The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 257 New Changes in the Sect's Treasury: The Copper Moon Coffin

After putting away the Blood-Drying Pill, Ye Yang began to teach Xiuya's practice again.

Her strength has now reached the fifth level of ventilation.

Ye Yang helped her recuperate her mind and wanted her to reach the sixth level of ventilation in the shortest possible time.

Then, by taking advantage of the Feitian Sect's low-grade spiritual veins to be upgraded to mid-grade spiritual veins, let them advance to the late stage of ventilation.

Once the seventh level of ventilation is reached, the practitioner's strength will be qualitatively improved.

At that time, it will be convenient for her to do many things.

After hearing Ye Yang's plan, Xiu Ya was quite excited.

"Don't worry, young master, I will definitely practice well."

Ye Yang handed the Sun Flying Turtle to her and said.

"In the past few days, you can ride the flying turtle to Tao'anfang City to replace some of the unused elixirs I have on hand, and buy some commonly used elixir seeds."

Xiu Ya nodded quickly.

She cultivated some medicinal fields in the front yard, and now that spring is here again, it’s time to sow the seeds again.

Feitianmen is not far from Tao'anfang City, and the bandit cultivators were all cleaned up by Feitianmen.

Coupled with the help of Zhuri Feigui, it is safe.

After giving instructions to Xiu Ya, Ye Yang seemed to have thought of something else and took out a mahogany rattan box from the house.

"By the way, Uncle Bai is stationed in Tao'anfang City during this period. You sent this box of Bitan Piao Scented Tea as a token of my gratitude."

Xiu Ya nodded and quickly put away the tea leaves.

She called out, and the huge Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle flew into the sky. Xiuya jumped on the Sun-Chasing Turtle's back.

Flying quickly towards the mountain gate.

After seeing Xiu Ya traveling far away, Ye Yang pondered for a moment and walked to the sect's exchange hall.

The old protector in the sect's main hall was reading a book. The sun shone through the window lattice, and his white beard shone with golden luster.

The two have known each other for a long time, during the previous battle on Qingming Island.

It was under his guidance that Ye Yang exchanged the Yin-Yang Heart Guard and several third-level defensive talismans.

After seeing Ye Yang coming, the old protector quickly stood up.

"Hufa Ye heard that you left the sect to do business, are you back again?"

There was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Quanzi has been waiting at home for a long time. I don't know when Protector Ye will have time. I will call him here right now."

The old protector was named Zhao Zhe. His youngest son's meridians were severely damaged and he had previously asked Ye Yang to help him recover.

But soon, the battle of Qingming Island broke out.

Ye Yang didn't have time to take action.

Instead, they gave him some medicine to help him recover, and asked Zhao Zhe to exchange blood and essence for him.

Ye Yang said: "I wonder if your master is feeling better now."

Hearing what Ye Yang said, Zhao Zhe looked very excited and coughed.

"Thank you for your concern, Protector Ye. Quanzi's injury has been under the guidance of Protector Ye. I have been transfusing blood essence for him every day, and he is now much better."

"It just hasn't healed yet."

Ye Yang did not agree immediately. Now that the low-grade spiritual veins in the sect are about to be promoted, the matter of refining the magic weapon cannot be delayed.

During this short period of time, he didn't want to be disturbed by mundane matters.

So Ye Yang slightly cupped his fists and said.

"It doesn't matter. There are so many things during this period that I can't spare any time."

"After three months, you take him to see me, and I will investigate it myself."

Zhao Zhe showed a hint of excitement.

"Thank you, Protector Ye. They say that Protector Ye has a warm heart. Being able to get to know Protector Ye is really a blessing for Quanzi."

"I wonder what Protector Ye is here for this time?"

Ye Yang said

"To be honest, I want to refine a magic weapon, but I still have the qualification to redeem the main material of a magic weapon that has not been used, so I thought of picking it up."

Ye Yang came to see it once before, but there was no main spiritual material such as time in the sect, so he did not redeem it.

After getting the Sand of Time this time, I plan to find another spiritual material to assist the Sand of Time.

When the time comes to refine the magic weapon together, it will definitely be extremely powerful.

"Guardian Ye came at the right time."


Hearing this, Ye Yang showed a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Why, but all the treasures obtained from Qingming Island have arrived."

Zhao Zhe said: "Not only that, but now the treasure house not only contains the spiritual materials seized from Qingming Island, but also many good things have been sent by Wu Du Sect, Feng Yu Tower, and Taiyi Qing Sect."

"Guardian Ye can just make a selection."

After finishing speaking, he sighed with emotion.

"Our Feitian Sect has been weak for many years, but has developed vigorously in the past ten years and has become the strongest among the four major sects. It is really impressive."

ten years!

Yes, it has been almost ten years before I knew it.

Ye Yang also sighed with emotion.

In the past ten years, he has grown step by step from a young monk on the seventh level to what he is now.

Planning all the way, hard work all the way, practicing diligently all the way.

In the past ten years, I have never stopped for a day. I have persisted and practiced diligently. Finally, I am no longer a careless person.

And the Feitian Sect is getting stronger day by day.

At this moment, Ye Yang seemed to think of something and was slightly startled.

Several years ago, during the battle for the Seven Feitian Zhen of the sect.

He once met a strange traveling Taoist who gave him a glass bottle.

