The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 266 Gengjin Refining Li Bayuan breaks through to the martial arts realm

"If young people don't have the edge, they are useless. If they have too much edge, they will be a disaster."

"The scale you grasp is just right."

Wang Xijing thought highly of Ye Yang, and after praising him several times, he took Ye Yang to the mouth of the fire.

Ye Yang looked at the cleaned ground fire room and said.

"Thank you, senior, for the convenience."

"Where is the convenience?"

Wang Xijing shook his head.

"You have rescued dogs many times, and there is a consensus among the people. Before I had a chance to thank you, I never wanted to be thanked by you first."

"How is it? Are you good at using the Red Maple Sword?"

Ye Yang drew out the Red Maple Sword.

In the red light, the sword energy was so sharp that no one could resist at all.

Wang Xijing said.

"Very good, very good. I feel relieved that this Red Maple Sword is in your hands."

"This red maple sword means the ultimate way. To survive in death, to wield a sword against life and death in order to find a way to survive and understand the path to immortality."

"If you want to achieve the way of swordsmanship through this, you must secretly understand the sword intention of Hongfeng before you can understand the way."

"Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts."

As far as he knew, this Hongfeng Sword was a sword made by the mortal warrior Hongfeng who concentrated all his will, using his spine as the blade and Hongfeng as the hoe.

There is a trace of spirituality in nature.

He practices the Shaoyang Sword Technique passed down from Wang Sandao's family, with blue eyes and loud singing, and a white horse in the world. This sword is very suitable for him, and he has made rapid progress in the way of swordsmanship.

Especially after using the red maple sword to fight against the sick scholars Zhu Xingyu and Yang Tie, I can feel the sharpness and excitement of the sword even more faintly.

For the previous battles with the blood dragon Gui Ao and Zhu Xingyu, the sword flew out uncontrollably and turned into a flying sword, which made people feel excited.

Ye Yang vaguely grasped something.

According to the deployment of the sect, day by day, Ye Yang clearly felt that the spiritual energy in Feitian Sect was becoming more and more abundant.

The most obvious one is the spiritual well in his courtyard, which often emits rich spiritual liquid inexplicably.

Especially the old persimmon tree.

It's almost winter now, but the leaves are still red and gleaming, like red clouds all over the trees, shining red and never falling.

The mutated ancient sword tea tree in the garden was infiltrated by the spiritual energy, and its branches and leaves became larger, rounder and fuller.

One side of the sword is fierce, while the other side is sharp.

At this moment, Ye Yang suddenly felt a strong spiritual energy coming from between heaven and earth.

The heaven and earth shook, and spiritual energy filled the air.

Seeing this, Ye Yang couldn't help but groan slightly.

Someone actually broke through to the warrior realm

During this time, the Feitian Sect was preparing for the promotion of mid-grade spiritual veins.

Therefore, the spiritual energy in the sect is rich.

Some people deliberately chose to make a breakthrough at this time, using the huge spiritual energy to help themselves.

"I don't know who this person is."

After Ye Yang speculated for a while, he thought of Li Bayuan.

After Li Bayuan got the purple electric silver peach, he didn't hear any news for a long time, so it makes sense for him to make a breakthrough now.

As expected, it had not been long before Ye Yang had this idea.

Then he saw a domineering light appear between heaven and earth.

He looked up and saw a man standing on the top of the mountain, roaring excitedly.

Li Bayuan was extremely talented and was a disciple at the same time as Ye Yang.

But breaking through to the realm of warriors leads to a troubled life.

Although it was the first time, I managed to collect enough contribution points with the help of the Li family and redeemed them for the Golden Elixir of Martial Arts.

But failed to break through.

Now, after several years of wasting time, he has just broken through to the warrior realm with the help of the power of the Purple Lightning Silver Peach. It really wipes away all the bad luck and makes him full of excitement.

On this day, the sky was just clear.

Ye Yang took Master Huolian to the Lihuo Peak of Feitianmen.

Lihuo Peak's earth aura is rich and filled with flames.

Ye Yang has already prepared relevant spiritual materials and spiritual food needed for retreat.

As soon as Master Huolian walked in, he couldn't help showing a hint of excitement, and then said.

"Yes, the earth fire here is rich, and it is no different than the Blood Demon Sect."

"If you want to use the magic weapon like an arm and use your fingers, you need the host to cooperate with me during the refining process in order to maximize its power."

The two walked through the deep and narrow passage and entered the furnace leyline beneath Lihuo Peak.

This place is thousands of meters away from the ground, but it is extremely hot.

There is surging magma in the middle, as well as strong high temperatures, and the ground fire is licking the bottom of the furnace.

The master of fire refining saw so many refining furnaces. He pondered for a moment.

"It is said that the Feitian Clan took over the power of creation and used the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray to refine the third-level puppet Sun Star Beast."

"Everyone in the world says that the Feitian Sect is lucky. Now it seems that the Feitian Sect probably put a lot of effort into planning. How can it be described as good luck?"

Master Huolian is a well-known weapon refiner and knows the difficulty of creating a big sun star beast.

Now, looking at the many refining furnaces underground, one can understand the Feitian Sect's previous plans.

