At this time, it is above Feitian Gate.

The winding and unusually huge Feitianmen Mountains rotate back and forth like a dragon and a snake, and the earth's energy evaporates, turning into yellow mist that scatters in all directions.

Suddenly there was a tremor, the flowing wind returned to the snow, and the earth's atmosphere filled the air.

The huge mountain gate of Feitian Gate was shaken by a sudden tremor.

Countless disciples exclaimed.

"What happened?"

"Could there be an enemy attack?"

Everyone quickly retreated, and many disciples quickly went to the top of Feitianmen Mountain to look carefully, wondering where the mistake was.

Several of the guardians walked cautiously to the gate of the mountain, always on guard against possible attacks.

Many people thought that the masters of the Five Poison Sect had come to make a sneak attack.

As time went on, the terrain vibrated more violently, and soon rocks were flying around.

In the back mountain, the terrain shook, and soon huge cracks appeared on the mountain peak.

Ye Yang and others are pulling Hanshan stone veins underground.

The old man driving the mountain snapped and whipped his dragon-driving whip.


At this moment, he was deep underground, accompanied by a whipping order from the old man driving the mountain.

In this huge space area.

Everyone worked hard together, and the rolling magic power was like thunder, making a rumbling sound.

After a while, the huge Hanshan Stone veins gradually condensed.

At the moment when the traction formation was about to succeed.

The dragon-driving whip quickly turned into a golden light, and then gradually stopped shaking.

Things are changing in the mountains behind Feitianmen.

The moment the Hanshan Stone vein appeared, the huge ice-cold spiritual energy quickly condensed and formed like a huge meat ball.

The strong spiritual energy rushed straight into the sky.

The chill has gathered.

The ground shaking has also reached extreme levels.

After the spiritual veins are closed, wait another two years, and the Hanshan Stone veins will be integrated with Feitianmen's spiritual veins.

After waiting for a few more years, a new Hanshan Stone vein will be formed inside.

Even with the help of Feitianmen's middle-grade spiritual veins.

The quality of these Hanshan stone veins will reach a new level.

Then you can start mining.

At this time, he was in the underground mountain mansion.

Everyone saw that the Hanshan Stone veins slowly merged with the surrounding spiritual veins.

Then we know that this mineral vein migration has basically been successful.

This time, I used Taixu Daomen's ability to drive away the mountain whip.

In addition, he has the help of the Shangguan family, a local snake, and the support of the spiritual skills of traveling through mountains and escaping from the earth.

And with the joint efforts of seven or eight warrior realm monks, this task was finally completed.

Even so, everyone felt that their mana consumption was unusually large.

Even the skin and clothes on his body were soaked with sweat.

The old man driving the mountain from Taixu Taoist Gate is old.

At this time, he shouted loudly.


He put away the mountain whip, and the huge dragon-like mountain whip immediately transformed into the size of an earthworm and got into his sleeve.

People watching on the sidelines were filled with envy.

"This mountain whip is indeed a magical weapon refined by the Taixu Taoist sect with magical methods. It actually possesses great and great magical powers."

The value of magic weapons with magical powers of great or small size is extraordinary and has always been rare.

However, Old Man Ganshan almost fell to the ground from exhaustion at this moment. He panted for a long time before slowly recovering.

Seeing this situation, Ye Yang quickly took out a tray wrapped in red cloth from the storage bag.

There seemed to be something shining brightly inside the tray, but it couldn't be seen clearly.

Ye Yang quickly sent the tray to the white-haired old man, and then said.

"Senior, please accept it. This is the Feitian Clan's wish."

The old man driving the mountain couldn't help but be slightly surprised when he saw what Ye Yang took out.

"What is this? The Feitian Sect is so polite. Why should our own people be so open-minded?"

He glanced at it lightly, and then smiled knowingly.

In fact, under the detection of his spiritual consciousness, how could the ordinary red silk cloth resist his detection.

He had already found out what was inside.

It’s just that everyone is there.

If he accepted it directly, it would seem a bit shameless.

Ye Yang smiled slightly, knowing that the old man driving the mountain needed a step down.

He spoke.

"Senior, there is no need to be polite. You have worked hard all the way. This is due reward. If you don't accept it, it will make it difficult for the Feitian Sect."

Ye Yang opened the red silk cloth, and inside were seven or eight high-grade spiritual stones with brilliant auras.

These seven or eight high-grade spiritual stones lay quietly in the wooden tray, shining with a faint luster.

Each high-grade spiritual stone is worth a thousand low-grade spiritual stones.

Just the spiritual stones in this tray.

The value has reached nearly tens of thousands.

For most warrior realm monks.

This is already considered a generous gift.

Naturally, Feitianmen had prepared this thing a long time ago.

It's just that Gu Xuan, as a supreme sect, needs to maintain a high status.

In addition, since he is not in the sect, he naturally cannot give this gift.

As the person in charge of this matter, Ye Yang couldn't be better off at this moment.

