Ye Yang took it and took a look. There were iron paintings and silver hooks on it, and several golden seal characters were painted on it. It was ancient and seemed to have gone through a long time.

"The beacon fire is continuous and has no form."

This is a special spiritual method.

In ancient times, there were no jade slips, but they were made of ancient animal skins and cloud-patterned seals.

This method is connected to the beacon fire of heaven and earth, just like the smoke above, it can generate and transform nothingness.

In the dark, it seduce the infinite fire in heaven and earth.

Moreover, it is not difficult to practice. The techniques are integrated into one, including both the fundamental method and the technique of protecting the Tao.

Extremely rare.

Looking past this object, Ye Yang saw a gold-iron-like stone bead in Gu Xuan's hand. It was round and transparent, about the size of a fist.

There are also several large characters on the stone beads.

"Diamond phase wheel."

This object turned out to be a rare inheritance bead.

And it seems to come from the Buddhist Sha Cult, which is an extremely rare spirit-like method for body training.

Vajra has always meant indestructibility, indestructibility and surrender.

It is a magical instrument often used in Buddhist religious ceremonies.

This method takes Vajra as its meaning.

The body of the diamond wheel can be forged.

The punch is so powerful that the mountains and seas are overturned and the earth is broken, but the whole body is indestructible.

It is quite similar to his Elephant Demon Fist.

Body-building spiritual arts are relatively rare and unpopular.

But once something is achieved, it is extremely powerful.

Although Ye Yang is not prepared to practice this technique.

But it can be used to draw parallels in order to achieve the foundation of authenticity.

Stones from other hills, can learn.

It is also very helpful for magic techniques that rely on the power of the physical body, such as the Elephant Demon Fist and the Great Demon Peng Technique.

Ye Yang thought of something and spoke.

"Master, I heard that the Universiade Dynasty also seems to be eyeing the place where the Heavenly Will Spring and Autumn Lord is seated."

Gu Xuan nodded.

"That's right, I and a few other people in the tomb not only fought against Wang Taiwei of the Universiade Dynasty."

"And when facing the enemies of Netherworld, they also took action together to seal the passage. Otherwise, Master Xuehai would not have died so easily."

"They wanted to find a place for trials for ordinary disciples."

"It is God's will that Lord Chunqiu's tomb has not been opened for thousands of years, and it borders the Netherworld. It is extremely hidden, so it is just suitable."

Ye Yang said.

"Last time we explored the entire cave, we didn't expect that there were many mysterious forces inside, but we didn't detect them."

Fortunately, several real-person realm experts worked together to turn the tomb upside down.

If not, when the demon is born in the future, there will probably be a lot of trouble.

But what Gu Xuan said is right.

The underground tomb has not been opened for thousands of years.

There are actually a lot of good things hidden there.

No matter it is the water of Huangquan.

Or the essence of the underground, the ore, the gem.

Even spiritual grass that has grown for many years.

To the outside world, they are rare vaginal treasures and magic treasures.

Worth a fortune.

Gu Xuan's eyes showed a hint of joy.

"Thanks to Master Aoki's presence this time, otherwise we still wouldn't be able to seal the passage to Netherworld."

After a pause, Gu Xuan spoke again.

"After a fierce battle between the real-person realm experts, the tomb collapsed. Later, the magic circle left by the Lord of Heaven's Will Chunqiu was activated, forming a space crack."

"Nowadays, only disciples in the ventilation realm can stabilize the shackles and prevent the space cracks from continuing to collapse."

"That's a good thing."

"In this way, our Feitian Sect can also have our own secret cave."

A flash of excitement flashed in Ye Yang's heart.

That piece of land is very close to Feitianmen.

Now it has been plowed again by several strong men in the real world.

There have been many fewer crises.

It is completely possible to open it up as a training place for disciples.

After the sect became stronger and stronger, those disciples were naturally very good.

But in general, there is still a lack of tempering.

They enter it just enough to sharpen themselves and increase their ability to fight the enemy.

On the other hand, there are many treasures inside that are also needed by the sect.

Bringing it back will allow the sect to gain greater benefits.

Ye Yang was about to exit, when Gu Xuan spoke calmly.

"I am going to appoint you as the head of the sect's official affairs hall. I wonder if you are willing?"

Ye Yang groaned slightly.

The official affairs hall is of vital importance and the matter is special.

Especially the position of hall leader can be said to be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people in Feitian Sect.

Generally speaking, the head of the official affairs hall also serves as an elder, and is one of the three elders of the sect.

Besides the leader, he is also the person with the most respected status.

It should be noted that for thousands of years in the sect, the elders have been late warrior monks who have condensed their pure energy.

Gu Xuan directly gave him the identity of the hall master, which made Ye Yang a little unexpected.

Although he just mentioned the hall master, he did not mention the office of elder.

I am afraid that I will have to wait until I make a breakthrough in my cultivation before I can take the position of elder.

Nowadays, many of the older monks in the sect have died.

Either he is semi-retired, or he has another important position and is inseparable.

He himself is the guardian of Feitianmen's official affairs hall.

From the position of protector, he bypasses the deputy hall leader and directly reaches the position of hall leader.

