The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 245 The Evil Sword Old Man Thirty Years of Blood Feud

"My dear nephew, my Evergreen Mountain is simple and simple, but it also has a special flavor."

"When you come here, you must stay longer no matter what. Now you have not only broken through to the warrior realm."

"And he still holds an important position in the Feitian Sect. If my dead brother is still alive, he will definitely be so happy that he can't sleep."

Zhu Yue is a good person and is well versed in human psychology. At this moment, he started talking to Ye Yang again, and his words were intimate.

Faced with Zhu Yue's approach, Ye Yang did not respond immediately. After a pause, he spoke.

"Clan Chief Zhu, this time I came to inspect according to the clan's laws. It's not for personal reasons."

"Please also show me the accounts of the spiritual stones and the entry and exit of spiritual materials over the years."

Zhu Yue has rich experience in dealing with the problem.

"I have already ordered people to prepare the relevant jade slips, and I will take you there now."

"But we have come a long way and it's tiring traveling and traveling. I have already prepared fine wine and maidservants, so why not take a rest first."

Ye Yang shook his head and said.

"No need, the most important thing is the first priority."

However, Zhu Yue still wanted to show his kindness to the landlord and pulled him to his seat several times.

However, Ye Yang repeatedly refused.

Seeing this, Zhu Yue had to give up and led him into the Zhu family's treasure house.

There are dozens of volumes of jade slips of varying degrees of old and new, large and small.

Ye Yang investigated one by one.

Within the jurisdiction of the Changqing Zhu family, the Feitian Sect has planted many elixirs and spiritual materials for refining elixirs.

The area here is vast and the mountains are rich.

Some special elixirs must be nourished with mountain air in order to grow better.

Usually, the Zhu family also helps Feitianmen with its management.

Therefore, this inspection of the Zhu family's mission was completed to see if there was any dirty means or corruption.

It is also an important part.

Fortunately, after Ye Yang checked the jade slip for a while, he didn't find anything wrong.

He couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy in his eyes, which would make things easier.

"It just needs to be seen on the ground."

The two walked out of the room where the jade slips were placed, and Ye Yang flew alone to the medicinal field where the spiritual herbs grew.

After observing on the spot for a while, I found nothing wrong.

Ye Yang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the Zhu family had become more honest after being beaten for a while by Gu Xuan.

And he can also take the time sand and go find the fire master to refine the time magic weapon.

When he came back, he discovered that a vermilion box had been placed in the room.

Zhu Yue said.

"Guardian Ye, there are no outsiders or others here. Please don't take it personally when I call you my nephew. This time, Mange's matter is thanks to your kind words. Thank you for your hard work."

Ye Yang knew that what he was talking about was Zhu Mange's acquisition of purple electric silver peach.

But in fact, this matter had nothing to do with him, and he did not go to Gu Xuan to fight for a spot.

But just as he thought at the time.

People like Zhu Yue would definitely not put all their chips on him alone, and would also find others.

Zhu Yue's gift of thanks was quite special.

He slowly opened the wooden box and found a fist-sized hexagonal ore lying quietly inside, exuding countless cold air and sharpness.

The stinging person cannot open his eyes.

Ye Yang couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

"It turned out to be a piece of cold iron that has lasted for a thousand years!"

Zhu Yue seemed to know the news that he was refining the magic weapon, and he tried his best to find a piece of cold iron for him.

This thousand-year-old cold iron is extremely sharp, comparable to top-grade broken jade and cracked gold and stone. It is also a precious material that can increase the sharpness in the forging of magical weapons.

This thing is indeed tempting, and it is something he urgently needs.

Ye Yang's heart moved slightly, but then he shook his head.

Even though he cherished this thing, it was the time when he came to Zhu's house to inspect it.

Taking this thing would inevitably cause criticism.

What Zhu Yue said was his gratitude for helping Zhu Mange, but he knew the person but not the heart.

Maybe he's still playing tricks.

Zhu Yue is an old man, and he is also a piece of meat. Especially at this critical moment, he cannot be taken away.

Therefore, Ye Yang just looked at it and then closed the box again.

Zhu Yue couldn't help but look shocked when he saw Ye Yang acting like this.

"How could this man be so sophisticated? He must have seen through my mind."

Ye Yang suddenly thought of something and said.

"By the way, I heard recently that the Red Lantern Club was so arrogant that they massacred a nearby village and kidnapped a large number of babies. I don't know if it's true or not."

"Did the Zhu family find out any information?"

Zhu Yue walked to Ye Yang and said.

"After I came back, I tracked him day and night, and mobilized all my friends to help with the investigation. Finally, I figured out the purpose of the red light meeting."


Hearing this, Ye Yang was a little surprised.

"Please also ask Patriarch Zhu to speak clearly."

Zhu Yue came over, bowed his head and whispered.

"As far as I know, the old man with the evil sword who has not been around for a long time has reappeared."