It was said that his father was seriously ill.

In order to let my father, who was seriously ill, die painlessly and painlessly.

He was given a time bottle, allowing him to cut a blade of time into it every day without interruption.

Ten years later, I will come again to pick up the time bottle.

Now, the ten-year appointment is coming soon.

Seeing Ye Yang being stunned for a moment, Zhao Zhe stood aside and said nothing until Ye Yang woke up from the stunned state.

He just said.

"Guardian Ye, please come with me."

Ye Yang said: "It made Protector Zhao laugh. He thought of something and was lost in thought for a while."

Zhao Zhe didn't take it seriously.

"Hufa Ye must have had a lot of experience in the past ten years, and he has a lot of emotions just now."

"I'm such a bad old man. I'm already in the twilight years of my life. I've been guarding the sect's main hall for more than forty years. It's like this every year. It's really boring."

The two of them walked toward the sect's treasure house, talking and laughing.

The Feitian Sect's sect treasure house is not on the ground, but in a claustrophobic mountain range.

Most of the entire mountain has been hollowed out, and there are a lot of treasures hidden inside.

As the two of them walked along, the cave was deep and inlaid with fist-sized fluorescent stones, which was extremely bright.

As soon as Ye Yang walked in, he immediately noticed something different.

Nowadays, the place is filled with precious light and auspicious aura, and the aura is rich. Even in the passages, there are all kinds of treasures placed.

Compared to me before, he was much more "generous".

"There are some debris here, which cannot be said to be precious to a warrior realm monk."

Zhao Zhe continued to lead Ye Yang forward. The two walked through a passage, and suddenly a white bone stone pillar flashing with lightning appeared in front of them.

The white bone stone pillar was extremely huge, seven or eight feet long, stretching as far as the eye could see. It was half buried underground, but it still exploded with thunder and fire.

Constantly flashing and crackling electric sparks.

Zhao Zhe pointed to the stone pillar in front and said.

"This is the Nine Heavens Thunder Crystal Pillar. It was mined from the Nine Heavens, born in the thunder, and then buried deep underground. After thousands of years, it took the shape of a stone mine."

Ye Yang looked up and saw thunderous electric sparks flashing on the spinal ore, which was extremely powerful at first sight.

Qingming Island is good at using thunder, and Qingming Lord is a real strong man who can refine and collect thunder in the nine heavens.

I have never seen it in the sect before. I think it must be a trophy taken from Qingming Island.

And beyond that.

Next to the spine stone pillar, there is also a huge demon beast skeleton, with white bones and a single horn sticking into the sky.

The horn is like a spiral, emitting an icy and weird cold light. The cold light is intertwined with the thunder light, making it dazzling.

Zhao Zhe noticed Ye Yang's curiosity and then spoke.

"This is the unicorn of the Cold-horned Chi King. The Chi King contains the blood of the ancient alien chi dragon. This unicorn is the essence of the cold energy in its body."

"It can be used as the main material for refining magic weapons. Its flexibility and sharpness are far superior to ordinary metal minerals."

Ye Yang nodded and then said.

"I don't know how many exchange points are needed for this unicorn."

"This cold-horned Chi King has the blood of an ancient alien species. The horn is the essence of the whole body. It is quite precious and requires two thousand contribution points."

Ye Yang was slightly surprised.

He had only used 3,500 contribution points in exchange for the Yin-Yang Heart Guard, a low-grade defensive magical weapon.

This unicorn, just the main material, requires two thousand contribution points.

After saying that, the two of them continued to walk forward.

Ye Yang remembered that when he first came here, there was also a piece of Buddha wood with nine hands and ten apertures, which could add lightness to the magic weapon and was quite miraculous.

I just didn’t see it along the way, so it must have been exchanged in advance.

Anyway, there was still plenty of time, so Ye Yang was not in a hurry.

There are many treasures here.

He continued to walk forward, wanting to see what else was good.

After looking around, he didn't like anything, so Ye Yang said.

"When I came here a few years ago, I saw a huge coffin. It was made of the wood of life and death. It had been buried underground for thousands of years. It was full of life and death. I wonder if it is still there?"

Zhao Zhe said.

"Yes, yes, the copper moon coffin was brought back by the sect after they unearthed the tomb of a strong man. The aura of death in the underworld is flowing."

"It's strange to say that in recent years, for some reason, a life-and-death fungus has grown on the copper coffin. It coincides with the aura of life, death, and prosperity. I think Protector Ye will be very interested in it."

After finishing speaking, he led Ye Yang to a huge coffin.

This copper coffin is huge, nearly two feet long and six feet wide. I don’t know who needs such a huge coffin to bury them.

It is neither gold nor wood, but it has the sound of gold and iron when touched.

There are pictures of evil spirits carved on it, with hundreds of demons dancing around and fierce spirits.

What was slightly different from what Ye Yang had seen before was that at this moment, there was a circle of huge Ganoderma lucidum growing on the coffin.

They were piled densely in dozens of circles, and they were almost ten feet wide.

"Yes, it is exactly this."

Feeling the rich aura of life and death, Ye Yang smiled.

"In that case, let's exchange it for this copper moon coffin."

Zhao Zhe nodded, quickly completed the handover procedure with Ye Yang, and the two left the sect's treasure house.

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