On the blue lake.

The water of the lake is crystal clear. At night, when the moonlight shines through, the lake surface is like a huge mirror, reflecting the silver brilliance.

A huge spiritual boat slid slowly on the water, leaving a white scratch on the water.

There were two people in the boat, one of whom was slightly fat. He was lying on a chair and looking at the bright moon outside the window.

Next to him was a one-armed middle-aged man with a serious expression and a stern face. He had a fiery red sword slung around his waist.

The man sitting on the chair spoke.

"Unexpectedly, now Feitianmen wants to develop Bihu Lake, open up water veins, connect rivers to seas, and do water transportation. Our Zhang family has really caught up with it at a good time."

The one-armed middle-aged man nodded, but his voice was still cold.

"Bihu Ze is rich in aquatic resources. Three years after the heavy rain, the lake surface has expanded several times. Feitianmen wants to dredge the river and connect Bihu Ze with Luohe River and Niu Mojiang River."

"Thousands of monks will come in a while, and order needs to be stabilized."

Zhang Feng nodded. He was full of fire and was about to break through to the warrior realm.

"Master, I heard that the Feitian Sect has brought out many treasures this time, including a share of the Martial Arts Golden Pill and the Purple Lightning Silver Peach. I am really determined."

Zhang Liaoyuan sighed and said.

"Think about the sect's overthrow more than ten years ago. Many people didn't take the Feitian Sect seriously. At that time, everyone thought the Feitian Sect couldn't survive."

"I didn't expect that the Feitian Sect's development momentum would be so strong now, especially the suppressive background of strong people in the real world, which has shocked many Xiaoxiao people."

"Driving by the real person's fame, monks from outside came in like crazy. My Zhang family followed in the sect's footsteps and seized the opportunity, and became much stronger."

In the past ten years, in addition to Zhang Bai, two other people in the Zhang family have broken through to the warrior realm.

It is foreseeable that Feitianmen will seize this opportunity to develop Bihuze.

Next, the Zhang family will become even bigger.

He spoke again.

"Not long ago, the elders and I went to Feitianmen to investigate various exchangeable spiritual objects."

"Feitianmen is willing to use the Suppressing Sea Spiritual Kung Fu, but for other people, the Suppressing Sea Spiritual Kung Fu may not be of much use."

"But for the Zhang family, the combination of the Treading Waves Dividing Water Technique and Zhenhai Spiritual Kung is effective. It is by no means as simple as one plus one and two."

"Guess who came up with this plan?"

Zhang Feng showed a hint of confusion.

"It is said that it was planned by the ancient master himself. The success is in the present time and the benefit will be in the future. Isn't it right?"

"The ancient leader is naturally indispensable, but another person also plays a vital role. You would never guess it."


"It's Protector Ye Yangye."

Zhang Feng's mood was complicated. Half of him was happy for his savior, but the other half was that the two of them were in different realms at that time.

Nowadays, it is a world of difference. Thinking of the predicament that I cannot break through now, I feel a little lonely.

"When he came to Bihuze many years ago, he was still a small ventilation realm monk. Now more than ten years later, he can actually write about heaven and earth with just his hand, which makes us look up to him."

Zhang Liaoyuan sighed.

"When he first came out many years ago, I still looked down on him. Even after killing the giant crocodile, I have looked up to him many times."

"But no one thought that not only was he powerful, but he also had an extraordinary mind. Not only had his cultivation reached a terrifying level, but now he has become the core of the core."

"It is now rumored that he will take over as the head of Feitianmen's official affairs hall."

"Is this... is this really true? The hall masters of Feitian Clan have always been elders. Although he is excellent, he is not qualified yet."

Zhang Liaoyuan said.

"This is the scary thing about Protector Ye. Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng, you only know how to practice swords and do things honestly in your life, but you ignore the wonderful use of human heart and power. This is the path of upper-level managers."

"And that Protector Ye is one of the masters. He can get into the hearts of people like the ancient leader. How can he be like Yi? Even though I have managed the family for many years, I am afraid that you and I together are not enough for him. For play."

"You have followed the family for many years, and you have worked hard without any credit. If it hadn't been for you, the Zhang family would have suffered heavy damage when the giant crocodile attacked many years ago."

"Don't worry, if possible, the family will fully support you and exchange it for you for a martial arts elixir or a purple electric silver peach."

Zhang Feng nodded.

In a battle with a giant crocodile many years ago, he had one of his arms bitten off. Although he had already broken through to the ninth level of ventilation in more than ten years, he had developed innate Qi.

But the physical body was destroyed and it was difficult to break through.

After a while.

Zhang Liaoyuan thought of something again and said.

"Go ahead, thousands of monks will come to build the Linghe River. There will definitely be a lot of outstanding seeds."

"Find some low-level casual cultivators with good moral character and good cultivation qualifications to recruit and use them for my Zhang family. Only in this way can the Zhang family become stronger day by day."

Time flies.

Time flies by like a fleeting moment.

Unconsciously, the old persimmon tree in the courtyard has produced fruit three times and fallen three times.

In the past three years, Ye Yang has been practicing quietly and has not gone out.

this day.

Ye Yang slowly opened his eyes.

Next to him was Xiu Ya, who had fair skin and a voluptuous figure.

In three years, the other party has reached the eighth level of ventilation.

In the past three years, Ye Yang has also made remarkable progress.

