The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 225 Hearing the words and testing the Three Dharma Spirit River

"Fellow Daoist Yun, please tell me the truth now."

Ye Yang looked at the Peacock Saint and said.

Yun Qing averted her eyes and said, "Fellow Daoist Ye, there is no time to lie to you."

Ye Yang snorted coldly and his eyes turned cold.

"Qingming Island is far away overseas and its terrain is hard to find. How come you suddenly appeared here, and at this critical link..."

"Besides, if my guess is correct, you must be the one who rebels against the sea and evil sails."

There was a trace of surprise in the eyes of the Peacock Saint.

"How do you know that I come from the Holy Religion?"

Just as Ye Yang was about to speak, the Peacock Saint spoke.

"No matter what, Brother Ye is very powerful, and my admiration for Fellow Daoist Ye is something that cannot be faked."

"You are skilled in swordsmanship and can do things that ordinary people cannot do, which makes my little girl admire you even more."

Ye Yang carefully sensed the cultivation of the Peacock Saint.

Although she was seriously injured.

But being on the Hidden Dragon List is not a weak point.

There is a high probability that he has entered the middle stage of martial arts.

"Brother Ye is a person worthy of support. It doesn't hurt to tell you the truth."

"After I followed Master Black Sin Peacock King Ming's "Hundred Demons in Beijing", I heard that Qingming Island has the treasure I need."

"It's been several months since he disguised himself and lurked on the island."

Ye Yang was dubious about what the Peacock Saint said.

He spoke.

"Do you know Concubine Bailian? I haven't seen her for many days and I miss her very much. I wonder if she said when she would come to Wangyue Mountain to see me again."

In this sentence, Ye Yang is alluding to the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit.

The reason why the four of them were brothers and sisters before was all because of the treasure that helped the martial artist break through to the real person.

Several people also swore an oath not to reveal anything to the outside world if Jiazi went to get it sixty years later.

He was afraid that Concubine Bai Lian would accidentally leak the news, which would put a group of people into a passive situation.

After hearing this, the Peacock Saint did not doubt that he was there.

"We are close friends. We met some time ago in the capital of the Universiade Dynasty. She was preparing to participate in the selection of concubines in the harem. She once said that Ye Daoyou is her second brother."

"It's just that Wangyue Mountain has never heard of how stringent the Universiade Dynasty is in choosing a concubine. I think she will come back and talk to Fellow Daoist Ye after she is not satisfied."

Ye Yang carefully observed the expression of the Peacock Saint and saw that she did not seem to be deceitful. She should really not know the news about the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit.

Just now I felt relieved.

The Peacock Saint knows this place quite well.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, I am seriously injured now. I wonder if you can help me up. After walking a few miles inside, I will reach the secret place of the treasury."

"The spiritual energy inside is rich and can help me recover from my injuries."

She has a soft tone, an oval face, a beautiful point, a head full of black hair, and a beautiful face. She speaks half coquettishly, half begging.

The stars are shining brightly in his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, now that I am seriously injured, you will definitely protect me, right?"

Ye Yang was noncommittal and did not answer.

If it were an ordinary young male monk here.

The other party has a long and beautiful face and is seriously injured. I can't help but be tempted and care for her like a flower.

He is even willing to become a bodyguard.

But Ye Yang is different.

He smiled coldly and resisted the figure of the Peacock Saint who was about to pounce.

"The secret place of the monk's treasury has always been the place where wealth and life are tied. You know this place very well. If you enter a place where no one is around, do you think Mr. Ye will believe it?"

"Ye is not one of those young men who have just entered the world of immortality. Who are you from Zhuang Guyuan?"

At this moment, Ye Yang was intact, but the Peacock Saint was seriously injured. He was in an advantageous position, so he was not afraid of falling out at all.

The Peacock Saint was stunned for a moment, with eyes full of disbelief.

This is the first time I have seen such a disrespectful monk.

Seeing that Ye Yang was not an easy talker, the Peacock Saint's tone became a little softer.

"Brother Ye, the reason why I know this place is because I confused Zhuang Guyuan's cronies and got a lot of information out of him."

"Presumably, you are here because you have a favorite treasure. Our interests do not conflict."

"It's better for the two of us to work together than for one person to fight alone."

Thinking of the net worth of a warrior perfection monk, Ye Yang couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart.

At this moment, a voice came from outside.

"Master, let's run away quickly. Feitianmen's large forces have already entered the island."

Fairy Yunyin outside did not give up and continued to attack the restrictions.

Suddenly I heard a message from a close relative.

I had no choice but to run away reluctantly.

As soon as the biggest threat outside was gone, the two looked at each other and felt a little relieved.

Ye Yang glanced ahead and saw a vast and deep cave, filled with treasures and extraordinary resonance.

After groaning, Ye Yang and the Peacock Saint entered the cave.

There is a special cave inside this cave. It is not as simple as it appears from the outside world. It actually leads directly to the underground.

Although the cave is deep, it is illuminated by fluorescent light, so it is not dark, and is even quite bright.

Not long after walking, Ye Yang saw two corpses.

One of them had jade-like skin and a single horn on his forehead. He seemed to be of a foreign race.