Ye Yang smiled slightly and then said.

"Senior Hong can only drive this Hanshan stone vein into Feitianmen's spiritual mine with the dragon-driving whip."

"These are some spiritual stones from the sect. Senior, please accept them so that you can recover some of your mana."

Everyone around him also opened his mouth to persuade.

"Senior Ganshan has endured hardship all the way, so you should accept it."

"That's right, why should we be so arrogant? If there were no seniors, it would be difficult to successfully relocate the Hanshan Stone vein."

At this time, Old Man Ganshan was quite satisfied when he saw these people being on the right path.

"Practice and practice. How can you practice if you don't have the resources."

"In my opinion, this Feitian Sect is very good. If there is a chance, I should tell the sect to increase its support."

He put it away and smiled slightly.

"In this case, if I don't accept it, it would be unkind."

Nowadays, the life of the three major sects is not easy, and these nearly 10,000 low-grade spiritual stones are also a very good income for him.

"You're welcome, please tell me if you have anything. I will do my best to help."

After accepting it, several people walked out of the Feitian Gate. Ye Yang arranged a fine wine banquet and invited his subordinates, the family elders and the old man Ganshan to join the banquet.

After the banquet, Ye Yang watched Old Man Shanshan leave and was about to return to the hospital to rest when he suddenly felt a powerful aura coming.

He was stunned, and when he looked up, he realized that Gu Xuan ran in from the door in a great hurry.

Ye Yang couldn't help but be stunned.

"Master, why didn't you come back suddenly when you were in Xuexia City?"

Gu Xuan was dusty, and he hurriedly spoke.

"You follow me here, don't say anything. I just received a secret message. A senior wants to come to Feitian Sect to discuss important matters."

After finishing speaking, he took Ye Yang to the head hall.

The two waited for a full night, and it was already dawn.

The red sun is rising high in the sky, with layers of purple-red morning glow, and a patch of golden sunlight is shining down.

Suddenly the doors and windows all around shook.

Before Ye Yang could see clearly.

After a while, a figure in black robe slowly walked in.

There seemed to be a layer of mysterious light on the man's body, making it difficult to see his specific face.

However, the energy around him is majestic and unfathomable, like a deep ocean. It is obvious that he has achieved the cultivation level of a real person.

Ye Yang and Gu Xuan stood up quickly, and Gu Xuan took a step forward and said.

"When Master Hong comes, the younger generation is very frightened. The house is humble and shabby, and the hospitality is not good enough."

Hong Zhenren said.

"You are so polite. Now that we are in the same sect and on the same front, why should we be so polite?"

Even so, the ambiguity of this sentence is mixed with a third degree of alienation.

There is always a sense of yin and yang in the words.

He was telling the Feitian Sect to belong to the same faction and not to think too much.

Ye Yang and Gu Xuan looked at each other. The minds of these powerful people in the Real Realm Realm are like ghosts. They are indeed extraordinary. I don’t know if they are guessing or possessing evidence.

He actually saw Feitianmen’s plan.

Gu Xuan slightly cupped his hands and then said.

"The best tea has been offered at the door, and I would like to invite you to move to the tea room to have a cup of tea."

The two of them were sitting in the tea room. Ye Yang did not sit down, but stood aside.

Elder Hong looked at the vast morning glow outside Feitianmen Mountain, took a moment to feel it, and said:

"The spiritual energy in Feitian Sect is rich, and this formation is also quite magical. It seems that even ordinary real-person monks would find it difficult to attack by force."

Gu Xuan said: "I heard that Elder Hong is not only extremely powerful in battle, but also has mastered the Art of Origination and Destruction. He seems to be a fourth-level formation mage. I wonder if he might be able to give some advice to the sect's formation?"

Elder Hong spoke.

"With the current size of Feitian Sect's middle-grade spiritual veins, there is still room for improvement in this mountain-protecting formation. However, large-scale spiritual formations have always been a secret that is not passed down by the sects."

"If the Feitian Sect performs well, it will naturally receive corresponding support."

His words had already vaguely pointed out what was needed.

Gu Xuan said immediately.

"Senior, please rest assured. Feitian Sect will definitely satisfy the sect and we don't dare to have any second thoughts."

Elder Hong then spoke: "This Five Elements Destruction Cloud and Mist Formation is good at defense, but its offensive methods are slightly lacking."

"If you want to achieve something in the future, it's better to start from now on..."

After he finished speaking, he stopped talking, maintaining the arrogance of a real-life monk.

After a pause, he spoke again:

"What's the situation in the Five Poison Sects now?"

After some contact, he felt that Feitianmen's mind was smart.

In fact, this was also the idea of ​​​​most supporting sects, and he was not surprised.

The purpose of saying this was to tell them that among the Five Poison Sects, the Beihai Goddess and Ni were currently eyeing them.

When necessary, they also need to rely on the power of Taixu Dao Sect.

Don't bet on treasure randomly.

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