The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 390: The Four Symbols of Heaven's Will and the Nine Apertures of Xuanhuang

Gu Xuan said.

"It is rumored that Tian Yi Chun Qiu Lord had touched a bottleneck of the Dao Realm in his later years, and his inheritance is of great significance for Fei Tian Men to learn from."

The world has changed a lot.

Sixty thousand years ago, this place was still a vast ocean.

At that time, Tian Yi Chun Qiu Lord was the undisputed overlord here.

But he never thought that after several years, the Netherworld Yellow Spring would appear in the world.

A great battle was a bloody rain, and the sky collapsed and the earth split.

When the Netherworld Yellow Spring came, Tian Yi Chun Qiu Lord dared to be the first to fight with it.

But he didn't expect to be seriously injured and died in seclusion not long after.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

"It's difficult to practice, and it's even more difficult to seek the law. The Tianyi Spring and Autumn Lord's Tianyi Four Symbols Jue can transform into the sun, thunder, wind and clouds. It is a first-class treasure method according to the spring and autumn solar terms, winter and summer seasons." "As long as we can obtain this inheritance, our Feitianmen will have the real foundation and an unshakable inheritance." The Canghai Zhenshan Bao Jue has always been in the hands of Taixu Daomen. The more people know about this method, the easier it is for people to know its weaknesses. This is why Taixu Daomen sent the Canghai Zhenshan Bao Jue without fear. As long as someone dares to practice according to this method, the weaknesses are under their control. The two of them then roughly explored the area. They found that this area was not far from Feitianmen, and they couldn't help but feel more at ease. Then the two of them rode the Sun Chasing Flying Turtle and returned to Feitianmen. They were preparing for follow-up matters. Ye Yang returned to the courtyard. Xiu Ya was picking persimmons in the courtyard with her fat buttocks raised, preparing to make persimmons. It was just the beginning of autumn, the mountains had just rained, and the weather was late.

The persimmons that had not yet completely softened and turned red were soaked in warm water and removed by her skillful hands.

The persimmons produced were not only not sour, but also sweet and delicious, crisp and juicy, and contained extremely rich spiritual energy, which could moisten the lungs, detoxify, and promote the production of body fluids and relieve internal heat.

After sensing that Ye Yang had returned, Xiu Ya quickly climbed down from the persimmon tree.

"Sir, this year the old persimmon tree has produced a terrifyingly dense amount of fruit, and even the size has grown a lot."

At this time, Ye Yang also noticed the changes in the persimmon tree.

He couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Although this old persimmon tree has been promoted to a first-level spiritual plant.

Since breaking through to the warrior realm.

The spiritual energy contained in these persimmons has not been of much substantial help to his practice.

On weekdays, they are just for food and drink.

The rest were taken by Xiu Ya to sell in Tao'an Market.

Or given to the tenants in the front yard.

At this moment, under his gaze, he found that the old persimmon tree seemed to have reached the limit of its lifespan.

This old persimmon tree was already very old, with cracked bark, and it was unknown how many years it had lived.

Later, when the Feitianmen spiritual vein absorbed the spiritual marrow beads of Wang Sandao Shaoyang Cave, the spiritual energy increased greatly, and it accidentally entered the first-level spiritual plant.

But after all, the root bones are limited, and it is originally a mortal thing. It is almost impossible to go further.

In addition, all things in the world have a life limit.

Although the lifespan of trees is long, they are no exception.

"I'm afraid it is a state of last light. Next year, maybe I won't see it bearing fruit."

Ye Yang sighed in his heart.

He spent many springs and autumns under this persimmon tree, and the withering and flourishing hand was also gained from the enlightenment of persimmon leaves, and then he got started.

"People and trees will wither and flourish, and they all obey the same sky."

The road is like a lamp extinguished, and the vicissitudes of the world have passed.

Ye Yang was not surprised.

Just like the beauty fades, the beauty leaves the mirror and the flowers leave the tree, no one can change it.

