The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 264: Famous throughout the world, returning to the sect to refine weapons

The Blood Demon Saint suddenly jumped out of the ocean.

He moved his hands.

The dragon-tiger golden ring suddenly grew in size and rotated at extremely high speed, blocking the monster in front of the dragon.

One dragon and one tiger directly entangled each other, trapping the dragon monster tightly.

This giant monster was already covered in scars and was frightened by Ye Yang's sudden surge.

Lao Shisan, who had always been the most powerful among the brothers, died like this?

Zhu Xingyu, who was ranked 195th on the Hidden Dragon List and inherited the seeds of the Purgatory Demon Palace, died like this?


The huge dragon tail under his feet tried hard to paddle the water waves and escape.

But a loud elephant cry sounded.

Only then did he realize that a huge, ferocious scaly demon elephant had appeared in front of him.

Covered in scales and armor, with ferocious barbs, it is extremely fierce.

The demon elephant looked at him, with a trace of drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Then he stretched out a pair of hands as thick as a hut and held him firmly in his hands.

With a big mouth, he just swallowed it and bit him in his mouth.

Grinding his fangs, chewing, and swallowed him alive.


The dragon monster had a strong body, and the scaled demon elephant burped after eating it.

But it is still not satisfied.

Then he walked up to the blood dragon Gui Ao and Zhu Xing Yufa and swallowed them all.

In particular, the blood dragon Gui Ao is huge, two to three feet tall, like a small giant.

It's not much smaller than the scaly demon elephant, but at this moment, the demon elephant's belly seems to be a bottomless pit.

After devouring them all, he was still not satisfied and drank countless seawater.

A trace of blood energy appeared on the scaled demon elephant's body. Its body suddenly became a lot larger, and its body blood energy surged.

It sounded like a dull thunder.

There seemed to be some magical and huge changes taking place in the body.

Seeing this, Ye Yang waved his hand, and the scaly demon elephant roared loudly, turned into the size of a white mouse again, and got into Ye Yang's sleeve.

After carefully sensing the status of the demon elephant and feeling that it was fine, Ye Yanggang breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the Blood Demon Saint Son held up a huge water-veined dragon in his hand and walked up to Ye Yang with an excited expression.

"I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Ye to be so powerful."

"Even in my heyday, it was difficult to deal with the attacks of Blood Dragon Gui Ao and Zhu Xingyu. Brother Ye has this kind of strength and should occupy a place on the Hidden Dragon List."


Ye Yang spit out a mouthful of blood, stretched out his sleeve, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and quickly waved his hand.

"To be honest, I was seriously injured, and I just barely managed to win at a huge cost."

Hearing what Ye Yang said, the Blood Demon Saint was dubious.

"I always feel like you're not telling the truth."

Ye Yang ignored him.

"Thank you Daoist Ye for your help."

If Ye Yang hadn't extended a helping hand, I'm afraid the consequences would have been disastrous.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Blood Demon Saint Son spat out a mouthful of blood and almost fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Ye Yang quickly supported him, and then injected a life essence into him.

Ye Yang looked carefully at the art on the Biluo Sanqing Secret Scroll.

He couldn't help but frown slightly.

The Blood Demon Son's injuries were not just external injuries, but his soul was also invaded by poisonous evil.

On the one hand, he was already seriously injured and had a strange poison on his body before, but his body was strong and the poison did not show up.

After being injured at this moment, the poison could no longer be suppressed and jumped out.

"Holy Son, you are seriously injured, and you still need to devote yourself to training to remove the toxins."

The Blood Demon Saint also knew his own situation, nodded, and then said.

"Gui Ao's toxin is deadly and gives people headaches."

He was very strange.

"Brother Ye, how come you haven't been poisoned after fighting Gui Ao for so long?"

Ye Yang naturally knew that this was the benefit brought by practicing the Secret Scroll of the Three Purities of the Blue Mountains.

However, it was inconvenient to say it clearly at the moment, so I had to fool around.

Since practicing Biluo Three Purities Secret Scroll, Ye Yang's medical skills have become very advanced, and his body's resistance to toxins has become much stronger.

He helped the Blood Demon Saint Son remove the toxins from his body, and the Blood Demon Saint Son stood up.

I feel that my injury has improved a lot.

A hint of joy flashed in the blood demon saint's eyes, and then he said.

"Brother Ye, I didn't expect that you are not only superb in strength, but also an expert in Xinglin. If word of this battle spreads, you can be regarded as famous throughout the world."

Ye Yang never wanted to be burdened by fame, and the limelight was really not what he wanted.

Today I was forced to a dead end.

The other three masters came together to take their lives.

If you don't fight back, I'm afraid you will be dead and dismembered immediately.

"The Holy Son is ridiculous. You went to Feitianmen as a guest, and you were attacked on the way. If I didn't take action, if the news spread, how would the world see it?"

But Ye Yang still had some worries in his heart.

After all, the backgrounds of these demons and humans are of great significance.

It seemed that he could see Ye Yang's concerns.

The Blood Demon Saint Son spoke.

"Brother Ye, there is no need to worry. The Ghost Dragon King went up to the sky to search for mysterious vines. He doesn't know when he will come back, or even..."

He chuckled.

"Maybe I'll never come back."

"As for Zhu Xingyu, it's even simpler. He had incest with his sister-in-law in the Purgatory Palace and was kicked out of the sect long ago."

