The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 283 The Awakened Scaled Demon Elephant (Happy New Year to everyone! Additional update for bo

Seeing this, the old lady Shangguan jumped onto a tree and took a few breaths.

Her face was dark, and her body had been poisoned severely.

At this time, the poisonous scorpion envoy next to him saw the Sun Flying Turtle flying in mid-air.

Thinking it was Feitianmen's reinforcements again, he wanted to kill the flying turtle.

He aimed at a gap and headed towards Ye Yang.

The strength of the Five Poison Masters of the Five Poison Sect is mostly above the fifth realm of martial arts cultivating evil spirits.

He also has his own poisonous beast in his hands and is quite powerful.

Ye Yang quickly retreated and responded urgently.

The sword slashed out, the sharp edge roared, and the white horse sword burst out with countless sharp blades.

The moment he rushed over, the scorpion envoy recognized Ye Yang's identity and couldn't help laughing.

"I know who it is. It turns out to be Ye Yang, the Sword and Sword Master. It really took no effort at all. Let's see how I can capture you and let the Feitian Sect give you treasures in exchange."

After he finished speaking, he hooked one leg, and a scorpion shadow appeared on it.

Ye Yang looked up and saw a large purple-tailed scorpion, which had suddenly expanded to a height of more than a foot and rushed in front of him.

This poisonous scorpion was incredibly poisonous. Before it even hit the ground, Ye Yang could smell the fishy smell.

Then the scorpion's tail hook flashed with cold light, and it opened its fangs and mouth, and the bloody mouth was filled with silver-white fangs.

It seemed like it might split his neck in two at any moment.

At this critical moment, the Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle at Ye Yang's feet suddenly spit out a majestic aura.

Although the power of spiritual water is not strong, it is quite effective in digesting toxins.

And the impact was so huge that it immediately pushed the poisonous scorpion aside.

However, it did not cause any harm to the poisonous scorpion.

Then Ye Yang rode the Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle at an incredible angle and rushed forward.

The white horse sword in his hand slashed forward, and the swift and fierce sword light passed directly under the belly of the purple-tailed scorpion.

The white horse is a sharp sword, extremely fast and extremely sharp.

The moment the sword came out, it actually cut open the scorpion's chest and scratched the scorpion's back from bottom to top.

Then this huge poisonous scorpion was split in two from the middle, and fell to the ground in two halves.

"Damn it! What a sharp magic weapon! I deserve this opportunity today. I can snatch it away and it will be mine."

The poisonous scorpion envoy roared angrily, seeing that the poisonous beast he depended on for survival, the scorpion, was killed, and he was filled with anger and hatred.

With one strike, a scorpion-hook sharp blade emerged from behind and hooked Ye Yang's ankle in an instant.

The scorpion hook scratched Ye Yang's coat.

But it didn't leave any scars on Ye Yang's skin, just a white mark.

Ever since he mastered the Elephant Demon Fist, Ye Yang's skin has become as indestructible as a diamond.

As soon as he was in operation, the power of the demonic elephant was so terrifying. After the billowing demonic energy sensed the alien toxin entering his body, it swallowed the nebula and eliminated the toxin in an instant.

At this moment, Ye Yang suddenly felt something moving in his sleeves. After a moment of feeling, he couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy.

It turned out that the scaled demon elephant had regained its vitality.

The scaled demon elephant fell into a deep sleep after devouring the bodies of the blood dragon ghost mastiff and the sick scholar Zhu Xingyu.

At this moment, there are signs of waking up again.

The poisonous scorpion envoy's heart moved slightly when he saw Ye Yang defeating this move easily and comfortably.

Ye Yang thought for a moment and already had a plan in mind.

The Five Poisons are powerful and cannot be attacked forcefully.

He screamed and forced the purple-black poisonous gas on his face.

The poisonous scorpion envoy saw a trace of joy in his eyes when he saw that Ye Yang was injured by the poison just under his hook.

