"I'll go back and discuss it with my junior brother. I think it can be done."

Elder Hei had no hesitation and quickly made a decision.

and made relevant commitments.

This made Gu Xuan slightly surprised.

He spoke.

"We will discuss the specific distribution of Broken Jade Cold Light Stone later."

Feitian Sect is the strongest among the several sects, and it is also far away from the land and lives overseas.

No matter what happens in the future, the participation of the Great Sun Star Beast will be inevitable.

Feitianmen has an absolute advantage, so Gu Xuan doesn't care much about other people's eyes.

Gu Xuan pondered for a moment.

"In that case, let's make an agreement."

"In addition, the few individual people invited can also be treated as guest guests, or they can be silenced directly. I'm afraid those few people will go out and talk nonsense."

Several people looked at each other and quickly made up their minds.

The people invited this time are all acquaintances from several sects, and most of them have good character.

But it does not include some people who have evil intentions.

Elder Hei and Master Yan clasped fists.

"Brother Gu, don't worry, I will naturally understand this."

After that, several people reached an agreement on other things.

Gu Xuan said.

"This time, all the sects will make a copy of the classics on Qingming Island and share them."

After finishing speaking, Gu Xuan drew on the power of the Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd and sucked it into the sky.

Thick smoke emitted from the gourd, and soon more than a dozen spiritual marrow beads were pulled out from the four directions of Qingming Island's southeast, northwest and northwest.

As soon as more than a dozen spiritual marrow beads were extracted, the spiritual energy on the entire Qingming Island became thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But it didn't disappear completely.

The earth's veins are still moving slowly.

The conflict between the three sects came and went away just as quickly.

Soon, several people started talking and laughing again.

Qingming Island is surrounded by the sea, floating alone in the ocean, completely different from the land.

As long as an ambush is set up all around, the enemy will be unable to escape.

In addition, Qingming Island had already been killed by Zhuang Guyuan, leaving only some fish that slipped through the net, and they were quickly cleared out.

Then a group of people took the many treasures and secret techniques they had found, stood on the huge Sun Star Beast, and slowly returned to the land.

And the fact that several sects jointly attacked Qingming Island also caused an uproar outside.

Somehow, someone spread the news about the Feitian Sect uniting several sects to fight against the Qingming Lord.

For a time, Feitianmen attracted the attention of many forces.

Along with Taoanfang City, the flow of people has also increased a lot.

Some small families and casual cultivators entered the Feitian Sect's sphere of influence overnight to seek shelter.

Five Poison Gates.

Wu Qing had black hair and a heavy face.

He stood on the tallest bluestone cliff of Wu Du Sect, looking at the magnificent mountains and rivers in front of him.

The morning sun rises and the white mist fills the air, giving the mountains and rivers a somewhat majestic beauty.

Next to him is his youngest son Wu Tong.

"Tong'er, I want to send you to Beihai Shenni to sit down and practice. What do you think?"

Wu Tong is not old, but he is quite mature.

Hearing his father's words, his eyes became angry, and then he said.

"Father, if it really comes to this, our Five Poison Sect is still a large sect. As long as we can find grandpa back, we may not be weak...weakened his Feitian Sect."

Wu Qing shook his head.

"We still don't know what will happen in the future, but for now, my Five Poison Sect is indeed inferior to Feitian Sect."

"Now they have won over Taiyi Qingmen and Fengyulou, opened Tao'anfang City, and suppressed the Wudu Sect many times."

"What's more important is that many of our previous partners are now afraid of the Feitian Sect's power and dare not do business with us anymore. Now the sect's revenue has dropped again and again."

"If you leave, our Wu family will still have a vitality."

"If there really is a war in the future and the family is wiped out, you will be the last hope for revenge."

When Wu Tong heard this, a trace of unbearability flashed in his eyes.

"No, no, father, I don't want you and your brother to die."

Wu Qing stretched out his rough hands and stroked his hair.

"Silly boy, the road to immortality is full of obstacles. Only by fighting for a little bit of vitality can we become stronger and stronger."

"We blocked their way, and they won't let us go easily, especially since our Wu family has been in charge of the Five Poison Sect for many years. If we don't die, they won't rest assured."

There was a trace of sadness in Wu Qing's eyes.

"There are no constant ups and downs in life, and there is no immortal family that has been victorious for a long time. If someone is moving forward, someone must pay. This injury, pain and suffering should be borne by my father and your eldest brother."

"And you sit down and practice well in Beihai Shenni. If you have the opportunity in the future, you will avenge this for us."

"If you don't have the chance, just take your private treasure and become a rich man, live a happy life, and warn future generations that the world of immortality is cruel."

"From now on, I will be a poet, wine and pastoralist, cultivate and read family stories, and don't want to enter the world of immortality again."

"Father, no, our Wu family has never been greedy for life and fear of death. Why can you give everything for the family, while I have to live in elusiveness?"

With a snap, Wu Qing slapped his youngest son on the body.

Wu Qing scolded angrily.

"This is not about living an ignoble existence, but about preserving our bloodline. Our ancestors of the Wu family are just horse slaves who raise horses for wealthy families in the mortal world."

"After entering the world of cultivating immortals, I planned all the way, struggled step by step, and struggled step by step. After another twelve generations, I finally gained a firm foothold in the Five Poison Sect."

