Grind patiently in a small medicine bowl.

During the grinding process, Ye Yang simultaneously used his Kurong Hand to inject balls of life essence into the alms bowl.

About half an hour later, under his patient grinding, the silver-white blue water cloud sand had turned into a semi-solid liquid like mercury.

Seeing this, Ye Yang picked some tea leaves from the Sword Ancient Tea Tree in the courtyard.

This tea has a strange taste, but its effect is extraordinary. It can neutralize the chaotic qi in the human body.

After tempering the tea leaves into green juice, Ye Yang controlled it with his magic power, and then poured it into it drop by drop.

After waiting for more than an hour, the viscous liquid in the medicine bowl combined with the blue water, clouds and sand, forming a fist-sized ball.

Spread at the bottom of the medicine bowl, it exudes a cool breath.

The Biluo Three Purities Secret Scroll is the inheritance and law of medical elixirs. It pays most attention to the maintenance of the human body and contains the power of time.

Ye Yang followed the records and tried his best to control it, and a trace of sweat appeared on his forehead.

But he did not relax at all and continued to pour mana into the medicine bowl.

The rich green liquid first expanded and then shrunk. Seeing this, Ye Yang threw another Jingyun Pill.

This Jingyuan Pill contains extremely rich Jingyuan spiritual energy, and it is one of several pills used by early warrior monks to improve their cultivation.

As soon as the medicinal powder was poured into it, the fist-sized green liquid immediately expanded a bit, and its breath became more distant.

He gritted his teeth in distress, but Jingyundan was indeed very effective.

As soon as he entered it, a rich fragrance came out of the medicine bowl.

It's like a ripe plum, refreshing.

However, just when Ye Yang took a deep breath and was about to put the Qingshui Xuefei ointment away and use it for cooling and removing the film.

Suddenly, a burst of red light burst out from the medicine bowl.

Then the green liquid in the medicine bowl quickly turned dark yellow and withered.

The Qingshui Xuefei Ointment, which originally had a strong fragrance, also had a putrid smell.


Ye Yang sighed, but didn't think much about it, and felt it was normal.

After all, he had never come into contact with the method of medical elixir before.

It is normal to fail at this time.

However, although he failed, he also learned a lot of experience.

Ye Yang pondered for a moment, found a piece of paper and a charcoal pen, and recorded in detail his thoughts on the ointment refining.

After a while, he took out the same material and continued to grind it.

Compared with before, he slowed down a lot this time, and the grinding was more detailed.

Soon, the blue water, clouds and sand quickly broke apart, and the water was shiny. When the green liquid of the Sword Ancient Tea Tree entered, it turned into a bowl of rich medicinal liquid again.

At this time, Ye Yang pondered slightly, took out another Jingyun Pill, crushed the pill, turned it into white dust, and entered the medicine bowl.

He slowly poured half a cup of spiritual water into it, and the spiritual water spread into it. The entire jade liquid condensed into a paste, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

A little mana carries the power of time, wiped out from the fingertips, and dripped into it.

According to the records in Biluo Sanqing Secret Scroll, Qingshui Xuefei Ointment has been successfully refined.

The familiar scent came, and Ye Yang twitched his nose, feeling quite satisfied.

Although a portion of materials was wasted, the successful refining was far beyond his expectation.

After it cooled and solidified, Ye Yang walked to the Yingbin Pavilion with two portions of Qingshui Xuefei Ointment.

The old man surnamed Cui has been living very comfortably in Feitianmen these days.

Away from the mortal world, lie quietly on the mountain and watch the clouds roll and relax.

Enjoy a cup of tea and spend half a day, and even your mood will feel much better.

Under Ye Yang's treatment, his injuries have improved a lot during this time.

At this moment, he was lying on a chair with a Taoist book on his knees. He seemed to be tired from reading, his eyes were slightly closed, and he was resting his mind.

Suddenly, he sensed someone coming with his amazing spiritual sense. He quickly opened his eyes and was busy on alert. Only when he saw it was Ye Yang did he let out a breath.

"Sir, but the blue water, clouds and sand have been found?"

Ye Yang nodded: "Not only was the clear water cloud sand found, the clear water snow lung ointment was also successfully refined."

Sensing that his condition seemed to have improved a lot these days, Ye Yang said, "Why, can you adapt to the Feitian Sect?"

He laughed loudly: "Natural adaptation, no wonder the immortals have to stay away from the world of mortals. It is really because the worldly affairs of the mortal world are annoying and chaotic. After the injury is healed, I will resign from the position of clan leader, go far away from the world of mortals, retreat to the countryside, and practice hard. "

The Dayun Dynasty was different from Yalongling and other places in that it focused on the entry of immortals into the world, and the sects that were secluded in the mountains were basically destroyed or incorporated.

He took out the Qingshui Xuefei Ointment in his hand and handed it to the old man.

"I'm lucky this time. I've refined two pairs of Qingshui Snow Lung Ointment, which will be of great benefit to you. Place them on your heart and lungs before going to bed, and replace them every half month."

The old man took the Qingshui Xuefei Ointment handed to him by Ye Yang with great respect and gratitude.

Ye Yang continued to speak: "After you absorb these two pairs of Qingshui Xuefei Ointment, the injury will be mostly healed. At that time, I will use the life essence to remove the cancer for you, and you will be cured."

