As far as Ye Yang knew, Feitianmen did not have an authentic weapon refiner.

The weapon refiner Gu Xuan invited from the Universiade Dynasty this time may not be as simple as he said.

With this thought in mind, Ye Yang walked to Lihuo Peak.

On Lihuo Peak, there is an underground fire all year round, with hot springs and mist filling the air. This is the territory of Xijing, King of Fire Vajra.

But it was obvious that Wang Xijing had already received the order, so he specially rearranged the entire Lihuo Peak.

The rocks on Lihuo Peak are rugged and extremely steep, and the temperature is much higher than outside.

As soon as Ye Yang arrived with Yu Gui in hand, someone led Ye Yang into a hidden cave.

The cave is as tall as one person and looks extremely deep. The cliff walls are inlaid with some fluorescent gems, shining with the faint light of the moon.

As soon as he walked in, a wave of heat hit him, making his hair feel slightly curled.

The fire here is so hot that only monks who have been practicing the fire attribute method for many years can be like a fish in water.

However, Ye Yang's reckless aura was biased toward the water method. After walking in, he felt quite physically uncomfortable.

Ye Yang casually flicked it, and a huge shield rose up on his body.

There was a cool breeze blowing in the shield, and the scorching temperature suddenly dropped a lot.

He continued walking forward, and after walking for about half an hour, a huge stone hall appeared inside the cave.

The stone hall is very large, and there are many men with their bare arms and chests busy building special tools, but their hands are shackled.

The magma is rolling and extremely hot.

There are Qi practitioners guarding the outside, looking alert.

Looking at the extremely busy craftsmen, Ye Yang couldn't help but frown slightly. These people looked miserable, their faces were dusty, their feet were chained, and their hands were shackled.

It seemed that he had just been kidnapped and was not invited with a huge amount of spiritual stones as Gu Xuan said.

When Ye Yang came in, he found that Wang Dong was also in the main hall, and he was quite familiar with it.

Seeing Ye Yang coming, he quickly walked up and asked, "Senior Brother Ye, have you also received a special mission?"

Ye Yang nodded: "Yes, it seems that junior brother has also received this mission."

A hint of bitterness appeared on Wang Dong's face: "The person in charge of this mission is my father."

Before he finished speaking, a dry cough was heard next to him.

Ye Yang looked up and saw Wang Xijing, who was dressed in purple robes. He had a handsome face and elegant manners. A few strands of black beard under his chin made the whole person even more fairy-like.

He looked very good. He looked at the Red Maple Sword behind Ye Yang, his eyes lost in thought, and then he said: "Not bad, very good, you have not insulted the reputation of the Red Maple Sword."

He took Yugui from Ye Yang and said, "Come with me."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Wang Dong again, and Wang Dong quickly led the way.

There was a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. Ever since the Immortality Barrier came out, his son has become a little different from before.

In the past, Wang Dongfei was domineering, arrogant, and rebellious.

Now he has seen heroes all over the world. He was first shot down by Dugu Gun twice, and then humiliated by a monster from Northern Xinjiang in front of everyone. He knelt down to apologize, became taciturn, mature and steady, and was completely different from the domineering and domineering person before.

He knew that this was a stage that he had to go through in life, so he was excited.

Wang Xijing had a good impression of Ye Yang. He led Ye Yang forward and reminded him patiently: "Your mission this time is not trivial. It is the key to success or failure and cannot be ignored."

Ye Yang's eyes showed a hint of solemnity. Wang Xijing led him to a stone wall. With a wave of his hands, the stone door separated from the middle, revealing the messy environment inside.

Ye Yang looked around and saw a strong man with muscles all over his body and a picture of a unicorn treading water and playing with a pearl tattooed on his chest.

The strong man was more than two meters tall, his feet were tied with chains and he was holding a big hammer in his hand. He was patiently hammering a piece of silver armor. When he saw a person walking outside, he snorted coldly.

"You are so mysterious that you traveled thousands of miles to kidnap me and captured a large group of blacksmiths. What are you doing here?"

Wang Xijing chuckled: "Master Lu, don't be angry. Our request is very simple. As long as we can master this magic weapon, we will promise you nothing, and we will also give you a large amount of spiritual stones."

Master Lu snorted coldly: "Have you ever seen someone kidnapped like this to refine magic weapons for others?"

Wang Xijing was not angry, but said: "Master Lu, you have the blood of the Qilin Giant, and your physical strength is very strong. If we don't take this strategy, how can we not accommodate you in the cave."

"Don't worry, I have something to say. Once the mission is completed, I can send you back to your hometown, and your spiritual stones will be doubled."

Master Nalu snorted coldly: "Okay, double the spiritual stones, and remember to open the sect's treasure house and let me choose two spiritual materials."

Although he was extremely eager to go home, he knew that the other party had imprisoned them in this dark cave, and it was unlikely that they would be released in a short time.

However, these people were quite generous, giving them huge amounts of spiritual stones, and even equipped them with various rare elixirs.

This kind of fairy elixir was very expensive in the Universiade Dynasty.

