At this time, there was a huge cave in the mountain.

Various arrangements have already been made.

This cave is extremely spacious and can accommodate hundreds of people.

It's just that when Tianluozi is around, others naturally don't dare to rest.

Instead, they were all outside in the rain.

After a while, the rain became heavier and heavier. Instead of stopping, it started pouring down.

Especially the lightning was brilliant, and the majestic rainwater fell from the mountain stream, like a torrent, rushing directly into the cave.

The beauties on Tianluozi's soft couch were frightened to death when they saw this, and immediately used their magic power to form an iron umbrella in the sky.

It has withstood the torrential rain and the hurricanes that come from all seasons.

However, some noisy sounds and musty weather still made Tianluozi unhappy.

He frowned and then said.

"Everyone followed me to Hongchun Temple. With such bad weather, damp and moldy smell, we are still hundreds of miles away from Tao'anfang City. I can't wait for a quarter of an hour."

Seeing that Tianluozi was determined to leave, a group of people did not dare to stop him.

Only the monk dressed as a scholar showed joy in his eyes.

The huge team turned back again, and a group of hundreds of people arrived at Hongchun Temple with a roar.

Ye Yang and others are waiting.

In the second half of the night, the sound of rain in the mountains and forests became louder and louder, and there was a chill everywhere.

"I'm afraid those people won't come."

"The wait today was in vain."

"If I had known, I would have taken action earlier and killed them directly. Now I don't know where they have gone."

The red lamp monk from Hongchun Temple had a smile on his lips, and Ye Yang glanced at him.

Knowing that he had the same idea as him, he didn't want Tianluozi to die in Hongchun Temple.

But the next moment, he saw the red light monk's face completely lowered, and even his black eyebrows were lowered.

And Ye Yang also heard the sound of huge people and horses moving around.

Boom, boom, boom.

The voice is not quiet.

Soon after, a loud shout was heard like thunder, and two tall figures suddenly fell from the sky and rushed directly into Hongchun Temple.

"Everything here is normal, there is nothing suspicious, but why are none of the monks in the temple missing?"

Ye Yang knew that this was a scout who came to investigate in advance, specifically to detect various dangers for the royal family in advance.

A group of people did not dare to be alarmed and held their breaths, but they relied on the two people to investigate.

After a while, the two found nothing wrong and went back to report.

Tianluozi and others have arrived at the temple gate.

"Since there's no one around, let's go in and avoid the rain for the night."

Logically speaking, these people are all monks, so the rainy weather will not be a big deal.

But Tianluozi couldn't bear the mortal body and didn't want to endure the mountain road and the rainy weather.

They can only give up.

A group of people entered the temple.

Tianluozi stood up from the soft couch, stretched out his fat and big fingers and hugged a gauze beauty.

He pressed her under him, and before she could take a few breaths, Meiji was suffocated to death by his huge body.

He frowned and thundered.

"It's really bad luck!"

The next moment, he directly hugged the two beauties with a big wave of his hand, but he did not hold them in his arms, but stretched out his fingers to treat them as vent toys.

The two beauties screamed miserably, not daring to resist, but the pain was heartbreaking.

After playing for a long time, Tianluozi threw the two beauties directly into the mud on the ground.

The forehead touched by the bluestone was covered with blood.

The two struggled to get up. They were covered in mud, and their jade-like snowy skin was already pitted, bruised and covered in mud and water.

The corners of his mouth were filled with blood.

He was quite dissatisfied.

"They are all vulgar fans who serve captured women."

He gave one sentence.

Immediately, several guards walked down and pressed over a woman.

Suddenly, a fragrant breeze came in the space, and a charming female voice sounded.

"No, Master Eighteen, don't..."

The stunning woman with fair and supple skin was tied up with a red rope. She had a tall figure and was wearing a long slit skirt with half of her body exposed.

She didn't wear shoes, and walked slowly, her jade feet like bows, stepping step by step. Long and fair thighs.

She didn't wear shoes, and her jade feet were like bows, standing upright in fear.

She was tied up with a red rope, and there were bruises and bruises on her arms and legs at the hem of her slit skirt.

"It's Chi Mei'er, why is she here?"

"And he was captured alive by Tenrako?"

The sudden scene shocked everyone present.

Even Ye Yang couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't know what the Taixu Dao Sect was doing.

Could it be that there is a honey trap before the war?

And Yu Min was holding the Qiongzi Formation Flag, his eyes filled with anger.

He has the best relationship with Chi Meier.

At this time, seeing Chi Mei'er's charming appearance, she had already lost her mind. Her whole body was in turmoil due to her excessive emotions.

"No, Yu Min, please calm down quickly."

When Fu Luo heard the sound, Yu Min woke up and quickly covered it with the Qiongzi array flag.

Hidden in darkness again.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the formation flag was quite magical and no one noticed it.

But Tian Luozi over there showed no mercy and had already hugged Chi Mei'er into the soft couch.

He stretched out his big hands, hugged her plump body and snow-white jade body and said.

"What a slutty beauty, uncle, I like her the most... I usually like to eat beauties like you."

After he finished speaking, he stuck out his tongue and licked Chi Mei's snow-white thigh a few times, his eyes red.

In the soft couch, only Chi Meier's frightened shouts were left.

Tianluozi's body became fatter and fatter, pressing down on Chi Meier.

The next moment, he opened his huge mouth and bit Chi Meier's ear.

