The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 447 The seductive dance on the water and the appearance of the saint again

Chu Hao carefully took the storage bag.

Regardless of the darkness of the sky, he walked out alone and prepared to go down the mountain to Zhang's house in Bihuze.

Another month passed.

Xiuya's belly is getting bigger and bigger.

Ye Yang prepared a lot of anti-fetal medicine for him, and Xiu Ya often walked to him holding her belly.

Suddenly, Ye Yang saw a wrinkle on Xiu Ya's forehead.

Time flies.

Looking back, the two have known each other for twenty years.

If it were an ordinary mortal, Xiu Ya would be in her fifties or sixties now.

It can be said that half of the body has been buried in the ground.

But later on, I gained some cultivation, which not only delayed aging, but was also nourished by spiritual energy, making me more plump and enchanting.

In addition, coupled with her practice of grass and tree art, she is already good at maintenance.

Therefore, she doesn't look old, her charm is still there, and she looks even more charming.

"Sir, what's wrong? Why are you staring at my forehead? Is there a flower on my forehead?"

Ye Yang didn't speak, just smiled and gently stroked her forehead.

"It's nothing, I'm just being dazzled. Keep this mutton-fat warm jade and wear it often. It will be good for the fetus and you."

After speaking, Ye Yang took out a piece of white jade, which was warm and delicate.

It has long been carved into a jade sheep-like pendant by skilled craftsmen.

After Xiu Ya saw it, she hurriedly put it away, filled with joy.

"Thank you, Master, for still thinking of me."

Later, Ye Yang felt a little uneasy and called three or four maids from the sect.

It is specially used to serve Xiu Ya intimately and take care of her diet and daily life.

This day.

At the foot of Feitian Gate, the Luoshui River is vast and the mountain is unique.

It was dusk, the sun was setting, the clouds were rolling, the mist was filling, and there were a few people hiding in the dark.

Looking at the huge Feitian Gate, people couldn't help but chatter.

"This Feitian Sect is indeed a powerful and powerful sect."

"The beautiful view of the red clouds at dusk alone makes the trip worthwhile."

"Not only that, but if you look at the flash of thunder and fire in that formation, the fire above it should be the legendary Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd."

"The one who guides the light of thunder and lightning should be the thunder and lightning gourd they obtained from Qingming Island."

"The combination of these two powerful magic weapons and formations, and connected to the entire earth line, make them a real person. It is extremely difficult to break through them all at once."

"Not only that, there is also a powerful man in the real-person realm in the Feitian Sect, and there are also three ancient and alien sect-suppressing spiritual beasts such as the Sky-Swallowing Python."

"It's definitely a powerful party."

At this moment, someone next to him seemed to have thought of something and spoke.

"Brother Xinghe, there are many outstanding disciples of the new generation in Feitian Sect. Did you invite them this time?"

"The letters have been sent a long time ago, so there are naturally a lot of them."

"It's just that after receiving the letter from Swordsman Shuangjue Ye Yang, he did not give out the information to attend the meeting in time. I learned from his friend Blood Demon Saint Son that he might not be able to participate."

"The bloodthirsty wolf Wang Dong has personally received the letter and given a reply, saying that he will definitely participate."

At this time.

A blood-red figure walked out next to him with a cold face. He seemed to have a bad relationship with everyone.

Seeing this bloody light, several people nearby couldn't help but step back.

"That Swordsman and Duan Jue Ye Yang, I always feel like something is missing if I don't participate."

He has a cold face, a bloody teardrop under the corner of his eye, and holds a Zhu Han white-edged sword in his hand.

Although it's broad daylight.

But at this moment, the words were like frost, making people feel a sense of cold air and cold light.

Even the people around him didn't want to get too close to him and hid to one side.

Someone frowned and said.

"Queen Die Wu, I heard that you had a fight with Ye Yang. This man is really as powerful as the legend says. He can cut off the power of thirteen years with one sword? Can he cut off a life span?"

"Cut away a person's longevity and vitality."

Die Wuque nodded cautiously.

"Of course it is. This person has mortal bones, mortal veins, mortal blood, and a mortal body, but he has amazing skills. And the most important thing is that this person is as cautious as a snake and never takes risks at will."

Someone next to me said.

"From my point of view, I'm afraid the rumors may be exaggerated. Most of these people who are hiding things are just fake people."