"This is the nerve center builder you recommended? He looks quite strong, but I don't know if he can endure the hard work."

Hearing this, Ye Yang felt slightly wrong.

He looked at the jade guide in his hand, which shone with a faint starlight. According to this man's meaning, this book was meant to make him do hard work.

However, this matter was of great importance, and even Gu Xuan did not reveal much, and he stopped asking further questions.

"Master Lu, I don't know how I can do it."

Master Lu came over and pinched Ye Yang's shoulder: "It's quite raw."

After finishing speaking, he threw a big hammer to Ye Yang and pointed to a pile of iron stones next to him.

"Your mission is very simple. When I refine the core of the magic weapon, quickly condense it. When necessary, follow my orders and put Yu Gui into it."

"This matter is quite simple."

Hearing this, Ye Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

When Master Lu heard what he said, he snorted coldly: "Don't think too simply. To make a long story short, let's get started."

He took Ye Yang to a forging shop. The flames were licking the bottom of the furnace. The surface was glowing with blue light and the temperature was extremely high.

As soon as Ye Yang got closer, his clothes were slightly distorted by the flames.

And above the earth fire, the scarlet charcoal is swallowing blue light, the temperature is extremely high, and the burning space is distorted.

He handed Ye Yang an irregular black-red stone.

"This is red flame Xuan Ming Iron. It has extremely strong intelligence. You can hammer it into a scaly iron piece the size of a bucket."

Ye Yang picked up a sledgehammer and hit the iron stone hard.

boom! boom! boom!

Sparks flew everywhere, the red flame black iron was extremely hard, and when the giant hammer hit it, only a few sparks leaked out.

Ye Yang was slightly startled.

His physical strength is very strong. He holds this huge hammer and hits it hard. The iron block has no special reaction and is only slightly deformed.

"Don't be anxious, beat it slowly. This thing is extremely precious. It has been my treasure for many years. If you didn't let me choose two things from Feitianmen's treasure house, I would really be reluctant to take them out."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

"I've heard Master Lu's reputation many times, and now I'm learning from him."

The strong man pulled up the white towel on his shoulders and wiped the large beads of sweat on his forehead, his face flushed.

He didn't know that Ye Yang was talking politely, so he snorted, quite pleased with himself.

"You are a talker, quite different from the barbarians here who only use violence."

"That is to say, you have also robbed a large number of blacksmiths from the Universiade Dynasty, otherwise. It would be difficult for me to forge this giant thing by myself."

"Giant thing?"

Master Lu said: "Yes, it is a well-deserved giant. As for its function, you will soon know."

Under the guidance of Master Lu, Ye Yang used a heavy hammer to gently tap the red flame Xuan Ming Iron in his hand.

While banging with a heavy hammer, he observed carefully and found that Master Lu was firing molten iron, outlining a huge skeleton.

Master Lu walked to Ye Yang and handed over a white towel.

Ye Yang thanked him, wiped the sweat on his body, and then said: "Master Lu, my thousand-forged weapon was given to me by an elder before. Now that I have advanced to the warrior realm, I feel that it is not suitable for use. I want to I’d like to ask you for advice. Is it possible to forge it into a magic weapon?”

After finishing speaking, he placed the ghost-headed seven-ring sword in front of the giant man.

Master Lu took the ghost-headed seven-ring knife that Ye Yang took out, flicked it with his middle finger, and a clanging sound like a dragon's roar suddenly came from the back of the knife.

There was a hint of wonder in his eyes.

"What a good guy, it's actually made of leftover materials from those who refine high-grade magic weapons."

"This thing is thick, and only monks like us with strong physical strength can make the best use of it."

"But, are you sure you want to forge this into a magic weapon? Let me tell you, my fee is very high."

Having just purchased a shop in Fangshi, Ye Yanghua spent a large amount of spiritual stones, but there were still some precious materials in his hands, so he spoke.

"I don't know how many spiritual stones are needed, so I'd better prepare them in advance."

"Hmph, you underestimate a certain family too much. Spirit stones are nothing. In addition to spirit stones, there are many precious materials."

There was a trace of amusement in his eyes, and he vented all the anger he had been robbed on Ye Yang.

Ye Yang knew that he was deliberately making things difficult for him, so he smiled slightly and put away the ghost-headed seven-ring knife.

"If that's the case, then I'll find someone to take a look at."

Seeing that Ye Yang was not wearing the harness, he walked to the forging furnace, continued to raise the big hammer in his hand, and pounded the armor in his hand hard.

While beating, he said: "I have a few plans here. One is a sharp knife. When the knife comes out, light appears, as fierce as the Milky Way, and as fast as lightning."

"The second is a broadsword, which is as heavy as Mount Tai and as big as a giant tower. It uses its power to bring down people and enable thousands of armies to overcome obstacles."

"The third is a two-handed sword. When held with both hands, it looks like a blue dragon gnawing on the moon. It is as fast as thunder and lightning. I don't know what you need!"

"This junior's spiritual skills are good at sharp knives. Naturally, I feel that sharp knives are a bit better."

"Okay, I can exchange it for a martial arts elixir."

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