He slowly exhaled a breath.

After breaking through to the third level of martial arts, Ye Yang stood up and felt that his whole body was full of energy and energy, like a tiger and an elephant, and his every move and every move was full of strength.

After breaking through to the third level of martial arts, Ye Yang, for the first time, did not continue to practice, but took a few days to organize his practice system.

Now Zhu Chan has begun to practice the Moon Swallowing Spiritual Technique. The sword moves in his hand include the Thirteen Times of Time, and the sword moves are Shaoyang Sword Techniques.

There is also a secret method of medical elixir covering the power of time and water method - Biluo Sanqing Secret Scroll.

Among them, the Zhu Chan Moon-Swallowing Spiritual Technique is the fundamental method of cultivation, and the Thirteen Swordsman of Time and the Shaoyang Sword Art are both spiritual techniques to protect the Tao.

The Secret Scroll of Biluo Three Purities is quite special, it is a special skill for practicing various arts.

The Thirteen Knives of Time are swordsmanship, extremely domineering and powerful, while the Shaoyang Sword Art is swordsmanship, sharp and sharp, and few can match it.

He uses the sword to fight against the enemy, and can often switch between severity and severity. The sword can cause severe injuries, and the sword can use sudden thrusts to achieve unexpected effects.

It's just that Biluo Sanqing Secret Scroll has just started, and Ye Yang often sits in the door during this period to check the physical injuries of other disciples.

On the one hand, it is to increase the practitioner's understanding of the human body, and on the other hand, it is also for the advancement of medical elixir methods.

The more people he met, the more Ye Yang felt the differences in the physiques of different people.

Those with good talent, whether they are disciples who have just started to practice or have already broken through to the realm of warriors, will have internal organs as mellow as the earth, a voice as thunderous, and meridians in their limbs as strong and powerful.

When operating mana, it can carry nearly twice as much mana as others.

For those with deviated qualifications, on the contrary, the meridians are weak, the breath in the body is thin, and the movement of magic power is also slow and abnormal.

On this day, Ye Yang strolled to the disciple hall.

A girl wearing a white gauze, as cold as ice, with green hair hanging down from her head, had been waiting for him for a long time with a long sword on her back.

Seeing Ye Yang coming over, the woman quickly gave him a slow salute, and then said: "Huo Bingshuang has met Protector Ye."

Ye Yang nodded: "Have you encountered any difficulties in practice during this period?"

Huo Bingshuang was as cold as ice, her skin was as white as snow, and her skin was like gelatin, and she quickly spoke.

“I don’t know why, but during the past few days, I always feel that my whole body’s magic energy reaches my chest when I do my exercises. I often have a throbbing feeling and feel that my heart is not smooth.”

Ye Yang groaned, stretched out his hand and put it on Huo Bingshuang's wrist.

Taking her pulse gently, Ye Yang felt that her pulse beat was much higher than that of ordinary people. He pondered and said, "You practice the Toad Moon Technique?"

Huo Bingshuang nodded: "Nothing can be hidden from the protector. I just came into contact with Manggu Qi some time ago, and now I have reached the fifth level of ventilation."

There was a hint of surprise in Ye Yang's eyes. He remembered that Huo Bingshuang had already reached the fifth level of ventilation when these disciples had only been in the profession for five or six years.

I don't know how much faster it was than he was back then.

However, after thinking about it, Huo Bingshuang, who possesses the body of the Moon Sword, attracted the attention of the sect's senior officials when he first joined the Feitian Sect.

Later, the head Gu Xuan went to Fengyu Tower to ask for a Frost Moon Sword Technique for her.

It's just that it's not a spiritual skill, but a spell used to lay the foundation. After Shuangyue Swordsmanship reaches a certain level, she will switch to other swordsmanship.

Ye Yang also practiced the Zhu Chan Moon Swallowing Technique. At this moment, he knew the reason for Huo Bingshuang.

Huo Bingshuang is originally a woman, and the Tongyue Sword Body is also guided by the moonlight to practice, which is the path of femininity.

Zhu Chan's Moon Swallowing Spiritual Technique looks feminine, but in fact it is a combination of hardness and softness. Yin and Yang go hand in hand, especially the Manggu Qi in the early stage, which is the most rigid and yang method.

After Tian Chan's Eight Changes of Qi and condensing all his magic power eight times, he derived Yin Qi and took the path of combining hardness and softness.

After sensing, Ye Yang stood up.

"It's not a big deal. The frost sword technique you practice is extremely cold, and you are a woman."

"As for Mang Gu Qi, which is strong and unforged, it is normal for the mana to stagnate when it is running. I have a pill here for you to take."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang took out a small bottle with a wooden texture. Inside the small bottle were several pills the size of soybeans.

