The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 345 Guxuan Retreat and Breakthrough to the Real Person

Gu Qingshu spat out a mouthful of blood.

It’s hard to deal with at this point.

There was an indescribable feeling of weakness coming from his body.

She knew that she was far from a match for the two of them.

But at this moment, I was in a dilemma, and I couldn't escape even if I wanted to.

The mysterious coercion of the two real-person realm masters shrouded the Feitian Sect.

The strong wind in the sky cracked the earth and poured in from the cracks in Feitianmen's formation.

Rocks were destroyed, trees were downturned, and people were turned upside down.

Just at this time.

Things are changing between heaven and earth.

A bloody and sinful brilliance suddenly appeared and hit the three sky-swallowing pythons directly.

Ancient Qingshu is a dead tree.

The blazing light penetrated directly through her snake body, pinning her to the ground.

At this time, he was even more weak.

Then a huge white bone puppet with a single horn on its head and four arms with ghost claws, wearing a Dharma crown, with red beard and hair, and more than ten feet tall, suddenly appeared in the sky.

As soon as this bone puppet appeared, it rushed directly into Feitian Sect.

It holds a giant diamond blade with thick bones and shining silver.

Although the aura is not as fierce and fierce as that of Beihai Shenni and the murderous giant, it is unattainable.

But it still shouldn’t be underestimated.

The moment this huge object appeared, it stretched out its white bone ghost claws and directly grasped Gu Qingshu's seven inches. He held her snake body and lifted it into the air, shaking randomly.

"It's the Bone Demon Kui of the Situ family in Liuzhou."

"It is understandable that the Five Poison Sect is determined to destroy the Feitian Sect. Why did the Situ family suddenly appear and send out a terrifying and fierce monster like the Bone Demon Kui?"

"His Feitian Sect is in danger. I am afraid that this time he will really be wiped out."

There were many figures hidden in the darkness who looked at each other and communicated secretly.

The Bone Demon Puppet is the most precious treasure of the Liuzhou Situ family and is rarely exposed to the public.

Now suddenly appearing, it means that the other party must have reached an agreement with Beihai Shenni and others.

At this time, the Bone Demon Puppet opened his mouth and spat out, and a blazing flame ray of light penetrated the heaven and earth like a giant cannon.

The three sky-swallowing pythons were held by its giant hands and could not escape. The fire directly penetrated one of the heads of the three sky-swallowing pythons.

Gu Qingshu was writhing back and forth, the pain was heartbreaking, and she looked up to the sky and screamed.

After the light penetrated the snake head, it still continued unabated and hit Feitianmen's mountain-protecting formation.

With a bang, countless cracks appeared on the formation.

Then it grew bigger and bigger like a spider web, and soon the formation was destroyed.

Although Gu Qingshu had the body of a snake at the moment, her whole body was trembling slightly.

The White Bone Demon King is made of alien bones and composed of the Demon King's energy.

It has always been the big killer of the Situ family.

That demonic aura is also a special kind of evil aura.

It often takes thousands of monks to be tortured half to death before they can condense a single strand.

Given the huge size of the White Bone Demon Kui, at least tens of thousands of threads would be used.

Three hundred years ago, the ancestors of the Situ family refined this Demon King for ninety-nine and eighty-one years.

Falling in the strong wind, scattered between the sky and the earth, they can gather or disperse, they are very powerful.

The Feitianmen formation was shattered.

Soon, a voice came from the Mo Kui.

"Feitian Sect, didn't you and Taixu Taoist Sect want to rob the Situ family's caravan?"

"To tell you the truth, your actions have always been under the control of the imperial dynasty."

"To go against the dynasty is to overestimate your own capabilities and to block the chariot with your hands."

Originally, the North Sea Goddess and the murderous giant came to kill together, which already made the Feitian Sect afraid.

Now, another powerful monk in the Alchemy Realm has arrived.

The entire Feitian Sect was wailing, especially the collapse of the mountain guarding formation, which made everyone's hearts tremble.

The white light exploding in the sky made people feel chilling.

The flames of war filled the sky.

Ye Yang's heart was heavy, and the sword in his hand was dripping with blood.

He had just killed three or four monks who had come in through the cracks in the formation and had evil intentions.

There are those from the Five Poison Sects, and there are also some casual cultivators who want to fish in troubled waters.

“I don’t know if Feitianmen can survive the crisis this time.”

Ye Yang sighed for a lifetime. Today's Feitian Sect is only a moment away from destruction.

At this moment, a whistling white light fell from the sky.

Ye Yang raised his arm, waved his sword, and struck out with one sword after another.

The moment he jumped into the air, the white horse's sharp sword shook a few times, and hundreds of fierce sword lights appeared around the sword.

The sword was sharp and slashed at the white light while roaring.

But the white light did not stop, but directly made a huge crater on the ground.

Before Ye Yang could react, the dust and smoke dispersed in the pit.

Mud and dust rolled, and a figure covered in mud flew out of the pit.


The figure trembled all over, and the muddy water appeared in front of Ye Yang like an arrow.

This is a three-inch long poisonous beast that seems to have a special ability to escape from the ground and fly into the sky.

