The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 449 The gentle village is full of hero graves

"Look if you don't believe me."

After she finished speaking, she raised her hand.

Ye Yang looked over there.

I saw a man in black, his face was reddish, his eyes were full of excitement, he was probably drunk from the spirit wine.

Her cheeks were still flushed by the beauty.

Hugging each other on the left and right is extremely comfortable.

Ye Yang took a closer look and saw that the man was full of sword aura, with black hair and black eyes. He was wearing a bright yellow robe with golden dragon embroidery on the edge.

It’s just Dao Xinghe at this moment.

How could he have the unparalleled heroic spirit he had when he followed Taifu Wang above the Feitian Gate.

She just hugged the two courtesans on the left and right, and the wine dripped from the corners of her mouth, soaking a large part of her front, showing her embarrassment and coquettishness.

Ye Yang couldn't help but sigh secretly.

"It is said that Wenwen Township is the Tomb of Heroes, and this statement is indeed true."

The two of them walked into the flower building while talking.

Ye Yang coughed a few times. Along the way, he saw that most of the women in the building and boat were graceful.

Some are holding pipa in their arms and leaning against the bed.

Some spoke softly and slowly, accompanying the guests to relieve their boredom.

There was also the sound of a piano, which was very pleasant.

Ye Yang said.

"The sound of Mi Mi is still pleasant to listen to. It is not like the sound of killing in Hong Mian Jueyin City, which makes the listener uncomfortable."

The Peacock Saint thought of something and snorted coldly, feeling very angry.

"Who doesn't know that Fairy Yuxiao, the founder of Hong Mian Jueyin City, established Jueyin City by playing the flute for others and became a great supporter."

"I didn't expect that after thousands of years, the disciples' other skills would not be much improved, but their skills in playing the flute and seducing men would become more and more powerful."

It was obvious that she didn't like Hongmian Jueyin City, especially since it had just been besieged by Bai Jiangzheng and his men, and she was very resentful.

"What a handsome beauty, what a strong man. Come and play."

The Peacock Saint didn't pay attention.

Instead, he took Ye Yang to a magnificent elegant room facing the lake.

"Go down and quickly recruit all the handsome women and men. We will select them one by one."

"It's a saint."

As soon as the Peacock Saint gave the order, several maids immediately went down and started to prepare nervously.

Finally, the Peacock Saint seemed to have thought of something and spoke.

"Where's Shi Niang? Let her come over and serve my friend."

Hearing the word Shi Niang, the man showed a hint of embarrassment on his face, and then said.

"Saint, forgive me, Shi Niang is at Queen Die Wu's place!"

The Peacock Saint suddenly frowned.

"Who doesn't know that Die Wuhou is neither yin nor yang, male or female, and they don't even know whether he is a boy or a girl. Why is he looking for Shi Niang?"

After a while, several handsome men walked over from outside the house.

All of them are like cranes chasing the water. Among them, there are some who are rich and handsome, some who are muscular, masculine, and some who are gentle and jasper-shaped.

Several other women looked inside secretly through the crack in the door, and were startled when they saw Ye Yang's strong body.

"It's true that a demon from heaven has come to this world. He is unparalleled in strength. Which sister can withstand such a powerful physique?"

After a while, a group of beauties entered.

Some are coquettish, some are charming, some are pure and charming, and some have beautiful legs spread across their legs.

There are also petite and cute ones, fat and thin ones, and so on.

Everyone came in chattering, trying to touch the iron-like muscles on Ye Yang's body.

"I touched it."

"It's so hard, these muscles can actually move."

"He is really a tough guy. He is completely different from the ordinary guests."

"Everyone, please be quiet. How can you behave like a guest here?"

After being scolded by the Peacock Saint, these girls dispersed like butterflies, not daring to do anything again.

The Peacock Saint showed a hint of apology to Ye Yang, and then said.

"Brother Dao is laughing, these girls don't have much knowledge."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

"It doesn't matter."

He did not focus on the Peacock Saint and others, but looked at the shadow outside the window.

At this moment, I saw Dao Xinghe hugging him from left to right, laughing loudly, and couldn't help but look weird.

he thought to himself.

"As we all know, this kind of place is the easiest to find the disease of cauliflower and willow. I wonder if the Dao Xinghe has been in the sea for many years. Does it have this characteristic?"

The Peacock Saint has great prestige in the lustful brothel.

At this moment, after being scolded by her, both men and women were trembling with fear. They looked at the Peacock Saint and did not dare to speak.

The Peacock Saint was not very satisfied.

"Take some crooked melons and cracked dates to make up the number."

Someone next to me said.

"Holy girl, the best ones are here now. There is a demon on the first floor, inviting friends and company, and eating both meat and vegetables."

"Whether they are men or women, they have all been selected."

