The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 413: Contrast (continue asking for monthly votes)

At this time, Tianluozi suddenly rose up, and his fat body burst out with extraordinary strength.

Shockingly powerful.

Fu Luo, who was standing on the ground with three swords, was knocked away just now. At this time, he still didn't get up. The situation was not good, and everyone felt heavy.

"Amitabha, we are here today. No matter how powerful Tianluozi is, we must put an end to him and make him die without a burial place."

Monk Baidu clasped his hands together and spoke compassionately, but with endless killing intent.

"Cough! Cough!"

Fu Luo coughed dryly and walked over slowly, but his chest collapsed, with a big hole already dented.

The injury was obviously serious.

"Everyone, Master Baidu is right. We must not fail. Let's work together."

Fu Luo pointed his sword and coughed a mouthful of blood, still not ready to let Tian Luo Zi go.

Qingfeng Sword Yang Zhou's face was pale at this moment.

Anyone who sees all five of his fingers bitten off by their roots would be so miserable.

He could no longer hold the sword.

Therefore, he could only use his magic power to control the banner with the word "sickness" behind him, and his eyes were filled with blood.

"The sword talisman from outside the sky is coming."

"The great formation of the five directions has arisen, and disease and death have appeared in the world!"

Fu Luo roared angrily, and everyone present hurriedly cooperated with him, and the five-party flags spun.

The five flags of birth, old age, sickness, death and poverty rise in the wind and turn into five streams of light.

Tianluozi has been trapped.

Tianluozi's body suddenly grew by half in size at this moment, and his already fat body grew even more than once.

The layers of fat on his belly have fallen to the ground.

The fat on his face was raised high, and his already small eyes could no longer see the seams.

And in the five-sided formation, there are murderous intentions that move the mountains and rivers with swords, roars of dragons and tigers, and the aura of disease, death and plague. They are colorful and full of murderous intentions.

Everyone took action with all their strength, but Ye Yang knew that he could not delay in order to avoid attracting attention.

At this time, he poured 70% of his mana into the formation flag in his hand.

But he still had reservations and did not use the sword.

Instead, he used his hand instead of the sword and fired out a series of swift and fierce sword lights.

The five people joined forces and hid in Hongchun Temple.

Wind and rain followed each other, and on this vast rainy night, the wind was strong, and thick clouds like dragons formed in the formation sky, rolling out for several miles.

In an instant, Tianluozi was in danger.

At the critical moment, Tianluozi stretched out his arms and rushed towards him like a giant reaching the sky with his arms pressed down.

All the attacks that were thrown at him were deflected by the giant city of golden light on his body.

The remaining attacks hit him even through the golden light.

But it was also blocked by the thick fat and fleshy skin on his body.

"If you want to kill me, you are not qualified enough."

Tianluozi roared angrily, and took out something in his hand. It was a piece of golden paper, but it seemed to be waste paper, and there were already creases on it.

It seemed that someone had thrown it into the trash can.

"This is a piece of waste paper that my father left when he was practicing calligraphy. I have been reluctant to use it. You are in luck today."

Tianluo Zizhen slowly spread out the paper.

Before the origami was unfolded, an indescribable rich golden light erupted from inside.

Boom! Boom!

Everyone's hearts seemed to be beating along with the paper.

Several people couldn't help but feel anxious and extremely stressed.

"Be careful, the other party has the handwriting of Yu Taxian."

"We must fight quickly."

Everyone looked at each other, and no one thought that Tianluozi was hidden so deeply.

The battle has been delayed until now.

That piece of shredded paper seemed to have infinite power.

Tianluozi is now ten feet tall, covered with snow-white fat, but the fat is full of explosive power.

He slowly unfolded the paper, ready to make a shocking blow.

But at this moment, a narrow sword light suddenly appeared in the sky and the earth.

The sword is as bright as light, as fast as lightning, and as fast as wind and rain.

Just like the moonlight falling, no one noticed it, but when they noticed it, it was already slashed on them.

Earth-shattering shock, strange noises and roars.

It does not have the power to conquer mountains and rivers with its fists, nor does it have the domineering power to destroy all directions.

But there is only one thing.

That is fast and ruthless!

Suddenly a sword light came from the field.

Let everyone be surprised.

No one thought that there were other people hiding beside him.

Ye Yang looked at the Blood Demon Saint Son and found that his face was also full of surprise.

He then looked at Fu Luo, the person with the highest level of cultivation here, even though Fu Luo was well hidden.

But there was also surprise in the corners of his eyes.

Ye Yang groaned, already understanding something.

"This is not a back-up plan arranged by Taixu Dao Sect."

Ye Yang was startled, and then shouted.

"not good!"

A third party suddenly appeared in the field, although they didn't know where they came from.

