
The sound of swords sounded.

Zhu Xingyu stood with his sword in hand. The sword was swaying slightly. Like lightning, he was in front of Wang Dong in an instant.

Wang Dong let out a long groan, and the endless aura spurted out from behind him, and a bloody gourd of smoke erupted.

The mouth of the gourd was a wolf's head, ferocious and ferocious, with green and black colors spinning and spitting out red brilliance, which suddenly enveloped the body of the sick scholar Zhu Xingyu.

But Zhu Xingyu's sword was very swift, soaring upward like the stirring of the sky.

Wang Dong's blood-red brilliance blow did not cause any major damage to him.

There were bursts of sword sounds, and the clang was harsh.

The two sides retreated at the first touch, the brilliance became more and more brilliant, and then one person flew out upside down.

Wang Dong took a few steps back and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

This is a "sword sighting move". The sword body is not seen, the sound of the sword is not heard, the hand is used instead of the eye, and the sharpness is revealed with just this one blow.

The sharp energy of the sword spread all around.

The sick scholar Zhu Xingyu smiled contemptuously, reached behind his head with both hands, and took off the black scarf covering his eyes.

In the light clouds and gentle breeze, he opened a pair of eyes that looked like a ghost but not a ghost but not a human being.

"Boy, do you know why people on the Hidden Dragon List are called Juncai? Do you know the difference from ordinary martial artist monks? Get that Ye Yang out of here quickly, you alone are no match for me."

The inheritance of the blind old man is indeed extraordinary.

The sick scholar's momentum reached its peak. Amidst the changing situation, one of his swords was strangely and inexplicably shining with a translucent luster.

Just now he covered his eyes and forced Wang Dong back with one blow. No one could see clearly how Wang Dong was defeated.

A sight without sight, a sound without sound, a sword without sword.

The masters on the Hidden Dragon List are indeed extraordinary, and they all have their own unique skills.

Far beyond the reach of ordinary warrior realm monks.

Wang Dong spit out a mouthful of blood and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve.

Although he was at a disadvantage with just one move, he was able to contend with Zhu Xingyu for so long, which can be said to be the best among men.

It also made more spectators start to look at this person squarely.

A trace of blood appeared at the corner of Wang Dong's mouth. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth on his green and yellow mottled gourd and still did not retreat.

The sick scholar Zhu Xingyu shook his head.

"You are no match for me. Retreat immediately. Don't be embarrassed."

"How do you know I'm not your match?"

"In the beginning of my life, I, Wang Dong, was fierce and domineering. I engaged in the business of robbing Dao, and I also kidnapped other people's wives and daughters. At that time, I always thought that I was invincible. Then I was defeated by Dugu Spear with two moves, and then I was defeated by Die. No queen, in the hands of the monsters in Northern Xinjiang.”

The only things people can see through are experiences, hardships, and injuries. If you suffer too much, you will naturally learn to grow.

Wang Dong was like this. He sighed sadly, and then his eyes were firm: "I don't accept it, I don't want to fall behind others! We are both monks, why can they be so superior? I will win no matter what today."

His beard and hair were spread out, and he was extremely angry. The light of flames on his body actually burned and the air around him curled up slightly.

His strength is very powerful, especially after breaking through to the warrior realm, the power of Xuanjie's destiny was completely activated.

Although he did not have the pure Yang inner elixir to temper his body, after breaking through to the warrior realm, with the help of Red Flame Lihuo Iron and many precious materials, his body was transformed into a half-fire spirit body.

It was just that the enemies he encountered along the way were too powerful and he was unlucky. First he was seriously injured by Die Wuhou, and then he was sneak attacked by the mobs from Northern Xinjiang, so he was a little unsatisfied.

Flames billowed out behind Wang Dong. He stood up and walked forward, taking one step forward, as if the world was just around the corner.

The whole person turned into a burning person, and in just a moment, he arrived in front of the sick scholar Zhu Xingyu.

He made a move, swung out his palm, and a green and yellow mottled wolf-headed gourd flew out behind him, filled with poisonous smoke.

The moment the wolf-head gourd appeared, it released countless natal poisonous fires, and a huge five-finger mountain appeared on the base of the gourd.

"Flaming Wuling Mountain!"

He roared, and blood flowed from his eyes and nose. It was obvious that he had paid a huge price, and his body was constantly bursting with blood.

The huge flame Five Fingers Mountain, led by the gourd, pressed down out of thin air, burning the night like the sky and illuminating countless golden lights.

In an instant, the Five Finger Mountains of Flame shone brightly like the sun, illuminating the heavens.


The Five Elements Mountain of Flame pressed down, and the sick scholar Zhu Xingyu leaned down and knelt on the ground.

"Since you want to die, I will grant it to you. Otherwise, you will really underestimate the strength of Qianlong Bang."

The sick scholar Zhu Xingyu was pressed down by Wang Donghuo Wuling Mountain and fell to his knees. He felt uncomfortable and extremely embarrassed.


Zhu Xingyu roared angrily, dragged his body, and stood up forcefully, the spine on his back making a crackling sound.

In the hazy sky, the sword light split. He only fired one sword, and the entire shadow between the sky and the earth was torn apart by the sword light.

Wherever the sword shadow went, the void twisted, and everything became more unreal.

The moment the sword thrust out, it faced Wang Dong's flaming Wuling Mountain.

