The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 200 Mo Niansheng's reaction and the mysterious monk

Hearing what Ye Yang said, Bai Zizhen nodded.

"The people in charge of these two families are heading towards the city. They will probably arrive in a few days. If you don't come here for a long time, you can just take a look around in the past few days."

There is still some time before the nine-day auction starts, so Ye Yang is not in a hurry.

Tao'anfang City is quite close to Taohuawu. Ye Yang thought of something and said, "Uncle Bai, have you seen Elder Mo during this time?"

Gu Xuan once gave him a piece of cloth stained with blood, saying that he wanted to give it to Mo Niansheng. At that time, the Qinglian Mo family had not retreated from Feitianmen's territory.

This period of time had just gradually receded, and the two places were not far apart, so Ye Yang thought of going to Taohuawu to give the things to Mo Niansheng.

Bai Zizhen sighed.

"He was already nearing his end of life, and now no one has seen him. When I first came to station in Tao'anfang City, I went to look for him, but he never showed up."

"He must be feeling guilty!"

Hearing this, Ye Yang couldn't help but tremble, thinking of the old fox woman he saw before.

Her tongue was cut out, her eyes were gouged out, and her heart was gouged out, but she still survived and transformed into something evil.

And there was a love-hate relationship between Mo Niansheng and her.

That ballad has always made him remember it deeply.

Ye Yang said: "Uncle Bai, I wonder if Elder Mo had any Taoist companions when he was young."

Bai Zizhen said: "He is alone and has no Taoist companions. When he was young, he met a demon woman when he went out. Later, he seemed to have abandoned that person and returned to the Feitian Sect alone. Later, the woman came to see him. "

Bai Zizhen revealed a hint of memory.

"Since then, he has stayed behind closed doors and grown old overnight."

Ye Yang was thoughtful. It seemed that the things involved were very hidden.

Otherwise, even old people like Bai Zizhen wouldn't know about it.

However, he didn't care about these personal matters. Anyway, he only needed to hand over the things to Mo Niansheng now.

After coming out of Bai Zizhen's place, Ye Yang pondered for a moment, then drove the Sun Flying Turtle towards Taohuawu.

It is autumn at the moment. The autumn water in Taohuawu is clear and clear, and the mountain streams are gurgling.

Although there are no peach blossoms in Shili, the mountains are high and the wind is cool, which gives it a unique flavor.

As soon as Ye Yang approached, a short and fat monk holding two swords came to greet him. It was Liu Qing, the deacon who had greeted Ye Yang before.

When Liu Qing saw Ye Yang, his eyes narrowed in laughter. He quickly raised his hand and welcomed Ye Yang into Taohuawu.

"Guardian Ye, do you have any advice for coming here today?"

Ye Yang pondered for a moment and said, "Is Elder Mo out of seclusion?"

Liu Qing shook his head, reluctantly took out two bags of tea, and then said: "Elder Mo has not been out during this period, and I didn't even find a chance to give him the tea you sent last time."

Those two bags of tea were made by Ye Yang using scented tea and tea leaves from the sword ancient tea tree. They were the things he brought last time.

Seeing this, Ye Yang was thinking about how to give things to Mo Niansheng.

At this moment, a weak dry cough came from the distance, and then billowing evil spirits filled the surrounding area.

Ye Yang looked up and found that a skinny old man had appeared in front of him.

His hair and beard are all white, but you can still see that he was handsome when he was young, but now he is rickety.

His blood was withered, and his whole body was bent over, as if he was about to hang to the ground.

Liu Qing was shocked when he saw Mo Niansheng appear. He didn't know why this ancestor who hadn't appeared for a long time was suddenly born.

Liu Qing was shocked when he saw this figure and quickly paid his respects.

"Deacon Liu Qing joins Elder Mo."

However, Mo Niansheng didn't seem to hear his words and didn't take them seriously. Instead, he stared at Ye Yang blankly.

Liu Qing looked at Ye Yang with a suspicious expression.

"Is it because Protector Ye and Elder Mo like to appear?"

This Protector Ye is really extraordinary, even Elder Mo, who had not seen the leader, appeared because of him.

I don’t know when I will be able to break through to the warrior realm and win the title of protector.

Ye Yang didn't know about Liu Qing's psychological thoughts. His scalp was numb from being stared at by Mo Niansheng.

After a long while, Mo Niansheng slowly spoke.

"Where is Dugu Gun?"

"This... junior doesn't know."

Nowadays, it is widely spread in the outside world that Dugu Qiang was killed by the Mo family, but it is not known whether it is true or not.

He knew that the relationship between Mo Niansheng and Dugu Qiang was extraordinary, and he was afraid that Mo Niansheng would lose control of his emotions and do something irritating.

Therefore, the hearsay information was not revealed.

Mo Niansheng's eyes were sharp: "No, you have something of his on you."

Ye Yang glanced at Liu Qing. Liu Qing got the information and immediately retreated. Ye Yang and Mo Niansheng were the only two people left in the field.

