The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 358 An old friend comes and the current situation of the Five Poison Sect

Then Ye Yang searched through the storage bag again.

But there is nothing precious left.

Among them, it is worth mentioning.

The diamond defensive weapon used by Situ Guang.

But Ye Yang had just received a magical bone whistle from the elder of the Five Poison Sect Zuo not long ago.

The bone whistle is not only easy to hide.

And it can transform into a bone wall, layer upon layer, with strong defensive power.

Although this diamond has good defensive power, it seems a bit redundant.

After all this is done.

Ye Yang opened the storage bag of Ren Hongxian, the right elder of the Five Poison Sect.

Ren Hongxian is the absolute top executive in the Five Poison Sect.

So there are a lot of treasures in the storage bag.

It's just that most of them are poisonous weeds or the corpses of poisonous insects.

Except for a few drugs that are both poisons and poisons, he knows about them.

The rest don't know much about them and don't dare to use them.

Most things have no use.

Seeing this, Ye Yang could only put it away.

After everything was done, Ye Yang took out the spear that Elder You had been using.

Ye Yang was deeply impressed by this silver spear. The spear was rotten silver, with a white shaft, a white tassel, and a white tip.

A white tiger is carved three inches below the head of the gun, and the tiger's mouth is extremely sharp.

The whole body exudes a faint divine light.

To the touch, this silver gun feels warm and hard.

It seemed to be shining with infinite cold light.

Ye Yang tried to inject mana, and the mana in his body began to circulate slightly.

This divine spear creaked and suddenly split open, transforming into eight snow-white spears.

The silver light is bright, shining with sunlight, and is extremely bright.

After a brief reaction, a trace of surprise flashed in Ye Yang's eyes.

This silver gun magical weapon has a unique shape and unique characteristics, not to mention that the machine can be transformed from one magical weapon into eight.

Shot together, it can also be used as a spear.

Coupled with the killing power of the white tiger, it is powerful

It can be said to be the best among magical instruments.

Ye Yang originally wanted to send it to the Scripture Collection Pavilion to exchange it for contribution points.

But now there is no shortage of contribution points.

This thing is extremely rare.

Ye Yangbie kept it away, thinking that after someone around him broke through to the warrior realm, he would give it to him.

In addition, there is also the bone shield weapon used by the right elder.

Although this item is not bad, it is not even a bit inferior compared to this silver gun.

After cleaning everything up.

Ye Yang seemed to have discovered something, and there was a strange color in his eyes.

At this moment, right elder Ren Hongxian's storage bag has been cleaned by him.

But in the corner of the storage bag, there is an old piece of earth-yellow paper, which is covered with small golden and silver eggs, about the size of sesame seeds.

It looks colorful and strange.

Saw this weird insect egg.

Ye Yang seemed to have thought of something, and there was a hint of light in his eyes.

He always felt that this thing was a bit familiar.

"It's the eggs of the peacock feather insect."

An idea came to Ye Yang's mind.

At the moment when this idea arises.

Ye Yang raised his hand slightly.

On his little finger, there is a matte-finished rainstorm pear finger cot.

This finger cot is quite special.

At critical moments, it can activate the peacock feather insects inside.

The peacock feather insect is a poisonous and barbaric insect from Western Xinjiang.

The mother body of the strange poison is incorporated into the ring surface, which is colorless and odorless. When ejected, there are 48,000 daughter poison needles, which are designed to break the body's protective energy.

The victim suffered tingling pain all over his body.

Elder You finally suffered from this dirty trick.

I couldn't react for a moment, but he had just cut it open in the middle with a white horse sharp knife and divided it into two parts.

It's just that this insect is powerful.

But cultivation is extremely difficult.

Even Ye Yang, with the help of Master Huolian, obtained this insect from Western Xinjiang.

It's only been used a few times.

Every time he achieved great results.

However, over a long period of time, the number of peacock feather insects in this heavy rain pear flower finger set has become less and less.

Especially after this use, there are not many worms inside.

It is already difficult to bring him some help.

Seeing the fraternal eggs on the khaki paper, Ye Yang couldn't help but groan slightly.

As far as he knew, Gu cultivators were equally powerful.

Especially in southern Xinjiang.

Many monks hold strange poisons and have thousands of insects under their command. A strong one can wave his hand and bring out millions of immortal locusts.

Far beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

The Five Poison Sect also started with poisonous insects, and they are also good at it.

"Perhaps there are more poisonous insects and exotic Gu among the Five Poison Sects, which may have a special effect on the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Finger Gloves."

Ye Yang groaned slightly, already having an idea in his mind.

After putting all these things away.

Ye Yang walked out of the house.

Xiuya washed Ye Yangzhang's clothes and was drying them for him.

After seeing Ye Yang come out, his face turned red and he looked at Ye Yang and said.

"Sir, you have come out of seclusion."

Ye Yang nodded and then said.

"What happened in the sect recently?"

Xiu Ya said.

"It's nothing wrong, it's just that people keep coming to visit."

"During this period, many new faces have appeared in the sect."

"I even heard that some sects from thousands of miles away came to Feitian Sect to ask for a meeting with their sect leader."