"I heard that when you first broke through the warrior realm, you were cut off by that sword and sword and your life span was shortened. You have not recovered yet."

"Perhaps I was frightened and had sequelae."

That person seemed to be at odds with Die Wuhou.

In front of everyone, he directly exposed his scandal.

Die Wuhou snorted coldly.

"Since you don't believe it, you will know after you try it with your own hands. But the ugly words are ahead. If someone cuts off your time and your cultivation potential is greatly damaged, don't blame me."

After he finished speaking, he wore a bright red robe, no longer cared about everyone, and flew away alone.

Several other people looked at each other.

A voice sighed.

"A gentleman never forces others to make things difficult for him. Since he won't participate, let's just say something. Why not go to Ruyi Lake first and wait for the heroes to arrive."

"Brother Xinghe's words make sense. This time, there are many talented people and countless heroes in the Great Ocean Conference. Could it be that without him, we can't hold it?"

"It's his loss."

After hearing this, the others stopped talking and left one by one.

At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, a layer of white snow fell in the sky.

The ground has already fallen lightly.

this day.

Ye Yang stood up and walked out of the Feitian Gate alone without calling the Sun Flying Turtle to come.

Taking advantage of the darkness of night, he moved.

A strong purple-black demonic energy roared out from itself, covering half of the sky.

In the blink of an eye, his body suddenly rose several feet taller, and his whole body was covered with strong muscles, like a monster.

Infinite murderous intent and ferocious aura shot straight into the sky.

As the saying goes, you can know the work by looking at the small part, you can know the whole picture by looking at a spot, you can know the spring and autumn by looking at a leaf.

While the leaves were falling, Ye Yang observed privately and saw that the leaves were covered with textures, which were extraordinary.

He was actually able to see the essence directly through the appearance.

Ye Yang knew that after refining the Endless Evil of Time, he had developed his true body through the practice of the Elephant Demon Fist and the Great Demon Peng Technique.

Even more powerful than before.

This time, his goal is Ruyi Lake.

Although the Canghai Fusheng Conference has not started yet, there are now many sages and strong ones gathered.

From time to time, shocking sounds of fighting and whistling can be heard.

Many more came roaring, taking note of his reputation as a master of swords and swords.

I want to come and challenge.

However, Feitianmen closed the mountain gate tightly and did not admit these people inside.

Therefore, during this period of time, Ye Yang lived a stable life and never went out.

In the vast night, there are only a few star trails.

There was a strong figure with muscles all over his body, especially the muscles on his arms that were arched high, standing high like a tomb on a hill, making people afraid to look directly at him.

Ye Yang's feet were flying, and soon he was on the vast river.

Heading towards Tao'anfang City.

The mighty Niu Mo River meanders away with clear water and blue currents.

It was winter at this time, the light snow had just fallen, and above the river, there was no trace of desolation or loneliness.

On the contrary, there were a lot of people coming and going.

Cargo ships came and went, making it look extremely lively.

Ye Yang's body is strong and intimidating.

At this moment, many people were scared and backed away along the way.

Because there have been many monks going to Ruyi Lake recently.

So the Feitian Clan set up a dock on the Niu Mo River, and a few families built several large boats to make a living by transporting people there.

Ye Yang stepped onto the boat, and the planks of the boat creaked under the weight of his huge body.

He glanced at the people next to him and found that many people were rushing to Ruyi Lake to participate in the Sea of ​​Life Conference.

Ye Yang coughed, and said as if he was thunderstruck.

"Does the boatman still have room?"

The boatman took a look at Ye Yang's huge body and found that he only reached his waist, especially his thick and strong arms, which were thicker than his own thighs.

He swallowed, looked at the reckless man in front of him, and said with a hasty apology.

"Of course there are, please take a seat, but the spiritual stones that come and go are quite expensive. I need..."

Before he finished speaking, the man had already impatiently thrown something into his hand.

The boatman hurriedly took it and took a look, only to find that it was an old wild ginseng.

There was a hint of joy in his eyes.

Although ginseng is a common medicinal material.

But it is versatile, neutral and peaceful, nourishes qi and blood, is extremely rare, and is never afraid of sales.

The longer it grows, the more valuable it becomes.

This old mountain ginseng has been in the deep mountains and old swamps for a long time.

The ginseng whiskers and ginseng bran on it have been folded together in layers. It is expected to be at least a hundred years old.