Ye Yang then slowly handed Gu Xuan over to him and took out the blood-stained black cloth.

"Elder Mo, the master asked me to come and hand this thing over to you. There are different opinions on the current news about Junior Brother Dugu. I don't know whether it is true or not. I really don't know."

Seeing the blood-stained cloth, Mo Niansheng quickly reached out his hand and took it in a hurry.

He thought of Dugu Qiang's face and felt his heart pierce his heart. Tears welled up uncontrollably, soaking a large piece of clothing on his chest.

"Gun'er...Gun'er, you finally survived."

"It's father...Master, I'm sorry for you."

After a long time, Mo Niansheng controlled his emotions and said to Ye Yang

"When you go back, tell Junior Brother Gu that the family affairs have caused him trouble. I will remember this great sentiment."

Ye Yang was about to speak, but found that there was no one in front of him.

As soon as the light and shadow changed, Mo Niansheng took the black piece of cloth handed to him by Gu Xuan, and no longer knew where he had gone.

The tea in his hand disappeared before he could send it out. Ye Yang smiled bitterly and had to put the tea away again.

In the next few days, everything went smoothly.

Two days ago, people from the Wang family and the Chen family both came and were willing to rent the shop.

In the end, Ye Yang chose the Wang family as his partner.

This time, the Wang family was quite sincere and deliberately replaced the six thousand spiritual stones with six high-grade spiritual stones, which were more convenient to carry.

After the two parties signed the contract under the witness of Bai Zizhen, Ye Yang calculated with his fingers that the time for the nine-day auction was not far away.

He took the six high-grade spiritual stones he received and returned to Shanhai City.

But he didn't expect that as soon as Ye Yang arrived in Shanhai City, he received unexpected news.

The maid he found at the Jiutian Auction before had already found out the information about the owner behind the Time Sand.

After receiving the news, Ye Yang immediately transformed into a giant man and went to the auction.

When the maid saw Ye Yang, she quickly bowed her head and said, "Senior, as expected, I finally found out the information about that person."

Ye Yang had always been calm, but now that he heard the news, he couldn't help but show a hint of excitement on his face.

When the maid saw a smile on Ye Yang's face, her tense nerves finally relaxed.

"Senior, tomorrow will be the time when all the auction monks come to confirm their belongings. At that time, the owner of Time Sand is wearing a black robe and an evil ghost mask. Senior will know it at a glance."

Ye Yang nodded: "You have worked hard during this period, please accept these spiritual stones first."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang took out a bunch of spiritual stones.

The maid hesitated for a while, but finally couldn't resist the temptation and accepted it happily.

The next day, before dawn, Ye Yang stood at the door of the auction, staring at the monks coming and going to find the target.

He waited until three o'clock in the morning before he saw a tall and thin monk, wearing a ghost mask and black robe, walking over with a menacing aura.

"That's the person."

Ye Yang's heart tightened and he focused on looking ahead.

In order to avoid being exposed, he hid in a corner of a stone wall and did not choose to take action immediately, but allowed this man to walk into the auction.

Because this person had an evil ghost mask covering his aura, Ye Yang did not detect the opponent's strength, but he thought that he must be strong enough to obtain such spiritual materials.

Ye Yang waited patiently for more than an hour. After confirming his auction items, the man walked out of the auction.

Seeing this, Ye Yang quickly followed his footsteps.

The lucky red knife and dragon beads on Ye Yang's body can both cover up his aura and prevent others from detecting his existence.

So he was very fast and never slowed down at all.

However, this man was very cautious. He walked out of Shanhai City and looked back all the way, for fear that someone would follow him.

After about half an hour, he seemed to sense something and stopped at the foot of a mountain.

The man glanced behind him and frowned slightly.

"Why do I always feel uneasy today? Could it be that my uncle knew that I had stolen the treasure and came to hunt me down?"

He hid on a giant tree, looked ahead, and launched his division to search for Dafa, but no clues were found.

Seeing that the man was suspicious, Ye Yang quickly activated the Red Knife of Fortune to cover his aura.

Fortunately, this person didn't find anything.

The monk wearing the evil ghost mask frowned slightly: "Could it be my imagination?"

After this idea appeared, he breathed a sigh of relief and continued to move forward.

As a result, before he had left for long, he turned his head and shouted.

"Why is this fellow Taoist so sneaky? It's okay to come out."

But no one answered.

Seeing this, he relaxed.

"It seems that there is really no one. That's why I was worrying too much."

Ye Yang could see all this clearly from behind and secretly thought that this man had such a keen intuition and a cunning mind that he even tried several times.

Fortunately, he was concealed enough, otherwise he would have noticed it if he had just let down his guard.

Thinking of this, Ye Yang crouched on a big tree, even more careful to hide his breath.

For some reason, this person had a strong sense of counter-tracking and looked backwards countless times along the way.

It wasn't until it was getting late and the red sun was setting in the west that the man slowed down and reached the beach.

He moved his whole body and jumped into the ocean, stirring up a burst of white waves like a flying fish, and soon disappeared into the vast sea.

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