This is the water method pill that Ye Yang tried to refine during this period of time based on the Secret Scroll of the Three Purities of Blue.

This elixir can only be classified as level one, and its refining is not very difficult.

It is just refined using the water method. It contains extremely rich nourishing vitality, which can regulate people's internal organs and cultivate a vitality.

Huo Bingshuang accepted it and was very excited. She quickly gave a gift and then said: "Thank you, Protector Ye. I wonder how much this bottle of elixir is worth in spirit stones."

In the Feitian Sect, Huo Bingshuang is just an ordinary disciple, and his spiritual stone salary is not much, so his hands are not generous.

At this moment, I was afraid that the elixir would be too expensive, so I was cautious when asking.

Ye Yang smiled and then said: "You can just accept this bottle of elixir, but I have a grudging request. They say that you have a special physique and are very powerful, so I want to investigate your Tongyue Sword." body."

Huo Bingshuang nodded: "Please protect Master Ye and do your best."

After saying that, she closed her eyes.

After Ye Yang got the permission, he injected a life essence into Huo Bingshuang's body, and then, driven by this life essence, he explored her internal organs, trying to find out what was different from ordinary disciples.

The life essence kept wandering in Huo Bingshuang's body, especially staying in key places such as the opponent's brain, heart, and dantian for a long time.

Ye Yang pondered for a moment.

He had previously speculated that the special physique was a benign mutation that occurred after the human body was nourished by spiritual energy.

After coming into contact with Huo Bingshuang, he felt that the kidneys in the other person's body were like frost that lasted for thousands of years and would never change. They were also like the bright moon, blooming with glory.

According to the description in the Biluo Sanqing Secret Scroll, the kidneys in the human body govern the water element, and the opponent is born with sufficient kidney water power, which is more than seven or eight times higher than that of ordinary people. No wonder he can give birth to a frost sword body.

But why can the power of kidney water be connected with the brilliance of the bright moon?

There was a hint of doubt in Ye Yang's eyes.

He felt that his research during this period had been quite in-depth, but this crucial step was still not clear enough.

Since awakening the Sword Demon Ape's destiny, Ye Yang's eyes suddenly had sword eyes, and his lungs and heart were several times stronger than before.

"This Sword Demon Ape's destiny should be more than simple as shown. If he keeps practicing, will he also awaken his special physique?"

After finishing the exercise, Ye Yang thought about it, and Huo Bingshuang said to Ye Yang: "This disciple practices under the moonlight every night, and he can often feel the sharpness of the sword energy pouring into his body. Whether he is practicing magic power or practicing sword moves, it is better than usual. It’s time to go faster.”

Ye Yang asked her again and again how she could use the moonlight to practice.

Huo Bingshuang herself couldn't explain clearly.

After some contact, Ye Yang felt that Huo Bingshuang was docile and polite, and had the demeanor of everyone, so he couldn't help but ask

"Is there only one person left in your family?"

Huo Bingshuang shook his head, and then said: "To be honest with Protector Ye, I am not from Yalongling, but from the Universiade Dynasty."

"It's just that I was ignored by my family when I was young. One day when I was playing by the river, I met Elder Gu Qingshu. She taught me some meditation techniques. When I got older, she invited me to come to Feitian Sect to practice."

He was actually from the Universiade Dynasty.

Ye Yang couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

The Universiade Dynasty, with its national power at its peak, had always advocated the art of using people to control immortals, and had the intention of suppressing and subjugating many practicing sects.

Huo Bingshuang shook his head: "The leader of the Universiade Dynasty of this generation emphasizes that man can conquer nature and has great ambitions. He wants to gather thousands of cultivators in the world and establish an immortal dynasty. But there are so many cultivators, how can they be bribed so easily? ”

"Nowadays, there are still many surviving sect forces that have been hiding in secret to oppose them."

Ye Yang knew that after Xuan Taxian unified more than a hundred vassal states and established the Universiade Dynasty, many nobles from ancient countries fled to Yalong Ridge. This matter was not a secret.

After walking out from Huo Bingshuang.

Ye Yang saw the purple electric silver peach tree next to the head's hall, which was shining brightly. The two peach fruits on it had turned completely red. The electric arc was crackling, and at the same time, there was a strong peach fragrance.

Ye Yang knew that these two purple electric silver peaches were finally mature.

The effect of Purple Lightning Silver Peach is slightly inferior to that of Wuyun Golden Pill.

But for many monks in the ventilation realm, it is also a treasure that reaches heaven.

And this also means that there will be another undercurrent of competition among the disciples of Feitian Sect.

Sure enough, just when Ye Yang returned to the courtyard, he saw many people waiting outside the door.

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