In the vast sea, seabirds fly over, and the sky and the earth are clear.

In the vast ocean, a ray of green light flew in, as fast as lightning, and there were several huge flags in his hand. It was Bai Zizhen.

Bai Zizhen stood up and couldn't help but sweat slightly.

His "Flying Deer" was born to be good at speed, not attack. This was the first time since he recovered from his injury with the help of the flesh and blood divine fetus that he ran at full strength.

Especially after condensing a mouthful of Tiangang Guiding Sha, his speed became even faster.

After waiting for a while, he saw a huge thunder figure coming slowly from the distance, and couldn't help but smile.

He continued to run forward and stopped at an island.

Zhuang Guyuan had a strong body, and his whole body was flashing with thunder, like a thunder giant. He arrived at the island in a short while.

On the island, his huge figure left two huge footprints on the beach.

After sensing Bai Zizhen's figure, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

After a while, another figure flew over from a distance. This was a middle-aged man full of evil spirits.

At this moment, the middle-aged man sniffed his nose and pointed in a direction.

"Master, there."

This is one of his disciples. Although his strength is not high, he is good at tracking.

Thanks to the information he provided along the way, Zhuang Guyuan was able to catch up with Bai Zizhen.

At this moment, the middle-aged man's nose twitched as if he had noticed something. The direction he pointed with his hand was where Bai Zi really was hiding.

Zhuang Guyuan lived up to the name of the wind and thunder beast and was very powerful. With a wave of his hand, a burst of thunder and lightning struck forward.

The prerequisite fundamental method of Qingming Baojuan includes three volumes of wind, cloud and thunder, among which the thunder method is the most powerful.

As the eldest disciple of Lord Qingming, Zhuang Guyuan has been in charge of Qingming Island for many years and has already obtained the true inheritance of Lord Qingming.

The thunder erupted, and the sky and the earth lit up extremely quickly.

Bai Zi really couldn't avoid it, so he took out a thick tortoise-shell magic weapon to block the electric light.

But the moment the shield was attacked by lightning, it lost its spiritual power and was blown away.

The violent lightning rushed into his body, and Bai Zizhen spat out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

"This person is so powerful!"

There was a hint of horror in Bai Zizhen's eyes. The trees and rocks within a radius of several hundred feet had been smashed into powder by lightning, and he was the only one left.

If it weren't for the magic weapon to stop him, he would have turned into charcoal.

"As expected of the Wind and Thunder Beast, worthy of the inheritance of a powerful real person."

He sighed secretly.

Zhuang Guyuan smiled coldly, and his huge head spit out countless electric lights, transforming into a huge Kunpeng, coming with thunder and electricity.

A chilling atmosphere filled the surrounding area.

Bai Zizhen retreated slightly, and the shadow of a flying deer with wings appeared behind him, his body movements running at full strength.

In this dangerous moment, he barely avoided this terrifying blow.

However, he was accidentally struck by the lightning, and his whole body felt numb, and he lost his ability to fight.

The land where he was just now was bombarded by lightning and turned into scorched earth.

"How brave, let's see where else you can run."

Zhuang Guyuan roared angrily and transformed into Kunpeng again and came to fight.

Electric light shot out randomly, covering Bai Zizhen's surrounding area.

And Bai Zizhen has lost the power to resist. If this move hits him, he will die without a burial place.

Just when the electric light was about to rush to Bai Zizhen's side, a withered and thin figure suddenly blocked Zhuang Guyuan's way.

The man was dressed in black robes, holding a red flame flying crow gourd in his hand, and his face was full of vicissitudes of life.

A step was blocked in front of him, and there was no wind around him. It was difficult for Zhuang Guyuan to take another step forward!

"He's a master!"

Zhuang Guyuan groaned and retreated violently.

But the next moment, it was already too late. The withered and frail old man had his black hair raised.

The Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd in his hand rotated slightly, sparks flying everywhere.

Then, flames flew, and countless fire crows shot out like raindrops.

Zhuang Guyuan was slightly startled when he saw the fire crow coming. He touched his forehead, and an upside-down eye appeared on his forehead.

The electric light in the eyes was fully opened, and the silver and white colors intertwined like the eyes of thunder. Countless electric lights burst out and collided with the fire crow.

The two bodies retreated violently at the same time.

"As expected of the famous Feng Lei Beast Manor Guyuan on the Hidden Dragon List when he was young!"

"Come again."

Gu Xuan's magic power surged, and the red flame flying crow gourd in his hand carried the power of the nine heavens. A three-legged fire crow as bright as the golden sun jumped out and rushed directly towards Zhuang Guyuan.

There is also a thunder gourd behind Zhuang Guyuan, who is preparing to respond to the enemy.

At this moment, a voice came out.

"Master, no..."

Zhuang Guyuan suddenly heard a scream and looked back.

A light cut with a knife.

Only then did he realize that his disciple's head had fallen to the ground.

One person scratched his head and smiled at him. It was the monk who fled before.

Zhuang Guyuan felt a pain in his heart, and when he realized it, the huge three-legged fire crow in front of him enveloped him like the sun.

It sounds slow, but in fact it only takes a moment.

The moment Zhuang Guyuan's attention was sucked away, the huge three-legged fire crow had already enveloped his whole body.

Zhuang Guyuan coughed up a mouthful of blood and flew backwards. His feet scratched the ground, sparks arose, and he was knocked back three feet away. There were already various festering burns on his body.

He couldn't help but feel horrified.