It seems to have gone two levels higher.

In fact, we have already traveled a road that most people would never complete in half their lifetime.

Ye Yang groaned slightly.

After being promoted to Hall Master, there are good things and bad things.

The bad thing is that it will distract him from a lot of energy.

The good thing is that he will be able to rely on the power of the sect in the Feitian Sect.

Provide greater help for your own practice.

For example, more manpower can be allocated for the required spiritual materials and resources.

In addition, there are some conveniences of the position, such as the Feitian Clan's training techniques, spiritual stone subsidies, treasure house secrets, etc.

And from now on, all major plans and developments of the sect will require his presence.

Nowadays, the sect's stalls are getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more people.

In the official affairs hall, there are more and more things, and accordingly some energy must be put in.

However, after becoming the hall leader, he was ready to quickly promote trustworthy people as deputy hall leaders.

Keep yourself from getting bogged down in worldly affairs.

Over the years, Ye Yang has become very familiar with the sect's structure, so he spoke.

"The leader is willing, but I naturally dare not."

Gu Xuan was very excited about Ye Yang's approach and said.

"Everyone in the world knows that in terms of cultivation, they think that their duties will occupy their time for cultivation, but this is not the case."

"Practice and practice. Seeking immortals and asking questions is a kind of practice. Entering the world of mortals, washing your mind and seeing through everything to break prosperity is also a kind of practice."

"In that case."

"I will announce tomorrow that you will be the next head of the Official Affairs Hall."

"Those who serve as hall masters in the sect can receive an annual salary subsidy of six thousand spiritual stones."

"In addition, you can choose a spiritual material that you are satisfied with from the sect's treasure house."

"At the same time, he also has the authority to practice the spiritual methods below the treasure secret. He can mobilize his disciples for his own use and deal with mundane matters."

"You can freely use the reward of 1,500 contribution points every year."

"Now the sect leader has a new benefit. He can choose a three-story shop in Tao'anfang City."

There was a hint of surprise in Ye Yang's eyes, these benefits were all real.

Allocate disciples to exchange items with the sect's treasury.

It's not a secret, Ye Yang already knew it before.

He didn't expect a shop in Tao'an style.

Nowadays, the prices of shops in Tao'anfang City have risen to sky-high prices.

A shop is worth a lot of money.

The practice has come to an end.

The more resources are required.

For example, his Three Treasures Wanying Ointment requires more than 600 materials.

Just search on your own.

I'm afraid I won't be able to survive it for three days and three nights.

But with the power and manpower of the sect, everything became simpler.

"Although there are benefits, there are also corresponding responsibilities after appointing the hall master."

"From now on, you need to train a disciple in the middle stage of the warrior realm for the sect. If you complete it, you will have no restrictions and can travel around the world."

This is a necessary system for the sect to ensure orderly inheritance.

Ye Yang suddenly thought of a figure and said.

"Please rest assured, Master, I have already made a decision regarding my disciples."

"That's good."

Gu Xuan laughed.

"Not only do you master the art of swordsmanship but you are also good at refining alchemy. Even my alchemy skills must be inferior to yours now."

"Coupled with water method alchemy, it is a rare and unique skill."

"If you don't leave a legacy within the sect, it will ultimately be a loss for the sect."

the next day.

The return of the leader Gu Xuan has spread throughout the Feitian Sect.

And then a bigger news came.

Everyone was shocked.

Ye Yang, a swordsman and swordsman who has always attracted much attention but is unusually low-key.

Suddenly he became the head of the sect's official affairs hall.

The bloodthirsty wolf Wang Dong serves as the deputy head of the sect's law enforcement hall.

In addition, Li Bayuan successfully broke through to the second level of martial arts and served as the general protector of the trade route.

Zhang Xing, who practices shrouds, serves as deputy guardian.

At this moment, many people in the sect's main hall were looking at the appointment list and talking about it.

Since Gu Qingshu incarnated into three sky-swallowing pythons, the Official Affairs Hall.

For many years, there has been no real hall master.

This Protector Ye actually stepped over the deputy hall master and was promoted to the hall master.

To everyone's surprise.

"Not only is he powerful, if I remember correctly, Protector Ye is still in the middle stage of martial arts."

"Being able to serve as the head of the official affairs hall with a middle-level martial artist's cultivation level is simply breaking the Feitian Sect's rules for many years."

"Despite saying this, he is very powerful. As early as the fifth level of martial arts, he killed the right elder of the Five Poison Sect and Situ Guang."

"Hush, there are rumors that this Protector Ye has reached the sixth level of martial arts to eliminate evil spirits."

"When he was in the realm of cultivating evil spirits, neither of the two monks in the realm of dispelling evil spirits was his opponent."

"Now that he has successfully dispelled the evil spirit, I am afraid that ordinary monks who have condensed their pure energy may not be able to defeat him."

"Don't forget, now in the sect

The position of elder is still vacant, so this is a proper preparation for the eldership. "

"If nothing happens, when he breaks through to the late warrior stage, he will be a proper elder of the sect in the future."

Everyone couldn't help but gasp.

For them, the hall master and elders are already figures in heaven.

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