Ye Yang said.

"With the fairy's strength, it is more than enough to come to my Feitian Sect and be a guest, so why bother getting into this muddy water again."

Silver Spear Fairy snorted coldly and spoke.

"Guardian Ye is a little too concerned. Naturally, I have my own intentions."

Although she was extremely powerful, facing this legendary swordsman, she had no confidence that she would win.

In terms of age, she is already a hundred years old. In terms of strength, she has been in the third level of martial arts for more than ten years, and her skills are very experienced.

But this master of swordsmanship has a reputation, and it is said that no one who confronts him ends well.

Previously, he killed the most powerful thirteenth son of the Ghost Dragon King, Gui Ao, the blood dragon, and he also killed the sick scholar Zhu Xingyu with his sword.

Ranked 124th on the Hidden Dragon List, everyone knows it.

In the moment of the fight, the opponent's knife was so sharp that she was extremely frightened.

He actually cut off the head of his own Cold Moon Spear.

The huge force coming from the opponent's blade during the fight made her hands numb in every fight.

But the most important thing is that the opponent is superb with both swords and swords.

The legendary swordsmanship has not yet been performed.

She held her breath and dealt with it carefully.

At this moment, a fierce and brilliant sword light struck out from behind. She hurriedly turned around, shot out a clear light with both hands, and defeated the killing sword light.

After slapping the sword light away, Silver Spear Fairy was about to escape, but she never thought that hundreds of sword lights suddenly appeared around her.

The sword, which was more than ten feet long, was densely packed with light, covering the surrounding space, and was heading straight towards her.

The surrounding area was pale, and everything was shrouded in the light of swords.

"not good!"

Silver Spear Fairy shouted and quickly threw a third-level talisman.

"Golden Wall Talisman!"

The moment this talisman appeared, countless golden lights burst out.

The golden light quickly condensed into a huge wall, firmly resisting these sword lights.

However, the speed of the sword became faster and faster, and the sharpness became higher and higher. After a while, the giant wall formed by the talisman was shattered.


Silver Spear Fairy snorted coldly.

She expected that the other party was very strong, but she didn't expect that he was so ridiculously strong.

The moment they fought, they were forced to this point by the opponent.

She continued to use it and waved the spear in her hand, like a swimming dragon, preparing a strike.

But he never thought that at this moment, a snow-white cold light suddenly flashed in the sky.

A loud shout!

The soaring sword light came from afar and slashed.

The moment the sword light appeared, a mane flew up, and it leapt up with its front hooves. The giant half-dragon, half-horse roared and came quickly with a huge sword light in its teeth.

The surrounding rocks, as soon as they came into contact with this huge sword light, were quickly divided into two halves like a knife cutting tofu.

Shockingly sharp!

The sword light was coming, and the Silver Spear Fairy wanted to dodge.

But she never thought that the sword light would sink into her neck in an instant.

The sword slashed forward as fast as lightning, making people shudder and making their whole body stiff and unable to hide.

Her body couldn't help but slow down.

"Damn it, this sword light actually contains a huge amount of cold power."

It was freezing and snowy, with a light layer of white frost already covering the ground.

At this moment, even the blood seemed to be frozen.

Countless snowflakes are flying.

The power of a sword is so terrifying.


Silver Spear Fairy roared angrily. But it's too late.

A good head fell immediately!

Ye Yang walked over and took the Silver Spear Fairy's storage bag into his hands, with a satisfied smile on his face.

The white horse represents time.

Like a white foal passing through a gap, it disappears without a trace.

When the reaction came, it was already too late.

Ye Yang was quite satisfied with the power of the White Horse Knife.

Although he didn't use the Thirteen Time Swordsman in this battle.

But the moment he used the knife, the light from the knife was as fast as lightning.

It's hard to keep track of it.

At this moment, he looked up and found that the fair face of the Silver Spear Fairy could not help but look a little older.

This white horse's sharp sword is extremely sharp, as cold as steel.

Even if the Thirteen Swordsmanship of Time is not used, it still carries the huge power of time under the spontaneous operation of the Time Sand.

