The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 262 Kill the blood dragon Gui Ao with the sword and kill the scholar Xingyu with the sword

The Blood Demon Saint Son of the Blood Demon Sect is powerful and ranks 135th on the Hidden Dragon List.

But he was still seriously injured by Gui Ao, which shows the terror of the other party.

"I heard that the Blood Demon Saint Son has forged an unparalleled magic weapon this time. It just so happens that I am missing a treasure weapon in my hand."

An arrogant voice came out, and then a dragon body with sharp claws and a huge figure with countless magic seals jumped out from the sea and waves.

Ye Yang drew out his swords to protect his whole body, and controlled the Sun Flying Turtle to deal with it carefully.

The tyrannical blood dragon Gui Ao rushed towards him.

"You are……"

"It's just a small skill of swordsmanship? You haven't even entered the Hidden Dragon Ranking. I heard that you were seriously injured before. You don't dare to be killed in front of me. How dare you be so arrogant."

"I heard that you are a fellow swordsman, and today I want to see how sharp your broken sword is."

He seemed to be a demon, majestic and powerful.

Ye Yang frowned, complaining over nothing, and fighting in vain was really not his style.

But now the enemies are surrounding him, and there is no way to escape. On the other side, the Blood Demon Holy Son is in danger.

If you don't fight, you will die.

"The people I like to kill most are you young people from the human race."

"Killing you is a bit dirty on my hands. After all, you don't have much reputation."

"Logically speaking, you are not qualified to let me take action, but Lao Wu chose the Blood Demon Saint Son for revenge, so I can only kill you."

"I hope your stinky blood will not tarnish my noble bloodline."

The sudden attack made Ye Yang feel solemn.

Gui Ao has a head full of weird and weird black hair, floating in the wind.

He was holding a purple-red bronze gun, his eyes were wide-eyed, and he was waving countless huge magic medals on his lower body, looking extremely evil.

"I would say that you humans are all trash. If not, why would you take pain as your own and not dare to use it on others?"

Gui Ao's poisonous spear was like a poisonous python coming out of its hole, directly blasting a large hole in the reef next to Ye Yang.

"There is a saying in the human race that if you talk too much, you will get killed."

Ye Yang stepped violently, and his whole body rose into the sky.

However, he did not launch an attack immediately. Instead, he called the Sun Flying Turtle to come and send Master Huolian away immediately.

The flying turtle absorbed the strong wind and came towards the sun. The air waves rolled behind it, and it disappeared from the horizon in a short while.

"This? This person ran away like this?"

"Thieves, stop running!"

The legs under him danced, he rode on the waves, and rushed towards him. However, the turtle was flying in the sky at a very fast speed, and disappeared into the horizon in an instant.

The blood dragon Gui Ao was stunned.

After all, he is a well-known strong man, how could he retreat without a fight?

Could this man really be a turtle?

He was so angry that he punched his hands, creating countless waves.

the other side.

The Blood Demon Holy Son is in danger.

He was furious when he saw that his golden ring of dragon and tiger was being spied on by a thief.

With one finger of both hands, the dragon-tiger golden ring exuded a dragon-tiger-like luster, and the heaven and earth shook.

The dragon and tiger golden rings were entangled with each other, and with just one blow, cracks were created on the body of the monster with a human head and a dragon body that bound him.

"Holy Son of the Blood Demon, don't be so arrogant! Today I will definitely skin you alive and drink your blood."

The monster with the head of a human and the body of a dragon roared, and the body of the dragon became entangled tighter.

The trident in his hand raised waves and directly exploded the rocks nearby.

The gravel flew around and turned into powder.

A large section of the mountain cliff exploded after being beaten by the two of them.

The Blood Demon Saint Son and the dragon-bodied monster are still fighting.

Suddenly, a sick-looking long sword came to kill him, his body was as crooked as a sick light, and his whole body was weak.

But it's extremely sharp.

Kill directly towards the Blood Demon Saint Son.

It’s the sick scholar Zhu Xingyu!

He had already planned, hiding aside, and suddenly appeared, and together with these monsters, he wanted to kill the Blood Demon Saint Son.

The Blood Demon Saint Son was in an extremely embarrassed state at the moment, helpless everywhere in the ocean.

After a while, another sword wound was added to his body, which was difficult to resist.

He looked at Zhu Xingyu who suddenly came to kill him.

"I heard that you went to Feitianmen to challenge Ye Yang, the swordsman and sword master some time ago, but in the end, Wang Dong burned one of your shoulders."

"I was almost killed by Jian Jingang again. I knelt down and begged for mercy, so I picked up a dog name. If I didn't stay well in the Purgatory Demon Palace, I dared to come here to be rampant."

The Blood Demon Saint Son was covered in blood, burning like a flame.

His voice was low, there was blood everywhere at the end of his hair, and he was filled with anger.

The sick scholar Zhu Xingyu came to kill him with another sword.

"Give him some face, he really thinks that he is the Great Luo Jinxian descending to earth."

"If he dares to come, I will let him taste the power of my sick scholar and crush him to death, just like crushing an ant to death."

"I am currently ranked 195th on the Hidden Dragon List. He will be chopped into pieces in front of me and then eaten alive by fish and shrimps."

Zhu Xingyu roared angrily. In the battle of Feitianmen, he was beaten until he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. This was a lifetime of shame.

After that, he went one step further and challenged the strong ones on the Hidden Dragon List, and won again, achieving the honor of ranking one hundred and ninety-fifth.

There was a clang.

The Blood Demon Holy Son was shot down from Guiao and accidentally landed on a reef.

