The mountains are covered with green pine trees, and the gentle breeze makes a rustling sound.

Perhaps due to long-term exposure to wind and sun, the mountain peaks are covered with gravel and the stone skin is rough.

Ye Yang was pacing slowly.

Next to him is Zhu Yue, the head of the Evergreen Zhu family.

Zhu Yue pointed slightly at Ye Yang and then said.

"Guardian Ye, please take a look. Inside is the Tianyuan Dendrobium that Feitian Sect has always asked the Zhu family to take care of."

"This spiritual grass grows on the cliffs. It absorbs rain, snow, ice and frost, and gathers the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Only the cliffs of the Zhu family are suitable for its growth."

Dendrobium Tianyuan is similar to common dendrobium, but the leaves are more pointed, the veins are golden, and a pod is about the size of a fist.

This substance is one of the main medicines of Jingyun Dan taken by warrior monks.

Because of the special terrain of the Changqing Zhu Family, Feitianmen specially allocated a piece of land for planting Tianyuan Dendrobium.

Zhu Yue opened his mouth and smiled slightly.

"Since the sect was handed over, my Zhu family has been guarding it day and night. Now there are over a hundred plants here, which can ensure that the sect's Essence of Cloud Pills will not be exhausted for ten years."

Ye Yang looked up, and sure enough, he saw thin, narrow leaves on the steep mountain peaks that towered into the clouds.

These dendrobiums climb the rocks, with thick roots and hovering above them. At a glance, they look like a large area, which is quite spectacular.

"It's indeed good. The Zhu family has done a good job in keeping the medicine. I will definitely say something nice when I get back."

Ye Yang took a breath and spoke slowly.

But he didn't expect that at this moment, Ye Yang felt a strong murderous intention between heaven and earth.

The murderous aura was strong and disappeared in a flash, but the place where the aura came out was at the top of the cliff of Tianyuan Shihu.


Zhu Yue's face was livid, he had just finished accepting the credit, and the two had a very happy conversation.

In an instant, bad guys appeared on the Tianyuan Shihu, which was the lifeblood of the sect.

This made him feel ashamed.

he yelled.

"Who is so sneaky!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a burst of golden light burst out, and three or four golden balls the size of human heads flew out of his hands.

The golden ball formed a shape and flew quickly to the top of the cliff.

"There are thieves up there."

This made Ye Yang frown slightly.

In these troubled times, no one can be careless.

He and Zhu Yue looked at each other, and the two of them stepped forward and climbed the rock. They followed the steep cliff like a sky pillar and reached the top in a short while.

But everything was business as usual at the summit, with no special signs.

The Tianyuan dendrobium grows very luxuriantly, and there are no signs of anyone picking or stealing it.

"It's strange, that murderous aura just now was not an illusion."

Zhu Yue lowered his head and muttered, and Ye Yang also frowned slightly. The murderous aura just now was definitely not a tree without roots or a source of water.

"My Zhu family's mountain-protecting formation is very clever and relies on the protection of one hundred and thirty-six spirit dogs in the family. If it is not done right, when there is any disturbance, the spirit dogs will compete to call each other, and the other party will never be able to hide it."

"If you want to successfully escape the tracking of a spirit dog, you must either have incredible speed or know the weakness of the spirit dog."

There was a trace of solemnity on Zhu Yue's face.

"Could it be that the old man with the evil sword has arrived?"

Zhu Yue said: "The old man with the evil knife is fierce and violent. If he appeared, he would have already started killing people. This person should not be him.

"Who is that!

Ye Yang walked to a cliff, leaned down gently, and touched a piece of moss on the edge of the cliff.

Although the moss was intact, there was a trace of tobacco ash on it, which gave off an unpleasant, pungent smell.

"Tobacco ash?"

Zhu Yue couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that Ye Yang was so attentive and found clues in such a steep geographical environment.

He walked over slowly, wiped it with his hand and then said.

"Could it be Old Man Evil Sword's great disciple, Yuan Yue Evil Spear - Yang Tie."

"Yes, this person has a trace of evil dragon blood. It is said that he likes to eat a kind of exotic grass from the Western Regions. This exotic grass can cover up people's five senses. No wonder he has escaped the detection of the mountain hunting dog."

"Full Moon Evil Spear?"

Zhu Yue said: "This man is nearly sixty years old. He is good at using a poisonous python spear. His eyes are golden and red, like a full moon. He is nicknamed the Full Moon Evil Spear."

"Ranked 136th on the Hidden Dragon Ranking. Although he is almost at the age of being removed from the ranking, he is still a master who cannot be underestimated."

"It seems that they already want to take action against the Zhu family."

Ye Yang said

"The enemy is now in the dark, and we are waiting in the light."

"But how can I, the Feitian Sect, allow others to spy on me at will!"

"This person managed to sneak into the Evergreen Mountains with great difficulty. He will definitely not give up and escape in vain."

"Since the full moon is his nickname, there should be some special means at night. He must do something at night."

"When the time comes, guard the exit, step up patrols, and catch the turtles."

Zhu Yue quite agreed.

"Yes, I think so too."


The bright moon is like a disk, emitting layers of bright moonlight, seeming to cover the whole world with a layer of silver sand.

Ye Yang walked out of the Zhu family's Yingbin Pavilion quietly.

As soon as he opened the door, he found a mighty figure standing in front of the door, holding a long spear with four rings hanging from it.

This is the Zhu family's five-lock tiger-catching spear, which is good at trapping and locking enemies. Zhu Yue has long since practiced this technique to the highest level.

This man was wearing a black robe and had piercing eyes. He was obviously well prepared. He was Zhu Yue, the head of the Zhu family.

"Have you found anything?"

Zhu Yue shook his head, but there was a smile on his lips.

"I have sent out all the more than 300 Soshan Spirit Dogs. No matter how evil the Full Moon Evil Spear is, it will be difficult to escape the noses of more than 300 Soul Mountain Spirit Dogs."

A smile appeared at the corner of Zhu Yue's mouth. At this moment, the barking of a spiritual dog suddenly came from the distance.

Woof! Woof! Woof!

At first, there were still one or two spirit dogs roaring, but the sound seemed to be contagious. After a while, the mountains and fields were filled with the barking of spirit dogs.


Zhu Yue pointed, and the two of them quickly moved towards the direction he pointed like lightning.

The two of them were traveling at extremely fast speeds, and the sound of whistling wind could be heard.

The closer he got to that location, the more Ye Yang could feel the hidden murderous intention.

Evergreen Mountain is steep and full of rocks and debris.

Ye Yang and Zhu Yue were running at lightning speed, hidden in the thick darkness of the night, making it difficult to see their figures clearly.

The next moment, Ye Yang seemed to have discovered something. He moved slightly, stepped on his feet, and flew high above a big tree.

And Zhu Yue also noticed something was wrong.

He threw the spear away, crouched slightly, held back his breath, and hid under a big rock.

Among the rocks, a group of spiritual dogs chased a figure in black and came in an instant.

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