The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 260 The Progress of Elephant Demon Fist Celestial Elephant Alliance

Ye Yang was delighted.

"Feitianmen's spiritual veins are about to be promoted, why don't we go immediately."

Master Huolian said.

"Of course you can. It's just that I have refined a magic weapon for the Blood Demon Saint Son. Now the magic weapon has reached the stage of taking shape."

"It can take as long as seven or eight days, and as little as three or four days to successfully conceive and raise the baby. I have to ask Protector Ye to wait for a few days."

Ye Yang could wait for a few days.

He cupped his fist at Master Huolian.

"Then I'll trouble you, Master."

Under the arrangement of Master Huolian.

Ye Yang settled in the Blood Demon Sect.

Gu Xuan once said before that the Blood Demon Sect has a method of cleansing marrow, exchanging blood and coagulating veins.

You need to peel off your own skin and cramps, and replace other people's muscles and veins into your own body, which is extremely bloody.

At that time, he thought it was crazy talk.

Now Ye Yang has been walking along and seeing the practice methods of these disciples, he feels that this secret method is normal.

He saw a man hanging on a tree, cutting off his own skin in search of relief. Although his face was in pain, it was full of relief.

I also saw a powerful warrior-level monk who had shaved his head. He was holding an incense stick and was applying scars on his head.

The scar on the head had healed and then festered again, and then festered and healed again.

A spiral scar forms.

He saw it too.

Some people took out their swords, spears, swords and halberds and cut themselves down.

Some people even took out their own internal organs, pricked them one by one with needles and thread, and then stuffed them into their stomachs.

Ye Yang looked sideways for a while.

This blood demon sect's practice method coincides with the moustache method he saw in his previous life, which is very different from ordinary practitioners.

Ye Yang walked in and saw that Ye Yang was in good condition. These disciples were very surprised.

"This man is in such perfect shape, I guess he is definitely not a powerful monk."

"That's right. How can you achieve bliss and become an immortal without a single scar on your body?"

"No injury is not happiness, no injury is no pain, my blood demon sect's great method uses people and oneself, everything is extremely refreshing. This person is really pitiful and cannot enjoy bliss."

Weird words came and Ye Yang finally knew

Why did the first ancestor of the Feitian Clan escape from the Blood Demon Sect and re-establish the Feitian Clan?

Which normal monk can endure such practice.

He walked all the way to the reception hall of the Blood Demon Sect.

Inside, a skinny old monk sat solemnly in front of the treasure minister.

The old monk was wearing a red cassock, with dry and thin hands, and a head of white hair. He looked more like a white ape.

There were nine scars on his head, as big as a thumb.

There was still blood on it, which looked like fresh injuries.

One eye is also missing. I don’t know if it was gouged out by someone or if it was cut off by myself.

Ye Yang just walked in and hasn't spoken yet.

The old monk sensed Ye Yang's aura and opened his only intact eye.

"But a disciple of Feitian Sect?"

From a long distance, this person can sense that the skills he practices are really powerful.

"Junior Feitianmen Ye Yang has met my senior."

Ye Yang took out the Feitian Clan document in his hand and put it in his hand.

The skinny old monk smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to take Ye Yang's ultimatum.

"I heard that the Feitian Sect is now gaining momentum and is booming, which is really good."

He then spoke again.

"Gu Xuan and I have known each other for many years. I have long wanted to visit you. I have also heard of your name, Swordsman Shuangjue. I never thought that you would already be here before I even visited."

"I heard that your meridians are severely damaged, but that's true."

Ye Yang sighed and then said.

"Thank you for your concern, senior. I am indeed seriously injured."

The old monk chuckled.

"A few days ago, the Red Lantern Club released news that you were deliberately pretending to be injured in order to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger."

"There are also rumors that you fought with the Full Moon Evil Spear Yang Tie and won. The rumors are spreading. I don't know if it is true or not."

"It's all a thief's plan. My injuries haven't healed yet. My battle with Yang Tie cost me a lot, and my injuries are getting worse."

"It's a pity that Yang Tie ranks 136th on the Hidden Dragon List, second only to me, the Holy Son of the Blood Demon Sect. If you were intact, you should have a place on the Hidden Dragon List."

He sighed and then said.

"It doesn't matter. Our Blood Demon Sect has a secret method that can dig out your veins and fill them with other people's veins, and you can still practice."

A trace of cold sweat appeared on Ye Yang's forehead.

Even though he always felt that he had extraordinary perseverance and a sharp mind.

After listening to this, after peeling off the skin, he took out his own meridians and replaced them with those of a stranger.

I am also uneasy.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt. It doesn't hurt at all. It felt painful at first, but then I was immersed in it. It felt so refreshing, numb and itchy."

After finishing speaking, he patted the nine ring scars on his head.

"After I practice the Ape Demon's Endless Method, the scar on my head will heal automatically every three days."

"Therefore, I always keep incense in my hand, and I put one in my head every three days."

"This way you can always be aware of pleasure and pain."

"Oh, yes, today is exactly the third day."

After he finished speaking, he took out a handful of incense, which was filled with firelight.

It was inserted directly on his smooth scalp, and he couldn't help but groan, let out a long sigh of relief, and felt comfortable.

"It's so comfortable, oh."

He moaned, getting immense pleasure from it.

Wait until he completes these rituals.

Ye Yang just spoke.

"The Ape Demon's Restless Technique, could it be a derivative of the Ape Demon Fist, one of the legendary hundred ancient demons?"