The body is like a poisonous scorpion, and it kills again in an instant.

Hit Ye Yang's chest directly.

The next moment, he stretched out his scorpion hook to kill Ye Yang.

Suddenly he seemed to sense something and shouted "No!"

But it's too late.

At this time, he looked up and discovered that the swordsmen in front of him had a black and white magic shield that had appeared on their bodies.

The shield was extremely hard and resisted his blow, although it was shattered by his palm in the next moment.

But at some point, the person in front of him was struck with a sharp white horse sword at a weird and incredible angle, right next to his chest.

He thought of the scene where the poisonous beast of his own was cut into two by the sharp knife, and he couldn't help but was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and retreated quickly.

Fortunately, his body shape was strange, and the knife only hit his coat and did not penetrate into his heart. However, even so, the sharp knife energy entered his limbs and bones.

A stinging pain came, and he felt twitching in pain, and his internal organs surged.

Just when he took a deep breath and finally dodged the attack.

Unexpectedly, a red sword light suddenly shot out at an incredible angle.

It stabbed directly into his chest.

So fast, such a fast sword!

The toxin just now was a lie, he was not poisoned

The poisonous scorpionist suddenly thought of something and secretly let out a breath.

The person just now was not injured, but even so, he still pretended to be poisoned.

Then he tricked him into getting in front of him and received his blow in vain.

One sword at a time, one after another, they struck out to take his life.

However, the poisonous scorpion user is, after all, a practitioner who has reached the fifth level of martial arts in the Ningsha realm.

At this critical moment, a layer of brilliant golden armor suddenly appeared on his body, and this golden armor simultaneously withstood a blow from Ye Yang's sword.

"It's actually a defensive weapon!"

Ye Yang couldn't help but frown slightly. Obviously, it wasn't just him who had the defense of the magic weapon.

The poisonous scorpion envoy in front of you is the top master of the Five Poison Sects.

Naturally, there is also a magic weapon in his hand to protect himself.

His magic weapon is like a golden armor, and it quickly forms a defensive net as soon as it appears.

The golden armor was indestructible and withstood Ye Yang's sword attack.

But even so, there were many holes penetrated by swords.

The poisonous scorpion user gasped slightly, but he didn't expect Ye Yang, the master of swords and swords, to be so difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, the defensive magic weapon is extremely effective and can withstand the opponent's attack.

But he never thought that at the critical moment, countless air waves would suddenly spurt out from behind the Sun Flying Turtle at Ye Yang's feet.

The emptying came as fast as lightning, and it was in front of him in an instant.

He wanted to run away again, but he never thought that at this moment, Ye Yang in front waved his hands, and an object the size of a mouse came out of his sleeves.

The object grew in the wind, standing upright in the air and turning into a blood-red scaly demonic elephant covered in ferocious barbs.

The demonic elephant grew in the wind, and in an instant it became four or five feet long.

Then the huge elephant demon stretched out two powerful steel hands and grabbed the scorpion user's feet fiercely.


The poisonous scorpion user seemed to have thought of something, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

This mutated demonic elephant was so powerful that it achieved many victories at the hands of the people in front of it, frightening countless people.

What's even more terrifying is that the killing methods are brutal, often tearing people into two, and the techniques are extremely brutal.

Now the demon elephant is back and has grabbed hold of his feet.


The Elephant Demon howled and tore it apart with two giant steel hands.

There was a sound like ripping cloth.

In an instant, the poisonous scorpion user's body was split into two, torn into pieces and blood on the spot.

The blood mist is flying, extremely brilliant.

Others were shocked to see this scene.

The poisonous scorpion envoy is dead!

And the death was so tragic.

You must know that the poisonous scorpion user is a monk in the fifth level of martial arts cultivating evil realm.

Thanks to Sun Liansheng for the reward of 5,000 starting coins! I have always wanted to add more thank you, but I didn’t take the time until New Year’s Eve to add an update for you today.

In writing, will continue to update tomorrow!

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