The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 316 The Specialness of Medicine Dragon: One Qi Changqiu Dao Galaxy

It turns out that Bai Zhi returned to Fengyu Tower after awakening her destiny as a dragon in the Immortality Barrier, and gained the respect of the senior officials of Fengyu Tower.

She was even accepted as a disciple by the great elder of Fengyu Tower, and her awakened destiny was already extraordinary.

He also provided great help when she broke through to the martial arts realm, so that she could break through quickly in the past few years.

"Senior Brother Ye, my destiny is not only the dragon type, but also has special attributes, you see."

After finishing speaking, Bai Zhi pondered slightly, made a twisting seal with her fingers, and a white dragon body about ten feet long and unusually handsome suddenly flew out from behind her head.

The dragon's eyes glowed with golden light, and there was a row of snow-white mane behind its head. At this time, it roared in the air quite spiritually.

Although Jiaolong didn't move much.

But Ye Yang sensed an indescribable rich medicinal power in this dragon's body.

"It turned out to be Bai Yaolong!"

Seeing this, Ye Yang couldn't help but flash a hint of excitement in his eyes.

According to legend, there are all kinds of strange dragons, and there are countless types.

Such as chi dragon, water dragon, insect dragon, dragon, fire dragon, ice dragon and so on.

This medicine dragon is also a kind of dragon, and it is naturally rich in medicinal power.

It is said that it can help people who make alchemy to make the elixir they want.

When these people go out, because of their medicinal powers, they are like a mobile treasure house and are easily coveted by others.

He finally understood why Bai Zhi was able to quickly break through to the warrior realm.

This special destiny can maximize the potency of ordinary elixirs, even achieving 120% effectiveness.

"Who else have you shown your destiny to? Remember, don't show it casually."

Ye Yang could see that since breaking through to the warrior realm, Bai Zhi's personality has changed a lot compared to before, and she has become much more lively and lively unconsciously.

It was because of his complete trust in Ye Yang that he dared to take a look at his life.

Bai Zhi said after hearing Ye Yang's words.

"Except for the master, no one has seen me. Senior Brother Ye is the second person who has seen my life."

Ye Yang sighed secretly, feeling that his trust in Bai Zhi had become a heavy responsibility.

Even at the moment when he confirmed the fate of the opponent Yaolong, he couldn't help but feel greed in his heart.

Those monks who are trapped in a certain realm and have never made a breakthrough in dozens or hundreds of years will never let go of this opportunity.

At this time, Bai Zhi took out two wooden green crystals from her arms, handed them to Ye Yang, and said excitedly.

"Senior Brother Ye, I am a medicinal dragon. Every six months, I can condense a medicinal power crystal, which is very helpful for refining elixirs."

"I came all the way here just to bring you this medicine crystal. I heard that you are quite good at water alchemy, so you might as well give it a try."

Such rare things are rare treasures for any practitioner.

Ye Yang did not refuse and took the opportunity to put it away, feeling that the thing in his hand was unusually heavy.

Bai Zhi on the side couldn't help but blush when she saw Ye Yang accept it, thinking to herself.

"Fortunately, Senior Brother Ye doesn't know how this medicinal power crystal was condensed. If not, I don't know if he would accept it."

Thinking of the process of crystallization of the medicinal power every night, her face became even more rosy, as if she was feeling hot.

"What's wrong, junior sister, why are you looking so red?"

"It's okay, yes, it's cold."

Just when Ye Yang and Bai Zhi were having a cordial conversation here.

Yu Min from the Sky Splitting Sword Sect and Chi Meier from the Taixu Dao Sect saw the traces of the two of them.

Yu Min looked at Bai Zhi's figure and said.

"I didn't find Uncle Wang, but I saw this woman again. We can't miss this opportunity. Let's go quickly."

"There is such a strong power of dragon here. This woman must have just demonstrated her destiny. Such a talented person deserves to enter our Sky Splitting Sword Sect for further study."

The woman next to me spoke.

"Yes, now Feitianmen and these sects are like grasshoppers on the same rope."

"Presumably Fengyu Tower will be extremely happy to call her to practice in the Sky Splitting Sword Sect."

"But judging from the appearance of this woman, she should have broken through to the martial arts level. I just don't know if there is an expert behind her."

"It doesn't matter, even if there are experts, it doesn't matter. Except for Yan Lou, the owner of Fengyu Tower, who has some strength, the others waiting in front of the Holy Land are nothing more than mantises, and they are not worth mentioning."

"In that case, go quickly and meet..."

Before Chi Meier could finish speaking, Yu Min ran out in a hurry.

Chi Meier curled her lips and then said.

