At this time, they also saw the tragic situation of Feitianmen.

Feitianmen's mountain-protecting formation was all destroyed.

More than half of the disciples were injured, and the deacons and disciples suffered heavy casualties, with the number dropped by 30%.

Not to mention other houses that collapsed, spiritual veins that were damaged, ores that were robbed, and spiritual plants that collapsed.

At this time, the loud sound in the sky continued for a long time, carrying a huge pressure.

Gu Xuan waved his hand to dissipate the pressure, and the atmosphere in the venue suddenly became calm again.

"He is a real person."

"Why is there another real strong person?"

"Looking like this, he seems to be a member of the Taixu Taoist sect."

"These people came very quickly. The Feitian Sect was blocked by many people before, but no one came to help."

"But today, as soon as Feitianmen won, they came out."

Hearing the sound, many people present cursed in their hearts for being shameless.

Even Ye Yang frowned slightly.

Gu Xuan also snorted coldly.

If Taixu Dao Sect had appeared earlier, Gu Qingshu would not have turned into an irrational beast.

And there is no need for Feitian Sect to die so many disciples and deacons.

But at this moment, after all, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

He cupped his fists and spoke.

"Thank you Daomen for your concern. Feitianmen suffered heavy losses in this battle..."

He coughed, and Ye Yang had already handed the prepared jade slip into his hand.

Gu Xuan nodded with satisfaction, looked at it and said.

"This time, Feitianmen's purple electric silver peach tree was almost uprooted, and its root energy was damaged, resulting in heavy losses."

"The mountain-protecting formation was damaged, the formation eye object 'Xuanshan Shouhuang' that was finally obtained was almost completely shattered, more than half of the disciples were lost, and even the sect's treasure house was looted, and the accumulated achievements over the past century were completely annihilated..."

After hearing so many requests, the real person from Taixu Dao Sect couldn't help but frown.

Although the current Feitianmen is extremely damaged, almost breaking the muscles and bones.

But it's not as tragic as he said.

Especially the treasure house being looted is unheard of.

Gu Xuan sighed.

"We, the Feitian Sect, have done our best for the Taixu Taoist Sect. We had previously discussed with Master Hong to attack the Situ family together, but in the end, we never expected to arouse the hatred of the Situ family. Even the White Bone Demon Kui..."

"If I hadn't made a breakthrough this time, I'm afraid the Feitian Sect would have been wiped out."

"These are okay, but now the sect's strength is greatly damaged. If the Universiade Dynasty comes again in the future, Feitian Sect doesn't know how to resist it."

The person from Taixu Dao Sect had three strands of black beard and had already seen Feitian Sect’s thoughts, so he frowned and said.

"Okay, okay, Master Gu, please stop complaining."

A cold sweat appeared on his forehead, for fear that Gu Xuan Lion would open his mouth.

he said.

"Our Taixu Dao Sect is the sect of the Feitian Sect. Naturally, we cannot ignore the Feitian Sect's danger."

"Our reinforcements are already on the way. This time, the main reason is that Feitianmen reacted quickly, counterattacked in the polar areas, and was powerful. They quickly resolved the battle. The war was over before our reinforcements arrived."

"Don't worry, our sect will never treat our own people badly. I have already reported it to the sect."

"This time the sect has decided to give Feitian the complete inheritance of Canghai Zhenshan Treasure Secret."

Hearing that it was the complete inheritance of the treasure secret, Fengyulou and Taiyi Qingmen looked at each other, full of surprise.

There is currently no complete inheritance of treasure secrets among various sects.

Among the previous sects, the most outstanding ones were Feitian Sect's Xuantian Magic Code of Transforming Meridians and Five Poison Sect's Five Directions Poisonous Beast Rotation Method.

But the two treasures can only be regarded as half-step treasures at best.

So far, there is no sect that has a complete method of inheriting the treasure secrets.

But Gu Xuan and Ye Yang were not too surprised.

After all, Feitianmen had already obtained the first half of Canghai Zhenshan Treasure Secret Technique before.

Today, the Taixu Dao Sect came down the slope and gave all the inheritance, which was not a surprise to them.

Gu Xuan and Ye Yang looked at each other, and finally Gu Xuan spoke again.

"Thank you to Dao Sect for your support, but my Feitian Sect's Five Elements Cloud and Mist Destruction Formation was almost completely destroyed this time."

"The Xuanshan Shouhuang Stones that were finally obtained have all collapsed, and now the mountain-protecting formation..."

"I wonder if the sect can send high-level formation masters to complete the repair of the mountain guarding formation. If we can reward the inheritance of the formation, then..."

The man laughed a few times, and his face suddenly turned purple. He didn't agree, but he didn't refuse either.

In the end, after Gu Xuan collected the belongings of several sects, he sent these people away.

Several sects knew that the Feitian Sect was in ruins and was in ruins, and it was time for repairs.

It didn't bother me too much.

In the Feitian Gate.