Tonight, the cold moon is hanging high. The moonlight sprinkled gently on Feitian Gate, as if covering the entire Feitian Gate with a veil.

Ye Yang had just finished practicing Qi in Shouzhu Courtyard, and Xiu Ya brought a plate of fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits and quietly placed it on the table.

She moved her body and got into Ye Yang's arms like a kitten, poked her head out, and fed him a grape with her red lips and sweet tongue, chewing the skin.

"Sir, many people came to see you today, and brought a lot of gifts and bonuses."

Ye Yang said.

"What? Who's coming again?"

Xiu Ya stretched out her snow-white arms, gently wrapped her arms around Ye Yang's neck, and buried her head in Ye Yang's chest.

Feeling Ye Yang's hot breath, gently brushing against the thin skin of her ears, her breathing became slightly heavier, and her whole body trembled.

"Two families came to the sect today, one is the Tuxianhou Huo family, and the other seems to be the Dayun Dynasty Cui family."

"A young man in white armor came to see you on purpose. He said that his great-grandfather was seriously injured at that time, and he survived thanks to your treatment."

"It took me a long time to remember that it should be the old man who came to Feitianmen many years ago and asked you to treat him."

Hearing Xiu Ya's words, a figure flashed in Ye Yang's mind.

Many years ago, an old man and a young man came to him for treatment holding the token of the White Lotus Concubine Yang Xiaoyan.

The old man did seem to say that he was the elder of the Cui family.

At that time, his strength had reached the perfect realm of a warrior. Later, he practiced in Feitianmen for a period of time. After being treated by Ye Yang, he left.

In a blink of an eye, it was more than ten years ago.

"In this case, it is indeed the Cui family without a doubt."

"Oh, what happened to them coming here this time? Could it be that the eldest elder of the Cui family was seriously injured again."

Xiuya shook her head.

"The specific reason was not explained. I just sent a lot of things. I didn't want to accept them, but I couldn't refuse them. They put them down and left, and I couldn't catch them."

Ye Yang was already used to this kind of situation.

"But we have checked what they have sent, and if it is inappropriate, we will send it back."

Xiu Ya said.

"I've seen all the others, they are all specialties, and there are ten thousand spiritual stones."

"It's just that one of the brocade boxes seems to have a forbidden power. It seems that it needs special means to open it."

Ye Yang nodded.

"In that case, bring the things over and let me take a look."

After a while, Xiu Ya took out a red cloud pattern box from the house.

"Sir, in addition to the Cui family, there are also people from the Huo family."

Ye Yang frowned and couldn't help but think of the overbearing second lady of the Huo family.

He spoke.

"We have no contact with the Huo family, and they are the die-hard supporter of the Universiade Dynasty, and we have good relations with the three major sects."

"Their ancestor died in the hands of Taixu Taoist Li Qinglian again. Logically speaking, they should be incompatible with each other. Why would they want to meet me?"

Xiuya shook her head.

"I also thought about this, so after they tried every possible means to ask for an audience, I sent them away on the grounds that you were traveling far away."

"That's good."

Now since Tu Xianhou was killed by Li Qinglian's sword, the Huo family has lost its character and the biggest pillar behind it.

I'm afraid that among the princes and marquises of the Universiade Dynasty, they are all at the lowest level.

If things go on like this, the name of a prince may not be preserved.

There would definitely be nothing good to do if they met at this time, so he didn't want to have contact with the other party.

At this time, he was looking intently at the brocade box sent by the Cui family.

He opened the red brocade box on the outside and found that there was a long box as black as ink hidden inside the brocade box, which was quite strange.

I think what Xiuya said, the wooden box with special restrictions is what he was referring to.

The next moment, Ye Yang carefully fumbled for the ink cartridge.

If the other party is willing to send this thing over, the method of opening it will certainly not be too difficult.

After Ye Yang fumbled for a while, he realized something at the next moment. He gently rotated the Secret Scroll of the Three Purities of Blue Luo.

