The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 249 Bai Guyue, the rebellious son of the Bai family

"Let me seize the opportunity and kill these two people with a thousand knives."

He was very angry, and if he found the opportunity, he would definitely torture the two of them to a point where life would be worse than death.

the other side.

Ye Yang and Zhu Yue quickly pursued and headed towards the Full Moon Evil Spear Yang Tie.

In the black night, the bright moon hangs high, and the moonlight is like flowing water.

The night wind blew up, cold fog filled the air, and the hills were bright.

Yang Tie was very fast. He climbed on the cliff of Qingshan Mountain and kept looking back at the Zhu family behind him.

Fortunately, as he fled, he finally left the two of them behind.

"I heard that Ye Yang, the master of swordsmanship, is good at swordsmanship, but his swordsmanship is mediocre and his name is a bit unsatisfactory. His swordsmanship is quite good, much better than his swordsmanship."

He carefully sensed the fight he had just had with the two of them.

With one blow, the opponent was struck down with great force, and the sword was as bright as lightning. It was truly extraordinary.

"I heard that this person seems to possess the inherited spiritual technique of the Thirteen Swords of Time. If I can learn the Thirteen Swords of Time, there may be hope for further progress."

He is not good at swordsmanship, but he has a secret method to combine swords and guns.

What he is more interested in is that based on the spiritual technique of the Thirteen Swords of Time, he can return to his youth and eliminate the traces of time.

Although he is on the Qianlong list, he is old and close to the age of Jiazi.

Although for a monk in the warrior realm, this age is not very old.

But in recent years, I have become increasingly aware that there is an air of age and vicissitude emanating from my body all the time.

He knew that this should be an external manifestation caused by old age, lack of youthful energy, and depletion of essence and blood.

And Ye Yang holds the Thirteen Swords of Time in his hand, and his blood essence and magic power must contain the power of time creation.

If you can swallow his essence and blood, you may be able to feed yourself back and regain your youth.

Thinking of this, his heart burned, and a contemptuous sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

There are many people in the world who are good at escaping, and he happens to be one of them.

If he really wanted to escape, there weren't many people who could catch him.

But he doesn't want to run away now.

So he waved the spear in his hand, and a poisonous snake with red scales as thick as a finger immediately sprang out of the blood-red spear.

As soon as the poisonous snake appeared, it spit out its forked tongue, sniffed the humidity in the air carefully, and then fled quickly.

This snake carries his aura. If anyone follows his aura, they will definitely be led astray by the spiritual snake.

And he hid in a big tree and waited quietly.

He is also good at sneak attacks.

On the other side, Ye Yang and Zhu Yue tracked a fork in the road, which bisected in two.

Zhu Yue pondered for a moment.

"Guardian Ye, why don't you and I chase each other separately?"

Ye Yang nodded. Only then did he realize that he lacked a tracking method.

It seems that after returning to the Feitian Sect, I still need to find time to practice a tracking method.

In this way, if you encounter any unexpected accident while outside, you can still catch up with the enemy.

Zhu Yue called to a slender-waisted spirit dog. The spirit dog sniffed and headed towards a branching path.

When Zhu Yue saw this, he swayed and followed closely the figure of the slender-waisted spirit dog.

He got into the vast forest in the night and disappeared in an instant.

When Ye Yang saw this, he rushed to another fork in the road.

Because there are many strange rocks and rocks in the cliffs near Evergreen Mountain, the path is rugged, and there are many shrubs and weeds.

Therefore, the sight of the Sun-Chasing Turtle in the sky is not good. Ye Yang did not summon the Sun-Chasing Turtle, but relied on the speed brought by the Sword Demon Ape.

Search carefully on the ground.


At this moment, Ye Yang suddenly froze and felt boundless murderous intent coming over him.

He ducked to the side, and an iron gun came at him quickly, almost blocking all Ye Yang's escape routes.

A poisonous gun, carrying a huge force, was directed towards his throat.


Incredibly fast.

Another sneak attack, which is frightening.

Ye Yang dodged to the side, and under the pressure of his magic power, a talisman immediately took shape, and a rich golden light filled the whole body.

He had previously exchanged four amulet seals in the sect, but he did not have time to use them on Qingming Island. At this moment, he was in crisis.

First time using it!

The golden light surged, like a copper wall and an iron wall, firmly resisting Yang Tie's blow, but Yang Tie was very powerful.

The gun in his hand was even more strange and fierce, and it actually destroyed the shield directly.

Ye Yang flew out upside down.

"It is the fourth level of warrior cultivation, and it is already close to the fifth level of warrior cultivating evil!"

