Seeing that Bai Zizhen's words were true and he was ready, Ye Yang said: "But it depends on Uncle Bai's orders."

Bai Zizhen laughed heartily and confidently.

"Don't worry, all the masters in the sect will be dispatched today, and the wind and thunder beast Zhuang Guyuan will never come back. As for Lord Qingming, he will be a turtle in the urn."

"Lord Qingming?"

Ye Yang was surprised: "Isn't Lord Qingming dead long ago?"

Bai Zizhen thought for a moment and said.

"We nephews have nothing to say, and I won't lie to you. Just remember not to spread the word that Master Qingming did not die, but took his body and returned again."

Ye Yang thought of the young man he was chasing.

The other party once said that the master Bozhuang Guyuan had accepted a disciple and made him the heir of the island, but everyone refused to accept it.

Thinking about it this way, that person is most likely the reincarnation of Lord Qingming.

According to the information he received from Master Lu, a time stone fell a hundred years ago and was obtained by Lord Qingming.

Thinking of the origin of Time Sand at that time, maybe the two are the same thing. After all, time-type spiritual materials are rare, otherwise, it would not be so easy to meet.

‘Qingming Island is quite powerful. I was originally worried about how to seize the Time Sand, but I didn’t expect that the sect would start planning ahead of me. This is a good thing. ’

Ye Yang thought to himself that Bai Zizhen had already walked out of the door at this time.

"Be careful, I will lure the enemy away first."

Bai Zizhen showed a smile.

"I've never shown my unique skill of Chasing the Bright Moon with a ray of green light in front of the world for a long time. If I hadn't shown it outside, no one would have remembered my name as King Kong of Stepping on the Plum Blossom."

After saying that, he turned into a blue light and jumped out of the window. When Ye Yang looked again, he had already reached the horizon.

With the help of the flesh-and-blood divine fetus, Bai Zizhen was cured of his lameness. He also used this to refine his evil energy, condense his pure light, and enter the seventh level of the warrior realm.

The speed of movement has increased even more than before.

But at this moment, the sound of wind and thunder came from the sky and the earth.

"Bai Zizhen, quickly surrender and offer the things to me, I will spare your life."

The speaker was an old man with a bald head and a white beard. He had a sturdy back, thick shoulders and broad shoulders. His eyes were bright, his head was as big as a bucket, and his neck was missing.

Seeing Bai Zizhen running away at this moment, he cursed angrily.

Naturally, it was Feng Lei Beast Manor Gu Yuan.

He opened his mouth and spat out, thick smoke billowing, thundering loudly, the wind and thunder gourd behind him suddenly grew to several feet, and then he rode the gourd and chased towards Bai Zizhen.

The next moment, there was another silver-haired old woman holding a white snake in her hand, controlling the white snake and flying, also flying to the sky.

Many monks saw Bai Zizhen's escape, and seemed to have seen the scene where he took out hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones in the auction to buy the Shifang Feitang Formation.

They all had the mentality of joining in the fun and hurriedly chased after them to see if they could miss something.

Bai Zizhen fled away, and many people turned their attention to Ye Yang.

Although these people are not tigers or leopards, they are all jackals.

They know that there is little chance of catching up and grabbing food from the tiger's mouth, so they choose a target that is easier to bully.

Ye Yang snorted coldly: "Everyone, I don't know that person. Don't make any mistakes. Please leave as soon as possible."

But his threats had little effect.

Ye Yang raised his ears and heard the footsteps of many people on the stairs.

"Servant, take me to the second floor quickly."

Below, someone is interrogating for information.

Ye Yang summoned the Chasing Sun Flying Turtle and rode the turtle away.

The clothes are fluttering and moving with the wind.

Soon, Ye Yang also disappeared into the horizon.

The wind blew far away, and the waves pushed past, leaving behind a pile of dazzling golden sand.

The sky was blue, and the soft wind blew by, bringing with it the moist and salty sea breeze. A black dot flew over from a distance on the beach.

When they got closer, the black spot turned out to be a flying turtle the size of the Eight Immortals Table, with its limbs paddling in the air.

There was a person sitting on the turtle's back, it was Ye Yang.

Ye Yang turned around, with a cold look in his eyes. He ran all the way from Shanhai City, throwing away some people, but some people followed him closely.

In order to avoid being intercepted on the road, he deliberately traveled by water, crossed the offshore sea, and then turned west to reach Feitian Gate quickly.

Once they reach the sect's sphere of influence, these generals will have nothing to fear.

Thinking of this, Ye Yang secretly urged his followers to fly to the sun.

The sun-chasing flying turtle absorbed the rays of the sun and flew forward with a layer of golden light all over its body.

However, it just didn’t fly very far.

A withered and thin monk holding a Thousand Soul Flag was walking in the air and suddenly floated in front of Ye Yang.

"Boy, quickly throw out your storage bag and let me check it, or I'll kill you."

Ye Yang's heart trembled, a cold light appeared, and he hid to the side.

Only then did he realize that where he was standing just now, there were countless sharp swords appearing.

This man was really despicable. On the one hand, he used words to attract his attention, and on the other hand, he carried out sneak attacks.

Seeing that the sneak attack he had just planned did not achieve the desired effect, the man roared angrily.

"Thieves, die."

He waved the Thousand Soul Flag in his hand, and countless remaining souls howled and rushed toward Ye Yang.

These remnant souls have great resentment and were tortured to death and are stored in the Thousand Soul Banner, each with outstanding power.