After all, being a strong person in the real world is no small matter.

All this was within Ye Yang's expectation.

After a pause, Xiu Ya spoke again.

"Apart from these, there is nothing major, just, just..."

"The three sky-swallowing pythons transformed by the ancient elder have been making a lot of noise in the past few days. It is said that they have swallowed up several disciples. Many people are afraid to go out..."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at the sky with palpitations.

Ye Yang had already discovered it.

Above the sky of Feitian Sect, a huge python, about a hundred feet long, was flying around the mountain gate of Feitian Sect.

Like a dragon entering the clouds, it shuttles through the dusk clouds.

During the shuttle, because the speed was too fast, the body rubbed against the clouds, like thunder roaring.

Especially on top of the three different heads of the giant python, there are six blood-red eyes, and where the three giant hands intersect, there is a huge white-bone devil.

At this moment, next to the three sky-swallowing pythons, there was a withered and thin figure, it was Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan was following the giant python closely at this moment, and seemed to be working hard to subdue the giant beast.

But the effect is not very ideal.

The giant beast kept roaring.

He even swung his tail from time to time and had to fight with him.

The three sky-swallowing pythons are ancient ferocious beasts.

Gu Qingshu used the demon pill, although it was extremely powerful.

But just like Wu Mahan back then, he had long lost human consciousness and turned into a beast.

This is a backlash, and it is the inevitable path for monks to cultivate the demon body.

That is to say, Gu Qingshu and Gu Xuan had the same mind, and they were able to be comforted by Gu Xuan.

Stay calm.

Otherwise, once it breaks out, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Seeing that the familiar crowd had turned into a python, Ye Yang's heart trembled slightly.

Don't know what to say

Just when Ye Yang and Xiu Ya were discussing.


There was a knock on the door.

Ye Yang looked outside the door and didn't know who was visiting suddenly.

But Xiu Ya was still asked to open the door.

After a while.

Xiu Ya walked in from outside the house.

At the same time, a thin man with a yellowish complexion was also attracted.

This person looks quite unfamiliar.

Ye Yang was about to ask.

At this time, the man's body changed, he tore off the yellow skin on his face, and said to Ye Yang.

"Guardian Ye is me..."

After looking at it for a long time, Ye Yang finally saw the identity of the person coming and couldn't help being quite surprised.

"Messenger Wu, don't stay in the Five Poison Sect."

"How did you end up in Feitianmen?"

Wu Qi wiped the sweat from his forehead and then spoke to Ye Yang.

"So that Protector Ye can know that there is chaos in the Five Poison Sect, and the people who were originally loyal to the Five Poison Sect have fled in all directions."

"Several major families are also in constant internal strife. As the Five Poison Envoy, I united with a few friends and recruited a group of people to specially come to the sect to report the news."

Under Wu Qi's conversation.

Only then did Ye Yang know that Wu Qing had plundered the treasure house of the Five Poison Sect before leaving for the Universiade Dynasty.

Therefore, the current Five Poison Sect is still a sect on the surface.

In fact, all kinds of resources are empty, and there is no real high-level combat power.

Naturally it fell apart

Wu Qi showed a smile.

"After many years of being an undercover agent, I finally completed my mission, and it was not in vain that I paid such a heavy price."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at his empty left arm, and a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

"Of course I came here this time to report to the sect about the recovery of the Five Poison Sect. After I secretly spied with the leader, he still has something to do."

"I thought I hadn't seen Protector Ye for many days, so I came here to walk around."

Hearing this, Ye Yang showed a smile and introduced Wu Qi to the front of Shouzhuo Court.

Wu Qi looked at the huge and simple garden in front of him, especially the couplet on it, and he was stunned for a long time.

"Okay, okay, it's so precious and lasting, why bother sleeping at three o'clock and getting up at five o'clock? It's the most useless thing. I'm just afraid of being exposed to cold for ten days in one day."

"Guardian Ye really puts me to shame. No wonder his cultivation level is so high."

"If I could have half the persistence and hard work of Protector Ye, I would be in the middle stage of martial arts by now."

Ye Yang smiled and said nothing, and Ling Xiuya took the hot water and brewed hot tea for Wu Qi.

The tea soup is cool, set against the green leaves, and there are a few red, white, and purple wild flowers floating on it.

Wu Qi felt the aroma was tangy and took a deep sniff.

"Could this be the famous Bitan Piaohua? People say that Ye Hufa is good at making tea. Nowadays, the imitation of Bitan Piaohua is sold at a sky-high price in Tao'anfang City."

"I am truly lucky to be able to drink this tea today."

He took a sip and closed his eyes to savor it.

Ye Yang looked at this person with admiration.

This person is worthy of being able to reach the top of Wudu Sect as an undercover agent and is deeply trusted.

Just now, he was flawless in what he said and did, and his language was fluent, which was extraordinary.

After a conversation, people can't help but feel good about him.

Truly extraordinary.

"As expected of the floating flowers in the green pond, I am indeed blessed today."

After a long time, he opened his eyes, exhaled a breath, and praised again

Ye Yang looked at Wu Qi and thought of his previous plan.

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