Neither of them could guess that the Peacock Saint stopped trying to be mysterious.

She smiled slightly, and then used her peacock beak to take out a purple and colorful wooden box from the hidden compartment.

Then slowly open the colorful wooden box.

The moment the wooden box was opened, the surroundings were filled with light.

The Peacock Saint clicks three times with her peacock beak.

A creak.

The wooden box was opened, and there were two items inside, arranged on both sides.

A jade bottle is as long as a finger, with a green jade-like body and buttery luster, and there seems to be the cry of a red flaming phoenix in it.

Some firelight leaked from the mouth of the bottle, and from time to time, fist-sized bird spirits flew out.

"This, this is really the evil bird and nine fires."

The moment she saw these evil fires appearing, the Peacock Saint exclaimed and jumped three feet high with joy.

She was full of surprise.

"It's time for me to nourish the evil spirit. I searched for the source of the evil spirit all the time, but I was not satisfied."

"Master once said that my colorful peacock was born to be the most powerful species in the world."

"It is one of the phoenixes, so it is necessary to find the evil spirit of the real bird and the energy of the phoenix, and use the two alternately to refine the evil spirit and generate pure light in the body."

"I didn't expect that the extremely rare True Bird Nine Fire Demon would be hidden in Zhuang Guyuan's treasury."

The Peacock Saint looked at Ye Yang and held the True Bird Nine Fire Demon firmly in her hands.

"No matter what, I won't let go of this real sparrow and nine fire demons. I still ask fellow Taoist to part with you."

Ye Yang was noncommittal and did not answer. Instead, he looked at another item in the hidden compartment.

This is also a heritage stone slab, not big, about the size of a palm.

Ye Yang picked it up and looked at it carefully, his eyes couldn't help but be happy, and then said.

"How could it be this thing?"

On the stone slab in front of you, there is a roc engraved on it that sweeps across the world and rushes straight towards Qingming.

It's just that there are various cracks on the stone floor, and the cracks are intertwined. The roc is extremely powerful, but it only has gleaming claws and one wing is missing out of thin air.

"This is the Dapeng method!"

Observing carefully, Ye Yang couldn't help but be surprised.

As we all know, the ancient demons pretended to be subdued by Tianfo Samsara Temple, and then came out of the temple and defeated Tianfo Samsara Temple.

Among them, the hundred demons are powerful, including elephant demons, sword demons, dog demons, roc demons, etc.

Ye Yang once obtained an incomplete copy of the Elephant Demon's inheritance method on Wangyue Mountain.

Unexpectedly, I saw another Dapengfa here.

Hearing the words "Dapeng Law", the Peacock Saint was equally surprised.

"My Peacock Magic Bird Method and the Dapeng Method are of the same origin. Brother Taoist, I wonder if you and I can comprehend this Dapeng Method together."

"The Dapeng is extremely fierce, good at killing, and has extremely high speed. According to legend, he is the younger brother of the peacock, but his fighting spirit is even more ferocious than the peacock."

"In exchange, the Peacock Magic Bird Technique in my hand does not involve the core inheritance part, and you can let Fellow Daoist Ye watch it."

Ye Yang nodded, with a trace of emotion in his eyes.

He knew that the Demonic Peng's method was fierce, and the Great Demonic Peng's method in his hand had more defects than the previous Elephant Demon Fist.

The Peacock Saint carries the great inheritance of the Peacock Magic Bird.

Presumably, with her help, the comprehension will be much better.

So the two sat cross-legged, and after observing for a long time, the Peacock Saint spoke.

"This Peacock Demonic Bird and the Great Demonic Peng are indeed brothers, and many of their secrets are actually similar."

"However, the magic of the Great Demon Peng is cruel and cruel. It is overbearing but lacks cultivation. It is not suitable for women to use."

"Master Qing Ming uses the Thunder Kunpeng method to be unique in the realm of real people. Come to think of it, I am afraid that the contribution of this big demonic roc method is also indispensable."

"It's just that he created a new method based on the Great Demon Peng method, taking away the evil spirit of ferocious fighting and replacing it with the power of thunder. Although it is unique, it has also lost its original flavor."

The Peacock Saint is indeed a real disciple, with an orderly inheritance and a high vision.

See what's right and wrong, and start commenting.

Ye Yang knew that this knowledge was what he lacked, so he listened carefully without saying a word, taking it as the best opportunity to learn.

The Peacock Saint finished reading and muttered in a low voice.

"The big demonic roc method is fierce and domineering, while the peacock magic bird is good at magical power, with five-color divine light, which can be used to destroy anything, and the five objects will not fall. Can I be compatible with the strengths of the two families and practice the rocque method?"

She murmured in her mouth, feeling a lot in a moment, and finally had to sigh secretly.

"No, this will lose the biggest advantage of the colorful peacock."

"The power of Peng's speed lies in its wings and sharp claws, which are what the colorful peacock demon bird lacks."

The Peacock Saint is indeed a proud daughter of heaven. Although she was unwilling to do so, she quickly regained consciousness.

"If a person can learn from each other's strengths and offset his/her weaknesses in life, it will naturally be regarded as wisdom. However, it is not an option to know the whites and keep the dark and explore one's own strengths."

She opened her eyes and glanced at Ye Yang.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, I do what I say. This is the inheritance of my Peacock Technique that does not involve the core technique. Please take a look."

This peacock saint is really bold.

How dare you show your master's methods to others at will.

