The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 354 The sea conquers the mountain, the real devil

Gu Xuan spent a lot of effort to calm down the three sky-swallowing pythons.

After doing all this.

Gu Xuan looked at Beihai Shenni shrouded in a black mist with a strange expression.

The goddess of the North Sea is covered in snow-white, with a silver whisk in one hand and wearing a moon-white gauze.

It's just that the demonic energy running through the body at this time makes it difficult for people to see the specific situation inside.

After a long time, the black demonic energy dissipated, and Bei Haishenni slowly opened his eyes, but he seemed to be a little unfamiliar with his body.

She raised her delicate hand and looked around her body again, with a trace of indescribable joy.

"I succeeded. I really took the body of Beihai Shenni."

"I have the power of a real person."

Hokami's speech is a bit strange. Although she still has the attitude of a daughter, there is a hint of masculine deepness and thickness in her voice.

Although Wu Qing took away the body of Beihai Shenni, he still seemed a little uncomfortable and had difficulty controlling the powerful body.

In her speech and movements, she was influenced by the goddess of the sea, showing her daughterlike attitude.

At this time, he raised his orchid finger slightly, looked at Gu Xuan and said.

"Gu Xuan, you were born ordinary and became a late bloomer. To be honest, I admire you for being able to reach this stage today, but you are still not as good as me."

"You pay too much attention to feelings and cannot understand the importance of spiritual practice, so it will be difficult for you to climb to the highest level in your life."

"This is a gap in nature, and it is also a shortcoming in nurture. It is far from being determined by hard work or talent."

Gu Xuan remained silent and did not speak.

He knew what the other person said was true.

Since Beihai Shenni came to Wudu Sect, he has risen strongly and taken Wu Qing's position.

There is quite a disharmony within the Five Poison Sect.

In fact, there had been secret contact between the two before.

After all, there are no eternal enemies in the world, only eternal interests.

But even he didn't expect that Wu Qing's real plan was to set his sights on Beihai Shenni's body.

Trying to take her away.

This man is truly a hero of his generation.

He planned in many ways to kill his own blood relatives, even transforming himself into a woman, just to obtain the body of the North Sea Goddess.

Gotta get a glimpse of real life.

This man is also a true demon and practitioner.

We will never give up until we achieve our goal.

Abandon all worldly views, only focus on maximizing interests, and ignore everything.

Even the blood and bones of close relatives can be killed at will.

But at this moment, I don’t know whether he influenced Bei Haishenni or Bei Haishenni influenced him.

When he speaks and acts, there is always a strangeness that cannot be described before.

"Brother Gu, we say goodbye now."

Gu Xuan frowned slightly, calculating the probability of Wu Qing being left behind at this moment.

The other party now also has the cultivation level of a real person. Letting him return to the Five Poison Sect will be a disaster rather than a blessing for the Feitian Sect.

Seemingly sensing Gu Xuan's concerns, Wu Qing spoke.

"Brother Gu, don't worry. For me now, the Five Poison Sect is a drag, not a help. As long as you are willing, the Five Poison Sect is at your disposal."

"I wonder what Brother Wu has planned next?"

Wu Qing said.

"I heard that the Universiade Dynasty has always been prosperous. The leader of the dynasty was pregnant with immortals and conquered thousands of sects and unified hundreds of countries."

"The first stop is naturally to go to the Universiade Dynasty to experience the prosperity of that dynasty. After that, we will seek the path to immortality and travel to Mu Cangwu, Beihai."

"See the vastness of heaven and earth, and observe the prosperity of categories."

"It's time to say goodbye and see you again someday."

After saying that, he turned into a snow-white cold light and flew away in an instant.

The whole body was surrounded by ice and snow, filled with brilliance, and his figure was no longer visible.

Gu Xuan looked at Wu Qing walking away and sighed, but in the end he did not choose to take action.

Instead, he walked over and put away the Heaven-shaking Demonic Hammer and the murderous killer's storage bag.

Feitianmen fights against Beihai Shenni and the murderous giant bandits.

Especially after Gu Xuan broke through and became a real person, the matter of Wu Qing seizing the body of Beihai Shenni spread like waves on the sea, spreading in all directions.

It stirred up thousands of waves.

A primitive ancient forest, densely covered with green pines and dancing green shadows.

The majestic giant trees, the winding branches of the old trees cover the sky and the sun, and the soil accumulates around them, forming a suspended island above the huge tree crown.

On the island, a Tai Chi and Bagua disk stands in the sky. Its exact appearance cannot be seen clearly, but it looks like a giant sun.

"What? Is this true? That Gu Xuan actually broke through to the real person of Zi Mansion with his old and frail body?"

Next, an old man with a white face and a childlike face was kneeling on one knee.

"That's right. Disciple will never lie at all."

"The goddess of the North Sea, the murderous giant bandit, and the White Bone Demon Kui of the Situ family also went out to kill Feitianmen together."

