The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 251 Feitian Sect: Evil Cultivator’s Subsequent Reaction

Go to hell! "

He was originally afraid of losing all his potential for cultivation, and now having ten years of time cut off him was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

With a sudden shout, the spear in his hand rushed straight towards him like a poisonous python.

At this moment, another red sword light came to kill.

A quick sword pierced through the clothes, and the light of the sword had already penetrated his heart.

"Why did he switch to swordsmanship again?"

The arbitrary switching between swords and repeated mistakes in judgment made Yang Tie feel unspeakably bitter in his heart.

There is more of a sense of frustration.

Yang Tie felt regretful in his heart. This man deliberately hid his sword moves when he first fought with him.

He only used sword skills to fight the enemy. Just when he thought that the sword attack was normal and he felt relaxed, the opponent suddenly struck out with a sword, shocking everyone around him.

He was careful and alert, anticipating the sword move, but the other party used the sword technique, and now he used the sword technique.

He lost everything.

"I hate, I hate people who practice sword skills at the same time. They are too yin. Damn! You deserve to be killed!"

Yang Tie looked up to the sky and roared.

He looked around, roared, and jumped into the rushing waterfall.

Countless blood burst out from his body.

"The Heavenly Demon Essence and Blood Technique."

Yang Tie roared angrily, blood spurted out wildly, and his whole body became sluggish. He used the power of the secret method to quickly dive to the bottom, trying to escape.

Ye Yang's expression changed when he saw that Yang Tie had been struck by his sword but still had the energy to escape.

Those who can be on the Hidden Dragon List are indeed very powerful, and they are all extraordinary.

This river is winding and winding, and Xie Qiang is seriously injured at this moment. If he wants to escape, he will definitely not be able to last long.

Ye Yang waved his hand, and a three-inch-long mouse-sized object came out of his sleeve.

The next moment, the thing rolled on the spot, fell to the bottom of the water, dived in the water, and rushed forward crazily.

For a time, whitecaps surged into the sky, stirring up circles of water waves.

The calm water immediately became choppy.

The scaled demon elephant lurked underwater for a long time, but found no trace before leaping out of the water.

It turned into something like a white mouse again and got into his cuffs.

This full moon evil gun Yang Tie seems to have a special magical power to transform water.

At this moment, in the darkness, it actually merged into the water waves, and I don't know where it went.

and the other side

In a fast-flowing body of water, the river is surging and the waves are roaring.

Suddenly, a tall man jumped out of the rushing river, holding a blood-red spear in his hand.

The face was weird, blood was flowing from his chest, especially the heart, where there was a sword wound, which was ferocious and terrifying.

He reluctantly landed on the shore, his body swaying, and he knelt down on the shore and drank a few water, and then he felt a little bit of strength in his body.

"This man is really hateful."

He took out a healing elixir and drank it, and then he felt that his injury was much better.

He opened his chest, took out some medicinal powder, and applied it on the wound. Only then did he realize that the sword marks on his heart were deep enough to the bone.


He possesses a trace of evil dragon blood, and with the help of his master, the old man Evil Sword, he refined the heterogeneous evil poison into his body, and added a strange heart position.

This person just escaped a fatal blow.

After recovering slightly from his injuries, there was an evil and cold look in his eyes.

As he quickly landed, he identified an area in the forest and ran towards the depths.

This is a quite prosperous mountain village, but in recent years it has become filled with poisonous snakes, dilapidated and gloomy for some reason.

Especially when the wind blows and the cold wind blows in the mountains and forests, it looks even more dilapidated.

Tombs of corpses were everywhere along the way.

Yang Tie was seriously injured. He covered his heart and leaned on his spear as he got into a ruined temple that seemed to have been abandoned for a long time.

There were already many people standing in this ruined temple.

The man next to him was wearing a brown robe with dragon and blue frost. He was leaning against a pillar. His complexion was yellowish and he was full of energy.

The other person next to her was a snow-white nun with a bare scalp.

Wearing a royal yellow cassock, her skin is white and greasy, and she has a pair of peach blossom eyes with spring water in her mouth.

The man at the top is an old man wearing purple tattered robes and a large spiritual ribbon around his waist.

In his right hand, he held a strange and long oxtail knife, with a dry and thin face, and in his left hand, he held a blood-red whisk.

At this time, Yang Tie walked in, clutching his chest with a painful look on his face. After he came over, he bowed his hands to the man above.

"Master, I almost lost my life while exploring the Zhu family today."


Hearing this, the old man couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"The most powerful person in the Zhu family is Zhu Yue, but he can actually hurt you?"

Yang Tie, the Full Moon Evil Spear, possesses a trace of evil dragon blood, and is his most outstanding disciple. With the fourth level of martial artist, he can be ranked on the Hidden Dragon Ranking.

Even when he was young, he couldn't compare.

He knew how powerful his disciple was.

"I think that Zhu Yue was just a wallflower before. I haven't seen him for many years. His skills have improved a lot, which is rare."

There was a hint of hatred in Yang Tie's eyes.

"This was not Zhu Yue's doing."

He untied the robe from his chest, and everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

Only then did he discover that there was a zigzag and bone-deep stab wound on Zhu Yue's chest.

In addition to the stab wound, there was an extremely deep hole next to it, which grazed the heart and caused blood to flow out.