I don’t know how many years he has been dead, but apart from some dust on his body, there is not much damage.

The other one has turned into a mummy. The corpse has lost a lot of life essence, is covered with dust, and the bones have withered.

Ye Yang groaned.

"That Zhuang Gu was supposed to practice a secret method that captures people's essence."

After practicing the Biluo Three Purities Secret Scroll, Ye Yang's changes in life essence were extraordinary.

With a brief sense, Ye Yang knew that a large amount of essence in this man's body had been forcibly sucked out of his body.

This resulted in the physical body quickly withering away.

"What is this?"

Suddenly, the Peacock Saint seemed to have discovered something, and then stepped forward.

On a raised stone wall, there is a bright yellow stone slab.

The slate is about the size of a palm, and it is densely covered with special characters in small regular script.

The strokes are outlined, penetrating into the wood, and crystal clear. At a glance, it looks like a beautiful handicraft.

The Peacock Saint placed it flat in her palm and said.

"This seems to be a inheritance slate."

The two couldn't help but feel happy. At present, the inheritance in the world of immortality is generally made of jade slips. The number of stone tablets is rare, and most of them record some ancient methods and ancient books.

Because it was difficult to make jade slips in ancient times, if the inscriptions on the stone walls can be preserved properly, they will last for thousands of years.

Therefore, it was very popular for a period of time.

The Peacock Saint looked at her for a few times and was quite surprised when she first met her, but then she pouted and said.

"Only two of the most common third-level elixir recipes are recorded here. They are simply useless. I thought they were some good stuff."

"Moreover, these elixir prescriptions are available to many big forces in the outside world. I really don't know what the use is of recording them."

After she finished cursing, she stamped her foot and threw the slate away in anger.

Seeing this, Ye Yang reached out and picked up the slate with a smile.

He examined it carefully and happily put the slate in his storage bag.

This inheritance slate is naturally not a precious thing for a powerful saint like the Peacock Saint.

But it was not as unbearable as she said, otherwise it would not have been treasured by Zhuang Guyuan.

Three methods for refining elixirs are recorded in detail above.

In addition to Tianxin Dan, which blindly nourishes the five internal organs, helps practitioners practice meditation, and assists in entering a meditative state.

There is also a Xuanling Dan formula that can assist those in the middle stage of martial arts practice.

In addition, there is also a pulse-protecting elixir that is not a third-level elixir, but has a rather special effect.

Pulse-protecting Dan Yeyang is no stranger. It can help people protect their heart meridians, reduce the backlash of their natal awakening, and lay a solid foundation for the consolidation of their natal life.

As far as Ye Yang knows, Feitian Sect does not currently have a recipe for the Pulse Protection Pill.

Nowadays, all the pulse-protecting pills in the sect are purchased from outside.

Previously, Ye Yang went to Wangyuefang Market to buy two pulse-protecting pills, which was quite a hardship.

Currently, there is only Gu Xuan, a third-level alchemist in the Feitian Sect.

A second-level alchemist can actually barely produce the elixirs needed for the warrior realm.

But the probability of success is low.

There is certainly a reason why it is difficult to smelt the power of martial arts elixirs due to the mana of the Ventilation Realm.

On the other hand, it is also because Feitianmen’s current alchemy inheritance is not very good.

Currently, Feitianmen's third-level elixir prescriptions only have two types: Jingyun Dan and the precious Great Returning Yuan Dan.

It would actually be a great thing if we could obtain the inheritance of three more elixir recipes.

Therefore, this inheritance slate is naturally not precious in the eyes of the Peacock Saint.

However, in Ye Yang's eyes, it was like a timely rain.

After accepting the inheritance slate, Ye Yang continued to walk forward and found some more pills, about a dozen bottles.

Ye Yang pulled out the cork of the elixir and took a careful sip, a bright color flashing in his eyes.

"This is actually the Bixue Pill taken by late warrior practitioners."

The elixirs that warriors practice in the later stages can already be classified into the fourth level, and there are even fewer people who can refine them.

There was a glint of light in the eyes of the Peacock Saint.

The fourth-level elixir is also something she treasures.

She couldn't help but feel happy when she saw that Ye Yang could quickly identify these pills.

"Is it possible that fellow Taoist is still an alchemist?"

This kind of profession is extremely precious and not easy to find.

Ye Yang shook his head.

"What I practice is the method of medical elixir, not the pure inheritance of alchemy. Besides, the art of water elixir is in decline now, and it is difficult to make progress."

I heard the word Shuidan. There was a hint of joy in the eyes of the Peacock Saint.

After all, the elixir refined in this way nourishes the five internal organs, is easy to absorb, and has miraculous effects on healing injuries.

"Fellow Taoist, I have a magic water type of the Three Magic Spirit River here. I believe you won't miss it."

"You actually have a water species in your hand?"

Ye Yang was surprised when he heard this.

Water species are precious and often have special properties, which may conserve medicinal power or speed up efficiency.

It is a sacred object in the hearts of countless alchemists.

For example, if you make an elixir using fire, you need fire to maximize the potency of the elixir.

As for water-based alchemy, it naturally requires corresponding water species to achieve twice the result with half the effort when refining alchemy.

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