"In the end, I never wanted to be blocked by the three sky-swallowing pythons transformed by Gu Qingshu."


Hearing this, there was a trace of doubt in the voice of the Bagua shadow above.

"It turned out to be three sky-swallowing pythons. Such strange beasts are quite rare. I never thought that Feitianmen would have such a trump card."

"They've hidden it well enough. I've never seen them use it before."

"But even if there are three heaven-swallowing pythons that transform into pills, they are no match for three real people."

"The leader knows things like a god."

The old man held the Eight Diagrams phantom in his hands, and then said.

"In addition to the combat power of these three real people, Beihai Shenni also brought the sky-shaking magic hammer of the late King Yama."

"This is how Feitianmen's mountain-protecting formation was broken."

"Although the Heaven-shaking Devil Hammer is only a pulse-suppressing treasure, it is powerful and ferocious, so it should not be underestimated."

"When you say this, I am even more curious. Facing such a powerful opponent, how can the Feitian Sect win and fight back?"

Another person spoke next.

"So that the leader can know."

"That Gu Qingshu has a strong personality and uses her body to practice the secret method of demon elixir."

"After transforming into three sky-swallowing pythons, she actually forcibly swallowed the Situ family's White-bone Demon King, regenerated changes in her body, transformed into a demon snake, and forcibly held back the attacks of the Bei Hai Shenni and the murderous giant."

"This provides time for Gu Xuan to successfully break through."

The first voice paused and did not speak for a long time. After a long time, he sighed.

"Nowadays, Feitian Sect has two real-person combatants, which is hard to control. It is no longer the small sect that only lives in a corner."

In the void, a voice came through again and said.

"That's true, but no matter how powerful the Feitian Sect is, it's still not good enough compared to our Dao Sect."

"At this time, they have high-level combat capabilities and can just pull them over to fight against the Universiade Dynasty."

"As for the previous rescue, it was nothing more than the unauthorized assertion of some people in the sect. After all, my Taixu Taoist sect has never said not to rescue."

"It's just that they were too strong and won too quickly. Before the reinforcements from our Dao Sect arrived, the crisis had been resolved."

The Bagua Xuying quite agreed with this statement.

"Junior brother is right. What the Feitian Sect wants is nothing more than an explanation."

"In that case, just write a letter and tell the Feitian Sect that I, the Taixu Taoist Sect, congratulate the ancient master for breaking through to the real realm of the Zi Mansion."

"In addition, as a congratulatory gift, the complete Canghai Zhenshan Treasure Secret will be given to them."

Another cold snort came out.

"I have already given them the first half of Canghai Zhenshan Treasure Secret. I wanted to use it as a threat to make them work for the sect seriously, but I never expected that this person would break through quickly."

"From my point of view, I can give them things, but they still need to be on guard. I always feel that the Feitian Sect is not as honest as it appears on the surface."

The gossip phantom smiled.

"It doesn't matter, just give it to them. My Taixu Taoist sect has been passed down for thousands of years, so I can still afford a treasure secret."

"Furthermore, they want to bet on both sides. This is not uncommon. I am afraid that 90% of the sects we support think this way."

"But so what, as long as we can bring benefits to them, as long as we are stronger than them, no matter how powerful they are, they can only become pawns in our hands."

After the discussion with these loud voices was completed, the old man with white hair and childish face who was kneeling below spoke.

"Master, I have something important to report."

"Tell me in detail."

"There is a cultivator in the Five Poison Sect who has reached the Perfect Realm of Martial Arts, named Wu Qing. This time he actually took away the Beihai Goddess and became a strong man in the Real Person Realm."

"He actually used martial arts skills to seize the body of a powerful real person, and he succeeded."

When he said these words, several voices were extremely surprised.

There was silence.

After a long time, Bagua Xuying said.

"In that case, let's make some contact and bring me Taixu Dao Sect for our use."

Wind and Rain Tower.

There is a lot of wind and snow here, and there is a tall building on the top of the snow mountain, standing proudly in the wind and snow.

The building is already covered with snow.

Master Yan stood on the balcony, looking at the clear blue sky with rolling clouds.

At this time, a disciple also hurriedly came to report.

"Master, the Feitian Sect has successfully withstood this crisis."

"Now, Gu Qingshu has transformed into three sky-swallowing pythons, and Gu Xuan has broken through to the realm of a real person."

"Should we be prepared."

Master Yan sighed with emotion.

"The Feitian Sect is really well hidden. I didn't expect that after Wu Mahan's death, the three Sky-Swallowing Python Demon Pills would actually come into their hands."

"The Feitian Sect was the strongest among the many sects before. Now that it has withstood the danger of annihilation, it seems we have to take action."

A trace of surprise flashed in Mr. Yan's eyes.

Thanks to book friend 1223 for the reward of 100 starting coins!

Thanks brother! ! !

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