outside.

At this point, the small furnace with a high fist is falling in the hands of Ying Yuxian. She is watching carefully, while others are surrounded by them, waiting to personally explore.

Who said that today will break even more, and there is a second chapter at night.

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