The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 195 The Eight Transformations of Heavenly Toad into Great Perfection

The spiritual energy in the main hall is rich.

During this period of time, Ye Yang has been using a mask to pretend to be Gu Xuan and has not gone out. Instead, he has been practicing hard with the spiritual energy of the head hall.

Outside the window, the huge flying silver-spotted pack ray waved its iron-scaled giant wings, constantly swaying and dancing, constantly rising and falling in the sky.

It's just that it no longer makes the passionate cry like a monster, but instead makes a clanging sound like steel when waving its wings.

He is no longer a living thing.

Although this big sun star beast puppet was successfully refined.

But during this period of time, Master Lu and the group of weapon refiners were still adjusting the speed of the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray.

Occasionally, he also takes on the important responsibility of transporting goods from Feitianmen to Shanhai City.

Master Lu had visited Gu Xuan several times, but Ye Yang was afraid of exposing his flaws, so he kept him out in the name of seclusion.

According to Master Lu, this big sun star beast has been successfully refined, but the details still need to be adjusted before it can exert a greater magical effect.

Although the refining of this big sun star beast requires huge investment in the short term, in the long run, it is a business that only makes money but does not lose money.

What's more important is that the strategic value and sect knowledge contained in it are far beyond what ordinary spiritual stones can match.

As for the people from the Qinglian Mo family, they had been calling for formation outside the Feitian Sect some time ago, but seeing that the people in the Feitian Sect were all staying behind closed doors, and with the mountain-protecting formation blocking their way, they had no other choice.

As time goes by, I have no choice but to retreat.

On this day, Ye Yang was practicing in the house.

The spiritual energy in the main hall burst out.

During this month, he felt that the energy all over his body was booming, and when the Manggu Tian Toad croaked behind him, infinite essence fell into his mouth.

He took out an elixir, which was the Toad King's elixir from before. When one elixir entered his stomach, his whole body shone with light. He felt that the mana in his body was surging rapidly.

Now most of the mana within the meridians has been gathered.

Once the mana fills the entire meridians, he can break through to the third level of martial arts.

"After entering the warrior realm, it seems that the breakthrough speed is a little faster than before."

Ye Yang asked himself and thought in his heart.

He was originally just a middle-aged man, and his awakened destiny was just that of a high-level Huang-level sword demon ape.

However, when he was in the Immortality Barrier, he once took a marrow-cleansing spirit fruit, which transformed him into a new person and sharply improved his qualifications.

At that time, even the Sword Demon Ape Benming had benefited a lot. He guessed that the reason why he was able to quickly awaken the Sword Eyes was related to that time he took the Marrow Cleansing Spirit Fruit.

With magic power all over his body, Ye Yang took a deep breath and seemed to sense something, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

At this time, a layer of mana aura had condensed behind him, and the aura actually overlapped eight times.

Eight Transformations of Heavenly Toad (Seventh Turn)

Current state: Dacheng

Progress: 100%

Next state: Grandmaster state

[Perseverance, exercise twelve times a day, and it will be done for 0 days. 〕

The next moment, eight circles of mana condensed behind him, and Tian Chan's aura became more powerful. Ye Yang took a closer look again.

Eight Transformations of Heavenly Toad (Eighth Turn)

Current state: Grandmaster state

Progress: 0%

Next level: None

[Be persistent, exercise twelve times a day, and persist for two years. 〕

After practicing hard for many years, the Eight Transformations of Tianchan finally reached the perfect state. This means that the magic power in Ye Yang's body has been condensed eight times, which is far superior to the average strong person of the same level.

Ye Yang swung a knife at will, and the light of the knife flew from the window to the sky for a long time.

Ye Yang felt it briefly and felt that the sword light he emitted at will was nearly 10% more powerful than before.

He couldn't help but show a look of satisfaction.

"The practice of Tian Chan's Eight Changes of Qi has been completed. Next, he will practice the Zhu Chan's Moon-Swallowing Spiritual Technique."

However, Ye Yang has not yet decided whether to practice the Zhu Chan Moon Swallowing Spiritual Technique.

In the past, the Zhu Chan Moon-Swallowing Spiritual Technique was one of the three major inheritances of the Feitian Sect. It had been perfected by several generations, and the inheritance was orderly, and there were people who gave guidance on the matter, so it would definitely be his first choice.

However, the moment he saw Luo Changsheng's sword that commanded all things in the world, he had more thoughts in his mind.

The world of cultivating immortals is vast and vast, with endless areas. Monks are like crucian carp crossing the river. No one can tell how many areas and how many people there are.

The stronger the skills you practice in the early stages, the greater your achievements will be in the end.

However, the cultivation techniques are the inheritance foundation of various sects and families. They are far more precious than ordinary spiritual techniques. It can be said to be the true method of pursuing the Tao.

It is almost not circulated in the market. If you want to practice it, you must join a big force. Even so, it will only be taught after decades of observation of your mind.

Even more likely that it will not be taught.

The most outstanding one among the Feitian Sect is the Xuantian Magic Code of Transforming Meridians. This code is extremely outstanding for fellow cultivators of Dao Demon Qi. It has always been a unique skill of the sect leader.

