The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 415 Flesh Taoist Soldiers Harvest from Hard Work

The whole person actually flew backwards dozens of feet, smashed a piece of old pine and cypress, and lay on the ground, full of disbelief.

"You... you have great strength."

There was a trace of horror in his eyes.

He was a cultivator of the eighth level of Yuye realm of martial arts, and practiced the body refining technique "Shura Demon Hand".

But in the head-on confrontation, he was at a disadvantage.

He wanted to attack again, but at this time, a ball of rotten purple smoke enveloped his whole body.

The faceless demon roared.

Those purple miasma looked quite gorgeous, but they were indeed surprisingly poisonous.

Drilling into the nostrils, the internal organs were painful everywhere.

"It's poisonous."

He forced it, and the magic power suppressed the poison.

The leopard demon on the side slowly put away the purple smoke divine haze cover.

This thing was the magic weapon given to him by Ye Yang when he killed Elder Zuo before.

It was made of the rotten peach miasma in the mountains. Although it did not have any strong offensive power.

But it contained a mouthful of fierce poison.

Even though he was very strong, the poison gas entered his body and made him feel uncomfortable for a while.

On the other side, Ye Yang also had a heavy face.

To be honest, the other party had a higher cultivation level than him.

He just used the physical strength he gained from the Elephant Demon Fist.

He had just gained a slight advantage and knocked the other party dozens of feet away.

But the other party had a strong mana in his body.

The mana of a practitioner in the Jade Liquid Realm was as strong as jade. If it was a life-and-death fight.


He might not be his opponent.

The Wuxiang Demon's cultivation level was indeed very strong.

It was even a little scary.

Only a few people in the Feitian Sect had reached the eighth level of the Jade Liquid Realm.

At this moment, Ye Yang saw the opportunity and did not dare to neglect it. He swung the Demon Buddha Vajra in his hand forward.

A visible bombardment wave rushed to the sky.

Like a giant dragon with spiral energy, it appeared out of nowhere.

The Leopard Demon also held a fine steel spear and rushed straight to the sky.

The Yin-Yang Goddess moved, turned into a black smoke, and flew over.

The old-faced baby on the shoulder had already taken a step ahead and rushed forward quickly.

He opened his toothpick-like fangs and bit him directly.

The head on the tail was equally ferocious. He opened his mouth and bit off one of his eyes unexpectedly.

Three against one.

All within a radius of dozens of feet were turned into powder.

The faceless demon lost an eyeball.

He was already unable to support himself and was completely at a disadvantage. His body retreated rapidly.

The next moment.

He showed a trace of ferocity on his face, took a few breaths, turned his palm again, and smashed it heavily.

"You are looking for death, faceless Moruo hand!"

A huge palm covering the sky fell from the sky, covering the moonlight, and pressed down with a bang.

With a boom!

The giant palm attacked, Ye Yang raised his head and punched hard.

"The demon elephant swallows the sky!"

At this moment, his nose and mouth opened, and the air around him formed a miniature nebula, pouring back into his nose and mouth.

A huge demon elephant suddenly appeared behind him.

The demon elephant shook off its nose, ran wildly to the sky, turned into a cannonball, and directly knocked the formless demon to the ground.

He spit out a mouthful of blood.

His face was pale.

Ye Yang sighed secretly when he saw his state.

For such an old man, it is best to use the Thirteen Swords of Time, but the power of the White Horse Knife cannot be exposed.

If the Thirteen Swords of Time are used at this time, it will only bring trouble to oneself.

Ye Yang glanced at the Leopard Demon, and the Leopard Demon immediately understood, and purple smoke and miasma lingered around his body, and he came again.

And Tianluozi over there, seeing this thrilling battle in the field, had already been scared out of his wits.

His fat body turned into a huge ball, rolled towards the cliff on one side, and fled away.

The Wu Xiang demon naturally refused to give up. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took a step, and wanted to chase him.

But he was already tightly entangled by the Leopard Demon and the Yin Yang Mother Goddess.

Ye Yang took a step, and the whole person was like a cannonball, and he had already swept through the jungle and arrived in front of Tianluozi first.

Ye Yang's thick arms directly lifted Tianluozi.

Although Tianluozi was very fat.

But at this moment, he was not enough in front of the two-zhang-tall demon elephant giant.

Ye Yang grabbed him and put him in a safe area.

He spoke in a muffled voice.

"Are you Tianluozi?"

The fat figure nodded and touched the sweat on his forehead.

"I don't know who you are, brother. I have no way to repay you for saving my life this time. After returning, I will definitely report to my father and reward him greatly."

Ye Yang did not speak, and at this moment he secretly operated his sword pupils.

In his eyes, golden sword light was urged.

At this moment, two golden-red sword lights shot out in the air and pierced Tianluozi's arm.

A burnt smell came.

The fat on Tianluozi's arm had been pierced with two scars.

However, due to the excessive fat, the muscles were blocked and no blood flowed out.

Ye Yang said,

"Where is the real Tianluozi?"

"Tell me quickly, otherwise, I will definitely make you look bad. You must know that I can't stand people lying."

When the man heard Ye Yang's words, he showed a trace of tension in his eyes, and then he straightened his face.