"I really don't know what to worry about. These lunatics from the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect have all become lunatics after staying with the sword for too long."

"It's better that our Taixu Taoist sect emphasizes "everything goes with the fate, and the flowers bloom and fade"."

Ye Yang is talking to Bai Zhi.

A tall figure in black robes, with a ferocious sword on his waist, suddenly landed in front of the two of them.

He didn't wait for Ye Yang to speak.

The man suddenly spoke to Bai Zhi beside him.

"Fairy, I am a disciple of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect. You are the one who belongs to the Flood Dragon. The Dragon Fighting Heaven Sword Technique of our Sky-Splitting Sword Sect is really a first-class swordsmanship. Why don't you go to my Sky-Splitting Sword Sect for further study? good?"

Hearing this, Ye Yang and Bai Zhi couldn't help being surprised.

Bai Zhi hurriedly hid behind Ye Yang and was startled.

Ye Yang frowned slightly and said.

"Have you ever seen my junior sister's true destiny?"

Ye Yang was worried that the other party would use the name of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect to suppress him, so he did not name Bai Zhi.

Yu Min said: "There is no need to look at one's destiny. Our Sky Splitting Sword Sect has its own means to sense Jiaolong's indescribable destiny energy. For example, you don't have this destiny."

Ye Yang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. Fortunately, Bai Zhi showed his true nature a little and then retracted it, so it was not exposed in the air for too long.

Otherwise it would be troublesome.

Yu Min on the side looked at Ye Yang wearing Feitianmen clothes and said.

"I don't know who your surname is, but are you a disciple of the Feitian Sect? Let me ask you, do you know Ye Yang, the swordsman, and Wang Dong, the bloodthirsty wolf?"

Bai Zhi poked her head out from behind Ye Yang and was about to speak. Before she could say a word, Ye Yang stopped her with a look, signaling her not to say more.

Ye Yang shook his head, and then said: "Sorry, this is my first time entering Feitian Sect, and I have never heard of these two people."

Ye Yang clasped his fists: "I'm Wang Wuqi, what is the name of this fellow Taoist?"

He hasn't spoken yet.

Chi Meier had already rushed over, looked at Ye Yang and said.

"So that this senior brother can know that my name is Chi Mei'er and I am a disciple of Taixu Taoist Sect, and this senior brother is Kongkongjian Yumin."

"The two of us went out to explore, and heard that the Feitian Sect was holding a ceremony to worship the heaven, so we went to the Feitian Sect."

After saying that, Ye Yang took Bai Zhi away to the side, preparing to stay away from the two of them.

He didn't bother to connect with the two.

The former has something to do with Bai Zhi, and now he comes to look for him by name.

Whether it's public or private, it's easy to get into trouble.

At this time, Bai Zhi also saw what Ye Yang meant and said deliberately.

"I heard that Ye Yang, the master of double swordsmanship, is a diligent practitioner. He must be practicing swordsmanship somewhere."

"That's not bad. I heard that he also raised a scaly demon elephant, which can be as big or small as he wants. The elephant is ugly and huge. He must be about ten feet tall, with a waist as big as a bucket and an ugly face."

Hearing this voice, Ye Yang showed a smile in his eyes and shook his head.

Seeing Ye Yang's smile, Chi Mei'er said.

"Are you dissatisfied with my judgment?"

"The fairy is joking. I don't know that person. How can I be dissatisfied with your judgment?"

Bai Zhi on the side wanted to argue, but was restrained by Ye Yang's gaze, so she hesitated for a while and did not speak.

At this time, the man next to him danced the long sword in his hand, his eyes exuding surging fighting spirit.

"Only by specializing in swords can you specialize in practice and reach the highest level."

"Ye Yang, the master of both swords and swords, is ranked one hundred on the Hidden Dragon Ranking. With such a level of cultivation, he is still studying and training hard. He is really extraordinary."

After a while, he spat secretly.

"It's a pity that the Hidden Dragon Ranking is made by the Jiutian Sect, and only includes the masters from the Yalongling realm. It looks down upon outsiders like me so much that I didn't make it even though I tried so hard."

Chi Meier next to her said with a slight smile.

"Brother Yu, stop joking. If your efforts are effective, then the only one who can become an immortal and become an ancestor is Lamo's donkey."

"Although he is also on the Qianlong list, for me, the Eighth Qi Chang Qiu Dao Xinghe is the most admirable."

"It should be noted that the top ten middle schools are all disciples of the sect, but Dao Xinghe can force his way into them as a casual cultivator. He is by no means an ordinary person."

"If he is given a chance, he may not be able to break through to the realm of a real person in the future, live in mountains and rivers, and become an immortal and an ancestor."

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