That group of people didn't know Tianluozi either.

It’s just that the jade belt around his waist is extremely luxurious.

The white jade piece is about an inch in diameter, with dragons and phoenixes on it. It is round and full, with clear carvings and extremely gorgeous.

Self-awareness is extraordinary.

It is the style of the royal family of the Universiade Dynasty.

Everyone didn't dare to neglect it, so they quickly fished it out and looked at it carefully.

He hurriedly reported it to the police, and soon a leader wearing black armor and a dragon-head mask was attracted.

The man investigated and was surprised.

They received the order and stood in a tight formation to wait for the distinguished guests, but why suddenly a man dropped from the sky.

But Ye Yang and others had already left. In mid-air, Ye Yang looked at the Leopard Demon coldly.

"There's something wrong with the Yin and Yang Reverse Chaos."

The Leopard Demon was taken aback and worried about gains and losses. He originally thought he would get a reward, but he failed and became uneasy.

He defended himself.

"Sir, I really did a good job in this matter."

Ye Yang glanced at him.

"Be calm and don't be impatient. I will naturally know your contribution."

The leopard demon didn't speak at all.

After all, this leopard demon is an old demon, so domineering and overconfident.

Ye Yang had to keep beating him to reduce his arrogance.

Conquer him from the bottom of his heart and his strength, first crush his self-confidence, and then slowly play with him.

Seeing the frustrated look on the Leopard Demon's face.

Ye Yang spoke.

"The two of you continue to sneak into the capital of the Universiade Dynasty, looking for traces of the Yi Qi Chang Autumn Sword Galaxy."


Ye Yang glanced at him.

"do you have any opinion?"

The leopard demon waved his hand.

"Don't dare, I will do my best to complete the envoy's orders."

"That's good."

"If things go wrong this time, I won't say more. After all, we are all brothers on the same front, but I hope there won't be a next time."

"As for the reward, I will give it to you next time."

Ye Yang ate him to death and refused to let him get his wish.

The Leopard Demon still relies on the wild spirit of the Yin Yang Son Mother Goddess, and hopes to use Ye Yang to gain the cultivation and respect of the Demon Swallowing City.

Don't dare to contradict.

He said no more and left with the Yin Yang Mother Goddess looking for the moonlight.

The two flew to the territory of the Universiade Dynasty.

After several people separated.

Ye Yang received another message from Li Di San Jian Fu Luo.

Soon after, Qingfeng Sword Yang Zhou, Blood Demon Saint Son, and Monk Baidu also arrived one after another.

Only Xuankong Jianyu Min found Chi Meier, and Chi Meier was humiliated by the false Tianluozi.

He felt so ashamed that he refused to meet everyone. He held Chi Meier in his arms and left alone, so he was not here.

The mist and rain were miserable, lightning flashed across, and there was a roar.

The electric light illuminates the night like day.

Reflecting on several people's faces.

"Tenrako was not found."

After a long time, Fu Luo sighed.

"I saw traces of the battle, it seems like the demon swallowed the people from the Immovable City?"

Ye Yang was startled, and then his tone became normal.

"I heard that the Demon Devouring Immovable City seems to be able to control strange things. I don't know if it's true or not. Why did they also join this war?"

Fu Luo sighed.

"It should be true. I heard that they have two great sages called Demon Guanyin and Dragon Elephant Ksitigarbha. Although they have few attacks, they are very powerful."

"The sect went to investigate specifically before. Although we didn't see the real person, we did find a strong and strange aura, which is very puzzling."

"And the few of them who walk around, like the descendants of the Elephant Demon Fist, and the Yin-Yang Son Mother Goddess, appear from time to time."

“It’s a bit unbelievable how Motun Fucheng can stand with the Universiade Dynasty.”

"In fact, in addition to Motun Fucheng, there are other forces involved. I also discovered the Phaseless Demon. Although he is a Sanren, he always only takes orders from the fourth prince."

Fu Luo groaned in his heart.

The Taixu Dao Sect had searched for traces of Motun Fucheng several times before.

After all, the opponent's ability to control strange powers is too terrifying, and no one should take it seriously.

There are even many people who want to find out the secrets.

But the other party hid it very well, resulting in little gain.

"Since Tianluozi can't be found, why don't we go to the waterway to intercept the giant ship that reaches the sky? I heard that there are a lot of treasures on the ship."