If this spreads out, I'm afraid many people's jaws will be shocked.

It seemed that he saw Ye Yang's doubts.

The peacock saint smiled.

"Brother Ye, my master once said that the laws in the world are new rather than old. There is no best method, only the latest spells."

"The old method is always inferior to the new method. Only by renewing and improving every day can we reach the peak."

"You see, my method is to help me improve, not to pinch my weaknesses."

Ye Yang was startled, carefully savoring the meaning of this sentence, and then sighed.

"Your master is worthy of being transformed into a holy devil who is fighting for the dragon in the world. You are indeed a great master. You are worthy of being a real person. This level is really something people look up to."

The Peacock Saint took out a jade slip, and Ye Yang opened it and tasted it carefully.

He has been enthusiastic about the various spells performed by the Peacock Saint just now.

However, Ye Yang couldn't help but feel a little disappointed after scanning.

After a long time, he held the tablet recording Dapeng's Dharma in his hand and thought about it carefully.

A quarter of an hour later.

Ye Yang opened his eyes and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

What is recorded in this Dapeng Technique are all methods of subduing the willful and distraught, refining the evil spirit, and generating pure energy with great means.

Although powerful, given his current state.

There is no way to connect the evil spirits.

At the very least, one has to wait until the warrior has reached the fifth level of cultivating evil spirits before he can start practicing.

On the contrary, he benefited a lot from the Peacock Magic Bird method given to him by the Peacock Saint.

Although there are not many secret techniques used by the Peacock Saint just now, there is a special method of using hidden weapons recorded.

It's called Peacock Hand.

The Rainstorm Pear Blossom Finger Cot in his hand was filled with 48,000 Southern Xinjiang Poison Peacock Feathers after being transformed by Master Huolian.

Before, he just used his little finger to trigger it.

But the peacock hand is unpredictable and flexible.

Contains many special techniques

Especially the moves of lucking hands contain many changes.

If you can understand it thoroughly and use it to launch peacock feathers, the power will skyrocket and the effect will be extraordinary.

However, this is just the use of a special technique.

As long as you can obtain the samadhi, you can quickly perform it. It is not considered a spiritual technique or spiritual method.

Therefore, even the panel did not remind him.

After quickly writing down these things, Ye Yang gave the jade slip of the Peacock Magic Bird Magic to the Peacock Saint again.

he said.

"Since fellow Taoist wants the True Bird and Nine Fire Demons, I will put away the original Great Demonic Peng Spell."

After finishing speaking, he spoke slightly doubtfully.

"I have an enemy who also practices Demon Elephant Boxing, but he doesn't seem to have these magical abilities like the Saint."

Ye Yang was afraid that the Peacock Saint would be suspicious, so he refused to reveal his identity and only addressed himself as someone he knew.

His Elephant Demon Fist only has fighting moves.

His body is as strong as a diamond, and he is invincible in a hundred battles.

But she doesn't seem to have all kinds of unpredictable skills like the Peacock Saint.

"Oh? Your enemy is the successor of the Demon Elephant Fist that I have three hatreds for. I heard that this person has practiced the Elephant Demon Fist to the level of great achievement."

"The Elephant Demon Fist has great power. As long as you put your feet on the ground, you will have infinite strength. I heard that the fellow Taoist is two feet tall and has a pestle close to him as he pleases. He is indeed a difficult opponent."

The Peacock Saint spoke.

"The most powerful master of Demonic Elephant Fist is Old Man Tianxiang from Yalongling. However, after he passed away a hundred years ago, the Demonic Elephant Technique has been incomplete and has been scattered all over the place."

"Presumably, the method that that person practices must be incomplete. He only has fighting skills, but no method of practicing immortality.

"Unlike our peacock magic bird method, it has been in the same line and has never been discontinued. It has been for thousands of years. With the introduction of the old and the new, it will naturally become more and more perfect."

"Old Man Tianxiang."

Ye Yang frowned slightly and couldn't help but think of the inheritance bead he got on Wangyue Mountain.

His consciousness sneaked into it and he was able to find that he was a huge demonic elephant in the inheritance bead.

Could it be the inheritance of the old man Tianxiang.

However, he remembered that there was also a silver dragon carrying a spear in the inheritance bead, and he once proposed to wrestle with the Elephant Demon.

It didn't seem like a long time, it didn't seem like a hundred years.

He was quite surprised at first and entered it repeatedly.

But later on, when things got busy and the Leopard Demon happened, I seldom entered it consciously.

In the future, he wants to convert to the Xuantian Magic Code of Huanmai.

The fundamental lineage of demons still needs to be found by oneself.

This Dapeng Technique and the Elephant Demon Fist come from the same lineage, and one has extreme speed and ferocious fighting, while the other has infinite strength and is invincible in a hundred battles.

The two are inherited from the ancient demons. They are powerful and help each other. If they can complement each other completely, they can complete the method.

I'm afraid it will make the Huanmai Xuantian Magic Book far more powerful than usual.

However, nowadays, the Dapeng method can only deter evil spirits and refine the pure energy.

There is still a long way to go to integrate the two.

The two of them continued walking forward.

The cave in Zhuang Guyuan is quite deep.

The two of them kept knocking and looking for treasures until they reached the bottom.

Although there are occasional gains along the way, there are no special treasures.

At the bottom of this cave is a huge palace-like house.

The inside is full of golden light and the aura is bright.

It seems that it has been isolated from the outside world for a long time.

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