The moment the two collided with each other, the huge Five Fingers Mountain suddenly dimmed, but the sword light that soared into the sky also quickly collapsed.

However, at the next moment, a cluster of wolf head flames suddenly appeared on Wang Dong's left hand.

The flame wolf had a terrifying head and sharp teeth. With one punch, it hit the body of the sick scholar Zhu Xingyu hard.

Under the forced attack, Wang Dong had turned into a bloody man.

Even though he was seriously injured, he still had to forcefully fight back against the sick scholar Zhu Xingyu.


The sound of gold and iron clashing came out.

The two spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time, and Wang Dong shot back with a large blood stain on his chest.

As for the sick scholar Zhu Xingyu, his whole body was shrouded in flames, one arm was burned to char by Wang Dong, and his eyes were split.

"Damn it! My precious body."

Wang Dong's poisonous fire was like maggots attached to the bone. When Zhu Xingyu saw that one of his arms was burned to char, he couldn't help but feel sad and in great pain.

The human body is the boat that practitioners use to cross the sea of ​​suffering. If the boat suffers serious damage, how can it reach the other shore and successfully disembark?

Not everyone can be as lucky as Bai Zizhen and get a divine fetus of flesh and blood to recover from his injuries.

Wang Dong was out of breath and passed out.

But before he fell into coma, a satisfied smile appeared on his lips. He finally didn't fail again and again.

He became famous in this battle. A not so outstanding sect disciple was able to fight Zhu Xingyu, a sick scholar on the Qianlong List, and both sides suffered losses.

Even if he paid a huge price! Even though he was unconscious, the result had already been told to the world.

He is not weak.

Even more powerful than the world imagined!

Many monks watching the battle were talking about it.

"This person is very capable. From my point of view, Feitianmen's Sword Master Ye Yang is not as good as him!"

"It is indeed extraordinary. After all, he is the son of Fire King Xijing. After breaking through to the warrior realm, someone will guide him and his cultivation speed will be further accelerated."

"The disciples of this generation of Feitian Sect are all good, but one got into trouble and the other was seriously injured. I'm afraid this Wang Dong will take the lead."

"If I'm not mistaken, this son seems to be the son of the fire Taoist Wang Xijing. His strange poisonous fire and wolf smoke are in harmony with the Tingyutian fire skill."

The white-haired old man from the Mo family lamented that Wang Dong traded injuries for injuries and used the weak to defeat the strong, which was quite to his liking.

"This boy's strength cannot be underestimated. How about finding someone to take action and destroy him?"

Wu Qing's eyes were vicious and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He and the elders of the Mo family looked at each other, and they both had an idea in mind and laughed.

On the mountain peak.

Ye Yang quietly recalled the battle just now. The sick scholar Zhu Xingyu was indeed powerful, especially the sword move of Ignorance passed down from the blind old man.

Even if he were to fight against him, he might not be able to win without the use of the thirteen swords of time.

Although in terms of hard power, Wang Dong may be slightly inferior to Zhu Xingyu, a sick scholar, but he has just unleashed his potential. With one blow from the two of them, it can be said that both sides suffer, and there is no winner.

As for Wang Dong, his strength is much stronger than before in the Immortal Barrier.

At this time, Ye Yang recalled the scene where Luo Changsheng stabbed with his sword, and all things assisted him, the world trembled, and all the swords rose and fell.

In that battle, Luo Changsheng once said that it was because his strength was still weak and the two sides only competed with swordsmen, so he suppressed his own cultivation.

If he didn't suppress his cultivation, Ye Yang would not be his enemy.

Zhu Xingyu, who was ranked 268th on the Hidden Dragon List alone, was so powerful that Luo Changsheng heard that he had defeated a sword cultivator ranked among the top 20.

This statement should be true.

"The road is long and long!"

Ye Yang secretly sighed. There are many capable people in this world of cultivating immortals. The monks are like crucian carp crossing the river. His strength is still far behind.

the other side.

Gu Qingshu called her disciples to come and help Wang Dong who was unconscious.

"Both sides in this battle have suffered heavy injuries. In my opinion, it should not continue."

The elder of the Mo family snorted.

"Young people have their own young people's struggles. We can't control it, but please don't forget that the Feitian Sect still owes me, the Qinglian Mo Family, an explanation."

"To tell you the truth, my ancestor Chongxiao has returned from traveling outside the territory. If he dies knowing that he has direct bloodline, there will be no bones left of the Feitian Sect general."

After hearing the news that the ancestor of the Mo family, Mo Chongxiao, was about to return, everyone present couldn't help but gasp.

The ancestor of the Mo family, Zhenren Chongxiao, was a ruthless man. He created his own swordsmanship and completely transformed himself. He derived the Blood Lotus Sword Art based on the Mo family's Green Lotus Sword Art.

He is also famous among real people, far beyond the comparison of Qing Ming Lord and his ilk.

The most famous one is that twelve years ago, he used his real body to wipe out three strong men in the real world, and gained the huge reputation of "The Sword of Blood Lotus, the only one that can reach the sky".

This news is not good news for Feitianmen.

Gu Qingshu and Ge Canhong looked at each other without saying a word, with indifferent expressions.

"Hmph, let's go."

The main hall.

When Gu Xuan heard Gu Qingshu's report, his expression became serious.

"So, they've left?"

Gu Qingshu nodded: "Yes, I guess I just came down the mountain now."

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