"Old Evil Knife."

This name is not unfamiliar to Ye Yang. He was from the team of Universiade Dynasty Yuxian Division that he met before.

He also once said that Old Man Xie Dao was a participant in the Hundred Demons Rebellion Incident in Beijing, and he came to Yalongling to arrest him.

This person has an evil sword that appears like ghosts. When it is used, it gathers energy to become a blade. When it is not used, it falls apart like sand. Of course, this is not what this person is most famous for.

But this person is cruel and cruel, likes to use women, children, old and young to practice martial arts, and has always been notorious.

"How did the Red Lantern Club get in touch with the Evil Knife Old Man?"

Zhu Yue said based on the information he had.

"Based on the situation, Old Man Xie Dao is probably being hunted, and the Red Light Notice wants to recruit him into the cult."

Ye Yang pondered for a moment.

This evil sword old man has mastered the method of inheritance of cauldron furnace which is quite exquisite.

For many alchemists, it is a piece of cake.

Zhu Yue spoke again at this time.

"Old Evil Sword was originally from nearby. He is old. I am afraid that when he comes back this time, he will return to his roots."

"I heard that when he came back this time, he recruited evil cultivators and bandits, united some small families, and prepared to establish an evil sword sect."

Zhu Yue told another piece of news.

"That's quite courageous."

Ye Yang sighed

The difficulty of starting a school is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

These are also feats that cannot be accomplished by ordinary people.

At this time, Ye Yang suddenly noticed that Zhu Yue's face was a little pale, and something didn't seem right.

"What? But there's something hidden inside."

Zhu Yue sighed and sighed.

"To be honest, this Evergreen Mountain is where this evil sword old man started. This man's evil sword appears like ghosts and is very powerful."

"I was still in the ventilation realm at that time, and I once escorted your mother back to Feitianmen. I never expected to meet this person on the road."

"When he disagreed with you, he acted out of his own way and wanted to kill your mother, disembowel her belly, and use the baby to make elixirs."

"Use me to make elixirs?"

Ye Yang's expression changed slightly.

"Your father and I naturally disagree. After fighting with him, the two of us joined forces and were still forced back by him. He didn't dare to go to Feitian Sect for revenge, but he went to Evergreen Mountain to do whatever he wanted."

"Mange's mother was killed by him."

"Later, after I broke through to the warrior realm, he came to the Changqing Zhu family again. I fought with him but couldn't win."

"Thanks to your father bringing the sect's reinforcements here at that time, everyone worked together to repel them."

"This man has a special destiny and a good talent. Twenty or thirty years have passed, and he still doesn't know what state he has reached in his cultivation."

"I didn't expect that there would be stories like this mixed in."

Ye Yang took a sip of tea and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Clan Chief Zhu wants to fight with him."

Ye Yang didn't know whether what Zhu Yue said was true or false, but he said it in such detail that it didn't look like a lie.

Zhu Yue nodded and then said.

"The revenge for killing my wife must be avenged, but the evil sword old man is very powerful, and now he is on the demon slayer list. I am afraid it will be difficult for me to survive alone."

Zhu Yue's tone was calm.

But Ye Yang could hear the gnashing of teeth, hatred and resentment from inside.

This life-and-death blood feud is unforgettable for anyone.

Even after decades, the hatred remains unforgettable.

Zhu Yue's strength is considered good in the martial arts realm. According to Ye Yang's guess, he may have reached the fifth level of cultivating evil spirits.

On the other hand, he is the head of the Evergreen Zhu Family, and he can use the resources and magical weapons of the Zhu Family.

Ordinary cultivators in the evil cultivation realm are definitely no match for him.

Even so, he was filled with fear as he spoke.

It can be seen that the evil knife old man is by no means taking things for granted.

The old man of the Evil Sword was destined to be the Nine Heavens Forging Furnace, but I don’t know how he practiced a set of evil sword skills, and he was cruel and easy to kill.

Zhu Yue was thinking about how to avenge his wife's murder, while Ye Yang was thinking about how to seize the alchemy furnace from the evil sword old man.

When an alchemist makes elixirs, the alchemy furnace is very important.

He just needs a special water method alchemy furnace now.

The evil sword old man is good at making cauldrons, so he must have a lot of good things in his hands.

In addition, if what he said is true, it can be regarded as revenge for the dead mother.

He is responsible for inspection and inspection this time.

It is also a matter of duty to exterminate the Red Light Notice and weaken its power.

Thoughts flashed through my mind.

Ye Yang said.

"I'm afraid this matter needs long-term planning. It will be difficult for you and me to resist the evil sword old man alone. If necessary, we will need to find reinforcements from the sect."

There was a glint in Ye Yang's eyes.

Now that he has gained one or two points of strength, he is no longer the little monk who was at the mercy of others in the ventilation realm, and can plan many things.

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