The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 279 The Seven Emotions of Fear and What Is Pity and Cherishing Jade

Special evil spirit? "

Ye Yang's eyes showed a hint of doubt.

"Do you have any specific information?"

The three of them looked at each other, and the leading woman said to Ye Yang.

"Please wait a moment, Xiu Xiu, and you will know after a quick look."

After saying that, the three of them led Ye Yang to the blood pool behind the statue of the Blood and Bone Evil God.

The blood pool was filled with blood, occupying two-thirds of the height, and a lot of corpses and bones were soaked in it.

The weirdest thing is that there is a lotus-shaped vase in the middle of the corpses and evil bones.

The mouth of the treasure bottle is slightly open, exuding a suction force, as if it is absorbing the blood energy and unspeakable sinful energy spreading around.

Ye Yang's gentle sniff made people feel dizzy.

"This is?"

There was a trace of thought in Ye Yang's eyes before he spoke.

"It's the seven emotions of fear."

"These evil disciples are actually refining evil spirits in the world."

There are three types of evil spirits: heaven, earth, and humans.

Among them, the human evil spirit needs to be tempered mainly with the monk's negative emotions or positive emotions.

Also known as the qi of the world of mortals.

For example, in the Immortality Barrier, Ye Yang once got a bottle of Seven Emotions Wrath from the monsters in Northern Xinjiang.

Humans have seven emotions and six desires. The seven emotions are joy, anger, sadness, fear, love, evil, and desire.

It was obvious that the other party had robbed so many monks to refine Seven Emotions Fear.

Ye Yang waved his hand and took the red lotus-shaped vase into his hand.

Then he picked up a cork and capped the vase.

There is also a Qiqingnu in his storage bag.

It was obtained from the "Northern Xinjiang Monster" before and has never been used.

Although these two kinds of evil spirits are not very suitable for him.

But in order to activate the red wedding dress that shrouds the corpse in his hand, he needs the help of the source of evil energy.

On the other hand, evil spirits are hard to find.

If you don't use it yourself, you can sell it and earn one or two cents of capital.

After taking the Qi Qing Fear away, at this moment, a sword light suddenly shot out.

In the flash of light, a ray of fire stabbed Ye Yang's back in an instant.

Ye Yang felt a chill on his back.

"Shang Xiu, be careful."

A voice suddenly came out, and Ye Yang looked back and found that the person who spoke to remind him was the female cultivator.

In a hurry, caught off guard, Ye Yang had no choice but to wave his hand.

But he found that the fire was like a maggot attached to the bone, extremely tenacious.

Looking back, Ye Yang discovered that it was one of the three men just now.

Ye Yang couldn't help but feel angry.

The next moment, the white horse sword and the red maple sword were swung together, and the sword light and sword light slashed out, directly cutting the man who attacked him in two from the middle.

At this time, the remaining two people were also stunned by this scene and quickly fell to their knees.

"Senior, we...we don't know what we found, let alone why Junior Brother Xiaobai suddenly attacked you."

Ye Yang didn't speak. He looked at the two people who were trying their best to hide it, with a strange look in his eyes. Then he straightened his expression, waved and said.

"It doesn't matter. I would also like to thank the girl just now for reminding me."

Slowly put the red lotus vase into the storage bag.

Ye Yang Youyou said: "I don't know where you practiced before, but I think the magic power in your body is quite strong."

The woman spoke.

"So that seniors can know that the three of us were originally casual cultivators who made a living on the Niu Mo River. Later, we became disciples of Qian Dongjiang, the "Flying Fish Hand" on the Niu Mo River, and were taught the techniques of carving up and refining fish.

"On weekdays, I use these skills of dissecting and selling spiritual fish to exchange for some cultivation materials to maintain my practice."

"But I never thought that I was kidnapped by these Blood and Bone Cult people while fishing a few days ago and brought here, where I was tortured."

"Everything junior said is true. If senior doesn't believe it, feel free to inquire."

Ye Yang said: "That's it."

Just when Ye Yang finished speaking.

The sword light burst out, and a snow-white sword light shot out from his hand.

The surging sword light was so sharp that it directly cut the arm of the female cultivator in the middle.

"Ah! It hurts!"

A tragic sound came out.

The woman looked at Ye Yang with horror in her eyes.

"Senior, senior, why are you doing this? Everything I said is true."

"You still haven't confessed? Do you think that Mr. Ye is easy to bully?"

Ye Yang didn't answer and just killed wildly.

The swords on the left and right, each sword in his hand were really sharp, the surging sword light, and the surging sword light pierced directly into her chest.

Under a life and death crisis.

The woman finally stopped covering up, turned into a flash of red light and dodged to the side, and in an instant she moved to the corner of the rock wall behind her.

"How did you see through my disguise?"