If it had been even more dangerous, he would have become a dead body long ago.

He was seriously injured and had serious sword scars. As soon as he lifted his clothes, he attracted everyone's attention.

"It wasn't Zhu Yue's hand, but the Zhu family actually hid such a powerful master!"

Everyone hissed and gasped.

Yang Tie's strength is obvious to all.

The demon nun was a little unbelievable.

"Your ability to hide your aura is extraordinary, and your skills are even more powerful. Why did you look like this after being injured?"

Yang Tie smiled bitterly for the rest of his life.

"After I hid my aura, I never thought that the Zhu family would take advantage of the full moon night to send out all the mountain-searching dogs and detect any trace of me."

"Later, I was besieged at Zhu's house and escaped."

"Siege? But there is someone who hurt you. Who is that person? With such means, it is unlikely that he is an unknown person."

"That person is... Ye Yang, the master of both swords and swords."

"He was holding a strange sword and was very powerful. He used the strange sword to fight me first. When I relaxed my vigilance, he used swordsmanship to hurt me and almost stabbed me to death."

"What, is it him?"

"This man was not attacked. He was seriously injured, his meridians were severed, and his cultivation level cannot be improved."

"I heard that Zhu Xingyu, a sick scholar, shouted insults at him in front of the door, but he still did not respond. He was seriously injured and should not be faked."

"But some secret method was used to damage the human body, and he suddenly burst out with extraordinary combat power."

Yang Tie shook his head.

"Not only did he defeat me, but he also fought against two people alone. Even Bai Guyue was seriously injured and had to turn into a blood bat and escape."

Even the old man Xie Dao frowned slightly and then said.

"I haven't been back for many years. When did such a young master appear in my family? Why have I never seen his name on the Hidden Dragon List?"

"No matter how powerful it is, it can never be compared to the Eyes of Blood and Tears."

Queen Die Wu possesses eyes of blood and tears, a vermilion cold sword, unparalleled combat power, and extremely fast speed. There are few people in the same realm who can defeat the enemy.

Recently I heard that he was challenging everywhere and defeated Xie Wenyan, the master swordsman ranked 218th on the Hidden Dragon Ranking. I don’t know how many people’s attention he attracted.

At this time, the man in the green frost robe at the head thought of something, gently shook the folding fan, and then said.

"When this man first entered the martial arts realm, he once frightened the butterfly back dozens of miles with a sword, shocking countless people's jaws."

"At that time, everyone thought that the Feitian Sect was going to produce a genius who could compete with the Eye of Blood and Tears, but they never thought that he would be attacked and killed and seriously injured later."

"In addition, according to legend, Luo Changsheng, who was undefeated against 365 sects with swords, also fought with him, but the news was blocked, so we don't know the outcome."

"After that battle, Luo Changsheng went to the Western Regions to find the Great Vajrapani Buddha to forge and test swords."

The evil knife old man frowned.

"No matter who he is, if he hurts the disciple of my evil sword old man, he will definitely die without a burial place. But now that the Feitian Sect is in serious trouble, let's spare his life for the time being."

"When the plan of the Blood and Bone Cult and the Red Lantern Notice is completed, it will be the time of his death."

A sneer appeared on the corner of the demon nun's mouth.

"Senior, don't worry. Senior sister Lin Heier has given the order. My red light experts are ready to attack and are ready to respond at any time."

"And the Wu Du Sect's leader has secretly contacted us. If we need an assistant, they can also provide support."

Yang Tie smiled coldly.

"The Bai Guyue who sacrificed blood to the flesh and blood of the entire clan is also here tonight."

"Master, that Bai Guyue is so ambitious that his blood is cold. To be able to sacrifice the entire clan with blood, he must have a heart as poisonous as a scorpion. Now that he wants to recruit us into his gang, he must have ulterior motives."

The old man with evil sword had a smile in his eyes but did not speak.

The atmosphere in the venue suddenly turned cold. He stroked the beard on his chest and said.

"Idiot, the Blood and Bone Cult is so powerful that we need to take a long-term approach. They want to use us, and we also want to use them to carve out a foothold."

On the other side, after pursuing Yang Tie to no avail.

Ye Yang returned to Zhu's house alone. He was exhausted from the battle last night, especially after using the Thirteen Knives of Time.

Fortunately, Ku Rong's hand was able to absorb the essence of life and help him recover. If not, he would now have trouble even walking.

Ye Yang secretly sighed, Thirteen swords of time, one sword for one year, are indeed powerful, but the sequelae are too great.

This spiritual technique can split thirteen swords in the air with one strike, and the swords can make people grow old.

With his current level of cultivation, one strike with his sword could take away the opponent's time for a year.

However, if the opponent is too strong and can only hit a few cuts, the effect will be greatly reduced.

For example, in the previous battle with Lord Qing Ming, although the Thirteen Knives of Time could defeat the enemy, the effect was far from that good.

The reason is that Lord Qingming was once a powerful person in the real person realm, although the realm is no longer there.

But his vision, strength, and combat experience are far beyond those of ordinary people.

This fierce battle also made Ye Yang look at himself and see his weaknesses.

"There is still no way to track it."

Bai Guyue transformed into a blood bat, and Yang Tie burned his essence and blood. Both of them were methods of forcing potential to escape.

Without tracking methods, even though he was powerful, it would be difficult to find the two of them.

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