"It's just that the Purgatory Demon Palace is far away from us, so the news hasn't spread yet."

"If I heard that he died in our hands, I'm afraid that the Demonic Palace of Purgatory will send a thank you gift."

Hearing this, Ye Yang felt slightly calm.

After the two rested for a while, Ye Yang found the storage bags of the three demons, intending to share them with the Blood Demon Saint Son.

However, the Blood Demon Holy Son said that he had not contributed much and should not share the profit, so he would not accept it no matter what.

It's just that he attaches great importance to the water-veined dragon.

Hold it tightly in your hand and never let go for a moment.

Ye Yang carefully looked at the water-veined dragon and saw that it was more than ten feet long and its body was transparent, resembling water waves.

Those demon clan members took out this object to lure him, which led to several people being besieged.

This thing is a magical species that can only be spawned by the underground water veins that have lasted for thousands of years and the pure blood dragon energy.

It has a wonderful effect on cultivating the spirituality of magical instruments, far exceeding the effect of the beast brain stone.


After the two rested for a while, the flying turtle slowly flew in from the sky.

There is another person standing on top of the tortoise shell, it is Master Huolian.

Just now, Ye Yang was afraid that Master Huolian would be affected by the battle, so he sent him away in advance.

Seeing that he was safe and sound, Ye Yang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"There are frequent crises on the road, which frightened the master."

"Guardian Ye is overly worried. Those monsters are chasing me and the Holy Son. Speaking of which, we are the ones who have implicated you."

"I always admire you as a person, but if you ask for something, you will do your best to complete it."

"I heard that your sect's low-grade spiritual veins will be upgraded to mid-grade spiritual veins, is that correct?"

Ye Yang said: "That's why I came to bother Master Huolian."

Master Huolian said, "I have been practicing weapons for many years, but it is rare for me to encounter such a major event as upgrading my spiritual veins. There is an earth fire above the Feitian Sect that can still be used."

Master Huolian attaches great importance to Feitian Sect, and his words are full of praise.

"Actually, to tell you the truth, this dragon-tiger golden ring has never been perfected. If we can take advantage of Feitianmen's opportunity to promote the lower-grade spiritual veins to the middle-grade spiritual veins, we may not be able to take a step further."

This dragon-tiger golden ring is a fine magical weapon that he worked hard to create in the Blood Demon Sect during this period. He used the blood of the dragon and tiger with diamond stones to forge it.

Therefore, it is quite valued.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the Blood Demon Saint Son.

The Blood Demon Saint showed a smile.

Only then did Ye Yang know the purpose of the Blood Demon Saint Son coming to Feitian Gate.

Thinking about it, the dragon-tiger golden ring must be extremely important to him.

Only then did he see the water-veined dragon, and he decided to snatch it away even though he was seriously injured.

The time for Feitianmen's middle-grade spiritual vein promotion is coming soon.

Ye Yang was not prepared to waste any time.

Calling the Sun Flying Turtle, the Sun Flying Turtle flew into the air, carrying the three of them towards the sky.

Next, the journey was smooth and we soon arrived at Feitian Gate.

Ye Yang invited Master Huolian to the courtyard, and the two had a secret conversation.

"I wonder what spiritual materials you have prepared. Let me first see what magical weapons I can make."

Ye Yang quickly took out the sand of time that had been prepared in advance, as well as the Moon Coffin and the Fungi of Life, Death and Withering.

I saw so many good spiritual materials at once.

Master Huolian could not help but be surprised.

"They are all excellent magical weapons and spiritual materials, especially the time sand, which contains the attribute of time, which is extremely rare."

After finishing speaking, he held the Sand of Time in his hand and carefully sensed the power of time emanating from it.

"The power of time creates everything and destroys everything. It is the most uncontrollable force in the world. Today, I saw that it is indeed the case."

As for the bacteria of life, death, and prosperity, it contains a touch of life, death, and prosperity.

If an ordinary person is contaminated by this aura of withered glory, his blood and energy will become weak and his body will be destroyed within a short time.

"Ye Protector is a master of both swords and swords. Your sword should be the well-known Red Maple Sword. This sword is born with a strange nature. The sword's heart is clear and does not need to be improved."

"But your ghost-headed seven-ring sword, I guess you feel a little restricted in using it now."

I have three sword refining plans here.

"The first one is a heavy sword, and the heavy one is domineering. When the sword is struck out, it is as powerful as a thousand stones, and the rocks will break apart, and the force will crush people."

"The two are ring knives. They have both strength and speed, and are extremely explosive. They are similar to the ghost-headed seven-ring knives you used before. When they are slashed out with one knife, the rings collide, taking away the soul."

"The three are sharp knives. They cut out like light and shadow with one strike, as fast as lightning, as fast as lightning. No matter whether the opponent is a human or a monster, old or young, a cultivator or a monster, it will be difficult to escape."

Jiutian Sect

In the wide square, crowded with people, there is a huge wall with a dragon-shaped golden jade plaque posted on it.

Many people rushed forward, wanting to see what was on the list.

Suddenly, there was a sudden change on the huge gold and jade list.

The words were like dragons and snakes swimming around, and after a while they gradually revealed their true appearance.

"Why did the Hidden Dragon List change so much this time?"

Many people exclaimed, looking at the names above as if they couldn't believe it.

The words came out immediately, which caused a sensation among those who followed.

The crowd immediately became more surging.

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