The old monk said.

"Yes, it's the Ape Demon Fist."

Ye Yang's eyes were shocked. This old monk was powerful and his body was like a white ape.

Not only does he have an ape body, but he also has an ape appearance. It seems that he has reached a very high level in his practice of Ape Demon Fist.

The old monk said.

"I heard that you raised an elephant demon. Is it true or not? Elephants have great power and they come in groups. You should be careful."

Ye Yang said: "Senior, please clarify my doubts."

"Since the death of the old demon Tianxiang, the inheritance of the Elephant Demon Fist has been scattered in various places. His elephant children and grandchildren had to travel far away, and they were scattered everywhere."

"But a few powerful ones formed the Celestial Elephant Alliance to summon the elephant demons scattered outside."

"You have violated their taboos by raising elephant demons. Be careful that they set their sights on you."

"Celestial Alliance?"

Ye Yang thought for a moment, and then the old monk spoke again.

"Why did you come to the Blood Demon Sect?"

"Master Huolian and I are old friends. We haven't seen each other for many days, so I came to pay a visit."

The old monk sighed, flicked out the incense ashes in his hand and threw them to the ground.

"Huolian, like you, is also an inexperienced child. I told him to chop off his own hands and roast them in the fire. This way he will surely be able to understand the great path of forging."

"It's a pity that after he heard it, he locked me out directly. He was really kind and ignorant."

Listen to this crazy talk.

Ye Yang couldn't help but sweat for Master Huolian.

"You can stay in our Blood Demon Sect for a few days and see how it is different from the Feitian Sect, and also experience the bliss of the world."

After he finished speaking, he took away the document and arranged a place for Ye Yang to live.

early morning.

Ye Yang slowly opened his eyes. The morning bell rang, and some disciples had already started their morning exercises.

"I feel pain and practice walking in the world. I have no real body and no one. Today, I feel the joy of the world. I peel off the skin and bones to become an immortal Buddha."

As soon as the bell rang, chanting came from outside.

The disciples began to practice the method.

In this scripture, some people peeled off their skin and flesh, rolled around, and grinned in pain.

However, after he stood up and put on the human skin, he felt so comfortable that he moaned again.

The blood demon sect monster was completely naked and glowing with blood, which was very strange.

But these disciples all looked pious and devoted themselves wholeheartedly. Some were singing, while others were meditating and reciting Buddhist scriptures.

For a moment, it actually gave people a sense of peace of mind.

"My heart is between heaven and earth, and I will come under the white clouds."

"Tao Ancestor said that it should be difficult to leave the mortal world, ten feet of redness, softness and pain, all the muscles, bones, skin and flesh all over the body, floating in the air and ascending to immortality..."

Ye Yang listened to them meditating and reciting sutras.

He did not leave, but took this opportunity to carefully observe their practice.

I just always find it unacceptable.

There is no vegetation in the mountains here, but under the sun, there is a blood-like luster everywhere.

Very exotic.

In his spare time, Ye Yang also took out the Great Demon Peng Technique he had previously obtained from Qingming Island and studied it carefully.

Although the above method is still obscure and difficult to understand, there are many things in common with Xiang Mo Quan.

Ye Yang felt the essence of the training method. With every breath and breath, the speed and power of his punches increased by more than one step.

Elephant Demon Fist

Current progress: Small success

Practice progress: 98%

Next state: Grandmaster state

﹝Perseverance, practice boxing three hundred times a day, persist for two months and it will be completed. ﹞

After communicating with the old monk, Ye Yang made great progress.

The Elephant Demon Fist was silent, but it was about to break through to the Dacheng state.

The area where he lives is quite spacious, and the front and back yards are paved with huge bluestone slabs.

Ye Yang watched the rising and falling clouds and stretched his body.

During the action, the whole body is like electricity.

In such a primitive and wild environment, he felt that he was making rapid progress.

Sometimes Ye Yang would go looking for the old monk and ask him for various cultivation methods.

Only then did Ye Yang realize that this person was actually one of the elders of the Blood Demon Sect.

Part of the method he practiced came from Ape Demon Fist, and the other part was taken from the Tantric method of the Western Regions.

Ye Yang asked him for advice.

"Senior, they all say that the Western Region is quite uneven. I don't know if it's true or not."

The old monk nodded and sighed softly.

"Nowadays, temples in the Western Region are under attack from the Shatuo and Shura tribes. Many masters and Dharma kings advocate relocation."

"The Blood and Bone Cult and the Red Lantern Society are inextricably linked to them."

After finishing speaking, the old monk spread his hands.

"There are thousands of temples in the Western Region. The country is governed by temples and there are countless believers. Their practice is very different from ours."

"The emphasis is on worshiping the Living Buddha in order to redeem one's body and obtain blessings in the next life. My method of keeping the ape demon alive comes from the old ape demon enshrined in Daxue Palace Temple."

"I wonder if seniors have ever heard of Vajra Temple."

When Ye Yang was in the Immortal Barrier, the four brothers and sisters became sworn brothers and made a pact of ninety years.

Among them, the third-ranked Buddha cast comes from Vajra Temple.

The old man nodded and then said.

"The Vajra Temple is one of the eight major temples in the Western Regions. It emphasizes that the body is like a Vajra. The Buddha's swords are differentiated. It is very powerful to kill the person first before killing the deeds."

"The eighth living Buddha, Ravun Gyatso, is said to have reached the state of Arhat in the snowy sky."

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