Carloads of supplies and various resources were pulled out of the sect's treasure house for free.

Then, under the command of Master Su, the house was quickly leveled, the damage was counted, and the formation was repaired.

"Protector Ye, if you have time, go and sit in the Fengyu Tower."

"Taiyi Qingmen also has several rare elixir recipes. If Protector Ye is willing, you might as well come and take a look."

"I heard that Protector Ye is good at refining alchemy with water method, and my Taixu Taoist sect has countless inheritance..."

What surprised Ye Yang was that Taixu Daomen also showed kindness to him.

Ye Yang naturally smiled and nodded.

The real person from the Taixu Dao Sect thought about what had just happened, thought of the protector's quick statistics of losses, and handed it over to Gu Xuan.

Bargaining with the Taixu Dao Sect, while secretly hating it in his heart, there was also an indescribable admiration.

"This person is quick to react, thick-skinned, and knows how to advance and retreat. My Taixu Dao Sect is in need of such talents now."

"The young people in the sect are either falsely noble or self-righteous. They can practice well, but they are far behind in the consideration between people and the negotiation between things."

"Gu Xuan is not easy to mess with, and this young man should not be underestimated. Feitian Sect has a successor."


Ye Yang didn't know what this real person was thinking, and sent away the people from various sects.

After finishing everything, he returned to the courtyard, only to find that his courtyard had been breached.

He couldn't help but sigh.

No one could be immune in this war.

Even if he arranged a formation in this house.

But he didn't succeed in surviving this crisis.

He walked into the house.

He found that the spiritual herbs planted in the courtyard had been uprooted long ago.

Because the Blue Moon Spirit Lotus had been underground and hidden at the bottom of the well, it did not suffer much damage.

It was just that the mutant sword ancient tea tree had been dug up, leaving only an empty earth pit.

The remaining spiritual herbs and medicines planted in the courtyard were also pulled away.

Or they were trampled without a trace of integrity.

He opened the door and walked in slowly.

At this time, he heard a rustling sound.


As soon as Ye Yang opened the door, a green spiritual light shot to Ye Yang's side in an instant.

When it got closer, Ye Yang realized that it was a branch that looked like a green short arrow.

There were a few purple flowers behind the branch, and the branches were covered with green leaves, shooting at a high speed.

Ye Yang raised his hand and extinguished the short arrow on the branch.

And the man seemed to have discovered Ye Yang's whereabouts and hurried over.

A delicate body suddenly hugged Ye Yang from behind.

Trembling all over.

Feeling the warmth and tenderness from behind, as well as the familiar fragrance, Ye Yang could not help but turn around.

And that figure had already thrown into his arms.

"Young Master... Young Master, it's me."

A soft and delicate voice came out.

Then a plump, fair-skinned figure popped out from the darkness and hugged Ye Yang's hard body tightly.

Feeling the hot breath, the pleasant smell of meat, and the snow-white skin that broke his fingers.

Ye Yang was slightly stunned.

With the dim light outside, he could already see that it was Xiu Ya.

Xiu Ya seemed to have experienced a battle, and was in a mess, with torn clothes.

Even on the snow-white skin that was so fragile that it could be blown away, there were bloody scratches.

Seeing her like this, Ye Yang reached out and gently stroked her back, comforting her.

"It's good that you're okay."

Xiu Ya cried with tears in her eyes.

"I heard the constant shouting and killing outside, so I didn't go out, but stayed in the house to guard."

"Several groups of powerful monks came and took away the spiritual herbs, and I didn't dare to make a sound."

"Later, someone insisted on snatching the sword and ancient tea tree. I knew that this precious tree was the favorite of the young master. He usually practiced sword and sword and neutralized the impurities in his body with it."

"So I attacked him from behind with the Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle and snatched the precious tree back."

Ye Yang looked in the direction that Xiu Ya pointed, and saw an old and vigorous old tree hidden in the house.

It was covered with green leaves, one side of the leaves was shaped like a knife and the other side was shaped like a sword. It was the sword and ancient tea tree that he had always been thinking about.

This ancient tea tree was well maintained by Xiu Ya. Seeing that the ancient tea tree was still there, Ye Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He gently stroked Xiu Ya's face and said.

"Thanks to you."

Xiu Ya nodded.

"This is what I should do."

Ye Yang spoke again.

"By the way, why didn't I see the Sun Chasing Flying Turtle?"

"The Sun Chasing Flying Turtle is huge and hard to hide."

"Those groups saw that the flying turtle had extraordinary blood and wanted to take it away, so I hid it in the underground secret passage."

After saying that, she hugged Ye Yang tightly and refused to let go.

As if it was an octopus, tightly wrapped around Ye Yang's hard and strong body.

"Sir, can you hold me to sleep tonight? I'm scared..."


Usually updated in the early morning, I was too tired last night and fell asleep directly, and woke up in the morning.

Forgive me

Thanks to the book friend with the last number 1053 for the 100 starting coins reward, thank you

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