The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 443 Blood Demon Holy Son Meeting and Planning Again

At this time, the Sun-flying Turtle was extremely huge, as big as a house.

The turtle shell is four to five feet long, even compared with the Feitian Men's special-purpose Feitian Pack Ray, it is not inferior.

At this time, the flying turtle standing on the top of the mountain raised its head and roared like a dragon.

Ye Yang took a closer look and discovered that there was a bright ruby-like star on the forehead of the sun-chasing turtle, right between his eyebrows.

"The Lord of Spring and Autumn's Demonic Beast Flesh and Blood Pill said that this method can help the demonic beast purify its bloodline."

"After the Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle was successfully promoted today, the movement was far beyond that of ordinary third-level monsters, and the phantom of the Tiangang Sun-Chasing Turtle even appeared."

"It seems that the blood in the body should have been purified a lot."

Seeing this, Ye Yang felt quite satisfied in his heart. The bloodline of the monster was similar to that of the human race.

The more extraordinary the bloodline, the more extraordinary the achievements that can be achieved in the end.

Ye Yang was carefully looking at the Sun Flying Turtle. At this moment, a figure flew over from the sky in the distance.

Then the figure slowly landed on the ground, and it turned out to be Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan looked at the huge sun-chasing flying turtle, standing on all four legs, like a pillar supporting the sky, and couldn't help but nodded slightly and nodded.

Especially after realizing the surging demonic power in Zhusui Feigui's body and his huge and strong body, he showed a meaningful smile.

"Yes, I always pay attention to this flying turtle. It is a great beast of burden that combines sea, land and air. Although our Feitian Sect is much stronger now."

"But beasts of burden have always been rare. There is a shortage of monsters of this good variety. In addition, turtle monsters are long-lived. From my point of view, after the promotion of the turtle, it seems that it has awakened an extraordinary bloodline."

"You can definitely train him as the sect's sect-ruling beast. He will also receive a salary from the Feitian Sect and get the position of a turtle protector."

He looked at the tortoise shell with bright eyes, unable to conceal his fondness.

These beasts of burden that can fly and enter the sea are the best things that even spiritual stones cannot buy.

It has always been a rare thing.

What's more, Gu Xuan had already seen how extraordinary this flying turtle was in the underground tomb of Lord Chunqiu before.

Not only does it have strong defensive power, but it also has a moistening magical power that can heal injuries and eliminate fatigue, which is very good.

When Ye Yang heard this, he thought about it for a moment, but did not refuse.

In fact, Gu Xuan has mentioned this matter many times before.

However, Ye Yang had always been worried that this monster was something he cultivated privately.

I don’t want to have too much contact with the sect.

But now, he is already a high-ranking member of the sect.

Even if this object is connected to the sect, it can still draw a clear line with the sect through various means.

Furthermore, the Feitian Sect and him have a mutually beneficial relationship.

The Feitian Sect has become stronger, and he can gain a lot of benefits from it.

In addition, it is difficult for monsters to grow, and the Flying Turtle has broken through to the third level.

If you want to make another breakthrough, you will need a large amount of spiritual stones and resources.

If you can get a piece of dry red from Feitian Sect, it won't be a bad thing for Zhuri Feigui.

"I really have this idea, but this flying turtle has to be used frequently on weekdays, so I'm afraid it won't be able to guard the mountain gate all the time."

Gu Xuan said.

"It doesn't matter, you can use it when you need it. This is just a benefit for you. As long as the sect is too busy and needs to borrow it, you can send out the Flying Turtle."

Hearing Gu Xuan's voice sounded like this.

Ye Yang didn't say anything more and nodded in agreement.

Then Gu Xuan spoke again.

"After today, I will take Qing Shuyuan to the demon kingdom on the earth. It is hard to say when I will come back. I have already explained all the affairs in the sect."

"You can just make your own decisions on some small matters. If there is something big, just send a message to report it."

After finishing speaking, Gu Xuan left a jade slip to Ye Yang. The jade slip was connected to his soul, as long as something happened here.

You can sense it immediately there.

Then Gu Xuan spoke again.

"I have also left the red flame flying crow gourd and the thunder and lightning gourd. They hang in the eyes of the sect's formation on weekdays. Please work hard and make sure there are no problems."

Ye Yang nodded.

"Master, please rest assured."

After saying that, Gu Xuan transformed into a ray of silver light and disappeared into the horizon.

Ye Yang also rode on the Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle and slowly left the Feitian Gate alone.

He rides a flying turtle through the sky.

When he opened his eyes and looked around, he saw that the flying turtle's back armor looked like the cover of the blue sky. As it was flying, two white air waves were emitted from behind.

It moves like wind and thunder, and is as fast as lightning. I don’t know how much faster than before.

Now is the autumn season.

Autumn was approaching and the frost was beginning to fall. Ye Yang rode the Sun Flying Turtle and quickly arrived at Tao'anfang City.

He looked down at the bustling place below and saw shops standing in the market, with a strong smell of fireworks and a bustling crowd.

So he lowered the flying turtle and stepped into this place. The store is filled with a dazzling array of treasures.

On the balcony, there was someone waiting for Ye Yang.

Suddenly, in a corner, I caught a glimpse of a person with extraordinary appearance and outstanding temperament.

With his red hair flying, he was none other than the Holy Son of the Blood Demon.

The Blood Demon Saint seemed to have been waiting here for a while. He sat in front of the tea table by the window and took a sip of tea.

Seeing Ye Yang coming, the Blood Demon Saint quickly stood up and said.

"Brother Ye, you are here."

When their eyes met, something strange arose in their hearts, so they sat opposite each other.

"It seems that you have also received an invitation to the Canghai Fusheng Conference."

"That's why we invite Brother Ye to come and discuss it, see how we can make a decision, and discuss the grand meeting together.

"From your point of view, what should I do?"

Ye Yang smiled while stroking his hands, his attitude was cordial and polite.

The Blood Demon Saint Son smiled back, humble and polite.

"Even if there are unforeseen circumstances, people can turn things around if they have a plan in hand."

The two had a great conversation, first reminiscing about old times, then discussing questions about spiritual practice, and discussed a lot about the upcoming Cang Hai Fu Sheng Conference.

"The Winter Summit is no small matter and requires careful preparation."

The Blood Demon Saint Son said in deep thought, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

"The two of us need to discuss a detailed strategy to become famous in one fell swoop."

Ye Yang thought of something, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"I'm not going to participate this time."

The Blood Demon Saint was surprised.

"Although I know that you don't like to join in the fun, it would be a pity if you don't participate in such a grand event."

"It is said that there are many masters on the Hidden Dragon List this time."

"The Universiade Dynasty has tried its best to hold this grand event on Ruyi Lake. I am afraid it also wants to attract a group of real geniuses to join the dynasty."

The Blood Demon Saint smiled.

"We, the disciples of the sect, are at odds with the Universiade Dynasty, but I heard that the Universiade Dynasty's cultivation concepts and Dharma principles surpass those of many sects."

“Insistently seek innovation, seek perfection, and seek change.”

"The general trend of the world is vast. If we do not follow the trend of the times, we will eventually be crushed under the wheels of history."

Ye Yang quite agrees with this statement.

Tonight’s dinner party will be updated later

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