Dong Feng spoke again.

"These people from the Shangguan family have betrayed the Five Poison Sect now, and they might even betray my Feitian Sect in the future."

After hearing this, Wang Huan was silent for a moment and then said.

"That makes sense."

At this time, the two of them saw Ye Yang slowly walking over from the mountain peak on one side, and hurriedly walked up to meet him.

Ye Yang said.

"Looking at there are more than a dozen cars of these things, the number of people who want to come to Shangguan's house should be here."

Wang Huan said.

"According to the letter, a large force should have arrived, but these people are all young monks who are not in the ventilation realm or are old, weak, sick and disabled. They came to the door first to temporarily avoid trouble."

"The truly powerful master should delay the time behind and prevent the pursuit of the Five Poison Sect."

The Shangguan family was the strongest force in the Five Poison Sect in the past.

The old head of the family, Shangguan Hong, has condensed his Qi and reached the late warrior stage.

But he was killed by Wu Qing, the leader of the Five Poison Sect.

This time, five or six strong warriors from the family joined forces to fight against the Five Poison Sect.

Unexpectedly, two more people died on the road, leaving only three people.

Ye Yang said.

"After these people arrive at Feitian Sect, they can just solve the problem of insufficient manpower within the sect."

"Before, the Bai family was sacrificed by the Blood and Bone Cult, leaving a large open space without anyone to guard it. The Shangguan family came just in time."

Wang Huan quite agreed and then said.

"The area where the Bai family is located has mountains and rivers, and the terrain is complicated. Nowadays, there is a lack of suppression by monks, and many demons have appeared. It is just right for the Shangguan family to come here."

The Shangguan family has a technique that involves drilling into mountains to search for minerals and drawing spiritual veins. It is known as the technique of drilling through mountains to escape from the earth.

According to legend, if the Soul Drawing Technique is practiced to the level of Dacheng, it can draw the spiritual veins forward.

Ye Yang was also quite curious about them. He saw one of these people coming with a strong earthy smell, so he thought the rumors were good.

Wang Huan was more knowledgeable than Ye Yang in this area, so he spoke.

"Many years ago, the Shangguan family relied on this skill and almost became a big family. According to legend, the family's spiritual veins are about to be promoted to middle-grade spiritual veins."

"In the end, I didn't expect that their method of drilling mountains to escape from the earth and attracting spiritual intelligence was lost, and only half of it was left."

"That's why the family declined to such an extent that it had to become a subsidiary family of the Five Poison Sect."

Ye Yang had also heard this news and was not too surprised.

Ye Yang suddenly thought of something and said.

"By the way, how come there is no news about the people from the Universiade Dynasty who came to investigate some time ago, but they left?"

Wang Huan said: "Those demons from the Yuxian Division have always said that the murderer they are looking for is hidden in our sect. Later, there were several waves of undercover attempts, but they were all repelled by the joint efforts of several elders."

"They didn't have the upper hand in terms of force or numbers, so they went back early to resume their duties."

"There are just a few pawns hidden in the dark. We don't want to offend the Universiade Dynasty to death, so we haven't sent anyone to clean them up."

The evil sword old man used the devil's residual blood method to escape from the crowd. Some time ago, the sect gave these people relevant information about the evil sword old man.

They just retreated quickly as if they had found a great treasure.

They originally came to chase the evil sword old man.

Now that they have obtained the information about Feitian Sect, it may be too late for them to be happy.

Just as a few people were discussing, the world suddenly changed. Amidst the roar of the mountains and forests in the distance, dark clouds suddenly filled the sky, and the sky was full of fishy stench.

The white clouds in the sky have been stained black.

After all, Wang Huan and others have not yet broken through to the warrior realm and have not felt the horror of it.

Ye Yang felt the energy gathering in front of him, and several powerful auras rushed towards him, causing his face to change dramatically.

"Send these people to the sect quickly."

Although Wang Huan didn't know what was happening, he could still feel the strange phenomena appearing in the distant sky at this moment.

He quickly summoned Dong Feng and his party members to urge the carriages to the top of the mountain.

Soon after, Ye Yang saw a scream from the horizon and several figures falling down.

Those people had shaggy hair, ragged clothes, and looked dusty. They had obviously endured a long journey.

The two men who were chasing him were dressed in black robes and masks, and looked fierce.

Seeing this, Ye Yang raised his foot and kicked the sand and rocks aside.

The sand mixed with hard pebbles was kicked by him and flew forward like a cannonball at extremely high speed.

The sand and stones flew up and hit the two of them.

The two men who were chasing were suddenly attacked by stones, and they quickly retreated with a cry of pain.

But before he could escape, he suddenly saw several swords coming from ahead and retreated hurriedly.

At this time, Ye Yang could clearly see the whole body of the person in front of him.

The two of them held a giant red-scaled snake in their hands, which looked like a magic weapon but not a magic weapon.

It looks like a snake-like spiritual beast, but it doesn't look like a snake-like spiritual beast.

The two of them had also discovered Ye Yang's presence at this time. They took a step back slightly and did not dare to make a move, and then said.

"But the Feitian Clan's sword and double blade guardians are in front."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Yang knew that he had discovered something, and then said.

"The Shangguan family has taken refuge with the Feitian Clan. Please stay away as soon as possible."

The few people looked at each other and then said.

"Guardian Ye, this is a matter of life and death between the two sects."

"Suddenly, the Shangguan family turned against my Five Poison Sect. If our Five Poison Sect doesn't pay attention to it, wouldn't it become a joke in the world?"

After finishing speaking, the two men threw the red-scaled snakes in their hands into the sky.

The long snake turned into a red flame in an instant and rushed directly towards Ye Yang.

The breeze blows and the flames billow.

In an instant, he was in front of Ye Yang. The surrounding vegetation, earth and rocks were all turned into lime under the powerful sweep of the flames.

Seeing this, Ye Yang waved his hand slightly, and a flash of sword appeared behind him.

The sharp and swift sword light collided with the flame snakes in an instant, extinguishing all the flames to the ground.

The people they were chasing had also reacted and quickly fled behind Ye Yang and entered the Feitian Gate's mountain gate.

Seeing that these people were seriously injured and their faces pale, Ye Yang spoke.

"You guys take these pills first."

After finishing speaking, he threw a pill into each of these people's hands.

Those people quickly swallowed the elixir in their mouths, and then their expressions improved a little.

"Thank you, Master Dao Jian Shuang Jue Ye, for your rescue. I will never forget this great kindness."

"Please also ask Protector Ye to report to the sect that the old lady of my Shangguan family is still struggling to support herself in the pursuit of the Five Poison Sect."

Ye Yang looked back and found that the person speaking was a rather strong young warrior monk.

Under the infiltration of his elixir, the injuries of these people have improved a lot.

The two people who were chasing behind them heard that Feitianmen masters were here, so they did not dare to disturb them and prepared to retreat towards the back.

At this moment, a roar came from the horizon, and then several sword lights came from the Feitian Sect.

"You came to my Feitian Sect and you still want to leave unscathed. Do you really think that my Feitian Sect has no one?"

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