Ye Yang led him to a quiet room in the middle.

A fire formation was arranged here, with a 10-foot-tall refining furnace in the middle. Violent clear blue flames rose up, exuding scorching heat.

Master Huolian got familiar with the alchemy furnace quite skillfully, and then said.

"The quality of this alchemy furnace is extremely high, and the earth fire is also rich. It is the best part for refining magic weapons."

"During this period of time, I heard that Protector Ye seems to be good at water-based alchemy."

Ye Yang nodded and then said.

"During this period, I have really been studying the art of water elixir."

As soon as Master Huolian opened his mouth, Ye Yang knew what he was thinking.

Although there are many people who can make elixirs, water-based elixir refining is quite rare.

Especially for these weapon refiners, who have been exposed to earth fire all year round, their bodies are easily attacked by fire poison.

The elixir refined through water method alchemy contains a breath of innate water spirit. The elixir has strong medicinal properties and is easy to absorb.

It can be said that it is the favorite of these weapon refiners.

I heard that Ye Yang did not deny it.

Master Huolian said with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

"To be honest, people say that water alchemy is very effective for weapon refiners. I also want to get two pills here."

Ye Yang nodded and then said.

"Master, you're welcome. Of course it's a trivial matter."

After saying that, Ye Yang took out a formation disk and activated the surrounding formations.

The bright blue flames surged again.

The small quiet room suddenly became filled with blue light.

The flame was like the breath of water waves, swaying for a moment, and then burning brightly again.

After a while, under the blessing of the formation.

Orange-red and orange-yellow flames appeared one after another and ignited high.

The billowing heat wave made the whole room feel unspeakably hot.

Even Ye Yang secretly used his magic power to stop the scorching fire and felt cool all over his body.

Master Huolian seemed to have experienced this before and didn't take it seriously.

He threw out a piece of yellow paper.

Soon, under the crazy burning of the high temperature, the yellow paper turned into fly ash and bursts of green smoke came out, but the fire became more and more violent.

Master Huolian took out four grains of time sand and said.

"This sword combines the three talents of heaven, earth and man. It is just right to use three grains of time sand. The extra grain can be used to refine another scabbard."

After that, he threw three grains of time sand into the refining furnace and collected the remaining one.

With a bang, the stove gave off a strong luster.

These three grains of time sand became as crystal clear as glass in the extremely hot furnace.

After a while, it kept rotating, shrinking, converging, and suddenly expanded again.

Then it turned into three orbs the size of pigeon eggs.

Next comes the tempering work of the water mill.

For a month, this underground fire room was in constant operation.

The breath is billowing and hot, the flames are rich, and the smoke is dense.

Sometimes there are various violent collisions and roars.

But the roaring sounds deep underground here did not attract anyone's attention.

Even if smoke occasionally ignites from Lihuo Peak, it would be difficult for outsiders to detect it.

This is the first time Ye Yang has participated in the refining of magical weapons.

Normally, he only knows that magic weapons are precious and require various means to refine them.

When I looked at it today, I realized why the magic weapon was so rare, and I couldn't help but sigh that it was difficult to refine it.

During these three months, Master Huolian first refined the time sand, channeled his spiritual power, and condensed three time beads the size of pigeon eggs.

After that, the impurities inside the time pearl are peeled off, and then they are kneaded into wisps of pure light.

However, this is just the simplest proportioning and refining of spiritual materials.

After doing this.

Master Huolian took out the long-worn ghost-headed seven-ring sword.

Master Huolian looked at Ye Yang and said.

"Geng gold is extremely sharp, cutting gold and jade is like broken hair. I will go back to the furnace and refine it again, extract the Geng gold and add it to it."

After saying that, he threw out a yellow talisman again.

The paper talisman will burn when exposed to fire.

The flames under the alchemy furnace became purer and larger.

The scorching heat created a billowing heat wave all around.

Then, Master Huolian slightly rotated the ghost-headed seven-ring sword.

The ghost-headed seven-ring sword immediately twisted.

He threw the Ghost Head Seven Ring Sword directly into the refining furnace. After refining it for a while, he picked it up again.

Ye Yang took a look and saw that all the copper rings on it had broken.

The Ghost-headed Seven-ring Sword has followed Ye Yang in many years of fighting, and it is already full of cracks.

The original seven shiny golden rings were shattered into three.

After picking up the ghost-shou seven-ring knife, he took out the chopping board and hammer, and started banging on it.

It took three days to refine the Gengjin from the Ghost Head Seven-ring Sword.

Only a thumb-sized piece of the four-foot-long azure-colored blade was tempered.

Geng gold shines with the light of gold and iron.

The golden light was extremely sharp and dazzling. As soon as it appeared, it made Ye Yang's eyes sting.

Ye Yang couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

"It took such a big ghost-headed seven-ring sword to refine a thumb-sized piece of Geng gold."

Master Huolian was quite excited and said.

"That's right, Geng gold is rare. A piece of Geng gold the size of a thumb can already help us temper all the blades."

Thanks to Sun Liansheng for the 5,000 starting coin reward, thank you again. I'm working on the manuscript these days and will update it for you.

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