The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 313 Tao'anfang City A stranger from afar

But because of his decision, the great Feitian Sect will end its thousand-year inheritance.

All his disciples are wanted and hunted down, which is not what he wants.

He spoke.

"Thank you both for coming here to invite me. However, this matter is important and difficult to decide. I would also like to ask the two elders to stay temporarily and allow me to think about it for a few days."

The two elders of the Taixu Taoist Sect and the Splitting Sky Sword Sect looked at each other, with a hint of displeasure in their eyebrows.

After all, the Second Sect and Gu Xuan have been communicating with each other for a long time, but the other party has never sent a clear letter.

"Does the Feitian Sect really regard themselves as a piece of cake?"

This time, the Holy Land is interested in more than just one or two sects.

If the Five Poison Sect hadn't made too many enemies and had too few masters, they would have supported the Five Poison Sect to annex the Feitian Sect long ago.

Here, Feitian Sect is discussing important matters with Taixu Dao Sect and Splitting Sky Sword Sect.

On the other side, Taoanfang City.

In a quiet attic by the window, the fragrance of peach blossoms lingered. The two of them faced the window and had a steaming cup of fragrant tea.

On the hilltop not far away, the peach blossoms of Taohuawu were blooming all over the mountains and plains, causing a coquettish feeling.

The two people sitting facing each other, one holding a nine-section whip, wearing a red robe, fair and supple complexion, wearing a long slit skirt, revealing half of their slender and white thighs.

At the hem of the slit skirt, you can clearly see the faint blood vessels at the base of the legs, and the white can transmit light.

Next to her was a tall man in black, wearing a bamboo hat on his head and a ferocious steel sword with dark red embroidery marks on his waist.

After looking at it for a long time, I realized that it was not blood, but the blood on the sword blade. Because it had been too long, there was too much blood, and it was not wiped dry, resulting in a dark red scab.

The mist rose in front of them, a small red clay stove filled with the aroma of tea, and a few pieces of tea leaves blended with red peach blossoms floated on the rim of the cup.

Don’t have any artistic conception.

The man picked up the tea soup and tasted it slightly. After drinking the tea soup, he was still satisfied, and then he spoke.

"I heard that Tao'anfang City has only been established for less than ten years, but I didn't expect that it would become more and more prosperous like oil cooking in a raging fire."

The beautiful-legged woman holding a nine-section whip next to him spoke.

"This is not only due to the favorable location, but also the right time. The real people fought on Wangyue Mountain. The earth's veins were broken, the spiritual energy was lost, and the casual cultivators fled. This led to an increasing number of people."

"Especially since the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce recently announced that it will establish an auction here, it has attracted a lot of gimmicks."

The woman ordered the tea waiter next to her, "Here's another bowl of peach blossom tea."

"I have been wandering around for a long time and have no interest in white tea, green tea, or black tea. I am only curious about the fresh peach blossoms blooming in winter."

"That's right, our peach blossom tea is made after the famous Bitan Piaohua of Feitianmen Ye Yangye Dharma Protector. It is smoked with nine peach blossoms and lit with peach wood spiritual materials."

"The brewed tea soup is delicious and has a fragrant peach aroma, which is not inferior to those large-scale fine teas."

“In addition, there are peach cakes and peach fruits, which are exquisite and extraordinary.”

The woman sighed softly and said.

"The rumors in the world are true. They say that in Tao'anfang City, peach fruits are used for food and peach flowers are used for tea. Today, it seems that the reputation is well-deserved."

The woman smiled slightly, looked at the man next to her, and then said.

"Brother Yu, we, the disciples of the Holy Land, are coming down the mountain at this time. What we want is freedom and joy. How come you look so depressed and frustrated while riding in the world?"

The man wearing a black robe and hat held the hilt of the sword in his hand, looked up to the sky and roared.

"Think of how glorious my Sky-Splitting Sword Sect was back then. With one sword strike, thousands of swords surrendered, but now I have to be like this bereaved dog, hiding everywhere. I've really had enough of this life."

The woman raised her snow-white jade arms and said nothing. After a long time, she spoke.

"Having said that, the three major holy places can only do this now, and there is no good way."

"There were rumors many years ago that the old thief Yu Taxian has reached the peak of his strength and has reached the limit of his lifespan."

"But instead of passing the throne to the Immortal Prince over the years, he has become stronger and stronger. Now many people are rumoring that there are many conflicts between the Immortal Prince and him."

"I can't say that I will do regicide and my father in the future."

The tea waiter next to him had already quietly hid by the pillar when he heard such a sensitive matter, not daring to come forward.

The two continued to speak.

"The Immortal Prince is not young yet. He still doesn't know when he will be able to ascend the throne. He may not want to be the Prince for the rest of his life."

He added: "It's just a matter of the sect, but it's really unlucky that no one from our Three Holy Lands has entered the fifty ranks of the Hidden Dragon Ranking."

"Are we, the disciples of the Holy Sect, really worse than them? Are we not as good as them? I don't think so."

"It's just that the Jiutian Sect has always treated us as outsiders and despised us in their hearts, which makes it difficult for us to enter the list."