The screams shook.

Everyone present was in disbelief.

Luo Zi didn't know what kind of strange skills he practiced that day. After seeing the beauty, he wanted to open his mouth and devour her.

The dilapidated temple now reflected his fat body.

It makes him look like a living devil.

Extremely weird.

At this moment, a voice came

"Eighteenth Prince, this Chi Mei'er is from our Liu family, and I hope you can spare her life."

But before he could reach Tianluozi, he was stopped by the guard next to Tianluozi.

Tianluozi glanced at him with cold eyes, and then said.

"It's good that the Liu family is my mother's family, but my surname is Yu, and I am the daughter of Yu Taxian. The Liu family is just like a lackey in front of my Yu family."

"I'm just a guest of yours. It's fine if you don't serve me. How dare you stop me?"

The man paused and then said.

"Eighteen Master, if you want a woman, I will go to the village and search for a hundred and eighty women for you. It won't be a problem for you to have a hundred or eight women."

"But please let this girl go, she...she is a member of our Liu family. We can't kill our own people and make our own people feel cold!"

"Save me, don't..."

At this time, Chi Mei'er was already frightened beyond recognition.

Tenrako chuckled.

"I just like to play with my own people. Speaking of which, your Liu family is really useless."

He used his fat body to cover Chi Meier.

"Trash, those village girls are sallow and skinny. I won't even play with them if they ask me to play with them. Where can I find such beauties who can arouse people's desire?"

Tianluozi's small eyes showed excitement as he looked at Chi Meier and bit out countless blood marks on her neck.

"But this one is different. The skin is white and the jade meat is plump. It tastes even more delicious when used. Get out of here! Don't bother me with the Liu family."

The man's teeth were broken.

"No, she is my daughter, we are the in-laws, we are ministers with meritorious service, and we are also involved in supporting the pregnant family."

"Chi Mei'er turns out to be the illegitimate daughter of the Liu family."

Ye Yang was shocked. The Taixu Taoist Sect did have many branches, and even relatives of the emperor had infiltrated it.

Tian Luozi sneered over there.

"So, you don't listen to me, you don't listen to the pregnant family, you don't listen to the Universiade Dynasty? Are you planning to rebel?"

His figure was swaying, his eyes were cold, and his whole body exuded an indescribable evil aura.

"Everything in the world belongs to the king, and the shores of the land belong to the king's ministers. All the women in the world belong to the Yu family. Don't forget, these thousands of miles of land belong to our family."

"Without our family, you wouldn't know where you are now."

"Don't say it's just a woman. Even if I eat the eldest lady of your Liu family, who would dare to say anything."

With a wave of his fat hand, he took off all Chi Meier's robes, revealing the snow-white body underneath.

"My lord, I beg you, please show your respect. This is my daughter, but later... then she left home and became a daughter-in-law..."

"If you can let go of your daughter, I am willing to sacrifice everything for you."

"Be a cow and a horse, haha..."

Tianluozi sneered.

"Being a bull and a horse?"

His huge body stood up slowly, as if he had heard some incredible joke.

"There are too many people in the world who want to be like cows or horses in my family. Who are you? Why don't you take a pee and take a look at yourself first to see if you have the strength to be in the real world? Then let's talk about being cows, horses, and dogs. Dog thing.”

With disdain on his face, he opened his mouth and tore off Chi Meier's snow-white jade arms.

The man was almost fainting, and he could only feel the figure shaking in front of him.

He wanted to save his daughter, but the scholar and Zhu Gang hiding in the dark blocked the way.

He couldn't bear to see this scene and wanted to stay away, but the scholar dressed as a scholar stopped him.

He was devastated.

"What? I don't ask you to let my daughter go now, even if I can leave on my own?"

The scholar smiled coldly.

"Did Master Eighteen let you go? You are here to watch now. Our Fourth Master likes to slut wife and daughter in front of others the most. We can only go away after watching this."

In front of her loved ones, after seeing her daughter being played with, she devoured her alive.

This weird scene made everyone present feel chilled.

The man's body swayed, and at this moment, he had the potential to fight to the death.

Even the mother clan has struggled countless times.

But in other people's eyes, they are just like dogs.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came out.

"Damn it! Let go of Junior Sister Mei'er."

A sword light suddenly appeared, and Yu Min couldn't bear it anymore.

Seeing Chi Meier being violated, Yu Min swung his sword to kill Tian Luozi directly.

But before he could reach it, he was already restrained by a person next to him who used softness to overcome strength and restrained him with his palm.

When several people saw this, their bodies were exposed and they knew they could no longer hide it.

"Kill Tianluozi and destroy the Universiade Dynasty. Return peace to the people."


Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Bang bang!

Blood spurted out, and miserable screams were heard everywhere.

"Who is it? There is an enemy attack."

"Be careful, this is a place covered by formations, retreat quickly."

A group of people panicked, but it was too late.

A stream of light appeared, and then turned into a dark realm, with five formation flags of life, old age, sickness, death and poverty appearing in the sky.

Standing in different directions, this place was cut off in an instant and became a place outside.

Cries of death, roars, mixed with the sounds of wind, rain, and thunder.

The sound was loud.

In the blink of an eye, the ground shattered and dozens of streams of light suddenly flew away.

Half of the hundreds of people died instantly.

The huge temple collapsed at this moment.

...(End of chapter)

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