With a click of a finger, there was a crunch, and the box was opened immediately.

Looking at the contents inside, Ye Yang's eyes flashed with excitement and surprise.

"The Cui family is really interested."

He opened the cartridge and found a pale yellow stone hidden quietly inside.

Although this object is a stone, it actually has nine holes on it. It seems to be breathing slightly at the moment, exuding a dark yellow and floating aura.

This object is precious and rare. It is a black and yellow nine-hole stone. It contains a mouthful of black and yellow innate Qi. It talks about its preciousness and use for monks.

Far more than Xuanhuang thick soil veins.

For Ye Yang, the most precious thing about this thing is not the magical effect of spiritual energy.

Rather, this thing is one of the three main medicines in the Biluo Sanqing Secret Scroll, the main medicine of the Qiankun Yiqi Pill.

The Qiankun Yiqi Pill can accelerate the transformation of pure Qi into jade liquid, helping monks break through to the eighth level of jade liquid.

The Biluo Three Purities Secret Scroll is Cui's treasure. It just contains the power of time and the art of water alchemy, which is difficult for ordinary people to use.

Cui Laocai gave this miraculous medical elixir to Ye Yang.

After putting away the Xuanhuang Jiuqiao Stone, Ye Yang carefully thought about the Cui family's approach.

I had not been in contact with him for many years, but he suddenly came to visit me after so many years, and he gave me such a treasure.

I don’t know what else to ask for.

"Do they have anything else to say?"

"After the young man arrived, he also asked me to hand over a secret letter to the young master, saying that I need you to open it personally."

Ye Yang took the secret letter, tore off the wax seal, and a line of small words appeared in front of his eyes.

"We haven't seen each other for so many years. I miss you so much. Today..."

After reading it, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"It turns out that this was the Cui family's idea."

The content of the letter is very simple.

The first is a compliment to Ye Yang for entering the top 30 on the Qianlong list.

The second is to congratulate Gu Xuan of the Feitian Sect on his promotion to a real person.

The third one vaguely mentioned a special person - Cui Qinggui.

Although the text is short, it specifically "points out" that this person has a body of water spirit.

And Ye Yang finally understood the Cui family's plan.

"The Secret Scroll of the Three Pure Purities of Biluo is a wonderful medical elixir passed down from the ancient Senluo Sect. It is difficult to practice.

"At this time, the young man in white brought such a heavy gift and repeatedly recommended it in the letter."

"Obviously, I want him to worship me as his teacher. Maybe he wants to get back the inheritance of the Secret Scroll of the Three Purities of Blue Luo?"

Ye Yang saw something deeper.

Although he has not had in-depth contact with Cui Qinggui, but on the water bank, listening to his sharp words, he had a bad impression for no reason.

Ye Yang naturally spoke little unless necessary, and kept most of his thoughts to himself.

In addition, the less you say, the fewer your weaknesses, and the less likely others are to know your trump cards.

Only in this way can we obtain more chips to make a comeback at special times.

But Cui Qinggui was the complete opposite to him, articulate and eloquent.

Such people naturally have advantages, such as being good at sociability and having extremely high emotional intelligence.

But there are also fatal flaws.

It is easy to be sharp and irritating, and it is easier to talk too much and inadvertently reveal many secrets to others.

"Let's talk about it later."

Putting these troubles aside, Ye Yang put away the black and yellow nine-aperture stone.

He looked at Xiu Ya and asked again.

"Have you taken good care of the baby girl I sent a few days ago?"

Xiu Ya nodded hurriedly.

"After the young master gave the order, Xiu Ya did not dare to slack off and placed her in a quiet room. Now she is sleeping soundly in the room."

"It's just that during this period of time, the baby girl hasn't had any water or rice. I found worms from the sea for her, but she didn't want them. She said she had to go find her sister."

Thanks to brother Sun Liansheng for the 5,000 starting coin reward! ! !

Thank you brother for your many rewards and support. I will keep it in my heart. I will update it well and live up to my expectations.

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