"Your great-grandfather, who was born in the third generation, was cut into pieces and died by gangsters. Your great-grandmother was willing to serve the great demon for the purpose of the Wu family and gave birth to a baby with a poisonous vein. As a result, she died in childbirth."

"Your grandfather even used his body to feed monsters and transformed into a giant python. His whereabouts are unknown."

"During my time of crisis, my father, I chose to practice the Five Poisons Reincarnation Spiritual Gong. My whole body suffered from ulcers, the five poisons entered my abdomen, and I endured a lot of inhuman torture."

"These are all prices, all paid by the Wu family. They are the helpless choices in this world where you and I are fighting for each other."

"Do you still think this is a good thing?"

"Since I started practicing, I have been practicing every day. I have never had time for myself, and I have never been slack. However, I hate that it is too late, and I hate that I was born too late."

"Even if I take the poisonous blood from five directions into my body, now I am only in the realm of condensation. If God can let me be born another hundred years earlier, no, fifty years later, I can break the Feitian Gate with just one hand."

"But son, my father has tried his best. After a hundred years of life, his destiny is unpredictable. How can he do whatever he wants?"

"The Feitian Sect has destroyed Lord Qingming this time, and the external troubles have been eliminated. Then it is time to take the lives of our Five Poison Sect."

"Manpower is limited, manpower is limited! But when life is just waiting for the wind to blow, my father will not let them live so happily, so easily, so comfortably. My Wu family cannot enjoy these things, and neither can they."

The breeze rises and the mountain breeze rises.

He stood on the top of the mountain, with a wisp of white hair rising from his temples.

The wind blew through his hair, revealing a pair of bright eyes.

Wu Tong then remembered that his father was not yet a hundred years old.

For mortals, it may be the end of life.

But for monks in the seventh level of warrior Ningqing realm, this is a very, very young age...

On this day, Ye Yang was practicing in the courtyard.

After returning from Qingming Island.

The entire Feitian Sect seemed to be beaming with joy, and many disciples received a large number of rewards.

Ye Yang finally entered the state again and started practicing diligently every day.

Standing up, he dusted himself off.

At this time, Xiu Ya hurriedly walked in.

"Sir, do you know that something big happened?"

Seeing Xiu Ya being so nervous, Ye Yang spoke.

"What's wrong? What happened to make you so nervous."

Before Ye Yang could finish speaking, Xiu Ya spoke quickly.

"Young Master, Wu Qing, the head of the Five Poison Sect, came to Feitian Sect in person to apologize."


Hearing this, Ye Yang couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

This Wu Qing had previously used the Five Directions Poison Beast Revolving Spiritual Technique at Feitian Sect, and fought back and forth with Ge Canhong, who was at the eighth level of martial arts, using the seventh level of Ningqing.

Not an easy person.

The Five Directions Poison Beast Revolving Spiritual Skill of the Five Poison Sect is also extraordinary.

Before practicing, you need to absorb the five kinds of venom and blood from the five kinds of poisonous beasts into your body.

The whole body was full of ulcers and all the internal organs were damaged.

The hardships and torture are beyond what ordinary people can endure.

Xiuya said quickly.

"Not only did he come to the Feitian Sect, but he also reportedly bowed three times and kowtowed once every five steps from the Five Poison Sect. He asked to see the leader, saying that he wanted to offer a big gift."

"It's true that you take three steps to bow and five steps to kowtow."

Xiu Ya said.

"Yes, not only that, he is also carrying thorns on his back and his clothes are torn from his knees. Now he is like a embarrassed beggar, kneeling outside the Feitian Sect to punish himself and beg for the Feitian Sect's forgiveness."

"He is a cruel person."

Ye Yang smiled coldly.

People who can master the Five Directions Poison Beast Reincarnation Spiritual Skill have a tough and vicious mind that is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

And the other party was so mean.

Putting aside the dignity of being the leader of a sect, and not sparing the cultivation of a late martial artist, he knelt down and came to Feitianmen to apologize.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to call the other person a hero or a hero.

Ye Yang walked out of Feitian Gate.

I saw many people standing in front of the door.

Among them were Wang Xijing, Ge Canhong and other senior members of the Feitian Sect.

But there was no figure of the leader Gu Xuan.

Ge Canhong now held the position of the third elder and had the most noble status.

He stood in front of Wu Qing.

Wu Qing had disheveled hair, was naked, and had thorns on his back, which were covered in blood and wounds.

He actually knelt on the ground with a sincere attitude.

"Elder Ge, the Five Poison Sect is wrong, the Wu Family is wrong, and Wu Qing is wrong, please forgive me."

Ge Canhong sighed.

"Master Wu, Master Gu is out of the sect during this time. You can leave."

Wu Qing was reluctant and did not retreat, then said.

"Elder Ge, Wu Qing has no second thoughts. He is wholeheartedly apologizing and asks Master Gu to see him."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"You Five Poison Sect bastards are scared now. Damn! Why didn't you tell me about killing my Feitian Sect member and taking my Taohuawu twenty years ago?"

"If you want to apologize, you have to eat this thick phlegm from me."

Thanks to the book friend whose tail number is 6313 for the 100 starting coin reward!

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