With the abundant spiritual energy supply from Feitianmen, he practiced with Jade Evil Pill and Diamond Butter Pill, and the evil spirit in his body was already applied to his body. After a few years, he could use the evil spirit of heaven and earth to refine himself, seduce the evil spirit in his body, and fill his body. By then, if he succeeds, he can condense the pure energy and break through to the late stage of martial arts. Zhuchan Swallowing the Moon Spirit Method Current Realm: Great Success Progress: 36% Next Realm: Grandmaster Realm [Perseverance, exercise nine times a day, and persist for seven years. He retrieved the information, and Ye Yang was very satisfied with the progress of Zhuchan Swallowing the Moon Spirit Method. In addition to Zhuchan Swallowing the Moon Spirit Method, Ye Yang also retrieved the information of Elephant Demon Fist and Great Demon Peng Method. Elephant Demon Fist Progress of Practice: Great Success Current Progress: 78% Next Realm: Grandmaster Realm [Perseverance, practice boxing a hundred times a day, and persist for eight years. ﹞

The Elephant Demon Fist is finally approaching the Grandmaster level and reaching the perfect state. Ye Yang has a hunch that once it reaches the perfect state, the Elephant Demon Fist will undergo another magical change.

As for the Great Demon Peng Method, it may be because of its high grade, coupled with the lack of enlightenment of the moment of life and death in the war.

So the progress is not as fast as expected.

Until now, it is still 65% of the entry level, and has not reached the minor level.

And in these three years.

The biggest change is Feitianmen.

In the past three years, all the disciples of the Five Poison Sect have been recruited by Feitianmen and incorporated.

And Taiyi Qingmen and Yanyu Tower have also completely surrendered.

In particular, Wu Qi has been maneuvering in Taiyi Qingmen, suppressing dissidents, and winning over confidants to completely control Taiyi Qingmen.

And another thing is equally unexpected.

A year ago, the black and white elders of Feitianmen, when they were on a mission in Xijiang, unfortunately encountered the old monster in green robes in Xijiang.

Elder Hei died tragically on the spot, and Elder Bai still could not escape the pursuit after running for more than 500 miles.

All the goods of Feitianmen were lost.

When the news came, the sect was furious.

Gu Xuan went to the western border to find the old monster in green robes in person, but the old monster in green robes had disappeared.

He could only use the flying silver-spotted ray to bring back all the things lost by the Chamber of Commerce.

Afterwards, Feitianmen gave the two people a very high evaluation.

They believed that the black and white elders were fearless and heroic, and could be role models for the sect.

At the same time, in order to reward the two elders for their heroic sacrifice, the "outstanding" elders and "excellent" disciples of Taiyi Qingmen were allowed to practice in Feitianmen for one year.

For a time, they won the hearts of many people in Taiyi Qingmen.

After three years of hard practice, they were very quiet and wanted to move.

Ye Yang walked out of the courtyard and found the purple electric silver peach tree next to the main hall of the master, which was blooming with purple light and flashing with lightning.

He glanced at the purple electric silver peach tree.

It was discovered that many bowl-sized purple-red flowers had grown on the purple-lightning silver peach tree. Ye Yang roughly counted them. There were thirty-six in total. The purple-lightning silver peach was very strange. When it was time to bear fruit, the flowers that did not grow well would wither on their own. In the end, only about one-tenth of the petals would remain, and then the fruit would be formed. "What is this?" Ye Yang's eyes lit up slightly, and he felt that the purple-lightning silver peach was extraordinary. The purple-lightning silver peach was an ancient species, and it could manifest Dao marks everywhere. Therefore, Feitianmen planted a large number of astragalus, ganoderma lucidum, ginseng and other tonic medicinal materials next to the purple-lightning silver peach. Although this place was destroyed by the White Bone Demon King before. But over the past few years, under the supply of Xuanhuang thick earth veins and spiritual energy, a lot of good things have grown again. Today, he saw that the spiritual energy on the purple-lightning silver peach seemed a little too lush. And the branches of the purple-lightning silver peach were also a bit thicker. Next to the purple-lightning silver peach tree, a new bud actually emerged, less than a foot high, entwined on the huge stone tablet of "Xinhuojun".

The leaves are crystal clear, and the roots are light purple, like jade.

"Another sapling has grown."

Ye Yang's face showed ecstasy.

He carefully observed the purple-lightning silver peach tree and waited for more than two months. It was the first snowfall.

But the purple-lightning silver peach tree was still flashing with lightning, and the sapling grew stronger and stronger.

Maybe in another hundred or ten years.

Feitianmen will have two purple-lightning silver peaches.

Although a single purple-lightning silver peach has extraordinary effects, it can only produce a batch of fruits every twenty years.

This sapling that grew from the root of the tree has the same roots as the purple-lightning silver peach, which is far from comparable to the grafted tree.

Ye Yang thought of the scene when he got the purple-lightning silver peach tree.

Now it has been fifteen or sixteen years.

Time flies by without me noticing.

Fifteen or sixteen years have passed in a flash

It really makes people feel a lot of emotions.

If it were his previous life, he would have been almost 50 years old.

The following words are free of charge:

Comrades, friends, I shamelessly ask for monthly tickets again.

I heard that you can participate in a lottery with 1,000 monthly tickets. I have been writing books for almost a year, and I have never felt the taste of more than 1,000 monthly tickets.

Friends who have extra tickets, please try to vote for me.

Maybe the monthly tickets you support for other people's books have already exceeded 1,000, and there is no use.

I now have more than 800 tickets, which is really close to 1,000.

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