"Brother Dao, why do you say that? I am the real Tianluozi, the eighteenth son of the Dayun Dynasty, and my mother, Concubine Hua, is from the Liu family of Jingzhou, absolutely true."

Ye Yang smiled coldly, retracted his sword pupils, and his golden-red eyes returned to normal.

But the Blood Orange Treasure Tree shook slightly, and the sword fruits hanging on it flew around.

A sonorous sound!

The sword fruit flew out and turned into thirty-six sword lights hanging three inches above his head.

The next moment, we have to plunge into the air!

Seeing this scene, the man finally couldn't hold on any longer.

"How did you figure out my identity?"

Ye Yang said.

"My golden eyes are designed to see through reality. Although your disguise is very powerful, it's still a bit inferior to me."

"Since brother is so open-minded, I won't hide it anymore."

Ye Yang was shocked.

"What are you doing?"

He saw something.

The fat giant in front of him actually took out a jade knife.

Then he put the blade against his huge belly, and then cut open his belly from top to bottom.

The stomach was disembowelled, revealing the internal organs.

A fishy smell came, and Ye Yang couldn't help but pinch his nose.

The next moment, a handsome young man of seventeen or eighteen years old emerged from the man's turbulent internal organs.

This young man has black hair and sharp eyebrows, a well-proportioned figure, and deep eyes, as if he were in an ancient well, exuding a gentle and elegant spirit.

But between the eyebrows, there is all grace and elegance, all chic and suave.

Where is the bloated and fat look from before?

"Are you Tianluozi!?"

That huge and fat body is not dead at this moment.

After the real Tianluozi came out, he took out a knife and cut open his belly. At this time, his face was pale and his face was like gold paper.

Then he actually took out a set of black needle and thread and slowly sewed up his belly.

Ye Yang was surprised.

This kind of special method has never been seen before.

Tian Luozi was as gentle as jade, he hugged Ye Yang and said.

"Thank you, Brother Tao, for the rescue. These are the flesh and blood Tao soldiers prepared by my father for me. They are one and the same. I just didn't expect that Brother Tao is extraordinary and can actually see what I'm hiding."

Ye Yang was not polite to him.

With a big move of his hand, Tianluozi's body was already in front of him.

And his huge palms also tightly grasped Tian Luozi's neck.

Tianluozi, who had a normal human body, looked extremely weak in his hands at this moment.

It's like a chicken waiting to be slaughtered.

"Aren't you afraid?"

He glanced at Tianluozi.

Tianluozi smiled slowly, very calmly.

"If Taoist fellows want to kill me, why bother to save me? Besides, a great hero should have an elk rising to the left without blinking his eyes, and a mountain Tai falling in front without changing his appearance."

"It's just life and death, so why should I be afraid?"

This sentence is quite grand.

It made Ye Yanggao look at him.

"Okay, since you are a smart person, then talk about smart people."

"I'm here to ask you, is this an evil spirit brought back from the Liu family by visiting relatives?"

Tianluozi's face turned pale.

"It turns out it's for this matter. Don't worry, Brother Dao. If you like that evil spirit, I can just give it to you with my own hands. There's no need to do anything."

Ye Yang showed a smile.

The next moment, in Tianluozi's disbelief, he suddenly took off Tianluozi's clothes.

Tianluozi was taken aback, with disbelief in his eyes.

"You, what are you doing?"

"Where's your storage bag? Take it out quickly."

Tianluozi breathed a sigh of relief.

"To be honest, Brother Dao, I don't have a storage bag, but a storage box, which is just above my belt. You will know it when you take a look."

Ye Yang searched for it and found a three-inch jade plate on his belt. It was round and transparent, like mutton-fat white jade, and exuded a faint luster.

It is carved with a lifelike pattern of a coiled dragon and a fighting phoenix.

"How to open it?"

Tianluozi said.

"My treasure box is specially made by the imperial family. It cannot be opened with magic power. It requires the blood of the royal family to open it."

Ye Yang raised his finger and drew it in the air, and a line of blood dripped on the jade box.

He screamed in pain and then said.

"Brother Taoist, just one drop of blood is enough, why do you need so much blood?"

Ye Yang did not answer, but had already opened the jade box.

This jade box is worthy of being used by the royal family. It is quite large inside, with a full area of ​​ten feet.

At this moment, he suddenly saw Tianluozi's face turn red.

"Why, is there anything shameful in your jade box?"

He didn't speak, but his face was slightly red.

The next moment, when Ye Yang saw what was inside, he couldn't help but be surprised.

There were actually women's bellybands, underwear and other things everywhere inside.

There was still residual body scent on it.

"I didn't expect that the famous Tenrako, a noble nobleman of the Emperor, would have such a hobby?"

Tianluozi's face turned red and he murmured.

"Are they all...all men?"

At the end of the sentence, the voice was like a mosquito and a fly, making it difficult to hear clearly.

Ye Yang turned over these things.

Soon, a golden jade bottle was found inside.

There was a special and familiar aura in the jade bottle, which made the evil energy all over Ye Yang's body beat constantly.

"I found it. Could it be that the Yin and Yang are in reverse and chaos?"

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