"First, Mr. Ye has always believed in the word 'caution' since his debut. Don't you think I said a little too much to you? This is testing your emotions."

"Second, you deliberately commanded your companions to attack me, and then warned you to gain my trust."

"I, Mr. Ye, am not a dumb young man who has just entered the world of immortality. I can't see through such a small trick, and I am playing with it in your hands."

"Although I don't know who you are, based on these two guesses, you can already die."

The woman had just had one of her arms chopped off by Ye Yang and was almost killed.

After hearing Ye Yang's analysis, a trace of fear appeared on his face.

"Ye Yang is such a master of swordsmanship and has so much experience in fighting. People say you are young, but I didn't expect you to be so old and fierce."

"My little sister is willing to give in."

Ye Yang was worried that she was cheating, and then said.

"Who are you?"

While she was talking, he took advantage of her not paying attention and turned the red maple sword. The red maple sword circled around, emitting a scarlet blood light, and directly killed the other male cultivator next to her.

"You are despicable!"

"Isn't it despicable for you to sneak attack on Mr. Ye? If you want to break into Feitianmen through me, don't even think about spying on me."

"Who I am is not important. What is important is that I want to tell you that as you are about to grow up, do you think Feitianmen can give you enough resources?"

Ye Yang snorted coldly, "Could it be that you want to incite rebellion against Ye?"

The woman chuckled and then said.

"Since Brother Ye is a loyal member of the Feitian Sect, our Holy Cult has long known Brother Ye's character and does not dare to do anything to instigate rebellion."

"However, what I want to tell Brother Ye is that if you want to go further in the future, you will need the support of a stronger force. Otherwise, it will be a tree without roots and water without a source."

Before she could say a word, she felt the light of a knife coming towards her again.

She couldn't help but scream in fear, and then said.

"You, you actually did such a cruel thing. Isn't it bad that my little sister is pretty and has martial arts skills, so she can be turned into a cauldron and serve as a concubine?"

"Could it be that you really don't have any compassion for me and want to kill me?"

There was a hint of panic in her eyes.

Only then did he realize that a sharp knife had reached his neck at some point.

She had just been attacked and killed by the Red Maple Sword. Although she had been giving advice, she had already made complete preparations in her heart.

Be wary of the opponent's attacks.

But she never thought that the sword light just now was just a false pretense, and the opponent's killing move was the sword light, which had already circled behind her.

A killing blow is coming!

She seemed to have thought of something for a moment, and there was a trace of panic in her eyes.

"Brother Ye, don't kill me. If you have anything to say, please speak up. Your knife is too fast, and my little sister can't bear it."

But before she could finish speaking, Ye Yang moved slightly, and the white horse's sharp knife turned slightly and slashed from top to bottom.


This extremely sharp knife was slashed in the air, and it actually split the woman in half from the middle.

Ye Yang walked up to the woman and observed carefully. He found a storage bag from her body.

Open the storage bag and take a quick look.

Ye Yang showed a trace of doubt.

He took out a wooden sign that looked like an evil knife, with the color of black gold flashing on it. It was dark and shiny, and he used a small silver pen to outline an inscription.

There are several big characters written on it.

"Niu Mojiang, the fourth leader of the Tianyuan Alliance."

Ye Yang of the Tianyuan Alliance had heard about it, and it was said that it was a force founded by the Evil Sword Old Man with the support of the Blood and Bone Cult.

If nothing else, the dead woman was the leading figure in the Tianyuan Alliance.

The other party seems to have practiced a special secret method, and the person he just came into contact with only has the cultivation level of the ventilation realm.

But at the moment when he was fighting with him, his warrior realm cultivation suddenly burst out.

Now that he is dead, his cultivation can no longer be hidden.

Even the chalcedony of the bones has turned into the color of gold and jade of the warrior realm.

Then Ye Yang searched around again and found that there was nothing else useful.

Ye Yang walked out of the cave alone.

at this time.

A group of prisoners were already kneeling outside.

It's just that the cave is dark, and there are still some Feitian Sect monks who haven't emerged from the cave.

After Ye Yang waited for a while, some monks came out of the cave, but except for some spiritual materials, they didn't gain much.

Gu Qingshu looked at these hostile monks kneeling on the ground and snorted coldly.

"Beat these people for cultivation and throw them into Qingming Island to mine."

Under the Qingming Island, the broken jade cold light stone veins have begun to be excavated and mined under the cooperation of several sects.

It's just that the mineral vein is quite rich, so a large number of monks are needed to mine it. Ordinary mortals are too weak and efficient, so there is always a shortage of manpower.

Each of these monks is very powerful.

If you confine your cultivation to mine, one can be worth three if you use it well.

After cleaning up the battlefield, a group of people returned to Feitianmen on their flying pack rays.

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