"Here you go, sir!"

At this time, the old man seemed to have thought of something, looked at Ye Yang and said.

"Sir, I heard that Feitian Sect seems to be unsafe recently!"


Hearing this, Ye Yang couldn't help but be slightly surprised. This old man was just a guest in the Feitian Sect. Even he had heard about it. Apparently the news had spread widely.

During this period of time, he has been studying the Secret Scroll of Biluo Three Purities, but he has not heard of these things yet.

Ye Yang said: "Senior, please tell me."

When the old man surnamed Cui heard what Ye Yang said, he frowned slightly and said, "I am an outsider, so I don't want to say much. However, it seems to be related to a certain disciple of the Feitian Sect, and the Qinglian Mo family's Time has been eyeing Feitianmen."

"In the past few days, the great elder of their clan came here. It seems that the disciples of Feitian Sect killed their elder and came here specifically to question him."

"It's Junior Brother Dugu!"

Ye Yang frowned. Various news had spread before that Dugu Qiang killed the Mo family elder in Mo Family Tianying Fort.

The Qinglian Mo family and the Feitian Sect are thousands of miles apart, and they are the overlords of both sides.

He didn't know why Dugu Qiang had enmity with them.


He sighed to himself.

Seeing Ye Yang's confusion, the old man surnamed Cui immediately said: "The Qinglian Mo family borders the Universiade Dynasty. I have a few friends in their clan. Why don't you let me ask?"

"Then it's Senior Lao."

When Ye Yang walked out of the Yingbin Pavilion, he realized that many people were talking about it.

It turned out that someone revealed the true identity of the Heavenly Demon Spear, which caused a commotion in a thousand-mile radius, and turned out to be the Dugu Spear, the protector of the Feitian Sect.

But the most unbelievable thing is that Dugu Gun not only massacred Liu Dashan's family, 378 of them, in Shanhai City.

He even attacked the Mo Family's Sky Eagle Fort, wiped out three thousand disciples, and killed several clan elders, causing the current Mo family to become furious and come to the Feitian Sect to question the crime.

After hearing the news, the senior officials of Feitian Sect were naturally shocked and quickly went to look for traces of Dugu Gun.

However, Dugu Qiang seems to have practiced a special marksmanship, is powerful, and does not recognize his relatives, so he deliberately hides from the senior officials of Feitian Sect.

No matter what, he will not have any contact with people from the Feitian Sect.

"Didn't Dugu Qiang go to the Universiade Dynasty?" Ye Yang's thoughts were racing, and he thought of the scene when Dugu Qiang came to say goodbye to him.

Dugu Qiang previously said that he would go to the Universiade Dynasty to challenge the world's heroes, and at the same time travel around to find the right evil spirit.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that he has not reached the Universiade Dynasty.

Ye Yang didn't know what happened to Dugu Qiang, so he could only secretly pray that Dugu Qiang would be safe and sound.

Thinking like this, Ye Yang suddenly heard a roar from the horizon.

Then the surrounding terrain shook. He looked up and found that the clouds on the horizon turned from red to black, and there were clouds, which seemed to be poisonous clouds.


The sky above the entire Feitian Sect was pitch black, with thick clouds like ink, and it seemed like a heavy rain was coming.

Immediately afterwards, in the thick clouds, Ye Yang saw a slender and strong figure like a dragon, protruding from the clouds, falling from the sky, and then slowly falling in the mountain gate of Feitian Gate.

After a while, it turned into a thick bone whip more than three feet long.

It's just that the bone whip is different from ordinary long whips. On the handle is a jade star handle, which looks like a horn, with thunder and electric sparks flashing.

The body of the whip looks like a peeled snake bone, with countless blades arranged densely on both sides. At the end of the whip are three huge python heads with sharp teeth, spitting fire, ice, and smoke, with a vicious look.

There is also a female cultivator sitting above the huge three strange whips. She is dressed in green, thin, thin, and short. She is Gu Qingshu.

This strange whip was so powerful that it was dozens of feet long in the sky, like a dragon. After falling, it transformed into a length of thirty feet, and she held it in her hand.

As soon as it appeared, it caused the spiritual energy in Feitian Sect to hang upside down and bursts of smoke. It seemed to be an extraordinary magic weapon.

"Elder Mo, even though the You Qinglian Mo family is powerful, our Feitian Sect is not easy to bully! But you want to taste my Thousand Miles Whip and Thunder?"

Gu Qingshu roared at the sky.

Only then did Ye Yang realize that there was a sword light flying in the sky among the billowing black clouds.

But it seemed that he had experienced a big battle just now. The sword light was injured in the fight, and its light was greatly reduced.

"Hmph, you are stubbornly resisting. I want to see how long your Feitian Sect can last. Either hand over the treacherous son of Dugu Qiang, or take out the purple electric silver peach tree as compensation!"

"You want my sect's purple electric silver peach tree, but you are not qualified! It would be better if your Supreme Elder Li Chongxiao could do it."

"You dare to insult the name of our clan's supreme elder. You deserve to be punished! You deserve to die! You deserve to be killed!"

The man in the clouds was roaring, looking crazy, with disheveled hair. He actually held a giant sword and swooped down from the sky, killing him.

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