But that sword strike just now was terrifyingly fast and terrifyingly powerful.

It was obvious that he was secretly preparing to kill Tianluozi with one blow.

"It must be stopped!"

A thought suddenly appeared in Ye Yang's mind.

But the sword was too fast, and he couldn't stop it in time.

With a bang, the sword light directly hit Tian Luozi's forehead.

It was so sharp that it actually broke through the golden light and penetrated into Tian Luozi's head.

It penetrated directly through his head, leaving fat and white brains all over the floor.

"Die like this?"

Tonight, there were many twists and turns.

Who would have thought that this would be the outcome?

At first, everyone had the advantage and thought they had the victory.

But they didn't expect that when victory came, Tianluozi suddenly revealed his hidden skills.

He turned out to be a rare master.

As a result, he just took out the treasure and was about to turn the tables.

The third party came down brazenly and killed him with a sword.

Tianluozi died just like that, under the sword of the attacker.

Ye Yang didn't even have a chance to react.

"Tianluozi can die, even anywhere, but he must not die in Feitianmen's territory."

"Otherwise, it will attract the revenge of Dayun Dynasty."

Ye Yang frowned and sighed.

In fact, he had already taken action.

He was fully prepared.

If necessary, he was even prepared to open a gap in the formation to let Tianluozi escape.

Then find someone to return it to Dayun Dynasty.

In this way, Feitianmen can still be between Dayun Dynasty and the three holy places, balancing all parties.

In fact, Leopard Demon and others had been recruited back from Jingzhou by Ye Yang.

They had ambushed in secret in advance.

But no one expected that the person hidden in the dark would be so fierce and domineering.

He actually penetrated Tianluozi's body-protecting golden light and pierced Tianluozi's head with a sword.

"Who is it? Is it his secret competitor or the hostile force of Dayun Dynasty?"

The immortal dynasty fought for the throne, the nine dragons fought for the throne, and countless people died.

Fathers and sons killed each other, brothers turned against each other, and the cruelty of competition was even better than the great way of cultivation.


At this moment, Tianluozi was dead, and everyone retreated quickly.

Fu Luo was overjoyed.

"Although the process was tortuous this time, Tianluozi finally died, and we have made a worthwhile trip."

And the sword light in the dark was also very strange. Since killing Tianluozi, it has never appeared again.

It seems that it has never appeared in the world, and people can't feel a trace of power.

Everyone looked at each other.

I don't know who this amazing strong man hidden in the dark is, and what his origin is.

A sword can penetrate the defensive gold bricks and then penetrate Tianluozi's skull.

Obviously, the person who came is extraordinary, at least he has reached the perfect realm of martial arts.

He must have practiced special skills to do this.

The minds of several people were racing, each with his own considerations, and no one knew what they were thinking.

After a short rest, he walked to Tianluozi's side and cleaned up the battlefield.

Ye Yang turned over Tianluozi's fat body and was in the surging meat mountain behind him.

He picked up the paper that seemed to be rolled up and thrown to the ground by someone.

The paper was golden, and there seemed to be something written on it, just a random stroke.

But even so, even if Ye Yang opened his eyes wide, he couldn't see what was written on it.

"Is that Ren Taxian really so terrifying that he can't even look directly at the words he wrote casually?"

Ye Yang's heart was filled with huge waves. What realm is this kind of cultivation?

Terribly powerful.

The crowd searched for a while afterwards, but did not find anything precious.

Only Yu Min found Chi Mei'er's body with heartache, and embraced Chi Mei'er's caring condolences.

Yang Zhou was very angry because Tianluozi had just swallowed his ten fingers.

He raised his foot and stomped on Tianluozi's fat head a few times. He was still not satisfied and spit.

However, it was this kick that made him discover those things, and he roared in disbelief.

"No, this is not Tianluozi!"

"Don't talk nonsense, who else can it be if not Tianluozi?"

Yang Zhou pointed to the head.

"Look, the princes of the Dayun Dynasty have three golden lines behind their heads, showing dragons, which is their bloodline inheritance."

"But this person doesn't have it behind his head!"

A group of people walked over and turned over the fat head, their faces gloomy.

It was found that there was nothing behind the head.

No one could have imagined that it would be like this.

After careful planning for many days, it took so much effort to win.

Who knew that the person who died was not Tianluozi? This is really ridiculous.

It makes people feel that they can't use their strength

It's like punching cotton, and they can't use their strength.

But then, a question appeared in the minds of everyone present.

"Since he is not Tianluozi, where is the real Tianluozi?"


These chapters use a special way to write the plot, and the plot is twists and turns, which is basically unexpected.

You can give your opinions and see how it goes.

In addition, please support the monthly ticket. If we have two more monthly tickets, we can enter the top 90. Thank you. (End of this chapter)

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