At this time, the waiter next to him dared to speak.

He brought another cup of fresh tea, placed it in front of the two of them and said.

"You two, you have to wait for the latest Hidden Dragon List."

As soon as the waiter finished speaking, the man next to him spoke with great anticipation.

"There is actually a list posted in the market? Are there any changes in this Qianlong List?"

The waiter said: "There are no big changes, but recently there are rumors that the bloodthirsty wolf king Dongxian of the Feitian Sect killed the evil Heavenly Wolf first, and then killed the master of the left Taoist Bai Yu, and it seems that he has entered the top two hundred. ”

"He's quite a figure! This Feitian Sect is also a small sect, and the disciples of this generation are quite extraordinary. It's a big deal that three disciples have been listed in succession."

"Sirius Xie Dao and Sister Bai Yu are both famous evil masters. If Wang Dong can kill them, I think he is not weak at all."

"Junior sister, why don't we also go and take a look at the list."

The man was so excited that he stopped drinking the tea and jumped out of the window.

It's just that the junior sister was still greedy for this cup of good tea. After finishing the cup of tea, she jumped out of the window.

Not long after, the two of them arrived at the largest square in Tao'anfang City.

The large square was already full of people, and there was a huge list posted on the black wall with white tiles.

The two of them looked at the list. There was no change in the previous rankings, and they continued to look down.

"The Little Immortal Master of Jiutian Sect was defeated repeatedly by Donghai Qilinzi. Now his reputation has been greatly damaged and he has dropped to ninth place."

"Starting from the tenth position is Luo Shenxue, who is known as the Luo Shen of Swords."

"Luo Shenxue's ranking unexpectedly moved up one place, reaching the tenth place."

"It's normal for her to kill Zhu Yingluo, the 'Buddha-faced Yama', and then the Little Living Buddha Tuoma, the 'Light of the Snow Mountain'."

"Ye Yang, the Swordsman and Duan Jue, is ranked number one hundred and twenty-fifth. He has not changed much, but he is a low-key figure."

"Logically speaking, after being on the list, you should challenge more masters, but this one is not showy, and only concentrates on practicing in the sect. It seems that he does not attach much importance to these false names."

Someone next to me said.

"I heard that this person has a scaly demon elephant in his possession, which is quite powerful."

"Some people say that among masters at the same level as him, no one can force him to use the magic elephant."

Everyone looked down and saw the one hundred and forty-two Die Wuhou.

Die Wuhou possesses eyes of blood and tears, and her ranking has risen to one hundred and forty-two at this moment, which is as expected by everyone.

"By the way, haven't Master Wang and the others arrived at the Feitian Sect now?"

"I heard that we are going to do something big. Why don't we go to Feitianmen and meet the sword master Ye Yang and the bloodthirsty wolf Wang Dong for a while."

When the man wearing a bamboo hat and holding a black sword saw the list on the Qianlong List, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes and he made a suggestion.

The woman next to me said: "Senior Brother Yu is right."

"In this case, we will go to the Feitian Sect to meet these masters. It just so happens that the Feitian Sect's heaven-sacrifice ceremony invites sects from all over the world. Maybe we can meet all the masters and promote the reputation of our holy land."

"In my opinion, I'm afraid they are just people with a false reputation. After all, I haven't heard that they have the background of real-person master suppression. I think they should be inferior to my disciples from the Holy Land."

The words he said immediately aroused the astonishment of countless people around him.

Many people looked up at him, and some even spoke outspokenly and passionately.

"Who is that thief? How dare he slander the Feitian Clan openly."

"That is, the gentlemen of Feitian Sect are kind-hearted and only charge half of the rent from tenants who come to rent shops. Which sect can do this?"

"It is even said that the Feitian Sect recruits disciples, and everyone has a share, unlike those big sects from aristocratic families who select within a specific group."

"Boy, take a bite out of me."

A big black man next to him was holding a huge mace and muttering.

The two of them were quite surprised when they saw this. They did not expect that Feitian Sect would be so respected by others.

For a moment, they were in disbelief.

However, the two of them were no small matter after all. With a cold snort, they exuded a great momentum, and after forcing everyone back, they immediately looked like giant black birds.

With the sword light flashing, he flew into the sky to the boundary of Feitianmen.

The two looked up and saw countless bright purple hazes, arranged in layers like fish scales to the horizon, emitting a pure golden light.

The huge door of Feitianmen has been dyed gold, which is quite shocking at first glance.

"I heard that Feitian Gate's dusk rosy clouds are one of the eight scenic spots in Yalong Ridge. Now it seems that it is indeed quite famous."

"By the way, don't you think those are Uncle Xu and Uncle Wang?"

At this time, the two saw three people walking slowly in the distance and called out quickly.

The two elders Xu and Wang of Taixu Dao Sect and Tiantian Sword Sect heard someone calling and saw the two Dao people.

"Why are you two in the realm of Feitian Clan? Come down quickly and let me introduce to you. This is Gu Xuan, the leader of Feitian Clan."

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