Monk Baidu's eyes widened and he made a suggestion. Everyone looked at each other, ready to make a move.

"In that case, act quickly."

After some discussion, several people were greatly moved, and then quickly arrived at the Split Wind Canyon.

Fortunately, Hongchun Temple is not far from Split Wind Canyon.

After a while, several people arrived in a long and narrow canyon.

Standing on the canyon at this moment, looking down, the long river merges into a line and flows down.

The vast blue water flows downward.

A giant ship reaching the sky was extremely huge, traveling quickly in the canyon river.

In a deep canyon with green mountains on both sides.

The seven-story boat building with the back of the boat is like a giant vermilion fish. It separates two stirred up white waves, soars up to a length of several feet, and then falls back to the water.

There was a huge roar.

"This is the moment, come on!"

Although the poor formation of birth, old age, sickness and death lacks Yu Min's poor formation, it is still powerful.

The formation started and the smoke dispersed.

The endless energy of birth, old age, illness and death is like the arrival of the darkest moment in the world.

Suddenly the giant ship was enveloped in black mist.

After a while, there were howling sounds coming from inside, and they lay on the ground one by one.

Several people looked happy.

"There are not many good players in this Tongtian giant ship."

Several people secretly guessed that the good players must have been taken away by Tianluozi to protect the peace of his body.

On the contrary, there are not many people in this giant ship.

This giant ship of Tongtian River must be filled with various treasures.

Now Tianluozi has escaped, and these things are privately collected and given to him by the Liu family.

So the possibility of revenge is very small.

"I'm really sorry, Tianluozi."

"But anyway, I saved your life. In this case, these are regarded as a life-saving gift."

"There are not many masters on this ship. At this moment, in the life, old age, sickness, and death formation of my Taixu Dao Sect, there is absolutely no possibility of turning the tables again."

One sentence said.

Fu Luo glanced at everyone, pointed a sword, the earth and the sky trembled, and infinite green light fell on the Tongtian giant ship.

It actually pierced the deck of the ship directly.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, quickly activate the formation."

An old man on the Tongtian giant ship saw this scene and slowly raised his hand.

He took out a human bone pipe, opened his mouth and blew it, and the human bone pipe turned into a flame ghost head in the air, flying above the giant ship, looking back and forth.

But with a whistle.

It was soon defeated by the dragon and tiger golden ring of the Blood Demon Saint.

And on the giant ship.

A layer of surging red light immediately appeared.

The light was like a dragon circling, colliding with the infinite sickness and death of the formation of life, old age, sickness and death.

Boom! Boom!

On the deck of the giant ship, many monks holding magic tools also appeared.

They took out talismans and magic tools and attacked frantically outside.

But at this moment, Ye Yang and others were all wearing the flags of the formation, and these magic tools and talismans did not play the role they should.

They sank under the formation of life, old age, sickness and death.

Under the rain curtain, three swords were standing on the ground, and with one hand, a phantom like Tai Chi Bagua flew out behind him.

It was as if the world was about to collapse, covering the huge ship in front.

The wooden structure of the huge ship soon collapsed because it could not withstand such a huge pressure.

Then a surprised voice jumped out from the ship.

A black dragon armor, a silver dragon-shaped mask covering the whole face.

With a wave of his hand, the mask suddenly expanded, flew out and turned into a city of bones, and held up his Tai Chi Bagua phantom.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Fists hit the flesh, and hundreds of moves were attacked in an instant.

The two fought in succession, shaking the sky and blocking the river.

Seeing this, Ye Yang and others also hurriedly began to attack.

Ye Yang pointed out with a sword, and the black mask of the old man with bones was split from the middle, divided into two sides, and slid to the ground.

And the monk Bai Du smashed down with a big fist, cracking the man's head and turning it into a broken watermelon.

After this man died, there were not many good players on the huge Tongtian giant ship.

Only the old man holding the human bone pipe was still fighting desperately, but he was soon surrounded and attacked by four people.

He died on the spot.

After the two died.

At this time, under the attack of several people, a one-sided massacre was formed, and blood was everywhere.

After a while, there were not many people left.

Tianluozi went to visit his mother's family Liu family this time, representing the Dayun Dynasty.

Of course, according to Ye Yang's guess.

The most important thing is that Tianluozi is about to "marry" the Mobei Wolf Clan as a male concubine.

The two sides are married.

He came here, most likely to get the support of his relatives. (End of this chapter)

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