The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 212: The Beautiful Mature Woman in Palace Costumes

"The Xu Zidian Yin Peach quota in my hand was returned to the sect due to important matters some time ago."

He didn't go into too much detail.

Hearing what Ye Yang said, Zhu Mange couldn't help but feel his heart sink slightly.

What Ye Yang said shouldn't be a lie.

But if this happens, all her plans will come to nothing.

"Senior Brother Ye, I heard that the ancient leader values ​​you very much. I wonder if you might help me intercede. The reward is easy to say."

He approached Ye Yang again, speaking with a hint of shyness and charm.

Her flawless and delicate face lowered her head slightly.

The fragrant breeze comes, and it is lined with white gauze, half covering the parts that should be exposed. It is like holding a pipa to half cover your face, which makes it more tempting.

Ye Yang took a deep sniff, but did not agree.

This matter is of great importance. Over the years, only two purple electric silver peaches have matured. There are many people in the sect who are interested in these two purple electric silver peaches.

But Zhu Mange didn't have the value to make her talk. He was not a young man who lost all his IQ when he saw a beautiful woman.

Furthermore, this woman has an impure mind and has not been in contact with her for many days. She only comes to worship the Buddha's feet when something goes wrong. Everything cannot go as she wishes.

Ye Yang smiled slightly and then said: "Junior sister, you might as well go find Junior Brother Wang Dong. He still has a quota. I think it should be enough for the leader to make a decision."

Zhu Mange couldn't help but sigh when he saw that Ye Yang couldn't get in any water, and even the beauty trap he used was useless.

"In this case, it can only be like this."

In the past few years, the Zhu family has not been popular among the Feitian Sect.

Because the Feitian Sect's life was at stake, the Zhu family came to the rescue and just stood by and watched. When the scale of victory tipped to the Feitian Sect, they stumbled in late.

Therefore, in the past few years, the Feitian Sect has suppressed it a lot, and even various annual tributes have increased by nearly 10%.

"In that case, thank you senior brother. In fact, with the help of my family in the past few years, I have almost accumulated enough contribution points."

"Even if you can't wait until this round of Purple Lightning Silver Peach, you can still wait until the next round of Martial Arts Golden Pill."

Ye Yang cupped his hands towards her: "Congratulations to junior sister."

Zhu Mange added: "My father will come to Feitianmen in a while and wants to meet my senior brother. I wonder if it will be convenient for him."

Ye Yang pondered for a moment, the Evergreen Zhu family was one of the four major families under the Feitian Gate.

The status of the head of the family is very equal. Although he is now an official and a protector, he still has to be given this face.

After all, the evergreen Zhu family does not equal Zhu Mange.

So Ye Yang said: "Whatever junior sister said, let me know in advance when Uncle Zhu will arrive. It should be me, the junior, who goes to pay homage."

Ye Yang's words were just polite words, but in Zhu Mange's eyes, he thought that what she asked for had changed, and he walked out with a smile.

The purple electric silver peach in the sect is about to mature, and people in the sect are panicking. Such precious resources are not available every year.

Sure enough, not long after Zhu Mange left, Yan Qingying walked in again.

The last time Yan Qingying tried to get the Golden Elixir of Martial Arts through various means, but she didn't expect to fail.

In the past few years, she has condensed her magic power several times, and now she has cultivated her innate energy.

Two years ago, after she broke through to the ninth level of ventilation, she left the cabinet and became the deacon of Tao'anfang City.

This time I came back specially after hearing that Zidian was mature, so naturally I felt that I belonged to him.

As soon as Yan Qingying walked in, she took out a beautifully packaged rosewood gift box.

She said: "Senior Brother Ye, here is the specialty wood heart fruit from the depths of Shiwanda Mountain. It can repel mosquitoes. If you calm down and concentrate, you can light it with fire and fill the room with incense. It will last for three days. It is quite exquisite."

"After I got it unexpectedly, I always thought about my senior brother, so I brought some to show to my senior brother."

"As for this, I got the Jade Beauty Pill after many purchases in the market. It is rarely seen in the outside world. It was specially given to Sister Xiuya, not for you, a grown man."

Yan Qingying brought many gifts, and she was very particular about her words, with three parts tenderness, four parts sincerity, and three parts thought.

Ye Yang couldn't help but sigh to himself. Compared to the stubborn, proud and slightly inferior girl before, Yan Qingying was indeed much more mature now.

Ye Yang did not refuse, put the things away, and said.

"Thank you for your hard work, Junior Sister Yan. We are all members of our own family. When we come to see Senior Brother, Senior Brother is very happy. There is no need to take these foreign things."

Yan Qingying said: "Senior brother has helped me a lot, how can Qingying be ungrateful? These are not precious things, so why bother to show them."

Hearing what Yan Qingying said, Ye Yang chatted with her for a few more words and talked about some experiences of breaking through the warrior realm. Yan Qingying was mesmerized for a while.

However, what surprised Ye Yang was that although Yan Qingying was concerned about Zidian Yintao, she was able to keep her composure and did not take the initiative to mention this matter from beginning to end.

It made Ye Yang look at her a few more times.

Looking at Yan Qingying's back as she slowly walked out.

Ye Yang couldn't help but sigh.

Yan Qingying has indeed become more mature and smooth. After going through many things, her edges have been smoothed away.

