The fire of the three yangs sprouts like early spring, and the ice and snow melt, becoming docile and warm.

It is very useful for refining elixirs.

Nowadays, under Feitian Gate's Lihuo Peak, the earth's fire is raging, which is the best place for refining weapons.

Although it can also be used to make elixirs, it is a bit inferior to both nourishing and refining elixirs.

Although these three yang fire veins are useless for refining weapons, they are very helpful for refining elixirs.

"It just so happens that I have some excellent demon elixirs in my hand. Now at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the warm wind is gradually disappearing, the cold wind has not yet arisen, and the yin and yang energy is hidden underground. It is the best time to practice the moon and sun elixir."

After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he took Ye Yang to the mountain behind Feitian Gate.

There is a pomegranate forest on the back mountain.

It was the golden autumn season, and the pomegranate trees were intertwined with each other. The bark was mottled and cracked, and the vines were tangled. Some of them were more than ten feet tall.

When he arrived at the pomegranate forest, Ye Yang felt a strong aura and was surprised.

He looked up and saw that the thick pomegranate trees in the middle were already as thick as buckets, with a brilliant light shining slightly.

"The pomegranate forest here actually has quite strong spiritual energy fluctuations, and there are far more than just one or two plants. Over time, this place will become a spiritual orchard."

Gu Xuan said.

"The last spiritual vein promotion brought a lot of benefits. This place was originally a wild old pomegranate forest. Under the turbulent terrain, it was a blessing in disguise that seven or eight plants turned into spiritual plants."

"The fruited pomegranate moisturizes the heart and lungs, and is helpful for recovery from injuries."

"After you leave later, pick a few and try them too."

Pomegranate has wonderful functions of activating blood, repelling insects, and calming the nerves. Now it has become a spiritual fruit, and its effects have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Gu Xuan walked to the middle of the pomegranate forest and waved his hand. On a stone beach next to the pomegranate forest, a bluestone slab more than ten feet high was swept up, revealing a deep cave.

The moment the bluestone slab was lifted out, it was filled with spiritual energy, and thick fog like condensed spiritual liquid emerged from the cave and rushed directly into people's minds.

Gu Xuan walked in directly, and Ye Yang followed him closely without stopping at all.

Along the way, Ye Yang felt that although the spiritual energy in this mountain range was rich, many cracks had appeared on the stone walls.

It looks like it's spreading like a spider web, which is really distressing.

Gu Xuan took out some special paste-like liquid from the storage bag.

Then slowly apply it on the cracked stone wall.

Strangely enough, as soon as these paste-like spiritual liquids were applied to the stone wall, the stone wall that was originally covered with cracks gradually healed.

Ye Yang could see clearly.

Although Gu Xuan's technique seems easy, in fact, every placement of materials and grasp of the overall position are unique.

According to different directions, put the spiritual material into it, and under the interaction of the spiritual material and the spiritual energy.

Only when the spiritual energy soaks into the earth veins can it have a repairing effect.

"It seems to be a special method of finding veins and finding minerals."

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang thought to himself.

"The Shangguan family is good at the spiritual art of escaping from the earth and the spiritual inheritance of finding veins and minerals. They have been dealing with various minerals and spiritual materials."

"The master's technique is obviously newly refined, and it is obviously inherited from Shangguan's family."

Today, the Shangguan family has also dispatched the scattered clan members to the area where the Bai family is located, and has renamed the clan area Jingshan.

Once again, it survives forever.

The two of them moved forward, Gu Xuan was not in a panic, and kept hammering and repairing all the mineral veins.

After working for most of the day, he was full of energy, but his face looked a little regretful.

Ye Yang glanced at Gu Xuan, and then said: "Master, maybe something happened."

Gu Xuan glanced at Ye Yang, then sighed and said.

“This spiritual vein promotion was rushed and no special product was born.

"I'm afraid that if you want to give birth to a special spiritual object again after this terrestrial turbulence, you will have to wait for several decades."

Ye Yang's heart skipped a beat.

The original life of the Buddha's Zen light is indeed interesting. It can travel out of the body and transform into earthworms. .

It can escape from the ground or climb into the mountains, which is difficult for ordinary people to deal with.

This caused such an impact on Feitianmen's mineral veins.

Ye Yang said: "I wonder if there is a way to make up for it."

Gu Xuan nodded affirmatively.

"Of course there is a way. If it can be done, the sect's specialties will be condensed quickly, and the spiritual energy can be raised to a higher level, but the price is too high."

After finishing speaking, he had a look of regret on his face and murmured in his mouth.

"If...if we could plunder all the spiritual veins of the Five Poison Sect, that would be enough."

There was a hint of brightness in Ye Yang's eyes.

It seems that Gu Xuan, who has fused the hand of the eight-armed evil dragon, must be ambitious and full of ambitions now.

The two continued to move forward, and soon reached the hinterland.

The center of the mountain has been repaired a long time ago, and a large boundary has been formed under the ground. The surrounding stone skin is mottled and cracked, and full of spiritual energy.

In the middle of this land is a three- to four-foot spiritual spring, which is constantly spouting milky white spring water. An old gourd vine climbs on the spring water.

The gourd vine shone with red, yellow and blue colors, and the light was brilliant. At this time, two gourds the size of a baby's fist had grown out of the green leaves.

"Is this the old gourd from the Sutra Pavilion?"

Ye Yang remembered that there was an old gourd tree outside the Sutra Pavilion. It was red, yellow, and blue. It was quite rare. He didn't expect it to be transplanted here.

Gu Xuan nodded and said.

"Yes, it was the gourd in the Sutra Pavilion. Later, I opened an underground spiritual cave in the heart of the mountain. The spiritual energy here is rich, so I transplanted it here."

This gourd has been growing in the Sutra Pavilion for a long time.

Ye Yang had never heard of anything mysterious, so he couldn't help but speak.

"Master, don't you know what these three-color gourds are for?"

Gu Xuan said: "Do you know the red flame flying crow gourd of our Feitian Sect?"

Ye Yang nodded.

"Of course I know, this is our sect's most important treasure."

Gu Xuan explained to Ye Yang.

"When the first ancestor was practicing in the mountains, he came across an old gourd vine in the mountains. There was a huge red gourd hanging on the vine, so he picked it off."

"The body of the gourd was refined into a magical weapon. After thousands of years of cultivation, it became the pulse-suppressing treasure you see today - the Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd."

"But the gourd seeds inside the gourd were not abandoned. They were cultivated from generation to generation, and unexpectedly three more colors appeared."

"This is the seventeenth generation. It was later planted in the Sutra Pavilion. Even though the gourd is not big, it has actually been growing for nearly a hundred years."

In the stone spring with rich spiritual energy, the green leaves of gourd vines are all over the ground, and the three-color light is slowly rotating. The two small gourds are constantly absorbing the spiritual light around them.

Full and round, with brilliant aura.

Ye Yang said: "It seems that these two gourds still have some time to mature."

Gu Xuan said: "Even if they are mature, they will not be of much use. I think these two gourds are just for beginners. At most, they can be used as the main materials for refining low-grade magic weapons."

"Wang Dong has used his achievements over the past few years to reserve one of the gourds in advance."

"It's strange to say that for thousands of years, it has been difficult to achieve the material of the first generation gourd. I don't know why?"

The Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd can become a pulse-suppressing treasure, and its material must be extraordinary.

In comparison, although these three gourds can be used as the main materials for making pottery, they are very good.

But compared to the first generation, it is much worse.

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