He was leaning against the rocks, covered in blood, and his back was torn open by Gui Ao's gunshot, and the blood kept flowing.

"Why don't you speak? The majestic Blood Demon Saint Son can be so silent."

Zhu Xingyu said.

"Where is the sword-wielding Ye Yang you mentioned? Let him get out quickly."

Gui Ao on the side roared angrily.

"The sword-wielding Ye Yang is nothing more than a random name given by others."

"He is destined to die in front of me, let's see how I kill him with one punch."

He is the most powerful. As the most powerful heir of the Ghost Dragon King, he is very arrogant and domineering.

The entire nearby sea area is under his control, and absolutely no one is his opponent.

Gui Ao came slowly.

The surrounding rocks couldn't bear the force and shattered into pieces.

He is more powerful than the Blood Demon Saint Son.

The other two are also extraordinary, one of them is ranked 195th on the Hidden Dragon List.

One of them is a monster dragon, the fifth son of the Ghost Dragon King.

Three people (demon) took action together to tell the truth.

It is extremely difficult for an ordinary martial artist to resist.

Ye Yang was standing high in the sky at this moment, with bright eyes and keen senses.

He saw the Holy Son of the Blood Demon Sect panting heavily, and there was no way he could avoid it.

Sighing secretly, he secretly activated the Red Knife of Fortune and the Jiao Bead, compressing his breath to the minimum.

He lurked next to a boulder, holding a ghost-headed seven-ring sword in his right hand, and a red maple sword in his left hand hidden under his waist.


The sword comes to kill.

The Blood Demon Saint Son seemed to have discovered something, a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes, and he felt hope of survival for a moment.

At the same time, the dragon monster and the sick scholar turned around at the same time, feeling something sharp coming from their backs, and their hair stood on end.

Both of them were veterans of the battlefield and fled quickly, turning into an afterimage and running a hundred feet away in the blink of an eye.

But it was too late.

A red maple sword is like a white horse passing through the gap, killing the dragon monster from the sky.

To be angry and unbridled is to advance with great joy.

A red flying sword, like a bolt of light, came from the sky and pierced directly into its heart.

On the other side, the unparalleled sword light came to attack.

The bright light is like falling snowflakes in winter, dilapidated and sharp due to vicissitudes of life.

He slashed directly at Zhu Xingyu's back.

"It's you, Ye Yang, the master of both swords and swords!"

"You can't find anything after wearing iron shoes, but it takes no effort to get there."

"It's better that you didn't run away, otherwise I would kill Feitianmen again and take your life."

The red maple sword was too sharp, Ye Yang used all his strength, and the dragon monster was directly pierced through the heart.

The sick scholar Zhu Xingyu originally wanted to kill the Blood Demon Saint Son with one sword, but he didn't expect to be stopped by the light of the sword.

He was struck dozens of feet away by a knife.

At this moment, a trace of anger flashed across Gui Ao's pupils, his black hair was flying, and his evil aura was overwhelming.

The original intention was to kill the Blood Demon Saint Son first to seize the magic weapon, and then kill Ye Yang.

Unexpectedly, this person suddenly appeared and stood beside the three people (demon).

Three people (demon) surrounded the city and pressed towards him.

Ye Yang couldn't help but sigh.

Just now, regardless of his reputation, he broke the dragon demon's heart in a sneak attack. The opponent was seriously injured and could no longer fight.

But there are still two people who are still strong.

"Watch how I kill you."

Zhu Xingyu's eyes exuded strong murderous intent, and blood surged in his body.

At this moment, he thought of the man named Zhen Ye Yang who was under the Feitian Sect.

The moment he was knocked away by Jian Jingang's sword, he was unable to resist.

"He's just a seriously injured piece of trash."

"Gui Ao, you and I will work together to eat this man alive."

His words were arrogant, but there was hidden magic power under his hands. After all, he was not an ordinary person.

Although he tried his best to provoke Ye Yang to lose his composure, he did not dare to underestimate him.

"How do you want to die?"

Ye Yang stared at the blood dragon Gui Ao.

The blood dragon Gui Ao roared angrily and let out long dragon-like roars.


"The Clay Bodhisattva can't save himself when he crosses the river, yet he dares to come in front of me and speak nonsense to see how I can make your life worse than death."

The blood dragon Gui Ao snorted coldly and struck with a punch, as sharp as a dagger.

There are five huge claws on his fists, all of which are feet long, like cold swords.

In the vast sea of ​​​​blood, he is one of the most talented legitimate sons of the old dragon in the realm of the great demon.

Normally, it is powerful in the offshore area, and it is rare to lose.

What's more, there are sick scholars and Lao Wu standing aside to help him.

Ye Yang slashed out with lightning speed, and the sword light on the left side shook. Zhu Xingyu was so shocked that he did not dare to step forward.

The sword's light was sharp, white and cold, and he turned around to kill.

The blood dragon Gui Ao became angry and used his fists and swords to fight against the enemy. The two of them shook continuously, emitting the sound of banging steel.

The black light is bright and the sea breeze is biting.

During the collision of the Voice of Steel, it crashed down with a huge force.

The two of them took a step back involuntarily.

"Such a strong body, you are really deceiving everyone."

"They say your meridians were severed and you were seriously injured. Now it looks like you are seriously injured."

The blood dragon Gui Ao roared angrily.

"That's wrong. My lower meridian has been severed, and I have been unable to fight for a long time. You are forcing me too hard now, and I have no choice but to protect myself."

"Ye is not talented. Although he was seriously injured, he still has a unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box."

"Huh, what nonsense!"

Gui Ao felt as if his body had been hit by a huge force, and there was a burst of pain.

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