"The Qingming Baojuan passed down by the master includes three volumes: wind, cloud, and thunder. Among them, the thunder scroll covers the method of tempering the physical body."

"I have already combined the Immovable Body of Thunder and the Soul of Wind and Thunder Beast, and have practiced it to the great state. I didn't expect that under the flaming Golden Crow, I would still be injured at the root."

He was surprised.

"Could this person be Gu Xuan, the head of the Feitian Sect? That gourd is the Feitian Sect's pulse-suppressing treasure, the Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd."

Qingming Island has lived overseas for a long time, and Zhuang Guyuan is not clear about many forces on the land.

However, he specifically learned about the Feitian Sect.

As soon as Gu Xuan took action at this moment, he knew the origin of the other party.

Gu Xuan didn't speak, which further confirmed Zhuang Guyuan's guess.

"I heard that although Gu Xuan is a master of the same sect, one of his arms was chopped off, and the person in front of me has one arm. His identity is indeed the same."

Zhuang Guyuan smiled wildly.

"You dare to besiege Master, give me your life today. Gourd? I have one too."

He roared angrily, suppressed his injuries, and stamped his foot on the ground, leaving a footprint several feet thick.

Behind him, countless electric arc gourds were spinning, his breath was gushing out, and countless thunder and lightning pythons appeared on the surface of the gourd.

Then, a vertical eye suddenly jumped out of the gourd's mouth.

It was exactly the same as the one on his forehead.

The thunder eye shoots out lightning and electric pythons, which are more powerful than steel whips.

A monster with the body of a bird, beast, and tiger with vague wings appeared behind Zhuang Guyuan, surrounded by countless electric lights.

It was his destiny as a wind and thunder beast.

The wind and thunder beast let out a deafening roar, opened its huge mouth, and charged directly towards Gu Xuan.

As soon as both sides sensed it, they knew that their opponent was definitely not taking it easy.

One is the master of a sect, a Taoist fellow practitioner.

And the other one is the first disciple of Zhenren, a high-ranking Xuan-level person, who has obtained the true inheritance.

Although Gu Xuan is thin and small, he is faster.

Behind him stood an ancient battlefield filled with thick fog, with weapons, corpses, piles of tombs, and countless evil spirits.

The wind and thunder beast originally came to kill quickly, but was absorbed into this ancient battlefield and gradually collapsed.

Gu Xuan waved his hand, turning his palm from slapping to grasping, and between heaven and earth, a white jade stone tablet with the energy of Tao and demons intertwined suddenly appeared.

In a breath, he crossed a distance of tens of feet, took one step ahead, and directly hit Zhuang Guyuan's body.

Although Zhuang Guyuan was knocked away, he only left a blood mark on the opponent's body and broke one arm.

He couldn't help but be shocked by the strength of the opponent's body.


Thunder and lightning appeared in the thunder gourd and passed through the sky silently. Countless electric pythons also hit Gu Xuan's body.

Gu Xuan groaned and flew backwards.

The blue-purple lightning continued non-stop, chasing his footsteps.

He sacrificed a stone tablet and was able to withstand the thunder snake's explosion.

He used the Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd again, and a strange wind sprang up in the compressed space, flying to Zhuang Guyuan's head and suppressing it in the air.

The small gourd seems to weigh tens of millions of pounds.

He was so pressed that he couldn't lift his head.

Zhuang Guyuan roared angrily, and behind him, an eagle-headed and tiger-body beast with wind and thunder wings and lightning flashes appeared again.

At this moment, the wind and thunder beast carried the power of thunder and forcefully held the Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd.

However, the red flame flying crow gourd is getting bigger and bigger, swelling several feet high, surrounded by flames, the gourd becomes a world of its own, and the loud cries of countless fire crows can be heard.

Gu Xuan's whole body of mana poured out, and the red flame flying crow gourd was controlled by him, pressing down tens of feet.

The fire of purgatory surged, and Zhuang Guyuan spat out a mouthful of blood again, but before the blood even hit the ground, it was evaporated into mist by the flames.

At this moment, he was pressed down and sunk deep into the ground, making it difficult for him to remain stable.

However, he still refused to admit defeat and wanted to fight back.

Gu Xuan tried his best to turn the red flame flying crow gourd, gently opened the gourd cover, and the gourd flew into the air.

Zhuang Guyuan saw the gourd flying into the air and was about to escape, but found that the mouth of the gourd was facing him, stirring up the surrounding wind and clouds, and there was an infinite suction force that swallowed him up.

There are countless flames inside the gourd. Once sucked into it, it will turn into blood within a moment.

But Zhuang Guyuan was not dead yet, and kept resisting inside, and the sound of gold and iron clanking came from the gourd.

After a while, it finally became quiet.

Seeing this, Gu Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next moment, the Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd suddenly became unstable.

There was a hint of coldness in Gu Xuan's eyes, and then he thought of something, and showed a smile that seemed to have succeeded.

He removed all his magic power, and a flaming man suddenly emerged from the red flame flying crow gourd. He was covered in embarrassment, and it was Zhuang Guyuan.

At this moment, Zhuang Guyuan was in an extremely embarrassed state. His body was already covered in scars and all his internal organs were damaged. He looked like he had been seriously injured and his energy was depressed.

He glanced at the Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd in fear, then transformed into a bright yellow lightning and flew away from the horizon.

Seeing this, Gu Xuan did not stop him, but picked up Zhuang Guyuan's thunder gourd scattered on the ground and shouted in response.

"Thieves, stop running!"

Has the combat power collapsed? No, it's normal. Everyone can share their opinions.

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