People feel refreshed when happy events occur.

And this is even more true for Ye Yang now.

After years of practice, I finally reached the realm of eliminating evil spirits.

Taking the Feitian Sect as an example, there are only three to five practitioners above the realm of dispelling evil spirits.

In this step, the infinite evil spirits of heaven and earth enter the body, and the evil spirits of heaven and earth are tempered by one's own power.

The mana and physical body around the body can be further increased.

In ancient times, this state was also called advanced cultivation.

The word "Gao Xiu" already explains a lot of things.

Once you reach this level, you can be called an expert in the entire world of spiritual practice.

After his cultivation breakthrough, Ye Yang did not go out immediately.

Instead, he took out the dead dragon egg that was previously on the giant ship from the storage bag.

This dragon egg is about the size of a water tank, and it is densely covered with a clear layer of light that looks like dragon scales.

The overlapping scales were about the size of a palm. After taking them out, an indescribable light suddenly filled the courtyard.

Ye Yang called for the Sun Flying Turtle again. The Sun Flying Turtle paddled its limbs as soon as it saw the dead dragon's egg.

He immediately held his head high, roared in a low voice, and swallowed his saliva.

Became extremely excited and excited.

The dead dragon's egg looks like a dragon egg, but it is actually a special mineral.

Born in the dragon veins and containing countless dragon veins, it is a rare treasure.

There is an indescribable attraction to such creatures with tortoise shells and long scales.

Ye Yang watched the Sun Flying Turtle paddling its limbs to the side of the dead dragon's egg.

He stuck out his tongue and carefully licked the scales on it.

At this moment, Ye Yang felt his shoulders sink, his waist felt warm, and there seemed to be some soft touch coming over him.

Ye Yang looked back and saw that it was Xiu Ya who was pinching his waist with a hint of anger.

Xiu Ya stood beside Ye Yang, raised her snow-white head, and leaned slightly on his shoulder.

She has a fair complexion, a bright red mouth, and an indescribable gentleness, with a hint of shyness.

It seemed that he had been outside all day and all night.

At this time, when she saw Ye Yang walking out of the house, Xiu Ya was already extremely sleepy. She couldn't bear it anymore, so she lay on his shoulder and fell asleep.

Ye Yang showed a smile, knowing that it was very hard for Xiu Ya to stay in seclusion for him all day and night.

He cautiously reached out and touched Xiu Ya's left cheek.

Then he picked her up, walked into the house, and brought Xiu Ya

Placed on the bed.

As soon as Ye Yang picked her up, Xiu Ya woke up and turned around.

She looked at Ye Yang leisurely, leaned out of his arms, and kissed Ye Yang on the left side of his face.


Xiu Ya groaned.

Lying on Ye Yang's chest, he said, "Master, I... I seem to be pregnant."

Hearing these words, Ye Yang was suddenly startled and had an indescribable feeling.

He looked at Xiu Ya's belly and found that there was indeed a slight bulge on it.

It was just that the time was short and there was no big reaction.

"How come it's so fast?"

An indescribable feeling suddenly appeared in my heart.

"I have a child?"

In all his past and present lives combined, Ye Yang had never felt this way.

It was like being electrocuted.

The road is solitary, and practice is difficult.

He never thought that he would suddenly become worried again.

Silent, silent, Ye Yang did not speak.

However, Xiu Ya's face showed a trace of satisfaction and she slowly fell asleep.

Taking advantage of the early morning sunshine, Ye Yang walked to the courtyard. The sunlight filtered through the early morning mist and softly cast into the courtyard.

The Feitian Gate is illuminated with a brilliant golden glow.

Ye Yang was still in a slight daze.


A loud noise attracted Ye Yang to turn his head.

He looked back and saw the Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle lying on the dead dragon's egg.

The aura all over the body is vigorous and flickering, faintly about to fly.

At this moment it fluttered its tortoise shell slightly.

He kept absorbing the breath from the dead dragon's egg.

After a while, Zhuri Feigui shivered all over.

The middle of the tortoise shell is arched high, and a ball of air is exhaled from the mouth, firmly covering the mysterious dead dragon egg.

Then, an illusory black dragon shadow appeared on the dragon egg, and he pulled it into his mouth.

It may just be because the energy of the dragon vein is too majestic and vast.

Except for flying turtles every day.

The scaled demon elephant in Ye Yang's sleeve also started to stir slightly, moving back and forth in Ye Yang's sleeve, grabbing his sleeve and making noises.

I felt the turmoil in my sleeves.

Ye Yang flicked his hand and launched the scaled demon elephant onto the ground.

The demon elephant swelled in the wind, and soon became about ten feet in size.

He stretched out his huge hands and fought with the Sun Flying Turtle.

The two beasts opened their huge mouths and swallowed the dead dragon's eggs non-stop.

When Sun Chaser Flying Turtle saw his things being robbed and eaten, he roared, trying to scare away the scaly demon elephant.

But the scaled demon elephant didn't take it seriously at all.

Instead, a pair of giant hands pulled the dead dragon's egg aside.

After a stalemate for a while, Sun Flying Turtle suddenly became timid under the strong pressure of the scaly demon elephant.

Soon the dead dragon's egg was grabbed by the scaled demon elephant and moved aside.

The demon elephant stretched out its huge bronze hands, and then tore at the side with force.

He stepped towards the ground again, and a huge force filled his body.

A fierce aura filled the surrounding area.

The flying turtle wanted to step forward several times, but was frightened and could only retreat slowly.

Soon after, the scaled demon elephant opened its huge mouth and roared.

The elephant's trunk, which was like a soft whip, rolled up the huge dead dragon's egg and swallowed it in his mouth.

It opened its mouth full of fangs, and with a crunch, it swallowed three-quarters of the extremely hard dragon egg.

The remaining quarter was spit out by it and thrown in front of Sun Flying Turtle.

Seeing the dragon egg that he had been thinking about suddenly appear, the flying turtle hurriedly swallowed it in his mouth.

After a while, Fei Gui's whole body was filled with energy.

A ball of purple-black demonic energy extended from its head to its tail.

The tortoise shell actually grew in size, and the purple-black dragon aura quickly gathered on its head.

Something was rolling inside, as if it was about to come out of the cortex of the head.

After a while.

There was a surge on the flying turtle's head, and two dragon-like horns actually grew out of it.

It's just that it's not bifurcated. Instead, it's as sharp as a dragon, pointing slantingly at the sky, and it's extremely majestic and majestic.

"This, this is?"

Ye Yang walked over and stroked it gently with his hand.

This pair of dragon horns are hard to handle and are fully feet long, but compared to the huge size of the Sun Flying Turtle, they are still not worth mentioning.

Originally, the head of the Sun Flying Turtle was close to the shape of an ordinary turtle, but it was thicker and flatter.

But now with the pair of dragon horns, it looks like the head of a dragon turtle, looking more majestic and majestic, like a tyrannical giant.

My performance has been very poor these days, and I am adjusting my status. The update is a little late, and I hope you can forgive me. (End of chapter)

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