The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 236: Cloud-stepping Horse, the Sect Leader's Secret Talk

See this.

Ye Yang took out another basket of persimmons from the house.

The flying turtle eats more happily every day.

Ye Yang returned to the house alone.

He sat cross-legged and carefully planned the next direction.

After joining forces with the Peacock Saint to fight against the enemy Qing Ming Lord, Ye Yang saw the power of the proud man on the Hidden Dragon List.

He also saw the vastness of the world and the terror of those powerful people in the real world.

Now Ye Yang has broken through to the third level of martial arts.

It is difficult to achieve a breakthrough in a short period of time

After a big battle, the Ghost Head Seven-Ring Sword was damaged one after another. There were scratches on the blade and it became more dilapidated.

"It's time to prepare for the refining of time magic weapons."

Ye Yang groaned,

The ghost-headed seven-ring sword adds leftover materials for refining high-grade magic weapons.

Therefore, it is extremely sharp, and it is also a broadsword and a heavy sword. It is powerful enough to cut down with one strike, as heavy as a mountain.

But as Ye Yang's cultivation level got higher and higher, it was difficult for this ghost-headed seven-ring sword to provide enough help to Ye Yang.

During this period of time, he has been searching hard for time-based spiritual materials, just to refine another magic weapon for himself.

The most critical time-related main materials have been gathered, and the Feitian Sect still owes him the main materials for refining the magic weapon.

Combining the two and adding some auxiliary materials, you will have the conditions to refine the magic weapon.

"However, the blacksmith is also a top priority."

Ye Yang groaned, thinking of Master Lu who had the bloodline of the Qilin Giant.

As well as the Huolian Master who had a close relationship on Wangyue Mountain.

Master Lu has the blood of the Kirin Giant, lives in the swamps, and lives deep in the Shiwan Mountains, making it difficult to find.

The last time, he was "invited" by the sect through special means and just participated in the refining of the Big Sun Star Beast.

Although the other party has superb skills in refining magic weapons.

But repaying kindness with kindness is difficult to communicate with.

Ye Yang's impression of it was not very good. The magical weapon was of great importance, as it was a tool for his own enlightenment.

"In this case, we can only look for the master of fire refining. He has superb skills. Now that the time sand has been obtained, it is a good time."

Ye Yang secretly made a decision in his heart.

He walked out of the house, Zhuri Feigui was still eating persimmons happily.

Ye Yang ignored him and started practicing.

Swing the knife! Swing the knife! Swing the knife!

diligent! diligent! diligent!

Ye Yang never wanted to waste his time.

Time flies, ten thousand years is too long, just seize the day.

Especially after seeing so many talented people, he felt a faint sense of urgency in his heart.

Gu Xuan stood outside the window of the head hall, not knowing what he was thinking.

He glanced at his empty arms and sighed.

A strong man in the martial arts realm has a lifespan of two hundred, and he is now over one hundred and eighty years old.

During this period, I took several life-extending elixirs, but they could not last more than a few years.

It has been several years since he broke through to the realm of warrior perfection.

However, one arm was chopped off and the treasure body was damaged, making him even more distant from breaking through to the real person.

The physical body is damaged, and it is even more difficult to break through.

Gu Xuan sighed secretly and thought of something.

He took out a vicious arm with five sharp claws and ferocious silver scales.

This arm was radiant with cold light. Although I don't know how long it had been cut off, it still exuded a vicious and sinful aura.

It was he who obtained it from the eight-armed evil dragon in Qingming Island.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

Then someone walked in directly without notifying him, it was Ge Canhong.

Seeing Ge Canhong walking in, Gu Xuan put away the eight-armed evil dragon's hand and said.

"Wu Qing is gone?"

Ge Canhong nodded.


Then Ge Canhong seemed to think of something again and spoke.

"Wu Qing is good at forbearing. I think this person will be a serious problem sooner or later. Today he ate the thick phlegm of a disciple and still chatted and laughed with a smile on his face. He is really a cruel person. I am ashamed of myself..."

Gu Xuan sighed.

"I had a conversation with him and put forward many harsh conditions. I thought he would flatly refuse, and I was about to launch a blow to kill him alive."

"But I didn't expect that he actually accepted the harsh conditions I proposed, and took out a real-life talisman and retreated calmly."

"But that's fine. Feitianmen still needs to hide and make progress. This is not the time to fight everywhere."

"By the way, have Taiyi Qingmen's ten thousand year ebony spiritual carbon and Fengyu Tower's spiritual marrow beads been delivered?"

Ge Canhong shook his head.

"It hasn't arrived yet, but someone has sent a letter saying that it's on its way. I think everything will arrive in a few days."

Gu Xuan nodded, with a hint of joy in his expression, and then said.

"There is no delay in upgrading the spiritual veins. You should take another hundred thousand spiritual stones from the treasure house and bury them in various places in the gate to avoid lack of spiritual energy, failure in promotion, and failure to achieve success."

"Don't worry, Master. I will act with caution in such a big matter."

After finishing speaking, Gu Xuan spoke again.

"I will be going out to visit friends during this period. If anything happens, I will send a message to you. If there is nothing important, try not to disturb me. You can take care of the affairs within the sect."

Gu Xuan looked at his empty arms and sighed.