Ye Yang wiped away a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help but feel a flash of horror in his heart.

Fortunately, with the help of the third-level talisman, he was not seriously injured.

"Die to me!"

Just now the two of them joined forces, Yang Tie threw himself into a trap and did not dare to use it with all his strength.

Now that he was alone against one person, his murderous intent increased sharply.

Ye Yang swung his sword. Yang Tie knew that Ye Yang's sword was powerful and powerful, so Yang Tie did not dare to take it head-on.

After dodging this sword light, the next moment, another brilliant light cut into his shoulder.

Blood dripped, but he was not seriously injured.

He was equally powerful and put his foot on Ye Yang's arm. He felt that the other party's arm was like copper and iron, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

The next moment, his body squirmed and the wound slowly healed.

Ye Yang knew that for such a master, it would be difficult for him to be seriously injured by the knife just now.

So he didn't expect to kill the enemy with one blow, but kept dragging, hoping to attract Zhu Yue.

Yang Tie saw Ye Yang's plan and roared.

His magic power surged, carrying a faint murderous aura, and he used all his strength to kill Ye Yang in an instant.

He didn't give him time to defend.

The light was bright and murderous.

In an instant, the two had exchanged hundreds of moves.

Ye Yang was getting more and more frightened, and the opponent was indeed strong.

At this moment, a knife light slashed out, evil and eerie, like the hand of Yama.

It was as fast as light, and it slashed directly at Ye Yang's heart.

This sudden attack was heart-pounding, and it was going to kill Ye Yang on the spot.

"There is actually a master hiding here!"

As the knife light came, a black and white yin and yang shield suddenly appeared on Ye Yang's body to resist the knife light.

But the knife light was sharp, and it broke through the light shield in an instant and slashed on his chest.

Ye Yang groaned and retreated.

Seeing this, Yang Tie saw that the opportunity could not be missed, and a long spear came again and pierced Ye Yang's heart.

At this time, the new strength has not yet been generated, and the old strength has been lost. Ye Yang can only barely use the back of the ghost-headed seven-ring knife to meet Yang Tie's shot.


The knife was picked up and flew away, but fortunately the power of the shot was reduced immediately.

However, Ye Yang's arm had been seriously injured because of the strong force of the shot, and the blood vessels burst layer by layer.

At this moment, the knife light and the gun shadow came together.

Even with his long-term practice of the elephant magic fist, he was still uncomfortable.

"This kid actually practiced the method of strengthening the body."

Yang Tie saw that his shot did not have the desired effect, and his face turned pale.

He naturally knew how powerful his previous attack was.

At this time, a voice sounded.

"Brother Ye, why are you so anxious to die."

The person who spoke was like a ghost, suddenly flying away, wearing a white robe and unable to see his specific appearance.

Seeing this person, Yang Tie snorted coldly.

"Bai Guyue, why are you trying to stop me? Seeing your old friend, can't you bear to see him die?"

Bai Guyue laughed.

"Brother Yang, you are joking. Since I rebelled against the Bai family, I have no connection with Feitianmen anymore."

"Then why are you stopping me?"

"Of course, I want to get news about your master, Old Man Xiedao, from Brother Yang."

"Hmph, we'll talk about it later."

This was the first time Ye Yang saw Bai Guyue. At first glance, he felt that this person was nothing ordinary, just like an ordinary person.

He was ordinary, as if there was nothing unusual.

But who would have thought that this person would contribute hundreds of people in his family to the Blood and Bone Evil God.

Those who underestimate him are doomed to suffer.

Yang Tie's shot just now seemed to have an amazing poison, which accidentally hit his arm.

At this moment, Ye Yang's arm was filled with black air.

However, the Biluo Sanqing Secret Scroll was originally a secret method of healing pills, and after he practiced the Elephant Demon Fist, his physical strength was strong.

This poison invaded the heart.

Ye Yang tapped three times in a row, sealing the acupoints of his left arm, and then forced out the poisonous blood.

Drops of poisonous blood slid from his fingers.

All the plants and trees around were poisoned to death.

The two looked at him, as if they had already made up their minds and were not in a hurry to act.

Ye Yang took out a pill and pinched it with his thumb. The wax skin on it suddenly loosened and cracked, revealing a golden pill the size of a peanut inside.

Ye Yang opened his mouth and held the pill in his mouth.

The peanut-sized pill turned into a ray of water in an instant and slid directly into his throat.

He took a breath, and the drug power was calm and gentle. Once it spread into his body, it entered his limbs and bones, and his injuries were much better.

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