There was a layer of half-foot-long oval glass-like white light surrounding him, and it was this white light that blocked the sword light just now.

At this time, there was another person holding it with one hand under the glass-like surface.

With sparse hair and white eyes, he is the right elder of the Five Poison Sect.

The right elder and the left elder are both high-ranking members of the Five Poison Sect.

I don't go out of the mountains for a long time on weekdays.

In particular, the elder on the right was old and had exhausted his energy and blood. The outside world thought that he had already died, but he did not expect to appear suddenly.

"Junior, come and die."

Ye Yang looked down the mountain.

It was discovered that the monks from the Five Poison Sect were rushing in quickly, and a large number of centipedes, giant scorpions, toads and other poisonous insects had begun to appear on the ground.

"Rescue the sect."

"Kill these thieves."

And further away, the Zhang family, the Zhu family and other affiliated families of the Feitian Sect.

And many sect disciples are rushing to rescue him.

It was just like the scene when the Five Poison Sect attacked him when he first obtained the title of Seven Feitian True Masters.

Although many years have passed.

But there were corpses everywhere.

That tragic scene often appeared in front of Ye Yang.

"Where is the leader? What is he doing?"

At this moment, countless thoughts appeared in Ye Yang's mind.

Why is Gu Xuan nowhere to be seen at this moment of crisis?

And the other side.

In a quiet room at the foot of the mountain, a thin figure sat cross-legged on the ground, frowning slightly.

A simple and shabby jade slip was placed in front of Gu Xuan.

It is the Canghai Zhenshan Treasure Secret given by Taixu Taoist Sect before.

Ever since he obtained this half of the treasure secret, Gu Xuan has been in retreat, dreaming of breaking through to the realm of real people as soon as possible.

But when the manpower was finally exhausted, he had been pondering this half of the secret for several months, but he still had not found a chance to break through.

Although I didn't get the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit recently, I got the Moon-rising Flower by chance.

This flower can make people indulge in fantasy and give him a glimmer of hope.

He took out the Flower of the Moon, and its confused petals had mysterious hypnotic properties and miraculous effects.

It seemed to make him feel like he was about to become a real person.

"When a golden elixir is swallowed, my fate is determined by God."

"I have no other intention except to save the Zi Mansion, and I will finally raise my body to Qing Ming."

At this moment, he had an unexpected feeling, which actually made him realize a hint of the true meaning of the sea and the mountain.

"The breakthrough is in an instant!"

He held the Sea-Shaking Mountain Treasure Secret in his hand and thought of the first conversation he had with the Purple-faced Master.

Then I thought of the mysterious fluctuations that appeared during the battle with Beihai Shenni.

His hands suddenly tightened, as if grasping some life-saving straw.

The veins on the back of the hand were exposed, and the tattered khaki jade slips were slightly scattered due to too much force, and seemed to be about to collapse.

"If you want to break through, you need to transform into nothingness and merge with heaven and earth. Only in this way can you become a real person."

"What is a real person? Don't hide your vision, don't hide your heart, follow the call of your heart, do whatever you want without breaking the rules."

"Only in this way can we say that we are in the realm of our true self."

He pondered slightly subconsciously, slowly loosened his hands, and the expression on his face gradually became peaceful.

"I'm looking for immortals and asked, all I want in life is practice."

"I started practicing cultivation at the age of thirty, and now I am two hundred years old. For these two hundred years, the only thing I have sought is immortality, and all I have understood and understood is cultivation."

After saying these words, his eyes gradually became firm.

Two colors of blue and black Dao Demon light flew out from behind, each forming a huge vortex, like a nebula slowly rotating.

His heart was slightly excited, and the muscles all over his body were trembling.

Logically speaking, he is old.

The muscles all over the body are closed, making it difficult to break through successfully.

But at this moment, the excitement suddenly jumped out, causing the muscles, blood and bones to regain vitality.

The whole person has an indescribable radiance.

"I, Gu Xuan, have never asked for anything from others in my life. All I have ever wanted in my life, Gu Xuan, is the ambition to become an immortal. I, Gu Xuan, will definitely break through to the realm of a real person in my life."

A strong Taoist aura wafted from his mouth and nose,

His whole body seemed to turn into a little candle of light, embracing the simplicity and returning to the elixir, quiet and peaceful.

The aura of life around him once again changed dramatically.

At this time, he heard the fierce fighting outside and the crunching sound of the Feitianmen formation being shattered, followed by Gu Qingshu's miserable roar.

He couldn't help but frown, feeling confused.

"Three real-person realm experts are here, and my little sister alone will definitely not be able to resist them."

"If we give up the breakthrough at this moment, the sect will still have room for survival."

But the opportunity that countless people have been waiting for thousands of years is right in front of them.

Is it worth giving up like this?

Gu Xuan's face was so pale that there was no trace of blood.

The sound of fierce fighting outside entered my ears, and my heart was numb.

Everything you want in life is right in front of you, at your fingertips.

But it's like being separated by thousands of mountains.

Thanks again to IKF for the reward of 100 starting coins!

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