Later, Gu Xuan was determined to reform, and combined with the opinions of many high-level officials in the sect, he delegated the authority to practice the Xuantian Magic Code of Transformation Meridian to those with elders and above.

Judging from the current situation, except for the new Grand Elder Wang Lun of the Feitian Sect, who is at the seventh level of the Ningqing realm, the remaining second elder Gu Qingshu and the third elder Ge Canhong are both at the eighth level of the Jade Liquid realm.

It's not that one has to be higher in cultivation than other elders to be able to serve as a great elder.

The Grand Elder is in charge of many things within the sect and is involved in worldly affairs, so he has higher requirements for his mind and character.

But no matter from any aspect, it is unlikely that he will become an elder in a short time.

"Perhaps you can also practice the Zhu Chan Moon Swallowing Spirit Technique first, and then switch to other treasure techniques later."

Ye Yang thought in his mind that after all, the Zhu Chan Moon Swallowing Spiritual Technique was very compatible, so there would be no delay in switching to other techniques.

After letting go of his worries, Ye Yang took out a tattered parchment map from his storage bag.

This thing is the news of the Time God Stone that he exchanged for a half-silent snow lotus from Master Lu.

This map has been drawn for a long time, the paper is mottled, and there is a hole missing in the middle.

But a lot of the information above points directly to a fairy mountain overseas.

"Legend has it that a hundred years ago, the Divine Stone was acquired by a powerful person in the real world. That person is the current Qingming Lord."

He was very familiar with Qing Ming Lord Ye Yang, but now that he was dead, it was even more difficult to find information.

"In this case, we can only start with his disciples."

Although within these hundred years, I don’t know how much of the Time Stone will be left at that time.

However, spiritual materials with time attributes are rare, so this item must not be missed.

At this moment, Ye Yang suddenly seemed to sense something and frowned.


He suddenly looked somewhere in the house, and the next moment, an embarrassed figure jumped in from the window.

Ye Yang took a closer look and realized it was Gu Xuan.

It's just that Gu Xuan was seriously injured at this moment, with blood all over his body and a sword wound on his chest.

After being supported by Ye Yang, he relaxed and let out a breath.

Ye Yang quickly brought him a cup of tea, and at the same time used Kurong Hand and Biluo Three Purities Secret Scroll to inject a life essence into his body.

He was in a delicate state and had fallen into a semi-addicted state. However, a force of will forcefully supported him and allowed him to escape back to the Feitian Gate.

Gu Xuan felt a moist sheen pass into his body, and the injury was a little lighter. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes.

He opened his bloody chest, took a few breaths, a hint of joy appeared in his eyes, and then said: "Did anything big happen inside the door during this period?"

Ye Yang shook his head: "It's nothing serious."

Ye Yang looked at Gu Xuan's bloody chest, where there was a sword wound.

No matter how much the ancient Xuanwu man cultivated to the perfect state, he could not be cured. Obviously, the person who did it was extremely powerful.

"Master, how are your injuries?"

Gu Xuan shook his head. He no longer had the energy to speak. After a long pause, he said: "There is a blue pill in the first drawer of the third row. Bring it to me quickly."

Ye Yang quickly took the blue elixir, put it in his hand, brought warm water, and asked Gu Xuan to swallow it.

After a pill entered his throat, Gu Xuan's injuries improved a lot, his face became more energetic, and he even looked more energetic.

He looked at Ye Yang and then said: "

Today I have finally settled a matter on my mind. Tomorrow you will give this to Mo Niansheng, the great elder of the sect. He will naturally understand everything after reading it. "

After he finished speaking, he took out a piece of black cloth. There was blood dripping on the black cloth, and he didn't know whose it belonged to.

Ye Yang accepted it silently, and then spoke.

"Elder Mo has been locked up in life and death. I'm afraid he won't see outsiders."

Gu Xuan shook his head: "Don't worry, he will meet you after taking out this thing. However, it is better to wait until the people of the Qinglian Mo family leave."

Although he didn't know what Gu Xuan's plan was, Ye Yang knew that there might be something going on that he didn't know about, so he didn't say anything more.

Instead, he quietly put away the black cloth and prepared to take the opportunity to send it to Taohuawu.

After a while, Ye Yang said: "Master Lu has come to see you several times in the past few days, saying that he wanted to report on the promotion of the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray to the Great Sun Star Beast."

Gu Xuan endured the pain, and upon hearing this, a hint of joy appeared in his eyes.

"What? The Big Sun Star Beast has been fully debugged?"

Ye Yang said: "I haven't gone out these days for fear of exposing my whereabouts, and I don't know the specific progress."

Gu Xuan said: "Invite Master Lu quickly and tell me that I have something important to discuss with you."

After hearing this, Ye Yang walked out and soon brought Master Lu to the head hall.

Master Lu was tall, bare-chested, and had plump and strong muscles, especially his arms, which were terrifyingly big.

As soon as he walked into the house and smelled the strong smell of blood, the embroidered beaded picture of a water-walking unicorn tattooed on his chest began to tremble.

His face was full of horror.

"This is the aura of a powerful person in the realm of real people! Gu...Gu Gu, you are..."

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