"The leader has a leopard-headed body and is extremely powerful. He has condensed his evil energy. He looks like the Thousand Miles Cloud-piercing Leopard Demon who was on the previous Universiade Dynasty's Demon Slayer List."

"It's him?"

Ye Yang had a strange look on his face. The Peacock Saint looked at him after hearing what Ye Yang said.

"Could it be that Brother Dao and the leopard demon know each other?"

Ye Yang was about to speak when a rough voice came from below.

"Brothers and sisters, be quiet and listen to me."

Ye Yang heard the voice and followed the sound to see a majestic figure with a leopard head, holding hands and wearing golden armor.

It was indeed the Leopard Demon.

But at this moment, in addition to the leopard demon, there were several people around him, some male and female, some with evil aura, some with strong demon aura, all lined up on both sides.

At this time, he was regarded as the leader.

One by one, they kept pouring wine and picking up food, and they were very attentive.

The Leopard Demon was also in high spirits.

"Brothers and sisters, if you come to seek refuge with me, I will naturally receive you well."

"It's just that I can't make the decision in this family. As you all know, I have hooked up with a big boss and want to defect to us. The most important thing is that my family's envoy agrees."

"But don't worry, I have reached the sixth level of eliminating evil, and those bastards from the Universiade Dynasty want to arrest you."

"But you have to ask me first if I am willing."

"After the envoy is free for a few days, I will introduce you to him."

At this time.

Someone hurriedly came to report outside the door, walked in and looked at the Peacock Saint, and spoke nervously.

"Holy girl, there is a powerful man in red outside, wearing a flat crown and holding a Zhu Han sword, blocking the door. He wants to cause trouble for us!"

The Peacock Saint frowned.

"Who dares to be so bold and act arrogant in front of me, Ni Hai Xie Fan?"

"Ah Da Ah Er and the others were so careless that they threw him into the ditch."

The man shrank his neck and seemed a little scared. After a long while, he spoke again.

"Uncle and the second master took action together, but they were all thrown into the river by the man in red."

"Who is it? Let me go out and see."

"'s the Eyes of Blood and Tears."

"Why is it him again?"

"This weirdo, it's not enough for Shiniang to accompany him, so why is he still looking for trouble?"

The man spoke with a cry, obviously he had suffered a lot at the hands of Empress Die Wu.

"It was precisely because Shiniang went that he was dissatisfied."

"How can Shi Niang, who looks like a fairy and does not disturb the dust, be kidnapped by a lustful brothel and used as an oiran?"

"Now, Zheng is angrily slashing around with a sword. Many guests have been scared away by him."

"Why is Empress Die Wu so helpful to others all of a sudden? This is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world."

Everyone was puzzled.

This man has always been cool and mysterious, decisive in killing, and never puts other people's lives in his sights.

Especially after awakening the Eyes of Blood and Tears, all the emotions on his body have long since faded away, making him very different from ordinary people.

Because a woman, and a woman from a brothel at that, started a violent war, and if word spread, the whole world would not believe it.

The man spoke again.

"He said that Shiniang was the sister he had never met since childhood. It was Shiniang who raised him and sent him to Taiyi Qingmen, so he was extremely angry."

"This Queen Die Wu is really ungrateful. Not only does she enjoy the services of the sisters, she also insists on pretending to be a fake saint and destroying the jobs of the sisters."

"He doesn't even think about it. If the sisters are all unemployed, where will they be able to practice spiritual stone cultivation and make a living? I'm afraid they will all be kidnapped by the old demons to become the wives of Yazhai."

Several women nearby spoke, chirping and dissatisfied.

"Shut up, everyone."

The Peacock Saint gave a sweet shout, and the place suddenly became quiet.

"Brother Taoist, let me make you laugh. I'll take care of it. Come back as soon as you go."

After the Peacock Saint walked out, the remaining women immediately surrounded Ye Yang.

Some people used it as a meat chair and held him in their arms, some gently beat his back and pinched his legs, and some peeled open the spiritual fruit, bit it with their beautiful lips, and fed it to him.

Ye Yang ate a spiritual fruit and suddenly heard a voice.

"Queen Die Wu, don't take advantage of your eyes of blood and tears and ignore Grandpa Leopard Demon."

"To tell you the truth, I have been dissatisfied with your arrest of Xian Si for many years."

"Come and catch grandpa again if you can. This time I will definitely show you the power of my Leopard Demon Fist and Tiangang Evil Qi."

Obviously, it was Leopard Demon and Die Wuhou who were facing each other.

The two soon fought together and seemed to have a real fire.


Then there was the clanging metallic sound of swords and guns clashing.

It was deafening.

Today's update is a little late. I just got off the bus and felt a little motion sick. I wrote a chapter. I hope everyone will understand it!

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