The violent sound of the demonic roar made him lose his mind for a moment, causing blood to spurt from his mouth and nose.

Ye Yang forced himself to calm down. Anyone who dared to chase him was an extraordinary person.

This person was also a fierce one and wanted to snatch the storage bag from Ye Yang's hand.

"court death."

Seeing an opportunity, Ye Yang slashed out with his sword. The sword could split mountains and was thick and powerful.

Killing a hundred with one sword, countless sharp swords flashed from the void and shot straight into the sky.

And the red maple sword in his left hand made a sound, the sword energy became silk, and a red light suddenly appeared, whistling, and pierced the man's chest.

Kill a hundred with one sword, practice the sword to become silk.

The swords came out, and Ye Yang used all his strength when he took action. In an instant, he chopped down the man, screamed, and fell into the air.

The next moment, he gasped. As soon as he fell to the ground, a knife and a sword were already placed on his neck.

"Fellow Taoist, please let me go, I am..."

Before he could say a word, the swords touched each other, and a good head was chopped off.


He shouted halfway, his consciousness was not yet dead, his head was flying high, and before he could react, he saw the young man wielding the sword wave his sleeve and pull out an object the size of a white mouse.

The object rolled to the ground and turned into a huge demonic elephant more than three feet tall. It had a mouth full of ferocious teeth, and with a swipe of its long trunk, it swallowed his remains and his head.

"No matter who you are, if you want to kill Ye, even if you are a real person, Ye will kill you."

Ye Yang snorted coldly, put away his sword, his murderous intention became solid, and the world became cold.

He glanced back and saw that the pursuers were already coming behind him.

There were also many people riding demon birds, blocking his way in the air.

It's just that the scene that just happened shocked these people and made them afraid to take action for a while.

Everyone stepped back, as if they had thought of something and couldn't believe it.

Especially seeing the ferocious appearance of the demonic elephant. Even more so, the liver and gallbladder are about to burst.

"Could it be that Ye Yang is the one with the sword in front?"

"This scaly demon elephant is extremely rare, and it is covered with barbs and has a horn and a giant tooth. It must be Ye Yang here."

"Ye Yang is famous for his swords, and the demon elephant is a protector, so he shouldn't be able to fake it."

"I heard that his meridians were severed and his body was seriously injured. Fellow Taoists, please take action quickly. Break the sky and bring wealth to the front."

There are people in the crowd who want to muddy the waters and keep making confusing remarks.

Ye Yang thought of a countermeasure, he clasped his fists, and then said.

"Fellow Taoists, although Ye has been seriously injured, he cannot move forward."


His eyes were cold, filled with murderous intent.

"The demon elephant inside its hands doesn't recognize people. If anyone wants to die, just come."

Among the crowd was an ugly-looking young man with a pair of huge set teeth and half of his lip.

He looked at Ye Yang, with a ruthless look in his eyes.

"Fellow Taoists, the treasure is with this man. Kill him and let the Feitian Sect take the purple electric silver peach in exchange."

His arrogance was overwhelming, and although he was only in the ventilation realm, he had an aura of a big shot that couldn't be erased.

That kind of feeling that has experienced the vicissitudes of life for a long time is far beyond what anyone can compare with.

He moves around casually, like a butterfly darting through flowers,

Even though there were many monks around, no one could find him.

Ye Yang frowned slightly, someone here was deliberately looking for trouble.

He wanted to quickly find and kill him, but no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find any trace of him.

With so many people in front of him, Ye Yang didn't want to fight, let alone expose his uninjured nature.

"Fellow Taoists, I am from Feitian Clan, and I am an important protector of Feitian Clan. If you want to kidnap and kill me, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

He acted like the old god was there and didn't take everyone else seriously.

In this way, the pursuers would be afraid to step forward.

The advantage of having a background finally came into play at this moment.

Although the Feitian Sect is not considered a powerful sect, it is not considered a weak one either.

Ye Yang shouted one sentence, and many of the monks who had not covered up their figures and were on the bright side immediately hesitated.

After all, Feitian Clan is not a weakling, and now it has joined forces with Fengyu Tower and Taiyi Qingmen to become even more prestigious.

Rumor has it that this swordsman Ye Yang has made great contributions to the Feitian Clan and is a protector. If he is found to have died under siege by everyone, he is destined to be held accountable.

Thinking of the Feitian Sect being chased by several late warrior monks who had condensed their evil spirit, they couldn't help but shrink their necks.

After all, the real strong men have long since chased Bai Zizhen away, and most of the people who are left here are monks who want to "pick up the slack".

For a moment, the whole place was silent, and Ye Yang was silencing him.

Ye Yang was about to get up and run away.

At this moment, a voice came out, the surrounding atmosphere darkened, and the world turned white.

"Boy, what I am killing is the rotten dog from Feitian Clan. Quickly throw out the storage bag in your hand. Don't try to resist. Otherwise, you will definitely die on the spot."

"With your level of cultivation at the second level of martial arts, I can't kill you with even ten moves!"

There was a strange laugh in the distance, and a person slowly walked over.

He trusted the reins and looked up at the sky. The deep black and white colors blended together, and the sound of wind blew, revealing his unparalleled aura.

"It's Black and White Xuanyu."

"This man is the young disciple of Lord Qingming, and he is very powerful."

In the crowd, the ugly-faced young man looked at the black and white Xuanyu who suddenly appeared, and then at Ye Yang, who had a solemn expression, with a playful smile on his face.

"You traitor, all the enemies are here, then let me see how you kill each other!"

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