But this is a stage that must be experienced in life. Being mellow and keeping one's heart alone is not a bad thing. On the contrary, he felt a little happy for Yan Qingying.

After sending Yan Qingying away, Ye Yang returned to the courtyard again. Xiu Ya took the Jade Yan Pill that Yan Qingying sent over and kept touching it, feeling quite satisfied.

Ye Yang told Xiu Ya: "From tomorrow on, I will tell the outside world that I am on an envoy mission these days and am not in the sect."

Xiujiao also guessed something and said.

"I understand, sir, please rest assured."

This time, only two purple electric silver peaches are ripe, and there are many qualified monks. It must be another battle between dragons and tigers.

At this special time, it would be better not to see anyone, which would actually be a good thing.

The main hall.

The cold wind blew and the air filled the air. With a cup of fragrant tea late at night, the two of them sat looking at each other.

The man was withered and thin, with wrinkled skin, one arm hanging down, and some silver threads on his head. He was Gu Xuan.

The person opposite him had a fair complexion, a slim figure, an oval-shaped face with a jade-like color, and a rosy white face. He had a little cinnabar on his eyebrows and was dressed in palace clothes, which made him look plump and plump.

It is the owner of Yanlou of Fengyu Tower.

"Brother Gu, why are you calling me here late at night?"

Gu Xuan smiled slightly and then said.

"Master Yan, I called you here because of the matter of Qingming Island."


When the beautiful woman in palace attire heard this, her eyes lit up, and then she pondered for a moment without responding.

"Brother Gu, could it be that you have grasped the specific location of Qingming Island?"

Gu Xuan nodded.

"The soul of Master Qingming escaped and did not die. He is suspected of having taken his body and was reborn. If we don't take action now, when his cultivation reaches a certain level, we will definitely not get any good results."

Master Yan nodded.

"That's good, but Qingming Island has always been mysterious. It's far away overseas, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Moreover, his eldest disciple Zhuang Guyuan is also a strong man. He is called the Wind and Thunder Beast. He has heard that Qingming Lord's thunder method is truly transmitted, and he is famous. Not small."

Gu Xuan said.

"That Zhuang Guyuan, whom I have fought with, is seriously injured now and is recovering on the island."

A glimmer of light flashed in Yan Louzhu's eyes, and then he said in surprise.

"Since Brother Gu is confident, Fengyulou is willing to accompany Brother Gu to take a risk. There is a treasure of a real mirror strongman on the island, and the spiritual energy is rich. Whether it is to extract the spiritual veins for personal use, or to use it as an overseas supply place. They are all the best choices.”

"It's just that... Fengyu Tower doesn't have a large spiritual ship. If you want to cross the ocean, Feitian Clan will have to deal with it."

When the Flying Silver-spotted Piggyback Ray was about to die, it successfully broke through to the third-level Golden Ray, and was then refined into the Great Sun Star Beast, which made the Feitian Sect famous.

All sects are envious of him.

Gu Xuan pondered for a moment and then said.

"Although the sea area is vast, it is nothing to the Big Sun Star Beast. The Feitian Sect can take the lead in this matter, but the Feitian Sect will account for 60% of the spoils."

Master Yan frowned.

The Feitian Sect is quite powerful. In addition to the third-level puppet Big Sun Star Beast, which is extremely mobile and can fight in water and air combat, several elders in the sect, King Kong, are also extraordinary people.

If the four major families under his jurisdiction are also included, they can be said to be responsible for the combat power of this battle.

Coupled with the initial cost of information collection, 60% is not much.

The owner of the Yan Tower thought for a moment, and then said: "In this case, 40% of the Feng Yu Tower will be left."

Gu Xuan shook his head, and then said: "It's not that 30% is left, but Feitian Sect alone wants 60%, and the remaining 40% is shared by Fengyu Tower and Taiyi Qingmen."

"In addition, I also invited a few friends, and they also want to share half of it."

"This is impossible!"

Master Yan stood up and sternly refused.

Fengyu Tower is willing to take action, naturally thinking that it can obtain enough benefits.

But according to the current method of division, fighting between life and death would only yield 20% of the profit, and she was unwilling to do so anyway.

Gu Xuan sighed, and the two had several more conversations.

Finally Gu Xuan gave in.

"Master Yan, I have always admired your character. If this is the case, then I, Feitian Sect, will give in one more step. We only need 50% of the profit this time."

"Thirty percent goes to you, Fengyu Tower, 15% goes to Taiyi Qingmen, and the remaining half goes to all fellow Taoists participating in the war."

"But, I have a condition."

Seeing Gu Xuan give in, the beautiful woman in palace attire was quite excited, and then said: "Brother Gu, just speak up."

"Those many spiritual materials can be divided and enriched, but the spiritual veins on Qingming Island are the top priority. I want to extract the spiritual veins and return them all to Feitian Clan. There is no room for discussion on this matter."

"My two families have cooperated with each other for a long time. I admire your personality, so I discussed it with you in advance."

The owner of Yanlou thought for a moment, and then said: "I agree to Brother Gu's condition, but Fengyulou also has a condition."

"From now on, if necessary, Fengyu Tower can give priority to leasing the Big Sun Star Beast from Feitianmen."

Thanks to the book friend whose number ends in 7691 for the 276 starting points reward! ! !

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