"I hope this trip goes smoothly, as the world changes, time is running out, and time is not forgiving!"

The next morning, Ye Yang started morning exercises early in the morning.

Just absorbed a touch of purple light from heaven and earth, and completed the Qi training.

Suddenly, Ye Yang heard a neighing sound coming from the sky.

Walking out of the courtyard, Ye Yang saw the neighing of horses in the sky.

Three or four snow-white horses soared high in the sky, stamping their hooves and raising their heads, extremely strong and magnificent.

These horses were full of vigor, with flying manes, and no color on their bodies. There was a foot-long horn on their foreheads, which was eighteen feet long from head to tail.

There were four whorls under the horses' bellies, which looked like dragon scales.

The snow-white hair of the four hooves was flying, covering the hoofs, and it was as elegant as clouds.

These horses were nearly ten feet tall, with strong muscles and beautiful shapes. They were very fast in the air, as if they were walking on clouds.

Ye Yang was slightly surprised. He didn't know when such divine horses appeared in Feitianmen.

These flying horses were quite similar to the Tuoyun horses of Feitianmen, but they were much stronger in both appearance and size.

When Ye Yang was wondering where these flying horses came from.

A deacon came over, holding a delicate bamboo basket in his hand, and walked to Ye Yang's side.

"I am Liu Qing, meeting Ye Protector."

Ye Yang stared at him for a long time before he remembered that it was the deacon stationed in Taohuawu before.

And there was also an extremely strong Pegasus in the sky that sensed Ye Yang's presence.

Herolu called out, like a swimming dragon, as fast as lightning, and had already arrived in front of Ye Yang.

It stretched out its tongue and kept licking his fingers.


This horse is quite intelligent and spiritual.

Ye Yang seemed to have thought of something.

"Is this the Tuoyun horse that I raised in Taohuawu?"

Liu Qing nodded quickly.

"Ye Protector is really a wise man, it is that horse."

Taohuawu is rich in water and grass, and has a vast area,

which is very suitable for the training of Tuoyun horses.

The sect put Tuoyun horses there to feed, and in addition, there are more than a hundred fire centipedes.

It provides a good source of power for Feitianmen.

"The sect just won, and Taohuawu has received such good news."

"Great! Great! Great!"

Ye Yang didn't know what he thought of, and smiled mysteriously.

No matter whether the other party deliberately chose this time.

But the successful advancement of Tuoyun Horse is a piece of news that cannot be false.

Liu Qing hurriedly stepped forward and handed the bamboo basket he had been carrying to Ye Yang.

"Protector Ye has not yet reported the good news to you. In the past few years, the number of Tuoyun Horses in Taohuawu has increased from 18 to 22, and three or four of them have successfully advanced."

"These advanced Tuoyun Horses have flying hair, shining silver, and have the power of flying. The elder personally named them Treading Cloud Horses."

After the Feitian Sect and the Manlong Tribe traded, they exchanged for the method of cultivating the few monsters.

In addition, there was the help of the barbarian tribes who defected.

The successful advancement of these Tuoyun Horses is inseparable from the support of those secret methods.

Ye Yang's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Although the previous Tuoyun Horse was not bad, it was small in size and could only seat one person. Although it could separate grass and trees, fly low, step on mountains and jump over streams, it was very fast.

But it could not fly in the air. Now that it has been upgraded to a Tuoyun Horse, it can be a very strong aerial force if used well.

He asked.

"Do the other horses have the potential to be upgraded?"

Liu Qing shook his head.

"Only these three or four young and strong Tuoyun Horses have been promoted, and the others have not changed much."

"But the purple lightning silver peaches grafted by Taohuawu this year have matured a lot."

It has been seven or eight years since the first round of cuttings of the purple lightning silver peach trees. The silver peaches have grown one after another, but there has been no significant improvement.

Later, Feitianmen used the essence of purple copper to set up a purple sky reception array in the dense forest of Taohuawu Mountain Valley to receive the essence of lightning every day.

This year, the first batch of peach trees that were grafted and grafted absorbed the purple light of lightning and gave birth to a lot of spiritual peaches.

"These peaches ripen early and have a special flavor. They are crispy and numb when eaten, and have a certain strengthening effect on the body."

"After I came here this time, I took the initiative to bring a basket for Ye Hufa, hoping that Ye Hufa would taste it."

"Well, not bad."

Ye Yang opened the tray, which contained more than a dozen purple-red peaches. The peaches were not big, only the size of goose eggs, but the peach fragrance was strong.

The skin was silver-purple and red, flashing with purple lightning, and faintly glowing with golden light in the sun, and it looked extraordinary.

After putting these down, Liu Qing walked out.

"I still have to report the good news to the head of the sect, and I will say hello to you next time."

Ye Yang waved his hand and let him go.

Ye Yang returned to the courtyard and took the earth-law spirit river water seed obtained from the Peacock Saint in his hand and looked at it carefully.

As the mana in his body surged out, he pinched a magic formula with his left hand, and the mana in his body surged out like a rolling tide.

Soon afterwards, a wide trickle of water appeared on Ye Yang's fingertips, filled with spiritual water, with some weeds and fish and shrimp in it.

Thanks to Sun Liansheng for the 500 starting coins reward!

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