If you take it out, it will be difficult to buy even a hundred spiritual stones.

He was afraid that Ye Yang would regret it and ask for it back, so he quickly took away the old wild ginseng and put it in a storage bag.

The caller hurriedly placed Ye Yanghaosheng at the table.

Ye Yang took a sip of tea and looked out through the small window.

On the mighty Niu Mo River, a faint layer of water vapor lingered in front of them. Although it was already evening, the lights in Tao'anfang City were still bright and row upon row.

There are also merchants coming in and out, either by land or by water.

Extremely prosperous and extraordinary weather

Sitting on the boat, Ye Yang soon got tired of seeing the scenery.

Meditate and practice luck.

Soon there was a crunching and popping sound coming from the body.

Like wind and thunder, the sound is loud.

Someone spotted Ye Yang's figure in the distance and walked over and said.

"This Taoist brother is right. I am Li Changsheng, a descendant of the Li family of Feitianmen. This boat is the Li family's livelihood."

"Isn't it possible that Brother Tao has the blood of giant spirits? My Li family also has a trace of the blood of the giant spirits. Seeing Brother Tao today is really a blessing."

"The Li family has already prepared the Accord, so why not come and have a rest."

Ye Yang opened his eyes and found a young man standing in front of him.

Wearing a green suit and carrying a long sword behind his back, although he is young, he has an extraordinary bearing.

He spoke.

"Thank you for your kindness, brother. The journey is not far. I'll just wait at the seat for a while. I think I can reach Ruyi Lake soon."

After hearing this, Li Changsheng could only give up.

But there is still the intention to talk.

"If the eldest brother comes to the Li family in the future, please let me know and hold a banquet for the Taoist brother and have a good exchange."

Ye Yang nodded in agreement without saying much, and Li Changsheng retreated.

This huge ship was extremely fast. After launching with all its strength, it shot out from the vast water like an arrow from a string.

After a while, a long wave was drawn on the vast water.

After driving for a while, it was already sunrise in the early morning.

Smoke clouds covered the surrounding area.

At the dawn of the day, the river wind was strong, and the entire river surface seemed to be splashed with golden oil, making it quite gorgeous.

Ye Yang stood on the deck, knowing that he would reach Ruyi Lake in a few hours.

At this time, above the sky in the distance, he raised his head and couldn't help but let out a slight surprise.

"It's strange."

In the clouds ahead, there are seven or eight graceful women all white in color, looming in the clouds.

They were naked, white and plump, each of them tall and fit, with white and slender legs.

All of them were naked, with plump and plump breasts, firm and round buttocks, and slim waists that could not be grasped.

Seven or eight people, covered in snow-white, were darting in and out of the clouds.

Each holds a musical instrument and plays in the sky.

Some held the pipa in their arms, some held the guqin horizontally, some caressed the bamboo flute, and some blew the conch.

They play in harmony with each other, and their voices sound like weeping, complaining, and complaining.

There are only a few big rivers and green reeds.

Ye Yang looked carefully and noticed that the woman playing the piano, who was sitting cross-legged in front of him, played with both hands, causing the strings to vibrate.

During the playing process, a faint thunderclap seemed to erupt.

It makes people unconsciously intoxicated.

"Thunder and Thunderbolt Guqin Player, it is said that these skills are one of the best inheritances of Hong Mian Jue Yin City."

Ye Yang had met Chisui Qinji before, who was good at music skills, had a killing voice, and was very domineering.

He also came from Hongmian Jueyin City, but later he seemed to have offended a big shot, and the position of commander of the local title was also taken away by Queen Diewu.

This sect has always been known for its musical rhythm and is good at musical skills and has a good reputation.

At this moment, the seven or eight beauties were naked, holding magic weapons, forming a faint formation, and seemed to be besieging someone.

I saw the snow-white jade body looming in the air, and the screen was full of long legs. Together with the charming sound, it was really tempting.

And the people they besieged were equally strong.

The colorful lights are brilliant, and a peacock shadow stretches across the river.

Ye Yang watched the battle in the middle with great interest.

"He's still an acquaintance?"

That figure was like a dragon flying across the sky, or like a peacock that shocked the world, wearing gorgeous neon clothes.

If not the Peacock Saint, who is she?

Brothers, we have doubled monthly tickets at the beginning of the month, and there are still requests for monthly tickets to catch up. We are still short of twenty votes. Please everyone.

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