Putting away his sword and standing up, Ye Yang saw that the monks from Feitian Sect were fighting with the enemy.

He rushed forward and slashed out with a knife, like light and lightning, and cut off a person's head in an instant.

The man quickly bowed to him and said, "Thank you, Protector Ye."

Ye Yang nodded and looked up, only to see that this stronghold was about to be breached by the Feitian Sect.

Smoke and dust billowed, the shouts of killing were loud, and blood and wreckage were scattered everywhere.

The fighting continued for a long time.

There is a huge figure in the distance, extremely strong, like a little giant, holding a pair of giant hammers in his hands and flying into the air to fight with the enemy.

It's Li Bayuan!

He had just broken through to the warrior realm.

But he is gifted with extraordinary talents and has the skills to be a giant warrior.

The pair of copper hammers he used were extremely powerful, and they fit perfectly with his own destiny and bones. With one hammer, the sky would shatter and the earth would shatter.


As a bright sword light passed by.

A master of the Blood and Bone Cult screamed, his chest was pierced, and blood spurted out.

His body slowly fell, and the life in his eyes gradually disappeared.

the other side.

A ray of light flew past like blue lightning. Gu Qingshu was short in stature, but extremely fast.

He held an extremely sharp whip in his hand. The whip was as weird as a snake and extremely fast.

The shadow of the whip rolled over, and there were a bunch of heads on the ground.

His head had been hit by thunder and there were blood marks everywhere.

Gu Qingshu threw the head on the ground and said.

"Hiss! The leader of the Blood and Bone Cult is dead, why don't you just catch him without mercy?"

Gu Qingshu is quite powerful, even more so after breaking through to the realm of warrior perfection.

Not only did he defeat the blood and bone puppets of the blood and bone cult, but he also killed the leader of the blood and bone cult and achieved a great victory.

At this moment, as soon as the whip was victorious, it circled around her neck like a snake.

It looks more like a vivid spiritual snake.

This scene shocked everyone.

Especially the hostile monks who were fighting against the Feitian Sect had their eyes widened with horror on their faces, unable to believe what they were seeing.

The masters of the Blood and Bone Cult are dead, and the faith in their hearts has also collapsed.

At this time, the atmosphere on the battlefield became extremely tense.

They originally thought that under the leadership of the masters of the Blood and Bone Cult, they would be able to defeat the Feitian Sect.

But now, their hopes are dashed and the balance of victory has tipped.

Many people fell into despair when they saw that the leader of the Blood and Bone Cult was dead, and even lost the will to fight.

In panic, one by one dispersed and fled.

The Feitianmen monks took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack.

The situation on the battlefield quickly reversed, and Feitianmen gained an absolute advantage.

On the other side, the battle between Ge Canhong and the evil sword old man has also reached a fever pitch.

Seeing this, Gu Qingshu stepped on the snake whip, quickly flew into the air, and soon arrived at Ge Canhong's side.

A hard whip.

When the old man with the evil sword saw this, he fled in all directions.

Ge Canhong fought with him inextricably.

At this moment, the more powerful Gu Qingshu came.

Two masters are here, how can he resist?

He shot out with a mad sword, but it was a feint, and he flew towards the sky, trying to escape.

But Gu Qingshu had already attacked with a whip, and in the flash of light, a huge boulder rolled up and hit the evil sword old man hard.

Seeing that the situation was about to end, the old man with the evil knife fled in a hurry.

However, his legs were tightly entangled by Gu Qingshu's whip.

Gu Qingshu flicked her wrist and pulled the whip forcefully to the side. The old man with the evil sword suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground involuntarily.

"No, the devil's residual blood method!"

The evil sword old man shouted loudly, his whole body suddenly swelled up, and in the next moment countless bloody brilliance erupted from his body.

He opened his mouth and bit off one of his arms. The arm did not fall to the ground, but turned into countless bloody lights, carrying him flying towards the sky.

Encircled by the blood and light, he moved extremely fast and reached the horizon in a short while.

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